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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16599190 No.16599190[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is this board so racist?

>> No.16599197

/pol/ ruined biz

>> No.16599210

this board has always been a pol colony newfag. if you dont like it then go back to redit

>> No.16599227

wrong, begone incel

>> No.16599230

It was never this bad. It's not just biz even fit is fucked up now

>> No.16599235


>> No.16599238

no, /biz/ wants to be the jews while /pol/ wants to get rid of them

>> No.16599239


>> No.16599249


>> No.16599257

no such thing as racism in 2019, unless you're white then you're discriminated against all the time simply for being white. you also have to accept third worlders into your nation even though the majority of people in the nation don't want them and you're supposed to be thankful for it and welcome them in.

>forced “integration” is a blatant violation of the principle of freedom, and that violation is only secondarily a matter of ”race.” No family has ever been denied the right not to welcome strangers it dislikes into its home or to stay apart from them (whatever the reason may be for such an dislike); but fraternization with N*groes in public life is imposed — ironically in the name of liberty, of a freedom that is unilateral.

>> No.16599258

People are just saying what they actually think. Better out than in. I personally cannot stand white people in groups you guys are so fucking annoying I can’t even begin to describe how fucking little I get from hanging out with most of you

>> No.16599259

Why is OP such a faggot

>> No.16599266
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>> No.16599273
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>> No.16599282

Shut up you pansy you’re not white you’re pink. Like an anus. In other words you’re not special

>> No.16599287


>> No.16599298

That metaphorical family only has a nice house because your ancestors stole resources and dominated those foreigners.

>> No.16599304

>white hatred from verified twitter jews
it needs to be fixed

>> No.16599309


Why are you so thin skinned nigger kike

>> No.16599310

Why did you collect a bunch of images of people being racist to white people you crying buffoon. The moment someone make a white joke you all get scared immediately. Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it. The fuck kind of illogical bullshit is this? Constantly making nigger jokes but when it’s comes to you you’re worried. Bunch of fucking babies

>> No.16599312
File: 2 KB, 124x124, 1576588863016s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hahahahahaahahhaahah I cant believe y.. y.. you really thought
hahahahahha oh nonono
Racist? hahahahahahah


>> No.16599327

that's just a feel good liberal virtue signalling meme. no basis in reality tbqh

i didn't collect them i'm just reposting them and i don't care if you make jokes, that's fine by me. i don't make n*gger jokes or see them as lesser people or something, they just don't belong in my country. i hope they prosper in africa

>> No.16599333

I'm against racism, because racism is a crime and crimes are for niggers.

>> No.16599344

I haven't used too many boards, are any of them not racist?

>> No.16599347

intellectual people don't like niggers because niggers are subhumans

>> No.16599354

You’re actually fucking retarded

>> No.16599356

they're incels

>> No.16599359

ok lol

>> No.16599360

pleb filter

>> No.16599361

Dont like it? STIFF

>> No.16599367

Nope you are the retard you pathetic faggot Redditor

>> No.16599375
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Hand me a violin you sub 90 IQ coon
Also kys

>> No.16599386
File: 169 KB, 1024x537, bancor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

simple, anons here want to make money
to make money you gotta see reality as it is, not as you want it to be
that inevitably leads to racism aka the acknowledgement that ethnic groups are wildly different from each other. a good example is the bancor ICO in 2017, polfags were warning about it beause it was run by jews but of course "enlightened" nonracist anons put shitloads of money in it and lost everything. Im gonna attach a historical meme from that time.

>> No.16599390

Shut up dumbass asians dominate tech and tech dominates you. Your people lost fair and square and it only took like 3 decades. Fucking loser

>> No.16599407


i remember posting that pic every time that retard made that thread i bet you he hung himself by now

>> No.16599418
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>alienating potential customers is good for business

>> No.16599434

Racism is a natural instinct. Everyone is racist

>> No.16599441

I like Asians faggot
I fucking HATE Jews
I hate blacks
I also hate fucking faggots like YOU

>> No.16599443
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>> No.16599448

Its probably the guy who started 'We are all in this together...' Massive don't buy/sell signal

>> No.16599454

Good boy. Behave

>> No.16599459

>this board has always been a pol colony
Lol no. I used to come here to get away from /pol/ now /pol/cucks just spread themselves in every single board like ponyfags.

>> No.16599468

your anus is brown you unpotty trained nigger

>> No.16599473

You’re soft, bud. People are pouring into your countries and they don’t really like your people. Looks like the overlords don’t really give a shit about you after all.

