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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 62 KB, 650x435, Iota.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16600218 No.16600218 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck did I fall for this shit. It's been 2 1/2 years.

>> No.16600474


You fell for the tech meme kek

Biggest scam in crypto

>> No.16600497


>> No.16600509

maybe you are just a dum dum

>> No.16600867

>Biggest scam in crypto

>> No.16601071

>Biggest scam in crypto

>> No.16601077

>Biggest scam in crypto

>> No.16601123

I'm with you anon. It's pretty crazy. They're literally talking with multiple BIG companies like Bosch, VW, LandRover, etc, etc, and yet you've got every LITERAL shitcoin out there pumping like crazy. I'm still fucking amazed that Dogecoin still has 1/4 billion $ marketcap...

>> No.16601146

dogecoin is fit for purpose - a mined cryptocurrency with wide network effects.
IOTA is a bullshit whitepaper for a tech which will never be realised. Its an ICO scam you dumb fuck.

>> No.16601163

IOTA is anti white and Jewish led. Enjoy

>> No.16601247

I don't take anyone who just throws out the word "scam" seriously. Everyone calls every coin they don't like a scam. "Scam" is literally a meaningless word now in crypto because it's so overused. So keep being retarded.

>> No.16601292


When the same founders create one project after another and dump on you delivering nothing but making a fortune for themselves it's a scam. Not once. Not twice. But IOTA is their 3rd money grab project.

>> No.16601294

>will never be realised
why? how could you tell?

>> No.16601305

>When the same founders create one project after another
Nazarov did the same thing wirh Next if I have red well

>> No.16601327

I guess biz will stay poor with their x3 whereas Iota bros will get a x100 next year once coordicide is live. Either that or they are even best scammers than Craig wright lol

>> No.16601369


NXT, JINN maybe more who knows. It was only when IOTA founders starting talking shit to Vitalik that it was revealed that Sergey Ivancheglo also founded NXT. He's a serial scammer lunatic who claims he's a time traveler. Noobs don't know the history from Bitcointalk.

>> No.16601430

didn't the founder quit recently? that from the beyond guy

>> No.16601664

I was around when NXT first launched. I remember it all. So you're quite literally proving my point about the word "scam". Ardor (NXT) is a working, functioning project. As is IOTA. Just because you don't like what the price did, doesn't mean it's a scam. Sergey is just a sperg who wrote a lot of the core code. What he said doesn't mean shit. IOTA is way beyond what he started, and I don't think he's even part of the foundation anymore.

>> No.16601724
File: 10 KB, 200x200, 1575032494457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that means JACK SHIT, you know that right? right dumbfuck? Jack Fucking SHit.

>> No.16601887

>NXT, JINN maybe more who knows
I was talking about Sergey Nazarov

>> No.16602723

so why is this shit not recovering

>> No.16604158
File: 206 KB, 960x640, E8DBBD19-11CD-4374-85BE-FD4B8ACAE5A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You deserve to lose all your money

>> No.16604325

You might finally realize you're dumb. Below average IQ

>> No.16604493

needs to go lower one cent to hit ATL.
$0.147933 USD (Jul 15, 2017)

>> No.16604534

>transactions go from confirmed to unconfirmed
IOTA is a fucking scam. only retards fell for it

>> No.16604545
File: 470 KB, 790x970, 1557857363309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>transactions go from confirmed to unconfirmed
it's the trinary logic in action, anon. Don't question it.

>> No.16604632

Yes, like those retards at the linux foundation. And those retards at OMG. And those retarded engineers at all those multi-billion dollar car companies. I'm glad there are people here at 4chan who know better than all those retards.

>> No.16604650

>next year
>when something is out
Yeah, classic bag holder talk

>> No.16604666

If you are really interested in understanding why, consider putting yourself in the shoes of a large organization like DCG with vast portfolio of legacy blockchain tech that IOTA renders obsolete. How would you respond? Ever wonder why watermelon coin is listed on kraken but not iota? Or why it's not on coinbase? Or why the top 20 alt coins are pretty much all pump-and-dump crap? https://thebitcoin.pub/t/how-worried-should-we-be-about-dcg-digital-currency-group/51651

>> No.16604678

Dumb Satan

>> No.16604720


>> No.16605353


IOTA paid to join the Linux Foundation and does POCs with car companies to hype up shit. Typical money grab crypto playbook bullshit. Meanwhile the founders have dumped on your retarded ass for 3 years. Moron

>> No.16605423
File: 5 KB, 400x400, images (400×400).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


CEO Richard Lohwasser recently had the opportunity to represent Lition at the FAZ Step Awards 2019 in Frankfurt, Germany.

The STEP Awards were first established in 2006 to honor innovative and fast-growing companies from Germany, Austria and Switzerland in the categories of artificial intelligence, energy transition, health industry, material science and mobility.

>> No.16605481

> he fell for the partnerships meme in 2019

>> No.16605683
File: 254 KB, 785x1000, b6xa2ujdr2d31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, you made an OC OP this post.

>> No.16606158


Dunno what this means. I was shilled this on biz and it seems like nobody can justify that this is a good project now

>> No.16606164

>I was shilled this on biz
>IOTA shilled on /biz/
>Reddit spacing
Epic post.

>> No.16606183
File: 476 KB, 602x465, train.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> sentence


> reddit spacing

fucking moron

>> No.16606210

>spacing between postnumber and reply

>> No.16606330

> IOTA paid to join the Linux Foundation
Not true. Do your research please before posting misinformation.

> Typical money grab crypto playbook bullshit
IOTA is one of the few projects in the top 50 that absolutely is not a scam. When qubic and coordicide are finished EOY 2020, 4chaners who've been shitting on iota will be thankful their uninformed and frankly dumbass comments here were made anonymously. If you don't see that what iota brings to the table is game changing, you are either ignorant or stupid. One of the two.

>> No.16606466


Look up ComeFromBeyond's first posts. All have to do with where do I find the money to get more BTC. Then he's interested in mining LTC to get more BTC. Then he starts working on his own projects, NXT, to get more BTC. The whole point of his scammy projects is to get more BTC. And you fell for the scam.

>> No.16606482

EOY 2020. Kek. Think they won't conveniently run out of money by then?

Buy Cruzbit.

>> No.16606506

Refugee cities anon


Except in Israel. Racially pure cities for Israel.

>> No.16606517

The tangle? What is the tangle? Some sci fi super solution which they just made up.

Fuck 'the tangle', what about 'the super dooper mega tangle' which will be used to fill REFUGEE SPACESHIPS

>> No.16606555

have sex incel

>> No.16606699


> And you fell for the scam

Yes, me and the 603 organizations engaged with IOTA including 115 official partners were all duped (http://iotaarchive.com/listing.html).). Seriously? I encourage people here to give comments here the weight they deserve when making your own informed decisions. Listen to David Sonstebo (https://twitter.com/apompliano/status/1121022697377619970)), Richard Soley (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14ZPEgtMu6k)), and Dominik Schiener (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwvjATyYaJg)) to get a good understanding of what IOTA is and where they are heading. Good luck.

>> No.16606898

dilate, faggot

>> No.16607916


You don't want refugees in Israel anon? Why is that I wonder? Maybe white countries should take them? Would that be fairer?

>> No.16608517

Those of you with large stacks of IOTA are feeling like bitcoin investors back in Nov 2011, when it lost 93% of its value. Hold through 2022, and I'm confident you'll feel like one of those same bitcoin investors who never lost faith back in Nov 2017. I'm buying monthly at this price.