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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 466 KB, 781x775, 12daysofkleros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16604512 No.16604512 [Reply] [Original]

Ho ho ho! Let's try this again. 77th post this time.

Also, you are running out of time : https://twitter.com/VitalikButerin/status/1207344008306937857

Hear Ye, Hear Ye! Kleros whale here. In this festive season of pumps and dumps, I've decided to give away some $PNK each day, for the next five days! Giveaways will vary in size and scope. Welcome to the 12 days of Kleros, my jovial friends! Let's bring some good cheer in these dark times.

For day EIGHT : The 77th REPLY to THIS thread gets $20 in PNK (about 3,200 in this dip! What a steal!) No, I won't pick myself. I'm not fucking with you, desu.

For those not familiar with Kleros, it's a dispute resolution layer, heavily shilled by the man Vitalik himself, has been in accumulation phase for a year. Search the backlog for shills, this is about JOY in these bearish time!

Drop those ETH addresses with your replies, my merry-making frens, visualize yourself around a campfire, and let the PNK flow through you! Let's make this some Christmas feels to remember! Bonus points for the best X-Mas related Pepe's!

Note :

IF this post gets deleted, the offer is null. One shot deal. Mods, be joyous, okay?

Day 6 winners / TXID's were posted in yesterday's thread.

Good luck!

>> No.16604524
File: 420 KB, 1080x2105, Screenshot_20191219-133632__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit it's all real isn't it

>> No.16604549

It is

>> No.16604590

77 posts aint shit. let's go boys.

>> No.16604601

Bump to get to 77

>> No.16604618
File: 6 KB, 235x214, 37ax2f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I sell some of my RSR for this? It would be at a loss but I'm thinking this is going to run and there doesn't seem to be any bag holders.

>> No.16604633

Yes. Don't hold 100B supply shitcoins in a newly forming bear market.

>> No.16604686

you honestly think this is a new bear market?
> not going to make it
anon you should think more about all the VCs that will dump on you

>> No.16604718


>> No.16604729

Kek the absolute state of cuckbase

>> No.16604788


also, kek, based zuckbucks lawyer is back!

>> No.16604803

<mindless post>

>> No.16604861
File: 117 KB, 725x953, charlieleefuckoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's go boys

>> No.16604966
File: 90 KB, 1024x688, christmasdiehard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

13th post. woop.

>> No.16605027

GLIBBY, kek wills $1 in 2021!

>> No.16605087

kek wills

>> No.16605118

dubs and Kleros is over 5 bucks by end of 2020

>> No.16605126


>> No.16605132

i'm coming after you anon if we dont make it

>> No.16605137

Counts in my book

>> No.16605143

of course, it's 2 sets

>> No.16605151

Money Skelly is unironically going to participate in this upcoming token sale mark my words watch the chain

>> No.16605163

Thanks based whale. I've got a big bag of this and MKR. ETH ecosystem is going to go wild on this once the defi fad passes.

>> No.16605164

p much confirmed

>> No.16605175
File: 58 KB, 667x434, 1_tVo7pL6pkqeQU03jMCPeNQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should be buying on Uniswap right?
t. burger

>> No.16605185

fuck this guy

>> No.16605193


>> No.16605226

if you want to throw in a large chunk of $, wait for the sale.

>> No.16605230
File: 130 KB, 500x656, green-wojak-stickers-redbubble-48781468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw I have more PNK than everyone in this thread and I know it's going to have LINK like gains in 2020

>> No.16605232

a 20x is only like a $25M cap, so, yeah. comfy.

>> No.16605262

Just did the math I'm shaking. I've literally been accumulating this for over a year. I'm really gonna make it aren't I?

>> No.16605266

give me the PINK

>> No.16605269

depends on if you have the 1M sui stack

>> No.16605273

33rd post. kek

>> No.16605285

Give me that pink you fat toad.

>> No.16605293

what kind of giveaway is this we have to work for our "free" fucking tokens...

>> No.16605303

Oh anon...my sweet summer child

OP has been at this for days now. A true hero for the jeets.

>> No.16605316

um. how dare u.