>> No.16599475

>they just don't belong in my country. i hope they prosper in africa
I mean ok follow that logic and you don't belong in the country either. Go back to England or someshit

>> No.16599486

Shut up you twink

>> No.16599518
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>> No.16599520
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I miss those days.

>> No.16599529

So wrong

>> No.16599541

This board isn't racist. You're just a redditor

>> No.16599547

>There has been total of 250 instances of of white hate tweets from 2009 to 2018 by rando checkmarks
>that's 27 tweets per year
>2.3 tweets per month
>0.6 tweets per week
That's cute.

>> No.16599551
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Checked and very much keked

>> No.16599562

Why aren't you racist OP?

>> No.16599576

WRONG newfags. this is the only guy that kinda gets it right >>16599238 , still, most of us come from pol


>> No.16599578

Also that's probably less than hate crimes in America and we're comparing the world of people on twitter from every single country to just one country. One is thoughts people put in by rage and the other is done by action.

>> No.16599580

>those are all of them
jack himself is white guilted and self hating so of course nothing will be done about it

>> No.16599582

Real funny joke, keep it up and you might just be able to suck Jordan Peterson’s Dick

>> No.16599603

nice feels bro. Maybe you should tweet about it.

>> No.16599606

i dont have twitter lol

>> No.16599637

what do you mean? if i tweeted "i hate black people" or "i hate jews" i'd be suspended immediately. those tweets are from *verified* users, arguably they're saying that with twitters backing. the only reason they're not banned is because i guess twitter is of the belief you can't be racist toward white people or whatever it is they say. i don't even care that they say that but it's the double standard

>> No.16599663

black people ruin businesses

>> No.16599800

>pol colony
pol nazis wants national socialism not international capitalism. crypto is literally international capitalism and is the furthest thing from national socialism

>> No.16600278

/biz/ is a /g/ offshoot

>> No.16600527

dont you mind OP

this board is full of GERMANS
and they are SALTY for being weak ass pussies getting rekt even by NIGGERs in 2 mother fucking WORLD WARS

GERMANS, got their ass pushed in, by blacks, and slavics.
can you imagine!

now all they have left is to be edgy and nostalgic

>> No.16600654

because mental illness

>> No.16600823

The elites used a system of sexual blackmail and exploitation of teen sluts to control business leaders. The internet uses racism and humour to control neets. Either get more racist or fuck off faggot.

>> No.16600840

Gas the kikes and lynch the niggers

>> No.16600853


>> No.16600862

t. Literal paid to post Israeli cyber soldier

>> No.16600894

Israeli military today could eat German "army" while still keeping mudslime down

how those that make you feel kraut?

>> No.16600921

an uprising of miserable, friendless, perma incels in the past 5 years that started on /pol/ and spread to every other board. yeah 4chan always had racists but it was never this bad.

>> No.16600934

Jews, niggers and sandniggers are a blight on humanity. You have to be one of those subhumans or a retard not to be racist.

>> No.16600949

Wrong idiot. the world just spread to /pol. Enjoy getting pegged by tranny-tyrone in a halyquinn outfit BITCH

>> No.16600955

indian scammers killed this place

>> No.16600972

Because niggers keep acting like niggers

>> No.16600984

no they couldnt

>> No.16600995

have sex incel

>> No.16600999

Because whites pay the most taxes

>> No.16601002

Your wet cunt will do.

>> No.16601016

One day you’ll know what it’s like to have sex.

>> No.16601030
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go back to plebbit, nigger

>> No.16601044

Only leftist pieces of shit care that much about fucking.
And I'm not an incel.

>> No.16601045

cause low IQ. yeah, it's that simple.

>> No.16601058

you're miserable

>> No.16601099

What makes me miserable is having to pay taxes to feed said subhumans.

>> No.16601107

Only thing that makes me miserable is that I can only kill 100 people a year because the pact with the demons only allows for this.

>> No.16601112


>> No.16601116

hello rabbi

>> No.16601117

That's a half truth at best, but 10/10 would do it all over.

>> No.16601122

I don't mean literally you schmuck, i mean idiot.

>> No.16601153
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>> No.16601160

Reality is "racist". You're just deluded.

>> No.16601170

Unironically you are new and unwelcome.

>> No.16601197

cringe and niggerpilled

>> No.16601205

holy shit you normalfags need to go back
how did you even find 4chan?

>> No.16601220

Stop acting like a victim.

Best advice in this thread.

