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16617727 No.16617727 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 31 making $12/hr at a furniture store. 2 kids and a wife who barely tolerates me. No education or skills. Idk what to do, should i spend my money on a gun and end it all? Also I have 1 stock in Sirius radio.

>> No.16617732

>Also I have 1 stock in Sirius radio.


>> No.16617734

Buy a dog and dump the rest.

>> No.16617739

>1 stock in Sirius radio

How does 1 billion dollars sound?

>> No.16617748

Whore your wife out to niggers for money.

>> No.16617754

>end it all

You do realize no one is forcing you to continue on as you are now, right? You are completely free to abandon your current job and family and pursue success. Go to school for a better job, do a code bootcamp, or just find some other job with better pay. But you have to fucking work for it. Don't you want to succeed for your kids?

What does your monthly income/expenses look like right now?

>> No.16617809

Ending your life is never the answer, you still got 60 natural years to go. If nothing else keep yourself alive for next election and vote Trump ive fucken had it it with liberals.

>> No.16617814

Idk I'm maybe like $400 a week. We are depending on my in laws they are a bit well off. Wife makes about $900 every 2 weeks.

>> No.16617838

Dude, get a loan, or borrow money from your in-laws to get your CDL. Then go drive trucks in the oilfields of Alaska. You will start at $70k a year, and only work half the year, with two weeks on/two off, three on/three off, etc. And you can live anywhere and work there. I live in WA and work up there. I've met guys from dozens of countries up there. The companies up there are hard up for drivers too

>> No.16617851

and current expenses, and what are you saving?

>> No.16617853

Are you in Switzerland or Maylasia? This could be an important factor here.
If you are US I'd suggest trucking 5 weeks of paid training and then you are on the road. Should clear 50k first year and steadily increase after that. Doing long hauls your wife won't have to tolerate your presence as much. Next alternative would be signing up with the city or county for law enforcement. School is a little longer but depending on location the pay is a little better(early on). Maybe the uniform will turn wife on and she likes you again. If you are killed in the line of duty she gets lots of attention, fat insurance payout, and lots of additional support from community programs. If either of these are too much then just go work at any warehouse because $12/hr is shit.

>> No.16617861

How long are the drives and does it actually pay that good? Get the suspicion it sucks after watching Ice Road Truckers.

>> No.16617873

We aren't saving jack shit. For the month maybe $900 for all the Bills,kid stuff, gas etc.
How long does it take to get a CDL?

>> No.16617884

and where is the other half of your wage going? And where is hers going?

>> No.16617889

I'm in texas.

>> No.16617891

Ok man. Dump that whore and brats that probably arent yours anyways. Sell everything you can. Put it all in chainlink. Go to San Francisco or somewhere really nice to homeless and bums. And just wait til your link stack makes you rich

>> No.16617899

It's nothing like Ice Road Truckers. You live in the oilfields for however your hitch is, and drive trucks around. The most common job is hauling water or fuel from site to site. You live in a camp and work 12 hour days while up there. The company provides food, so you have no expenses while working. Get IRT out of your mind. That is something way different

>> No.16617900

>and a wife
Never gonna make it. If you ever get rich she'll divorce you and take everything you own. If you stay poor she'll divorce you and still take everything you own. You made the ultimate mistake, now you'll pay the ultimate price. Enjoy wage cucking for the rest of your life.

>should i spend my money on a gun and end it all
You have two kids. This is no longer about you. Suck it up and support them. They're not gonna get any insurance money if you kill yourself. At the very least wait until they get older and are able to provide for themselves.

>> No.16617909

>You have two kids. This is no longer about you. Suck it up and support them. They're not gonna get any insurance money if you kill yourself. At the very least wait until they get older and are able to provide for themselves.

Yep this.

>> No.16617910

I dont know I guess just buying random things, food. We are both bad with money her more than me but still pretty bad.

