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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 442 KB, 3000x1997, date.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16622253 No.16622253 [Reply] [Original]

>you will never be one of the Winklevoss brothers
>you will never be as chased after by women
>you will never have 11/10 Stacy wives who venerate you as the god you are
>you will never be a contributor to the greatest social change in the history of mankind i.e. Facebook and get fucked out of the opportunity to become billionaires then invest in Bitcoin and become billionaires anyway

Why even live

>> No.16622272


I would get a much better pussy in Bangkok lmao

>> No.16622285

Do you think the wives ever accidentally get their husbands mixed up?
Do you think the twins intentionally swap wives sometimes?

>> No.16622310

That mole on the left is about a 6/10 in Australia, if that.

>> No.16622311

Unironically I’d rather have a nice job with a solid salary, a wife house and kids. And be happy.

>> No.16622334

Most likely

>> No.16622456

Those women are 6/10

>> No.16622518

Have sex

>> No.16622527

Plus being Olympic athletes

>> No.16622538

Winkies have all the hallmarks of success without being Chad-like in behaviour.

the only women that will want them are the ones desperate for their self-perceived social status to be manifested, but who don't have the womanly charms to lure in a proper, attractive man of that class.

They clearly aren't very attractive.

>> No.16622561

ok incel

>> No.16622574

Thats weird, I think she's the better looking one.

>> No.16622583

nigga what

>> No.16622595
File: 60 KB, 419x480, 2c54031fc37eacb3a436d1abe2d89db0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not that good looking women, left is a plain jane 6/10 (probably a 7/10 before the wall) and the other a bit better but has crazy eyes.

Pic related is a true 11/10.

>> No.16622616

Monica Belluti

>> No.16622624
File: 60 KB, 474x541, 1568848545363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*beep* *beep*
10/10 coming through

>> No.16622663
File: 70 KB, 512x640, 1DFF014B-2DB5-4CB5-859F-A5A7EA4ADE9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disgusting. -5/10

For a true supreme waifu, see pic

>> No.16622665

Those girls are average.

>> No.16622715

I have banged at least 10 women that make those bitches look like slugs

>> No.16622727

I will be richer than those gay twinks
t. 90k link bags

>> No.16622729

Ugly coked out roasties.

>> No.16622745

Projecting too badly

>> No.16623061

KEK at those fat neckbeards incels telling this model is ugly and they could get better looking girls any day.

>> No.16623064

imagine being personally insulted by impartial observations

>> No.16623094

Sup Cameron

>> No.16623111

you seem to be living to admire the accomplishments of your betters
i just live to enjoy life and fuck around with my computer

>> No.16623170

>Why even live
Truly pathetic

>> No.16623181
File: 478 KB, 500x210, comedian.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First off I am not fat, a neckbeard or incel you are projecting dear, second I didn't say "I could" I said I had you twinkle toed faggot. If I stared posting pics of my exs here you would save the fils for your spank collection. If simply saying you have banged hot chicks then some 6/10 rustle your jimmies enough to call people names because you simply can't believe not everyone is a fat neckbeard like you I can only imagine the smell. Sorry bout your luck bud

>> No.16623193
File: 62 KB, 320x240, SP_A0136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looked better in the vid than in the pic still nothing special however, pic related is me at the Kentucky Derby say mad incel

>> No.16623201
File: 74 KB, 500x500, FBAAE4B7-39DD-4008-B9F3-A3E5151C38C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those girls are ugly. Even in the Vimeo she looks fake af and comes off as retarded rather than anything remotely cute or fun. Even pleb tier happas (which translates to 15/10 white girls) like Somi are more effective than that white trash bitch that deserves to be found dead in a gutter. Sorry for stating a universal fact. Maybe if you cry hard enough and long enough, you can release the existential angst, but I doubt it.

>> No.16623210
File: 41 KB, 478x399, 1568816387868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe if you cry hard enough and long enough, you can release the existential angst, but I doubt it.

