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16618344 No.16618344 [Reply] [Original]

Where were you?

I was too busy smoking weed, sold my 25BTC stack for few ounces of dank.

>> No.16618358

I tried to set up a miner, got nothing in 48 hours, and didn't buy with fiat, thinking it wouldn't go more than 5x at best.

>> No.16618379

Lying to my friends about buying bitcoin to appear technology savvy(2010)

>> No.16618384

I was in high school

>> No.16618410

satioshidice, bitmillions

>> No.16618484

i was jerking off

>> No.16618526

>BTC's true value

>> No.16618532

Probably on /sp/ calling someone a fucking faggot

I regret nothing

>> No.16618618

ITT: retards coping and making excuses for why they didn't buy 10 years ago, you'd make the same decision 100 times out of 100

>> No.16619715

I didnt even know BTC existed until it was like, $1000. Then I was like, "Pffft! OVERVALUED!"

It then proceeded to go to $19,000

>> No.16619764

No then it dumped to $200 I know because that's when I first fomod

>> No.16619817

It was the rise up AFTER it left $300 that I saw it.

>> No.16619834

>tfw I spent over 100k on weed once with bitcoin

>> No.16619863

Couldn’t figure out how to buy it in the 30mins I tried and had long since erased my browser history of the porn and the thread on /b/ explaining why I should buy btc (2009 or 2010) then I forgot about it

>> No.16619866

came here to post this

>> No.16620581

Though I'd heard about it, my best friend told me to invest when it was like $300/$350 in Nov 2015. "How can it be worth more than a dollar? Well it sounds like I missed out." And he said, there are other coins, like Litecoin and (probably said) Ethereum )Which was like 90 cents). Me: "what the hell? Why are there other coins"
Next I heard BTC was passing 10k

>> No.16620943
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I was selling this for a 30% profit because I knew there was no way in hell the FDA was going to deny an Ebola vaccine.

>> No.16620973
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>> No.16620996


Wondering why it was worth anything and realizing if i mined a bunch i would only break even for selling it at the cost of the electricity

Kill me

>> No.16621000

I didn’t know where or how to buy it...... was coinbase always around?

>> No.16621022

A friend told me about btc, and that he was thinking about buying in when it was at $220 in 2015.

I wanted to buy one bitcoin just in case it ended up being worth something in the future, but it was too hard to figure out and I didn't really expect to make more than a couple hundred anyways, so I gave up after like an hour.

I probably would have held forever or panic sold at 1,000 so I don't feel TOO bad about it.

Anyways, now that this stuff is normie enough for a dumdum like me to buy in at the push of a button, it's probably never going up again.

>> No.16621023
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>this thread again

>> No.16621044

I was an idiot and wanted to just watch where it will go..

>> No.16621051

not pissed off about missing BTC pissed off about missing ETH and Ripple at 100m marketcaps

>> No.16622177


honestly the mental state i was in those days... im suprised im still here today

my view on wealth was simple: get a steady job and lmao just wagecuck for 50 years

somewhere at the beginning of 2016 i had like $5000 in my bank account when btc was like 300 bucks. i was considering to buy some but then i was like "why would i want to gamble away my hard earned money?" ironically i blew all that hard earned money on traveling, fitness and consumer electronics which i later sold for less than half of what i paid for it

>> No.16622255

I knew of Bitcoin back in 2015 when it was worth a little over a thousand. I should of just went all in on it but I couldn't figure out how to buy it. I had 30K at the time as well that I was trading boomer stocks with...

Should of went all in BTC...

Also, that's not even the worst part of it, throughout the year of 2017-2018 I managed to accumulate 235k chainlinks....

I sold at .40 and gambled away on margin btc trading and shitcoins...
As of now i'd be lucky to purchase 20k chainlinks

>> No.16622276

Telling people this shit was a NSA project and not to buy into it because buying in is supporting glows, just like i am now

>> No.16622289

I lost like $50 when Mt Gox crashed

>> No.16622332

You would've sold at $1 or $10 or $100, don't stress yourself about it.

>> No.16622345

And yet you support peter schill, a gold salesmen. Gold is the most documented manipulated market by govermments world wide with hits including the time the CIA ran operations in zurich to counter rig the gold market that the Zurich bank had been rigging in the first place. Gtfo out of here.

>> No.16622379

The NSA project of bitcoin was used in big part to buy gold with the ponzi. Doesn’t matter what market there is its all manipulated, BTC is the most manipulated by far.
Gold has intrinsic value, BTC has none. Gold can only go up over time. No one knows where BTC will go.
Entire premise of BTC was a ploy to get the outside thinkers to buy BTC instead of gold, because they were sold on the idea BTC would kill not only the federal reserve but banks as a whole, a complete joke. What really kills banks is a silver/gold standard, hence why JFK was killed, for trying to implement a non debt issued metals backed currency.

>> No.16622400

What do you think about this chart then? Gold has actually gone up way above historic price norms after the gold standard was revoked, this is because even though gold backed the US dollar value can still be fractionally lent, meaning a GDP of hundreds of millions was not limited in any way by the price of gold since its just money velocity. The same amount of gold just being used to purchase different things at different times.

Also do you not see any value in a currency that can directly act as cash in a digital system? I spend 95% of my time on cumputers between work and home, I can see the direct value of a fully digital currency that you actually own.

>> No.16622405
File: 31 KB, 901x612, Inflation Adj Gold Price.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot chart

>> No.16622414

I heard about it right after first crash in 2011, saw it at $7. Friend and I were considering buying but I was so goddamn lazy.

heard about ETH in 2014 too, but once again, didn't buy because I was too lazy.

I did buy LINK though.

>> No.16622424

Jan 2016
Buy bitcoin to buy steroids
Didn’t look at it again, struggled to buy it, thought all the KYC passport shit was a scam

I’m a retard

>> No.16622462

I didn't know about crypto until some visitor showed up in /pol/ telling people to buy ETH when it was at ~$70 -- which I did, but then I resold at $350.

>> No.16622478

I missed ran from $5 to $1000. Almost bought for around $5 ...

Then when it crashed to $200 - $300 range, accumulated good amount of it. Then used ICO to double my stack.

Still have some and I am hodling and gathering for hodling some altcoins since it crashed so much in last 2 years. Experty looks good to start moving up since the big crash from 2018. They reactivated their crypto outreach via twitter and other

>> No.16622794

I knew about it about a decade ago, but thought it was too tedious to mine coins that were worth pennies.

>> No.16622909

>Couldn’t figure out how to buy it in the 30mins
Same here. Although I failed to find a fiat on-ramp when it was @ 125 USD. But I was ready to dump 5000 USD on it. dammit!

>> No.16622975

Mined 4,000,000 BTC cashed out 13,300,300,000$ at 19,000. I am a crypto GOD.

>> No.16623150


>> No.16623159

I tried to buy at 300 but didnt have a phone so couldnt use an ATM. I bet on Trump instead, and my 8x return didnt seem so awesome anymore after 20k bitcoin. Anyways, it wasnt user friendly enough, and its still not very user friendly but thats why theres big bucks to be made still. When any retard basedboy can buy some without having to think about anything except asking someone else, thats when it reaches critical mass.