>> No.16617913

A CDL usually takes a month, but depends on the state

>> No.16617915

Build income with dividend stocks. I am a poor fag like you but the wife and I have $400 a month extra income after a few years now that made our stress go down a ton.

>> No.16617936

No idea what that is but I'll have to do some research.

>> No.16617951

Really surprised about how much actual advice I'm getting.

>> No.16617953

>also I have 1 stock in Sirius radio
I've been laughing at how ridiculous this is for the past 5 minutes.

>> No.16617964

So 1. why are you considering suicide? and 2. Why are you confused about your current state?

Cut the shit and start saving. I'm assuming you didn't go to college because you haven't mentioned debt and are working for $12/hr. If you've been making this much since high school (say age 18), and were saving even $300 a month, you'd have over $88k saved up, assuming 10% annual returns (putting into S&P500 or something). You could have had $257k by 40 and $3.1M by 65.

Start saving and investing as much as you can, your wife too. Starting from 0 and saving $300 a month, you can still have $883k by the age of 65, $1.44M by 70, and $2.35M by 75. If you get any raises or a better paying job, this will only accelerate.

It's not too late, just put in a little effort. And show some discipline for the sake of fuck.

>> No.16617966

Dude, I'm the guy telling you to get your CDL and work in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. Please do some research. It would be life changing for you. You are guaranteed a job at $70k starting

>> No.16618009

I'm just a whiny bitch losing his mind. We could save 2-300 up easy. Thanks for helping man.

I will. If I get a cdl could I work there directly after? Wouldn't I need like experience driving first?

>> No.16618011

>Starting from 0 and saving $300 a month, you can still have $883k by the age of 65, $1.44M by 70, and $2.35M by 75

Nothing like getting rich right when you die

>> No.16618026
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be grateful you have kids. tell your wife you love her
t. 14$ min wage & still cant afford rent, let alone food in my shithole

>> No.16618052

No experience. The jobs may mention that you need a year of experience or whatnot, but just apply anyway, and they will call you. Like I said, companies are hard up for drivers

>> No.16618054

No problem. I do support all the other suggestions too about getting a more profitable job. It would do wonders for you.

In order to afford some semblance of healthcare in old age, and in order to leave anything to the kids, it is the best option. Someone who isn't totally retarded could retire on $1.4m at age 65. No your old ass won't be buying lambo's but obviously anyone saving $0 right now isn't planning on being rich ever.

>> No.16618059

How do you even live then if you can't afford rent? Use credit cards?

>> No.16618068

Why can't you afford rent? Are you working 10 hours per week?

>> No.16618081

Seems cool. I really want to do something in Alaska. Would they pay for my CDL maybe? What seasons?

>> No.16618085

Alright will definitely start looking into that asap. I know there are some schools close to me in dallas.

Also what is s&p500? If I was to invest in something what should it be? My stock in Sirius is at $7 right now

>> No.16618088

kek even the dog realizes something is wrong

>> No.16618091

this is the boomer advice and it's shit.
Yes it serves a purpose, but who the fuck cares about money when you're 65+ really, this has to be a joke, he should save X amount and invest, I agree. But this shouldn't be the only advice about how to better his financial situation, he should also pursue an education or get another job that pays more.

>> No.16618097

>be grateful you have kids.
>t. 14$ min wage & still cant afford rent,
grateful for not affording rent?

>> No.16618120

S&P 500 is an index meant to move with the market as a whole. I'm not an expert but my only advice is to invest in things like mutual funds or funds that follow indexes like S&P 500 to keep your portfolio diversified and guarantee movements that follow the market (gradually upward). Do a little research and you'll find a few options to get you started.

See my first post in this thread
After giving that advice I gave more specific instructions to work with things that are guaranteed to be in his control (without having to move from Texas to Alaska). His budget and savings are in his control.

