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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16605734 No.16605734 [Reply] [Original]

I had an experience that convinced me that we are all pawns for a purpose on this earth.

I'll skip the boring sob story, but I was bullied at work/school/home to the point where I decided to kill myself. That night, I decided I was gonna do it by jumping of the train tracks and killing myself that way. I took this train for 5 years on my way to wage cuck, at 5 am, nearly every day, and no one ever spoke to me. I was almost always the only person on the platform. Well, this particular morning, in my zoned out state, Literally seconds before I was going to do it, some old asian man asks me for the time. Literally broke me out of the trance I was in, and for a second, which seemed to last an eternity, I just started at his eyes, realising that he literally just saved my life. That night, when I got home,was the same night that my dad decided he wanted me out of the house.

This entire experience led me down a massive rabbit hole. I came to the final realisation, that we, common men, are just pawns in someone else's game, and we aren't even allowed to die until our purpose is fulfilled.

However, over time, I started to learn about all the secret knowledge hidden around the world, documents, locations, data, civilisations all locked up by a higher class that we, pawns cannot access.

But what happens when a pawn becomes a queen?

What if, anons, through sheer fate, that one's life, like man currently, can be turned completely upside down by literally just learning a small piece of forbidden information?

But, a better question to ask is, how does one even begin searching?

>> No.16605739

kys urself

>> No.16605742

Was expecting Bel air

>> No.16605858

read Ecclesiastes

>> No.16605883
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Try reading Jung. He wrote somewhere that the logos has a million different ways to remove you at any time. If your story is legit, then there may be a reason why that old man stopped you from suicide. Life and reality is stranger than we can ever imagine

>> No.16605915

what kind of name is Carl fucking Jung?

>> No.16605922

Swiss German

>> No.16605924

this is a weird way to shill link

>> No.16605925

It's legit, thats the scariest thing. What even trips me out more is that I cant remember the mans face, but I know the event happened. It was like he was sent their to stop me, and was almost wiped from my memory. I've only ever told this story to my room mate but he doesnt believe me.

>> No.16605933

Also, even stranger, is that I find it really hard to remember events around that time. Like the year or some leading up to the event, and the year after it seems like one massive smudge ob my brain that I can't clump together. Every now and then when I speak to a sibling or a friend from those days they would mention something that kind of triggers a memory in my brain, but other than that is all fog.

>> No.16605939

are you like 12

>> No.16605943

i think of my life now, look at my beautiful children, and fondly remember the only reason im here is because a random woman liked a facebook photo of mine and flew to australia to fuck me but she refused to take it up the ass and we got into a big fight and i was abandoned in sydney where i met my wife, who gladly lets me fuck her ass.

>> No.16605945

oh that's pretty cool, sorry for being a brainlet. Kind of expected some new age "guru" with an exotic name.


>> No.16605950

I never went for the queen with my pawn, always exchanged it for a bishop, because I'm not a faggot like OP.

>> No.16605955

Sorry for spamming, But also I just remembered something else. Ne and one of my former friends, would go on long drives at night because we where depressed. I remember one particular night, when we where talking about my situation, where I literally told him that I had a feeling that I was going to get kicked out and my life was gonna be flipped upside down. Thing is, my parents are super helicopter parents, and even though they hated me, would never throw me out. But i just had this feeling in my gut I couldn't really describe, almost like I knew for a fact it was going to happen, and like something was telling me to "prepare" for it. Years before, I met a guy in a simmiliar position to me at college. Basically mirror image stories. We made a deal that whoever got out first, was to help the other if they needed it. Low and behold, when I got kicked out, he helped me out with open arms.

I mean, all these events lining up to the singel most pivotal point in my life, can't be random, right?

>> No.16605962

Thank's for this, does he have anything specific I should start looking into?

>> No.16605990

The events don't necessarily have to have any direct meaning, but perhaps your unconscious mind was leading you to the right direction. I'm no expert sorry. I myself have had a number of strange things happen in my life, so I'm usually open minded to other people's experiences.

He's a famous analytical psychologists, and probably one of the most interesting minds of the 20th century.

>> No.16606001

Start with biography Memories, Dreams, Reflections so you can understand his background and thinking. Then read "Man and His Symbols" and "Modern Man in Search of a Soul". That's about all you'll need

>> No.16606012

Tell us about your gang stalkers.

