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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16602629 No.16602629 [Reply] [Original]

Obviously if you wake up at 6am you don't instantly start making bank, there's a lot more that goes into it. But would adopting the workflows and lifestyles of successful people improve your lot in life?
For example, Buffett and Munger sit on their ass and read most of the day, I assume most of it is financial statements. Carl Ichan apparently does something similar, he just spends most of the day reading about companies. Obviously those three guys have the liquidity to actually do something about it if they find an undervalued equity.
That's not the only example, there's stuff like Nicholas Nassim Taleb doesn't have a personal assistant - I think it's to prevent that situation of "why didn't you tell me!?" "I didn't think it was important" "of course it's important!" - but then again he's rich and doesn't have to work anymore.
What do you think? Does copying the lifestyles of successful people help make you more successful, or do they adopt those lifestyles because they're already successful?

>> No.16602699
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fake it till you make it

>> No.16602726
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but also unironically overselling your importance is rule 101 in becoming successful. Or in his case, claiming the success of others.

>> No.16602727

you already know the answer bro and it's yes

you just need affirmation from outside sources because you dont feel confident in yourself.

fuck everyone and dont ask nobody about shit, just do whatever the fuck you want, everyone else is a retard

>> No.16602824
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I honestly thought the answer was 'no' and I just needed someone to spell out why method acting only works for actors but there's too many vairables in the real world for it to have any effect outside of social performance and perhaps a few synergies and efficiencies

>> No.16602873

Increase productivity via wageslaving, and then investing that money into a business or asset that pays out 300%-1000%.

That's how most people get rich. The wageslaving part is oddly the easiest part of it, it's finding the investment vehicle that will take your $100,000 or $200,000 seed capital to $1 million or so.

But even $1 million is just middling rich. It's one generation from being pissed away.

>> No.16602885

Yeah I know that, I'm asking about what habits I should do while I'm investing in my own scalable business. How I should organize my time?

>> No.16602906

Taleb is a fraud. Buffet sama is absolutely based. Munger may be some form of vampire.

>> No.16602947

Find out what is important and benefits you and do it, work consistently whether you feel like it or not. Yes, this helps you.

>> No.16602956

Right time, right thing. It's all about luck.

>> No.16602968
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The habits of financially/corporate successful people, or habits of success based on many criteria are results of your personality, which doesn't change easily if all.

You can learn gradually and incrementally opposed habits that of your temperament, but it takes time. Instant copy at least wont do any good.

>> No.16602977
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You make your own luck.

>> No.16602995


You should be asking those that are demonstratively successful that same question.

>> No.16603069
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That's blown my mind, yes, I should and will do this.

>> No.16603088

In what way is he a fraud?

But isn't personality often defined by environment, and can't you retain yourself?

this, what I'm trying to ascertain is are there certain habits that help you increase your exposure to opportunity or become more productive

>> No.16603209
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>> No.16603251

In the way that he's a pseud who says dumb shit all the time and yet somehow gets lauded as an intellectual by middlebrow brainlets.

>> No.16603410

That's all well and good, but you need to make sure that the things you work hard on actually deliver outcomes first.

What's your biggest example of his 'dumb shit' sayings?

>> No.16603483
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Personality is the final product of collection of traits that are relatively permanent and different from emotions or skills. It's shaped by environment, but stays relatively rigid after 6-10 years of age. And the biological basis of the personality is called temperament, which by definition is more about your genetic make up and not changable.

Apart from radical experiences in life (certain drugs, tragedies etc.) personality will not change. That doesn't mean you can't learn to act in a ways that complete you - agreeable people can learn to stand their ground more, for an example. What I tried to say was simply to point out that since habits leading to success stand on relatively hard to change ground, don't expect fast results in any way, and quite frankly, have mercy on yourself.

>> No.16603551

Forget personality, people can change habits right? That's a very vague term that can include everything from ticks and non-verbal gestures to OCD obsessions, and to regular procedures they undergo when making expensive decisions right?
Some successful people have clear processes right?
Would carefully selecting which of these processes to duplicate potentially elicit profitable outcomes - if so, what kind? What is the way of matching the selection of such a process or habit to one's self? Which ones are more dependent on the personality, social capital, and financial capital of the person you're copying from and can't be copied to any meaningful degree?
Also - personality is not a singular temperament, a monolith that encompasses one universal set of traits that forever follow a person around, it's a series of different context dependent clusters of attitudes and emotions - people behave differently depending on any number of factors not limited to architecture but to whether they have 'power', how tall they are compared to other people, the fashion and style which they dress, the manner they are addressed by others etc. etc. etc. etc.
Manipulation of those factors can create self-fulfilling effects both positively and negatively.