>> No.16618149

Oh and when you're 65 and broke because
>who the fuck cares about money when you're 65+ really
have fun working until you get dementia and then relying on your kids to pay for your care until you die

>> No.16618194

Hide your money
Live solo with no disrespect

>> No.16618239

1. Buy a nice pair of horn rim glasses
2. hang out at your local diner
3. wait for a man in a yellow jaguar to come in
4. while he's eating, introduce yourself and ask his income
5. offer to quit your job at the furniture store and work for him

>> No.16618291

I pretty much did this, dropped out of uni with no money and got a job on a mine site driving trucks, i'll admit my sister was the one who got me a job, but my advice to get your foot in the door is hang around some bars where some of the oilfield / mine workers go to and make some friends, along with constantly harassing companies for an entry level job, im not sure if it's like australia but also look into exploration drilling offsiding, they will take on newcomers, also underground drilling offsiders and nippers, underground mining is the future so that'd be a good career to get into.

I know we give wagies shit, but some of the big companies have pretty comfy benefits, I broke my arm and have been home on full paid sick leave, i've literally spent the last 3 months shitposting and still getting 7k a month.

>> No.16618323

life isn't all about money
think outside the box, since technically you have to use every second to your advantage with family

>> No.16618324

Thanks for the advice. Would I still be driving if it involves underground mining?

>> No.16618343

Be sure to verify his pay stubs first.

>> No.16618376

Why don't you get real job skills ?

>> No.16618382

I'm not really sure about underground mining, or even your countries industry desu but here you only need the truck licence for surface drilling so you can drive the rigs, you don't technically need any licence for underground im pretty sure but it might be handy just incase you need to drive some support trucks around site etc it can be a hard industry to get your foot in the door and like i said the best way is face to face talk to people and get someone to help you out.

>> No.16618452

>and a wife who barely tolerates me.
Is there such thing as a happily married man?

>> No.16618465


My dad, and I think my parents have misled me terribly and given me unrealistic expectations for relationships because 75% of guys seem unsatisfied to some extent.

>> No.16618480

Driving is going to be mostly automated in like 5 years and the drivers of today are poor.

>> No.16618501

>5 Years

I think that's a bit optimistic, they can't even stop ubers from killing people do you think they're going to let 100t fully loaded trucks drive down mountains in the rain or during snow by themselves?

>> No.16618503
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get a load of this fucking boomer
> save 300 bucks monthly since the age of 18 > get your (assumed) 10% anually in some boomer scheme
> then cash out at the age of 75.
It is really that easy
Don't forget barbeque sauce recipes while you're at it, bucko.

>> No.16618512

>2 kids and a wife who barely tolerates me
thats pretty sad to read anon, i hope things pick up for you

>> No.16618525

I'm 26.

Can you tell me where my logic is flawed? If not, I suggest you fuck off

>> No.16618529

If your wife is a bitch, it's okay to lie to her and to have an affair.

Divorce is not the answer, especially for the kids and your own financial well being.

>> No.16618570

desu I'm just a selfish husband who doesnt go to bed with her so I can be on my computer while they sleep.

>> No.16618599

That's absolute subservient goy life. The White version of nigger. Zero ambition and purposeless life. Your cash flow / capital is your wagecucking existence.
It is complete bullshit, and to highlight some point, for instance - you counting on 10% annual returns forever, not accounting inflation.

>> No.16618632

Bro what companies should I look for and do they take inexperienced drivers?

>> No.16618690

I answered OP's questions to improve himself. It's meant as a starting point to not work for $12/hr until literal death. Obviously there are other things one can and should do on top of this, but it was just to help OP. But here you are just to shit up the thread and offer no advice.

Yes after inflation it will be less obviously, but it is the only easy and reliable idea here, again meant as a starting point for improvement.

So again unless you have a better idea, or can actually invalidate mine, you can fuck off.

>> No.16618706

Dude, there's no way that will happen in the oilfields. We're talking driving trucks in blizzards, on ice in the winter, and on muddy, gravel roads in the summer. Self driving cars can't even drive on fucking pavement without hitting people. You think the US government is going to trust robots in the oil industry?

