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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16620451 No.16620451 [Reply] [Original]

The City of London is a City State, vassal to the United-Kingdom. It's run by entreprise, medieval guilds, livery companies and a few thousand citizens. They have their own police force!
The Queen needs permission from the Lord Mayor to enter the City and she gives him a bow in a ritual where he presents to her a sword.
Absolutely everything in the UK belongs to his or her royal majesty. It's her army, her government, her prisons, her justice system, her navy, her air force, she needs to sign every law passed to make it official. The Queen is literally the head of the Church, a divine being almost.

That really bugged me. The British monarch, ruler of the world, representative of God en Earth, has to bow to some nobody in tights IN HER OWN CAPITAL.

Suppose you're a pure banker. You tell the world "deposit your gold in my vault, it's safe with me". You've got a problem. Because at all times there is one person in the UK who is above the law. If the Queen decided to rob a bank, you can't arrest her, can't prosecute her, can't imprison her. All justice is carried out in her name. All court cases in the UK are "The Queen vs. Trayvon Billingsby"
As a banker, you need to fix this problem.

So some intelligent banker explained to an intelligent Monarch: "listen, you need to concede part of your capital, the most ancient and historic part of your capital. And from time to time, you need to come and perform a little ritual to reinforce the notion that nothing here belongs to you"

It is not the City which is sovereign, it is the gold in the BoE. Without the gold, you don't have the banks, without the banks you don't have the financial sector, and without the financial sector, you don't have the Empire.

I could be wrong but I doubt it.

>> No.16620476

Londoner here. The UK is vassal to London, not vice versa. I dint bother reading the rest

>> No.16620484

>The Queen needs permission from the Lord Mayor to enter the City and she gives him a bow in a ritual where he presents to her a sword.
>Absolutely everything in the UK belongs to his or her royal majesty. It's her army, her government, her prisons, her justice system, her navy, her air force, she needs to sign every law passed to make it official. The Queen is literally the head of the Church, a divine being almost.
That's all for show
Royal family is a meme so that politics isn't completely inundated with family dynasties like the US. The people need something to worship.

>> No.16620509

London =/= City of London

>> No.16620517

The City of London existed before the UK. WIlliam the Conqueror could not take it. It was given special status in the Magna Carta and has retained it since. It is run by a Corporation. It is not a London borough, it is it's own county.

>> No.16620521
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Guardian of The City

>> No.16620525

I'm with you all the way on that but I don't think it's the royal family at head

>> No.16620527

Well you're entirely missing the point

>> No.16620531
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>> No.16620534

USA is a corporation owned by the British Crown

>> No.16620537

the City is so fucking badass

>> No.16620606

Burger here, what is there to do in London?

>> No.16620607

you're right

>> No.16620626

get stabbed

>> No.16620634
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Sounds like fun, where do I go for maximum evisceration?

>> No.16620654

walk around and look at old buildings, if you like that sort of thing that is
go to some decent museums
same as any other city desu

>> No.16620658

Go see a play or a gig I guess. Perhaps a comedy show?

>> No.16620688


>> No.16620726

bang local girls

>> No.16620893
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>> No.16621091

was that a real thing in the olden days?

>> No.16621874

I like this post, but why couldn't she simply say no?

The only reason I can come up with is that the banker is backed by a bigger force, which doesn't seem likely.

>> No.16621911

Don't say I never gave you nothing /biz/


>> No.16622044

Thanks for this.

>> No.16622223

what in the absolute fuck. if it makes sense that means i'm a schizo, right?

>> No.16622282
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That ain't even the half of it my dude

>> No.16622401

w-what's the other half anon?
at least now it makes complete sense why cash is going to cease to exist. not sure what to "legally" do about it though, hope the author gets there. thank you for sharing, sincerely.

>> No.16622426
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You wouldn't believe me if I told you an Atlantean priesthood of dark wizards have put a spell on humanity and nothing they think they know is true from history to science to religion (except the Vedas and dhammapada).

This is my website you will find all the answers here if you want to find them.

The truth is not for every man only those that seek it out. - Ayn Rand


yw anon Merry Krishna

>> No.16622454

in that article, did you intend to put the confucius quote - "Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws" - above an argument that words rule the world?

>> No.16622466

Well it is two fold, word magick works on the low caste but the top of the pyramid uses symbols, it is a bit complex but you will figure it out

this is good as well

>> No.16622543

this is all overwhelming but makes enough sense that i can't dismiss it. i must sleep, but thank you again. hope we can talk more once i've got some bearings

>> No.16622564

Yah it is at first. Just leave comments at th website if you have questions or want to chit chat. Nini bro

>> No.16623270

look into flat earth

>> No.16623324

the vatican owned england before the royal family, i guess it’s still vatican soil

>> No.16623348
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>> No.16623444
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>> No.16624482

Its ruled by Jews, the Queen is also Jewish and so is her entire family.

>> No.16624489

The rothschilds unrioncially did marry into the royal family

>> No.16624521

The entire peerage is Jewish and its not just the Rothschilds, these jewish families are everywhere nowadays.
They control every country, not just London & the UK.

>> No.16624542


>> No.16624576



lets talk

>> No.16624583

Look up any anything written or spoken by Dr David Hawkins. The Truth from the mouth of the Lord Himself. Why waste time on anything but seeking God?

>> No.16624765

I too am sleepy, and will close down this thread and sleep

>> No.16624773

Womp womp

>> No.16624781

So I read this article just now. How in the world do you learn all this as exampled in the video in said article? Another thing I'd like to ask, how exactly did this end? They walked out of court and then what? Did they get their children returned?