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16607859 No.16607859 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a boomer who made it in 2017 and if I can pass one shred on knowledge on it's this. Christ is all that matters.

>> No.16607887


>> No.16607896

*) also made it

>> No.16607909


>> No.16607933

i already know this. im sometimes disappointed he doesn't seem to have a plan for me beyond daily humiliation though. hopefully there is a light at the end of the tunnel, but im increasingly starting to think that perhaps my entire life will be just a humiliating irrelevant blip.

>> No.16607948

Sounds like evil is whispering in your ear more than God is. It's a daily battle we have to fight fren.

>> No.16607996

of course i know technically its my fault for being stuck in a dead end wageslave job with no prospects, no property or hope of ever owning it with my wageslave salary, and a ruined family that my father financially and otherwise nearly destroyed, but I need a quick way out to recover a normal lifestyle. i cant stand the constant financial existential terror, parents fighting, and my poor diet and alcohol abuse used to cope with that all the while im wageslaving just to get day through day. im psychologically and physically exhausted. i know i need to pull myself up by my bootstraps or just appreciate the beautiful nature and the moment bro, but sometimes when you are in a situation of terror, agitation and depression, those seem nearly impossible.

>> No.16608015
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Truth. I entered NEETdom expecting to just relax for the rest of my life with generational wealth only to learn that the journey has just begun.

"For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall much be required"
Luke 12:48

>> No.16608037

"For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?"
Mark 8:36

>> No.16608040

look, i know i am a sinner. a pretty bad one at that. i regret my errors. i regret offending and disappointing God, because I believe God is good. When I have the strength I pray, I am currently reading the Holy Bible page to page. But I know I don't have the mental capacity to just be content or unaffected when I am for years with no rest in a poor situation. Obviously, it's my fault to be in one to begin with, but that doesn't increase my capacity for dealing with it. I know there are others with even bigger problems out there that make me seem like a joke. I am not trying to incite pity or make it seem like it's all about me. All I'm stating is that once in a while a person needs a break based on the person's capacity to withstand stress. I am at the limit of what I can take after years of it and it's starting to deteriorate my physical and mental health. I wish I had the smarts or the skill or the work-ethic, or whatever it is that it takes to work out a solution, but as of now I don't. I don't doubt God, but I am just a small guy, I can only do things that are in my strength and withstand what is in my capacity.

>> No.16608061

Based and christpilled

>> No.16608070
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>> No.16608083

Amen God is the greatest.

>> No.16608085
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>> No.16608094

Based and Lordpilled. I’m happy you made it Anon

>> No.16608099

so of course, I hope that God has somekind of a plan for me, that will at least temporarily give me some rest and return some wellfare and happiness in my life. but perhaps he does not, at least not in this life. perhaps my plan is just being trodden upon by life until my life goes out. i say this without intending to sound pathetic, this is nothing special, faceless billions are probably squashed with their problems in anonymity over the course of history. that's quite possibly the most common fate one can have. and perhaps the plan really is to learn to just appreciate God through trouble, sorrow, stress and so on with nothing there beyond it in this life. that's all im saying. that i am becoming more open to the idea that there is no rest, at least in the conventional material sense, intended for me in this life and that I might have to just learn to deal with the situation as it is until i die.

>> No.16608118

Begone streetshitters

>> No.16608139

Do you believe your life is the way it is because of gods will? Is there nothing that you can do with your own free will?

>> No.16608158

How much u make?

>> No.16608179

This. Free will is the single most potent agent out there. A conscious mind can alter reality by virtue of its unique ability to process and act on information. Quantum "randomness" unironically comes from the side effect of millions of counteracting conscious agents. Stop trying to justify your vices. God can only help you if you give him the opportunity to do so. Learn how to channel your own volition into one coherent component strong enough to effect change.

>> No.16608190

i am trying to improve my situation with what intelligence and physical capacity I have. so far it hasn't worked out, but of course I have hope that something will work out and my prosperity will improve. I am becoming open to the option that perhaps however the possibility exists that my situation will never improve.

I think what I can do is limited in some sense by my genes and my will. I am exercising my will to see whether something can be accomplished, of course I am not a defeatist if that's what you're asking.

Do I believe God has planned every inch of my history from life to death? I am sure he at all times knows it, but I don't think that means it is fully determined by him the way we humans understand causality, moreso that all the choices I will make are already known by him. It must be something pretty close to watching a replay of a football game, except if you received the replay before the game was actually played.

>> No.16608208

>he doesn't seem to have a plan for me beyond daily humiliation though
I don't thinc he exists in a way you thinc about him bro... it was just a great spiritual man the same as buddah... but not the son's god... everyone is son's god. God is in the creation itself in my opinion.
Also you choose this life before being born. It's not the only one you have lived and not the last one

>> No.16608216

ok boomer

>> No.16608261

>Do I believe God has planned every inch of my history from life to death?
The biggest misconception inherited from scientific determinism is the belief that it's all written. That would invalidate free will altogether and make us nothing more than empty automatons. The whole point of Jesus' message is to make us realize that's we can write our own path and it's up to you to get your shit together with God's help along the way. No future is set in stone.

>> No.16608354
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Put your money where your mouth is. Why have you taken the monkpill /biz/?
> Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me.

>> No.16608372

Of course I don't believe in determinism, I just wrote that. I do however think there might be inescapable facts in God's plan (not saying my current situation is necessarily among them). Even Jesus asked God's will to be done before crucifixion though.

I don't agree with this conglomerate of pantheism and reincarnation new age-y BS

>> No.16608530

God can have a "plan" without the certainty of its execution, for the margin of error resides in your own decisions. This is simillar to Joan of Arc for whom, according to her, Saint Catherine and Saint Marguerite had a plan (freedom from her captives through death) but required her not to sin and remain a virgin. That shows it was ultimately up to her to validate that plan and secure her own salvation, or else she would not have been told to do so.