>> No.16618725

Look up Neigbors Alaska, or any of the smaller companies they own

>> No.16618745

I had a hs friend who was a truck driver. He was too smart, almost robotic in intelligence. Knew all the details, but not one drop of common sense. He proved 0/infinity =1 but if you told him directions to get somewhere he would fuck it up and get confused. Also didn’t get along with people, and would argue with teachers, and even though he was right, teachers would get into “obey muh authoriteh!” Mode and fail him, so basically very /biz.

Anyway he did truck driving and got fat af cuz all he did was drive and eat. Then He got a heartache and dick cancer from all the rot guy he ate and now he likes dicks up his ass and dresses like a woman. Really sad and disturbing.

>> No.16618756

> unless X you can fuck off
go back to nursing home boomer and suck shlomos dick for another 30 years
never ever gonna /makeit/

>> No.16618775

I agree, at least not in the next 5 years. The only reason self-driving is possible is because of how reliably and distinctly marked the driving environment is (center lines, edge lines, stop signs, stop lights, road signs, etc.) In places where roads are just paths, computer vision is unbelievably less reliable. It can be done but not for a long, long time. No one will use a self-driving truck if it has even a 1/1000 chance of getting lost on a trip. It wouldn't be cost-effective for anyone.

>> No.16618783

>should i spend my money on a gun and end it all?
No you retard, it's too late for that. You have to man up and take care of your kids. Make sure you get a paternity test done on bith kids because it sounds like your wife would cuck you if she had the chance.

>> No.16618789


Why is everyone turning into a sissy. Jesus Christ this has to be the easiest era in history for a well-adjusted, masculine man to find a gf.

>> No.16618808

Nice argument.

I'm 26, making 90k+ with benefits and have 53k in a 401k, 32k in the bank, and 90k equity in a house. I can tell now you're just posting either out of jealousy or trolling

>> No.16618913


nigga you’re in dallas? come work at amazon with me. it’s an absolute shit job but would be more than you’re getting now, you’d be able to do a 4x10 or 3x12 shift and use your off days to get some schooling done. just another immediate option if you decide not to do the cdl thing right away. you could come in, take some IT courses (north lake college is right next door, classes are only $177 each) then get you some tech support job in a few months

>> No.16618938
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>code bootcamp in 2019
my fucking sides thats how you know this nigger has NO idea what he is talking about

>> No.16618953

I work as a software engineer (granted I graduated with a bachelors degree in CS), but trust me, a code bootcamp will get you a job. I have a friend who did exactly that

>> No.16618969


But I thought there was no adoption.

>> No.16618994

Research aborted dna in vaccines. They’re literally injecting aborted fetus dna into people and babies and pregnant moms. Or you’re scared for the black pill.

>> No.16619032

Brother he is making $12 an hour and you are shitting on code bootcamps. I'm sure even the most retarded code monkey that can barely touch type can get a better paying job.

>> No.16619046

Buy UOS on Bitfinex. For lets say 2000 Dollar. Wait 5 months. Sell for 15k. Buy a pumpgun. Kill your kids. Take the bodyparts, cook them, make a candlelight dinner with your wife. Eat your dead kids. Wife will like it. Open a restaurant which is selling kids once in 9 months to eat. Use your wife as a restaurant breeding machine.

>> No.16619087
File: 230 KB, 685x415, 2019-12-20 17_48_00-1576875576993.jpg (750×663).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? Nobody? Alright i'll do it then

>> No.16619094

Happens every time the op pic gets posted that's why nobody cba'd

>> No.16619124
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Hey thnx for helping me everyone.

>> No.16619180

>75% of guys seem unsatisfied to some extent

97% is more accurate. read how to be a 3% man, it's not a meme

>> No.16619242
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>a furniture store
Get a job in a shoe store.

>> No.16619495

He did the free referral stock with Robinhood most definitely...I hope

>> No.16619665

jesus loves you

don't do it greg

>> No.16620046

I did

>> No.16620084

>1 stock in Sirius radio
Nice, you're gonna make it.