>> No.16605318
File: 354 KB, 1393x2107, 1575679128027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pajeets made me appreciate muslims. They truly are the gypsies of asia. The thought of muslim conquest of india (I deliberately did not capitalize india) brings a smile to my face.
Now think of this, Mahatma Ghandi, the greatest fucking indian ever, took shits in the street...

>> No.16605329

scam coin

>> No.16605368

State your case
> But muh ETH is a scam so everything is a scam

>> No.16605376

shit this is taking too long

>> No.16605383

Can we speed it up?

>> No.16605398

There's a huge fucking price dump coming hurry up you fuckers.

>> No.16605436

step it up

>> No.16605438

no, there isn't

>> No.16605457

This guy probably doesn't have any PNK and just wants the bag to pay for dinner

>> No.16605511
File: 448 KB, 496x708, 1574408788499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16605513


>> No.16605521


>> No.16605538

Just make it 77 dubs desu

>> No.16605547

Would be a nice loophole.

>> No.16605550

Pajeet reporting in.

>> No.16605567

why is this taking so long.

>> No.16605581

kek, nah

>> No.16605585

since you faggots are unwilling to help I shall sabotage your system. No. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no.

>> No.16605594

further sabotage. ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID:

>> No.16605602


>> No.16605604

58th post. post those id's, rakesh

>> No.16605606
File: 62 KB, 600x657, png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy some or stay poor.


>> No.16605613

holy shit it's 77 I won.
I swear to god, it's not worth it, if I have to click on another fire hydrant I shall cri

>> No.16605618

>free money
>not worth it


>> No.16605647

shit this is pathetic

>> No.16605660

Calm down Jamal

>> No.16605662

64 : 0x5CaD84e0c6D1DD7853d325f569A22d1dc47ECEd4

>> No.16605665

65 : 0x5CaD84e0c6D1DD7853d325f569A22d1dc47ECEd4

>> No.16605669

66 : 0x5CaD84e0c6D1DD7853d325f569A22d1dc47ECEd4

>> No.16605673

67 :

>> No.16605675

68 : 0x5CaD84e0c6D1DD7853d325f569A22d1dc47ECEd4

>> No.16605680

come on

>> No.16605681

69 : 0x5CaD84e0c6D1DD7853d325f569A22d1dc47ECEd4

>> No.16605684

71 : 0x5CaD84e0c6D1DD7853d325f569A22d1dc47ECEd4

>> No.16605685

72 : 0x5CaD84e0c6D1DD7853d325f569A22d1dc47ECEd4

>> No.16605689


>> No.16605690

74 0x5CaD84e0c6D1DD7853d325f569A22d1dc47ECEd4

>> No.16605694

75 : 0x5CaD84e0c6D1DD7853d325f569A22d1dc47ECEd4

>> No.16605695

76 : 0x5CaD84e0c6D1DD7853d325f569A22d1dc47ECEd4

merry christmas, ya'll can have it.

>> No.16605697


>> No.16605700


>> No.16605704

adonbilivit I won

>> No.16605708

my adress:

>> No.16605712

merry christmas thanks fren

>> No.16605718


>> No.16605727


>> No.16605728

You bring me joy each day with your Kleros Christmas cheer. I fucking love you bro.

>> No.16605745

old joke

>> No.16605785

congrats fren

>> No.16605802

based pnk christmas anon

>> No.16606029


>> No.16606231

when binance

>> No.16606336
File: 208 KB, 1144x2154, 1570044324058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two in the P(i)NK one in the st(L)ink.

Money Skelly gonna pump our shit.

>> No.16606349

Dead coin
Formerly stagnant

>> No.16606387



Literally doing more than most other multi million $ projects.

You're gonna hurt in a years time senpai.

>> No.16606398

Pnk shills said that a year ago

>> No.16606514

If you bought in a year ago you'd be up.

Not sure there are any other ICO's other than Link in that category.

>> No.16606525

no you wouldnt
down in sats too

>> No.16606673

uniswap volume going ham right now.

>> No.16606876

based kleros

>> No.16607055
File: 107 KB, 865x865, 0d075e27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks fren


>> No.16607984

it's over anon