>> No.16606169


>> No.16606212

Sad truth is you're just another statistic we all are. It's all random, it seems like it was all lined up because if it wasn't, you would be dead and unable to tell your story. Reminds me of my grandad's stories of WW2; running between two German gunner positions with them mowing down his friends around him, he made it back to his lines unscathed, he fought through africa, Norway, France, Germany and survived being shot 5 times, each time it was a near miss, inch either way he would be dead. He never attributed any of these insanely lucky scenarios to destiny as he saw countless people around him die saying shit like "I don't want to die" "it's not my time". There is no meaning to it all, but your here so make the most of it

>> No.16606237

Remember how in Harry Potter, the kid asks why dont muggles see all the magical shit happening around them and some dude answers him "They never pay attention."?
I know am quoting harry fucking potter but thats unironically how it works. If you stop for just a second and pay attention to all thats happening around you, if you ask yourself why certain things are happening and why you are so "lucky" or "unlucky"... You wil realize that there is no coincidence.
Just yesterday, I met a friend by oure chance. Mind you I have a crush on this friend, and I didnt even plan to meet her, as I was on my way to meet other friends. I missed my bus by mere seconds and I decided to just walk the distance and, guess what? I find her standing around in the middle of the street because she was supposed to meet a friend there but that friend ditched her and her car was broken so she couldnt just go back home and she wanted to put her afternoon to use.
That is a lot of coincidences, you could say that I got lucky, or she got unlucky but... Is it really luck?

>> No.16606324

True, i've been trying to do this a lot more recently. I honestly don't think this was all random. I remember as a kid i would beg and pray for a way out and i;m starting to think I was given it. But my life is still crap. I guess only time will tell.

>> No.16606345

My current belief in life is that everyone has a purpose/ destiny, how trivial it might seem to you, that's another story.
Maybe it's a tree branch and you pick your path, but some events are destined for you.
Or it's all random, wich is even more doubtful in some cases.

>> No.16606368

Sure the unborn kids being cut out of their mothers in Bangladesh agree with you

>> No.16606382

>we're all pawns
>we're all controlled and kept in lanes
>that are somehow then allowed to broadcast an expose over an imageboard where people share waifus and scams they willingly partake in.

By this posts being, you deny it's existence.

>> No.16606402

How do you not know Jung man,holy shit get to reading bro!

>> No.16606601

Had similar experience, i feel you. Thanks for being here.

>> No.16606814

Cool blog now why dont you livestream it

>> No.16607159

Whoa this anon is one dark and brooding hardcore badass. Wouldn't want to tangle with you bro.

>> No.16607415

Or you’re just way too scared to die and your subconcious or whatever latched onto whatever came to you and made it into Some Higher Meaning Sign You Cannot Possibly Understand(tm). Just read forums about your situation and you’ll notice patterns. Doesn’t mean the guy just wanted time and you need to KYS.

>> No.16607718

Good thread. Here's your bump.

Clawing for meaning in a meaningless world eventually leads one to old esoteric truths forgotten and discarded by the masses. Are they truths? Or is it you trying to make sense of all this nonsense?

>> No.16607876

how can I make money off this?

>> No.16607919

Write a smart contract connected to a shotgun aimed at your head which will go off if link isn't $1k eoy

>> No.16608057

what is it with /biz/ that attracts mentally ill bloggers?

>> No.16608197

>what happens when a pawn becomes a queen?
lol you became a queen? kys urself fag

>> No.16608269

Same thing that attracts the mentally ill to 4chan, only /biz/ is an easier place to peddle such nonsense than other boards. /x/ is too far out there and on /pol/ shit will get drowned out in the noise. /biz/ at present is a happy median of a nearly dead board populated by suggestible losers hoping to win the lottery.

>> No.16608597

You’re on to something. Look of eastern beliefs, meditation, etc

>> No.16608628


>kys urself

Imagine being this stupid.

>> No.16608753
File: 97 KB, 1214x1067, B75F8756-ACF9-45B8-BF8E-95C323479038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you just now learning what the law of attraction is dorks? Jews really don’t want you to know this but I’ll let you anons in on a little secret since I’ve had about enough of these negative hook nosed satanic yids: atoms are always vibrating yea? Well your thoughts/consciousness carry vibrations as well that attract similar things along that wavelength (funny how reality is made up of waves of sound, light and vibration huh?) so when you are constantly being a negative little cry baby like 90% of 4chan users, listening to Emo or nigger music, constantly scheming on screwing people over and how all women are manipulative roastie whores guess what is gonna happen in your life? You will meet a bunch of manipulative roasties and get scammed left and right/lose a bunch of money. If your inner voice constantly tells you you’re a fat ugly incel that’s what you will always be. If you make an effort to eat correctly, exercise and be more positive/meditate your facial structure can literally change over the course of years (how many years were your thoughts strictly negative?). All the cells in your body change every 7 years, you can literally become an entirely new person in seven years. Lean towards positivity and abundance and joy can be had, go the negative route and you will wind up if you’re shitty enough as someone like Epstein. Kind of strange how so many of the elite are Into occult stuff isn’t it? You can learn quite a bit from the internet lads it’s up to you to develop the intuition to sift through and find the nuggets of gold hidden in the sea of shit.