>> No.16620470


>> No.16620508

If he wants to freeze his asshole off day and night in the freezing cold with barely any time off in the middle of nowhere to make good money right off the bat this is an excellent idea. Otherwise for the 99% of us sane people he should learn a trade like electrician, plumber or something, work as hard as he wants for way more money he’d ever make in the oil fields. Start your own blue collar business sir and become a millionaire.

>> No.16620514

Don’t listen to this douchebag stay in Texas and learn a trade

>> No.16620533

fucking satellite radio still a thing huh

>> No.16621958

>Dog: bruh

>> No.16622232

I feel better about my life now thanks op!

>> No.16622349

Kek holy crap are you me anon

I even love my wife+family but I need that super late night alone time, can’t seen to get out of the habit

>> No.16622687


>> No.16622839

Driving gives you health issues fuck CDL.....nothing is worth your health anon

Fuck man do it for your kids so they have a dad. I didnt and it hurts allot. Be a good dad anon please

>> No.16622850

Somebody explain to me why this picture is being used as a meme? I've seen it a number of times and the only thing that stands out is the couple adopted a black baby. Is that what's supposed to be the meme?

>> No.16622915

The dog:
>dude, get a paternity test

>> No.16623112

Probably easier to be a mwd or mudlogger if you are going to go oil and gas jobs. Always hiring for those positions. Try Halliburton or columbine or horizon logging.

>> No.16623162

Arent all the grills banging nogs and arabs because its fashionable at the moment?

>> No.16623166

>because its fashionable
an escort friend told me arabs can fuck for 5 hours straight. Nogs have huge dicks.

It's not because "it's fashionable"

>> No.16623260

If your children have dark skin you should throw them in the ocean, you dolt.

>> No.16623338

Unironically this. You have to say to your wife "I wanna watch you bang some BBC" while in the same time tell the darkie "If you pay me you can bang my wife" Is a good source of income.

>> No.16623347

12 dollars isn't horrific money. you're still making almost double minimum wage

>> No.16623355

/biz/ - suicidal blogs

>> No.16623359
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Either that or divorce. You make and save more alone. You can literally start living in a van and start investing your money in monthly dividend ETF's. Once you get a continus income from just not working, you'll be motivated to make more to buy more and get higher passive income. At some point, the passive income will surpass your normal income.

It took me 3 years for my passive income to reach half of my regular income. Now it'll take LESS than 3 years because the amount is compounding, not only I am depositing the same or a bit more than before, but the amount it's depositing to itself is excellerating the process. It feels good man.

>> No.16623645
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>> No.16623879

What are your favorite monthly dividend ETFs?

>> No.16623941

>I'm 31 making $12/hr at a furniture store.

apply for other jobs and maybe find a part time job that you can tolerate for 5-10 hours a week like doing uber or something.

>a wife who barely tolerates me

if she gets mad just kiss her pussy

>No education or skills.

earn them it doesn't seem too hard to just learn shit. in this day and age its the easiest thing to do, its called the information age for a reason and if you're in a country that isn't north korea tier you can probably move your way up.

what do you think you might be sort of good at? look up the concept of a "talent stack."

>> No.16623949

OP here wtf is a ETF?

>> No.16624052

It's my only time I get alone but I do it way too much and its basically cost my marriage .

>> No.16624101
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>> No.16624104

Brap gang let's gooooooo!

gg / AmaMMzw

>> No.16624123

you have one
it's just like that one episode of dilbert

>> No.16624206

how bad is it tho? What does she say. And what do you do in that time

>> No.16624259

Maybe 3-4 nights a week. I go upstairs and get on my computer. Fap, maybe watch a movie or something.

>> No.16624266

>what does she say

That I'm not an adult. She cant depend on me for anything. She loves me but I wont change.