>> No.16603932

Not really. People stumbling on early bitcoin on early internet just were there by accident.

>> No.16603941

Buffet: just get at the bottom of the stock market itself bro

>> No.16603953

there were lots of people who started investing when he did though, why is he the richest of all of them?

>> No.16603972

He's always spouting garbage. It's constant. This is from literally the first page of his twitter feed:
>Kids get that Antifragile = Convexity.
>Social scientists can't get it.
Buffet never says any of the dumb shit that biz puts in his mouth. His public advice is rock solid and completely common sense. Invest in yourself. Marry the right person. Don't invest in things you don't understand. Look for durable competitive advantage.

>> No.16603979

Why is it garbage, sounds self congrtulatory like all quote-unquote "thought leaders", but do in fact social scientests understand convexity? And if so, is it worth something understanding?

>> No.16604002

Drugs aren't accidents.

>> No.16604009
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Perhaps successful people have certain habits because of their success

>> No.16604011

It's a puff of nothing. A soundbite with swagger that disintegrates under direct sunlight. What does it even mean? I can't find any actual point there. Unless you take it at face value, that random children understand that topic better than scientists. Which is fucking retarded. Here's another good one:
>The best researcher is the one who hates academia
What a fucking fraudster

>> No.16604050

Another gem
>There is no more unmistakable sign of failure than that of a middle-aged man boasting of his successes in college.

Really? NO more unmistakable sign? What about being a fucking homeless crack whore? Again, worthless words with nothing behind them.

>> No.16604124

>>The best researcher is the one who hates academia
Okay, well that I believe.
Academia generally doesn't count things like engineering.

Why do you think that? Do you believe you have a way to prove that hypothesis?

Who do you like then?
Who do you think you can take at face value?

>> No.16604170

My focus on personality as an answer was for this question.

>What do you think? Does copying the lifestyles of successful people help make you more successful, or do they adopt those lifestyles because they're already successful?

Even if I disagree with the wording bit, I'd choose the latter option - the idea that quality of "success" is what leads to those habits that determine success. So, it's incredibly unrealiable to simply copy the end result without the ground work, that I already argumented being hard to copy (the permanent nature of personality).

Remember also, that many factors outside your influence predict success. IQ, conscientiousness, even sheer luck. If that sounds unfair, it's good to recognize we deal with corporate/financial success here only. It's not rare to have these traits and lead still unhappy life.

If we define habbits here for this purpose as processes that both success predicting and deeply automatic, I agree successful people have clear processes, if I understand you correctly.

Given my statements of these habits growing out of personality first and foremost, and already quite impossible nature of reliably finding cause-effect relationship between a habit and success, I can only offer the following now. Your best bet to success is growing a skill set that completes your existing flaws. Getting out of the comfort zone. And you need to very carefully ask if yourself what it is that you want from life, and how you are lacking from that perspective.

It's the question of humility, that I perhaps wanted to imply in my first messages. One should gradually seek those things he or she can fix in their own life, and do it so it's a habit of improving everyday. I'm stressing here the method of first and foremost personal evaluation, not copying habits from others. I find questions of success, meaning and happiness rather hard to fulfill from any other perspective.

>> No.16604230

Finally, I never suggested hopefully that traits define that rigidly a person's life. They are the best what we got in personality psychology right now, but by no means they are used to imply one way of responding to every situation. Rather, they are descriptions or references to whatever entity of mind that seems to be constant and predictive enough through the multiple context varied situation. Indeed, manipulation of contextual leads to different outcomes - but that's another matter. Oddly enough, the shortcut appears here in regard what we've been discussing.

>What is the way of matching the selection of such a process or habit to one's self?

This was in the previous reply, about the process of completing the skill set that your persona lacks.

>> No.16604236

>without the ground work,
Okay, what does that ground work look like?
> and already quite impossible nature of reliably finding cause-effect relationship between a habit and success,
How is it impossible? Why do you think that?
>Your best bet to success is growing a skill set that completes your existing flaws. Getting out of the comfort zone
And how would I choose such a skill set? How do identify my flaw.
How do I distinguish between getting out of my comfort zone because of some harebrained notion of doing it for the sake of it, and actually extending myself.
>And you need to very carefully ask if yourself what it is that you want from life, and how you are lacking from that perspective.
In my case that's already taken care of - I know the WHAT I'm lost on the HOW.
> I'm stressing here the method of first and foremost personal evaluation, not copying habits from others.
For someone stressing it, you're offering very little practical advice on what it looks like or how to do it.
>I find questions of success, meaning and happiness rather hard to fulfill from any other perspective.
Then why bother to answer my questions unless you have relevant, satisfying answers from MY perspective? or even a more generalized one for a board called /biz/?