>> No.16623237

>winkle is dating a model
>random losers immediately feel the need to tell how ugly she is and how they can do better
truly pathetic dick contest. guess what, I also went out with girls I think are hotter than her but it's just a matter of personal preference. Winklevoss could steal your gf any day if he wanted.
wow you took a picture with beauty pageants? very impressive anon, very impressive. unless you're the guy on the left in the chair?
>implying the girl in your pic isn't fake af and didnt do surgery
ok incel

>> No.16623244
File: 37 KB, 317x450, flatAss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally no ass, I can pick up a roastie hotter than this at the club or a frat party any night of the week

>> No.16623246

do you feel attacked? Pathetic insecure rodent.

>> No.16623251
File: 48 KB, 640x480, SP_A0129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a model makes a girl hotter than a girl you can pick up at a club any night of the week

If your fat smelly ass actually left the house sometimes you wouldn't say such stupid shit

>wow you took a picture with beauty pageants?

Yah and fucked the brunette that night you smelly little gremlin

>> No.16623252

we are all very impressed
stop projecting, you are the insecure one feeling the need to tell you can do better

>> No.16623257

You really think they don't own any Link?

>> No.16623275

>Yah and fucked the brunette that night you smelly little gremlin
no you didn't. you dress like shit btw and you totally look like the random 2006 lair guy who wants to surround himself with girls to show the world how alpha he is. absolutely laughable

>> No.16623280
File: 28 KB, 320x240, SP_A0137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go ahead and imag search it and see it is my personal pic you little cucks

Oh we all know you are because your ra your mouth and got called out wishing you could tame some strange like that instead of white knighting some 6/10 "model" who is another man's wife you pathetic little dweeb

>> No.16623287


>> No.16623290
File: 76 KB, 419x449, cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>no you didn't. you dress like shit btw

Yes I can go out in trash bag and pull more wool than you, stings don't it?

>> No.16623317

please continue to qualify yourself to strangers on 4chan moron. you're aware anybody can appear on a picture with hot girls right? doesn't mean you fucked her. it's specially prevalent in the pathetic pua community.
you look like shit and i laugh when i see your pics. imagine trying that hard to appear alpha

>> No.16623318

This must be some small town shit pageant,

combined those girls might scrape an 8, other anon was right though, you look cringe af

>> No.16623327
File: 1.16 MB, 316x200, joker2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seething cope

>> No.16623330

In what world these are 11/10 ?

>> No.16623337

this anon is right even make you donks look like a fool, that HAPA girl makes those roasties look like hags

>> No.16623353

listen loser, taking a picture with pageants (it's their job to be photographed with losers like you all day) and thinking we must be seething is pure cope on your part. you're unironically pathetic and your double digit IQ doesn't even understand why.

>> No.16623366
File: 211 KB, 458x450, looking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more cope
tldr: sorry not interested in reading you cry into your cheerios trying desperately to find a way to make yourself better by trying to convince yourself I haven't banged more women than I count you want to m'lady like a qwain. Post pics of yourself or stfu and admit you are a pathetic incel

>> No.16623387

>trying desperately to find a way to make yourself better by trying to convince yourself
that's exactly what you're doing when you post those laughable pics of yourself. seethe more.

>> No.16623407

post pics neckbeard or stfu, w all know you are pencil neck geek with acne scabs you nasty little shit

>> No.16623432

Jesus christ anon lose weight, shave, and learn how to dress yourself

>> No.16623445
File: 17 KB, 413x395, 1398431321083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop saying that you're just jealous and coping when you see this alpha male.

>> No.16623508
File: 14 KB, 261x199, cd2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ye he absolutely mogs everyone on /biz/, I don't know how we'll recover from his walmart jeans, his graphic tee, his gas station sun glasses, $10 haircut, and Miller lite gut.

>> No.16623537

these guys are going to buy facebook in less than 5 years with their pocket money
and then just make it open source

>> No.16623564

Bellucci but yeah, top tier.