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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 102 KB, 612x744, findom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16606255 No.16606255[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Since when can woman just go online and ask man for money?

>> No.16606261

whos responsible for this status quo

>> No.16606270

The Walt Disney Company

>> No.16606276

men nowadays are so fucking retarded and beta
negative test levels enable this

>> No.16606294

You already know the answer to that question
The breakdown of the family has been a disaster for the human race, on either side of the transaction

>> No.16606397

We're seeing just how far the envelope can be pushed.

>> No.16606447
File: 243 KB, 815x777, 1565681484878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmmm, I wonder...

>> No.16606462

I remember going back to 2014 or 15, I was shocked at how popular weird stuff like this was getting. But I thought, surely, it will eventually stop right?

Damn, I dunno, it just seems like everyday you see more and more of this shit.

>> No.16606476

Since when can’t retards manage to shit up the fucking BUSINESS AND FINANCE BOARD with their shit about fucking roasties on twitter doing whatever they do?

>> No.16606483

Wtf I can't believe this shit is in Aus, I thought it was a joke, I'll admit I was beta once and bought heaps of things for a girl I liked but this is straight up abusing mentally ill men, she made one of them who looks like a lonely middle aged guy post derogatory photos of himself.

I'm too old for doing 'epic raids' and shit like that but I think I might send some messages to the guys to go find a decent hooker and a councillor. Not sure about the chicks though, I'll be sending off a tip to the ATO with the photos of bank transfers that I'm sure have been declared.

>> No.16606486

The problem lies in society. Before men used to pay only for sex. Nowdays there are plenty of men that have problems in their very basic needs. This sort of stuff stimulates feeling of being important and part of something.

There is a reason, why most working societies have monogamy as standard.

>> No.16606492

Men allowed it to happen

>> No.16606523

This, if there wasn’t beta incel COOMERS shilling out cash to these roasties there wouldn’t be a market for this degeneracy. The Kali Yuga is coming to an end though lads. We will use our gains to turn this mess around.

>> No.16606530


Fucking girls is only fun if they have had less than 3 sexual partners

>> No.16606534

If you’re bored enough sending these “girls” degenerate accounts to their family might just be the slap in the face they need to re-evaluate themselves.

>> No.16606542

>wahh he's not discussing pointless scamcoins ban him wahh


>> No.16606984


>> No.16607014

Yeah much better to discuss things about what chicks do on the internet than anything involving money


>> No.16607073

T. Virgin

>> No.16607108

Fucking twitter allowing whores to advertise themselves

>> No.16607123

>than anything involving money
This involves money idiot.
Maybe setting up some kind of service to stop dudes doing this would be profitable.

>> No.16607132

lol... dumbass whores trading the only thing they have to offer the world in exchange for money... it won't make them happy they should be using their sexual market value to secure their female prosperity which is a loving family and a strong sane husband... they're confusing that for money, which is what the man actually needs to acquire his success... dumb fuck women so dumb they think they're men

>> No.16607175

I think we can all agree this is actually pretty surreal. this kind of financial benefit was historically reserved for the religious class. Religion is coming back guys. I can see it more and more. This time though, its not christianity and it will not be even be seen as a religion but will have all the characteristics of one. We obviously have not seen all the weird shit that can happen in a hyperconnected society yet.

>> No.16607187
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 8B24039F-F00A-403C-AD54-C80B6656491F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don’t know what to think of this. Is the world really this fucked? Or is this a byproduct of social media meets the law of large numbers? Like for instance, maybe only 0.01% of the population is like this, but since their are millions of people, that means thousands are like this. And social media aggravates this by congregating like minded people together. So it really does seem like a large portion of the population is into this.

>> No.16607196

You all would be doing the same thing if it was that easy taking advantage of betas

>> No.16607219

ya but I also have a feeling there are some men out there who just want to murder and once they get wind of this shit these cunts will begin to "earn" their money from a risk adjusted standpoint

>> No.16607238

You know you've actually made it when you have a plus-size Indian domme girlfriend who actually books and pays for you to have an executive suite at a 5 star hotel & spa for 2 nights together.

>> No.16607239

like imagine you go to a cashmeet with some beta cuck but then he drugs you and you wake up chained in his basement and if there is anyone who would notice they just think you went missing. lol, seems risky but their body their choice

>> No.16607251

Findommes suck, all they want is your money. Find a real domme with a personality who actually cares about you, like my plus-size Indian girlfriend.

>> No.16607287

This. I’m not shocked that they’re asking, I’m shocked that anyone is paying. I don’t even tip if I jerk off to my free cams.

>> No.16607331

How much money can a findomme get and how does one turn into that?
Asking for a friend... Because I want to make her a findomme and profit out of this

>> No.16607361

I don't get out much. I've been in a relationship for 10 years and before that 7 years. In between I was a disgusting whore and before I was an awkward teenager. Because it is christmas I have to do work social shit because not making the effort with the retards is always noticed and talked about and a lot of decent business comes from making that effort even if I'm playing a fucking role pretending to enjoy some normal social interaction. 99% of people are fucking busted idiots. Slam drinks, roll around on each other, get horny, act like teenagers. Even older people who should know better. The responsible thing to do is drink a little, last out as much as is constructive and then get out of there. Like life is a confusing burden to them. Their partners, their families, their situations are something to constantly escape from. The idea that they are not in control, they are somehow victims to the world which conspires to deny them agency and they must rebel, act up, push back and self sabotage. If you have a rational mind and are able to express it you can get what you want and sex is very easy to get making it relatively valueless at the lowest levels. You can fuck a different insecure chunky blonde student with a stinking ass crack every week if that is what satisfies you. It shouldn't.

>> No.16607376

Since Al Gore invented the internet.

>> No.16607709

I have a catfish twitter findom profile AMA