>> No.16604258

>be elon
>smoke weed and fap to videos of yourself for 18 hours a day while your engineers and managers keep your company afloat
>"heh I'm such a hard worker"

>> No.16604276

The problem is you think success just pops out of no where overnight. Bam! Instant Zero to hero. Even with buffet it took 2 generations, maybe even 3 if you count his grand dad grinding it out, and then his dad getting some government job, which gave special access, which buffet max leveraged. Maybe some tools like Elon grind out 100hrs/wk and made it.

And buffet and many public figures love to spout of ridiculous absurdities to sound smart. The Dalai Lama loves to do it. Hurrhurr happiness comes from within. Oh really bitch? So why are you eating veal, getting paid by the cia, wearing luxury wrist watches, and showing the Illuminati black eye? Same with buffet. Never lose money. Who never lost money? I’ll show you someone who works for the fed ahem J.P. Morgan chase.

So basically success takes patience. A lot of patience imho.

>> No.16604296

>The problem is you think success just pops out of no where overnight.
>Obviously if you wake up at 6am you don't instantly start making bank, there's a lot more that goes into it
I'm going to do you the same courtesy you did me and not read past your first sentence before chastising you.
Seriously dude, first, fucking body sentence!

>> No.16604372

And that’s why you’re a poor fag. Stay angry at your situation and blame your environment.

>> No.16604403

I feel like you're talking past me not to me.
Do you actually want to see other anons succeed?

>> No.16604515

I can overlook difficulties understanding what I wrote, but clearly your entitlement deserves someone smarter listen to your antics. Good luck.

>> No.16604527

Damn right. See >>16602995 And I'd expect you to be just as entitled.

>> No.16604573
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>> No.16604588

You should just spend as much as time as posible doing the thing your trying to succeed at. Athletes just train, gamers play Vidya 16 hours a day. Traders read charts. Fuck every other commitment u have in life until you reach your goal. Just don't be such a cunt about it that you have nobody to enjoy it or celebrate it with.

Here's a bukowski quote for you.
"If you’re going to try, go all the way. Otherwise, don’t even start. This could mean losing girlfriends, wives, relatives and maybe even your mind. It could mean not eating for three or four days. It could mean freezing on a park bench. It could mean jail. It could mean derision. It could mean mockery–isolation. Isolation is the gift. All the others are a test of your endurance, of how much you really want to do it. And, you’ll do it, despite rejection and the worst odds. And it will be better than anything else you can imagine. If you’re going to try, go all the way. There is no other feeling like that. You will be alone with the gods, and the nights will flame with fire. You will ride life straight to perfect laughter. It’s the only good fight there is."

>> No.16604630

stop looking for a cookie cutter process, plebbit.

First, how do you define success ? It's subjective, is it not?

>> No.16604637

stop looking for a cookie cutter process, plebbit.

how do you define success ?

>> No.16604644

Lay off the adderall bro. You're missing words in your sentences.

>> No.16604658

It's very easy to say "don't look for a cookie cutter process" but do you actually know what it takes to be successful, which I'm on /biz/ so how subjective can it be? It's obviously not about personal values or social standing - it's about having as much money as possible, being wealthy enough to earn passive income

>> No.16604681

Sorry about the word salad, I'll rewrite it clearer:
"Success" in this context means having a lot of liquidity and assets, I can try and give you a ballpark figure if you want?
Now, while there may not be a one-size-fits all cookie cutter, there must be some patterns, some techniques, some process of decision making, habits, perhaps even ways of physically arranging your living spaces that are more conducive to the kind of decision making and mentality and behaviors more conducive to making money, albeit in any number of specific contexts - (whether your income comes from equities trading, or recruiting for MLMs, or if you're a freelance real estate appraiser... just to name professions off the top of my head, don't read anything into them as specific examples) - however, even so, there might be overlap.
What are they?
How can you identify which techniques or patterns of behavior are right for your particular profession?
What expertise do you have, yes YOU anon, to say what works and doesn't work?
What has worked for you? Why do you think it worked for you and why may it not be applicable to others? What are the conditions that precipitated it's success for you?

>> No.16604683

I'm sorry. I've been awake for quite a long time, speaking non-native language.

>> No.16604693

>Passive Income
So go do it. Stop the mental masturbation.

What's your "competitive advantage" in the market place. How can you maximize this?