>> No.16601268

In group survival vs outgroup danger is a thing
It can be the difference between existing and not
Also, diversity is a fraud

>> No.16601315


The Jews has 200 nuclear weapons
Jews has submarine for delivering nuclear device even if Israel state is destroyed

Germans have Turks and Syrians raping their women

all of 4chan /pol/ etc are BASEDBOYS being salty

BLACKS and SLAVS have beaten white germans, not once. but TWICE.

USA white people are mestizos, slave and indian-infused. AND STILL better than germans.

nobody could cope with deeze facts, except hate "pajeets" the original ARYANS, and Sieg Heil on the internet

>> No.16601350
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>> No.16601371

what are you and how does one anon become this based?

>> No.16601395

Is this based Patton?

>> No.16601410

Hilarious how fucking mad poltards get at the slightest insult. You are pathetic racists and you should stay on your containment board. Ugly thoughts make for an ugly personality and this is why you have no friends or gfs.

>> No.16601417


>> No.16601432

I is the master race behind all powers of the world

I am a Gypsy Jew from India

>> No.16601434

tits or gtfo. if you're a man off yourself tranny.

>> No.16601469

based. Rock on Muchacho

>> No.16601556

It's the filter that prevents you from become rich. You need to become racist anon, it's the only way.

>> No.16601645

How big (or should I say small) is your dick lolololol

>> No.16601695

Tim McVeigh was a racist and had a tested IQ of 126

>> No.16601783

>I've seen a person shoot someone dead.
>Therefore, all people are murderers.

One example does not prove anything.

320+ million people in the USA. It's not difficult to find 5000+ people that are xyz.

You lack critical thinking and logic. Life will be very difficult for you. Shame!

>> No.16601875

But I want national capitalism.

>> No.16602176
File: 288 KB, 960x483, j1ykhpl176541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes it is brother

>> No.16602216

Race Tier List

>Sons of Mars / Seeds of God Tier
Germanic Anglos (NOT Britoids like Maisie Williams)
Pure Germanic Germs
Original Meds (NOT most today though)
Whatever the Tartarians were

>B team tier (can still build functioning societies... kinda)
Celts (Irish, Breton, Scots, Spanish)
Mesoamericans before Spanish conquest reduced them to their current state
Same for South Americans pre conquest
Glorious Nippon
Middle East pre-Islam

>Technically white but not really tier
Light skinned indians

>Bugman tier
Glorious Middle Kingdom
Fuck it all the rest of Asia except the jungles

>Bioweapon tier
All Negroes without any other admixture except the Igbo tribe
Jungle Asians / SEA
Central Asians
Brown Indians

>Exterminate on sight tier

>> No.16602232

People cast away the lies they tell out of social convenience when real money is on the line.

>> No.16602245

So a black person can't be an expat in your country for work? What about all the white expats enjoying life in Asia, Africa ans South America?

>> No.16602256



>> No.16602264

>the bancor ICO in 2017, polfags were warning about it beause it was run by jews but of course "enlightened" nonracist anons put shitloads of money in it and lost everything. Im gonna attach a historical meme from that time.
Yes because all the ICOs with white teams were such great successes

>> No.16602281

Have a look at the british pathe channel on youtube and see what our world was like before all you niggers turned up

>> No.16602285

Because niggers are useless scum. Indians and chunks smell. Mexicans act humble but are the biggest arrogant elitist ever once they reach lower middle class. And white people are cucks watching their country collapse from the inside out ranting about it online and fapping to anime tiddies and bbc porn.

>> No.16602286

unironically this
keeps normies away

>> No.16602295

Lmao do you really think a poll of whether people would trade all the blacks and browns in their countries for the white abroad back would go how you want?

Also the races aren't equivalent, a black in a foreign nation isn't identical to a white abroad.

>> No.16602484

Open up the history book to literally any point and see what people were doing to each other that looked almost exactly the same, especially by our standards. "Racism" can always be justified and thus never go away so long as we interact the way humans do, and is a box that can contain any action you want it to. Be careful with which scarlet letters you'll let people beat you with.

>> No.16602514

This or into the Oven

>> No.16602543

/pol/, /biz/ and /fit/ truly is the holy trinity

>> No.16602565


Lit out out have their moments too when they aren’t being communists gear queers or animal rights activists.

>> No.16602566

people who are trying hard to make money and something of themselves hate those who freeload and are trash? wow color me surprised

>> No.16602611

Go et a gallon of Zyklon C, honkey

>> No.16602625


>> No.16602626

We did it Reddit

>> No.16602636

Something like 80% of Tweets come from coastal liberal homos who comprise about 20% of the accounts.

>> No.16602704

You have the right to suck on black dick Mr. Whiteman