>> No.16608764

You're not wrong

>> No.16608938
File: 38 KB, 736x815, Wizardpepe6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should read some Julius Evola Anon.
Once I cracked the code of how (((elites))) have the world on lockdown I have begun paying more attention to all the little coincidences that play out in my day to day life. Once you accept the existence of metaphysical forces it changes your life and your perspective on it forever.

Stay awake and with your eyes open. Stay true to yourself and walk the path that was only meant for you.

>> No.16609039

based OP similar thing happened to me
I was going to college on deans list only had 1 B rest were As
I hated life was stressed out and just walked into traffic not looking both ways
some guy grabbed the handle on my backpack and pulled me back on the sidewalk as a truck drove by and just missed me

>> No.16609062

>oh that's pretty cool, sorry for being a brainlet. Kind of expected some new age "guru" with an exotic name.
Holy fuck pick up a book. You can't afford to be this cynical when you're this uneducated. LMAO what the fuck kinda name is marcus aurelius his fuckin parents musta been some hippy dippy weebs to name him like an anime character!

>> No.16609067

the godpill

>> No.16609086

>All the cells in your body change every 7 years, you can literally become an entirely new person in seven years
based, I started eating mushrooms my facial hair is starting to look more attractive and my eyes have a glow to them everything is clicking I think my dick even grew an inch or 1.5 inch
I never talked to people being an autist but on mushrooms people start conversations with me and I'm calm enough to have good insight and conversations
something in psychedelics man tuned my consciousness with my operating system and I feel like I'm on a stimulant when I'm completely sober
I've noticed all successful people have this in tune vibration

>> No.16609145

>All the cells in your body change every 7 years, you can literally become an entirely new person in seven years
I fucking hate this brainlet mindset. the idea of a thing is only in the heads of the people who recognise it. if you replace every piece of the Ship of Theseus sequentially, it's still the same ship if people see it as the same ship, because the physical state of the ship is separate from the ideas the ship represents.

Further to this, if all of your cells are replaced, if you still look and feel the same, and you still recognize you as yourself, and everyone around you recognizes you as you, you're still the same person. It doesn't matter that your components have been replaced because your "youness" wasn't tied to the components that comprise you but their configuration and by extension your functions.

Fuck ship of theseus.

>> No.16609167

yeah the body is a vessel sure but my brain is finally working
I saw myself as a loser fag with no confidence and that's what I put off into the world
now it's totally different

if someone from high school or even the past 5 years saw me now they would think I've changed based on how I stand, how my eyes look, how I talk to people, etc.

>> No.16609198

"Wow, it's like youre a whole different person!"
"Honestly, I truly believe I am. Ive never felt so good in my life; the only thing that really feels the same about me is my name"

Really, there's nothing wrong with this whatsoever. It doesn't contradict the idea that the only thing that comprises your "self" is your and other people's perceptions of what you are.

>> No.16609206
File: 26 KB, 250x300, 1570144252342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so...you're British?

>> No.16609210

If mushrooms did this for you, well done man. Sometimes all it takes is giving the cranial computer a good chemical kick. I doubt your dick got bigger, unless you're actually going through puberty actively and you doing mushrooms happened to coincide with your brain stabilizing a bit and you're falsely conflating the causation. Either way, it's cool, and it's way more important that you feel happy in your own skin

>> No.16609229


>> No.16609233

>You can learn quite a bit from the internet lads it’s up to you to develop the intuition to sift through and find the nuggets of gold hidden in the sea of shit.
this, but not just the internet. but mostly the internet

>> No.16609249

I think it was a blood flow thing with my pee pee
I used to watch trap porn like the rest of the anons here and that shit doesn't create a meaningful cycle in your brain
you need your brain and body consciousnesses or whatever all in sync
evolutionary biology has to be satisfied for your mental state to be clear and function well
so now I stopped watching that garbage and I'm going for a woman to have children with and just my whole purpose changed I have principals I don't know man it's going well though

listening to murdoch murdoch AMAs helped me a lot

>> No.16609292
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Its Not random NOOB, Quantum computers disprove that.