>> No.16604708

>So go do it.
Hell no i'm not going to do it and lose what little savings I have one fell swoop only to get told by someone "well what you shoulda done is" which is so fucking simple and obvious that if I had of known it before I gung-ho went in like a moron headfirst could have avoided me failing all together.

>What's your "competitive advantage" in the market place
I have none that I know of. Max of 0 is 0.
I'm also at a disadvantage because I'm hopeless at self promotion, hustling, recruiting, selling, advertising, getting likes or shares on social media, and most depressing of all: even convincing people to take courses of action that are in their own self-interest despite my having nothing to gain from telling them about it.
That means that even if I do have a competitive advantage, a value adding skill, a Unique Selling Point I would be at a total loss how to capitalize on it.
All my work has been handed to me by word of mouth.

>> No.16604732

>how should i organise my time
just do it any way you can. buy a diary and literally plan out every hour if it means you'll get what you need done.

>> No.16604758

Still figuring that one out, tried GTD got some sliiiight improvements, I think the only thing that words is the 10+2 x 5 technique.
But the problem is I write down
>"Do X"
and then I realize I don't know what to do, so I write down
>"Brainstorm how to do X"
which isn't much more helpful. Shit isn't getting done.
Then again others tell me I'm super productive, but I feel like a jerk off.

>> No.16604761

stop feeling sorry for yourself. you are obviously not 0 of 0. You may be socially retarded, but you can make tangible arguments.

you remind me of a fren... a lot of times he's just bitching because he's too scared of failing, despite being highly intelligent.

>> No.16604762
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OP reminds be of those faggots in /fit/ who never have stepped inside a gym but debate and perfect their workout plan like the best arm chair generals.

You know what to do. You know what to fix in your life. Stop thirsting for magic silver bullet and pretend the lack of some esoteric knowledge is holding your back. You've been given plenty of good, solid advices in this thread, yet you spit constant cynicism and ridicule on them.

>I have none that I know of. Max of 0 is 0.

Yeah. How about you get a job at first.

>> No.16604771

That's cargo cult self-improvement. Don't copy the habits of other people blindly because what works for the successful people that you admire may not be applicable to you specifically, apart from generic advice like working hard, staying focused, etc. Successful people generally would never tell you their secrets until they're no longer useful.

>> No.16604783

Read his book Fopled by Randomness. The guy is much smarter and deep than you give him credit for. Cut out the autism of his Twitter shitposts.

You also sound left-leaning with the examples you picked (i.e. social scientists, academia being shit, etc. as)
>he doesnt even get it

>> No.16604810

It seems the best way is to work very hard early, then put your money into investments that pay off very hard, like housing, crypto, or a business, then you're rich.

>> No.16604856

Alright, you got me, I was exaggerating because that's how it honestly feels. I'll try to be brief but this will end up sounding like a blog post:
I am a freelancer, I've never been able to make much money out of it despite being overqualified, highly educated, and just generally very good at it. I don't see myself as having any tangible competitive advantage because people aren't stupid, and even stupid people can be greedy - if I offered any kind of competitive advantage to them, wouldn't they be trying to take advantage of my skills.
I'm not stupid enough to say "I'm so talented and everyone else is wrong" nor am I so defeatist as to say "if I can't make money that must mean I suck" the truth is somewhere in that wide wide chasm between, but here's the kicker:

it doesn't matter where the 'truth' lies, because the bottom line is, what matters is if it sells.
I can't sell.
I've been earning some pretty reasonable money doing it - but that's because of word of mouth, I didn't seek out customers, they asked for me seeing work I did for others.
I can't sell for shit.

>> No.16604881

copying the habits of 90 years old people might be counterproductive even if they're successful
the people who got rich in the 80s did it through very different means than those who made it during the 60s, 2000s millionaires are different still, and nowadays there's another breed of successful entrepreneurs

now this is sound advice
the answer to any business question can be summed up to "go and do it, you wanker". most people sit on their ass, so taking action is a competitive advantage in itself

>> No.16604882

for success, yes. for money, not as much. all the super rich people right now are just rich because of connections, not necessarily work ethic or intelligence

>> No.16604895

it seems like you provide a superior service but it's hard to sell. what's stopping you from partnering up with someone who can sell?

>> No.16604983

Go to bed, Jordan.

>> No.16605113

How can I sell them on teaming up with me?

But there must be ways of leveraging such connections better? some of which might be applicable on smaller scale?

>> No.16605165

most were criminals
>crime pays

>> No.16605642


>> No.16605927

>Increase productivity via wageslaving
If I doubled my productivity I wouldn't get an extra dollar.

>> No.16605930

Nice math Elon