>> No.16624286

>stay alive just to vote
Is there any activity more cucked than voting? You are leaving the comfort of your own home to spend several hours waiting in line outside, and then in a cramped public building, just to give your support to a politician who says he’s going to change things, and then proceeds to enact the exact same policies but this time for red team or blue team.

>> No.16624296


Well I always take adderall and do coding projects. I justify it with it helps my career & increases my skills. The long term goal of that is to quit my wagie job and have broad enough experience that I can freelance on my own, from home, effectively

I don’t really play video games or any onions shit like that anymore though. I used to smoke some weed and just take a walk and sort out my life in my head a bit, that was really restorative, been thinking I want to get back into it actually soon

>> No.16624317

damn OP you remind me of myself

my wife has told me straight up she is getting tired of seeing my face everyday the othe day she called me a fucking loser. we stopped having sex for about 3-6 months now.

i just fap as well, im sure she just uses her vibrator as well i always see it next to her bed

at night i cant even sleep next to her, i have to fuckng sleep on the couch to be alble to sleep
then she gets mad at me for not wanting to slee next to her,

we are always arguing. over any little thing, even when we just go to the store

sometimes when we are driving i just hope a car t-bones her side so she dies and im free.

>> No.16624352


Honest question here Anon: Be happy? You make money, have a wife and kids. And your money is enough to support your kids apparently. Women are complicated and weird, even for rich people. Try to talk to your wife. Make things better.
You think more money will solve any of your problems?
It won't.

>> No.16624367

>my wife has told me straight up she is getting tired of seeing my face everyday the other day she called me a fucking loser
You need to get it together anon. Start becoming the man she can't refuse then divorce the bitch for a younger model.

>> No.16624385

is this pic some type of modern art?

>> No.16624407
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>> No.16624691

>if only you knew how bad things really are

>> No.16624705

that's very risky when you have a family. I had a no skill friend that did that to try and provide for his super hot wife and kid. Him never being home ended up having his wife leaving him for another dude because she said he was "never there for her" and it's like bitch this dude trying to provide for you but woman just be like that.

>> No.16624745
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based, this is the only good advice in this thread

>> No.16625089

Your typing style is negrified, try to practice better linguistic hygeine.

>> No.16625429

Self driving is never going to happen

>> No.16625532

I have a BS and make $6/hr. Could be worse.

>> No.16626106

I am not American. All American ETF's are so overvalued and have low returns BUT I have a LIST of ETF's that are Canadian which contains US equities.

Few of my favorites are:

>ZMI.TO BMO Monthly Income ETF

I know a few more but I haven't done the research to look at what they contain fully and I wouldn't recommend it until I check what they have and how risky it is.

There are also Royalty income fund I really like.

ETF is like multiple stocks packaged and sold into one like a stock. It reduces risk by averaging all those stocks together.

>> No.16626148
File: 118 KB, 1129x1200, 2A619F18-F902-4917-B7FB-86116746B6BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American etfs are overvalued so here are some Canadian ones that hold the same assets
>reduces risk by bundling highly correlated stocks, having lower liquidity and charging a management fee

>> No.16626150

>an escort friend told me arabs can fuck for 5 hours straight.

Even if that is true, what a colossal waste of time.

>> No.16626161

Honest question here Anon: Be happy? You make money, have a wife and kids. And your money is enough to support your kids apparently. Women are complicated and weird, even for rich people. Try to talk to your wife. Make things better.
You think more money will solve any of your problems?
It won't.

>> No.16626308

>so here are some Canadian ones that hold the same assets
Not both of them. Only one of them. To that anon give the anon the option to hold if he wants.

>lower liquidity and charging a management fee
You say that as if there is nobody to sell it to. Stocks are pretty liquid, it's not like one day there won't be any sellers for that etf. All etf contain management fee. Difference is you're also getting higher dividends too. Plus I don't have to pay trading fee or conversion CAD to USD fee to get it.

>> No.16627182

>you still got 60 natural years to go

Only if OP takes care of his body.