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16596881 No.16596881 [Reply] [Original]

Hear Ye, Hear Ye! Kleros whale here. In this festive season of pumps and dumps, I've decided to give away some $PNK each day, for the next five days! Giveaways will vary in size and scope. Welcome to the 12 days of Kleros, my jovial friends! Let's bring some good cheer in these dark times.

For day SEVEN : The 177th REPLY to THIS thread gets $20 in PNK (about 3,200 in this dip! What a steal!) No, I won't pick myself. I'm not fucking with you, desu.

For those not familiar with Kleros, it's a dispute resolution layer, heavily shilled by the man Vitalik himself, has been in accumulation phase for a year. Search the backlog for shills, this is about JOY in these bearish time!

Drop those ETH addresses with your replies, my merry-making frens, visualize yourself around a campfire, and let the PNK flow through you! Let's make this some Christmas feels to remember! Bonus points for the best X-Mas related Pepe's!

Note :

IF this post gets deleted, the offer is null. One shot deal. Mods, be joyous, okay?

Day 6 TXID's incoming. Winners were announced in thread and will reiterate here.

>> No.16596908

top kek, based and kleros pilled.

>> No.16596917
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Like clockwork, I wait for you my friend
My finger on the mouse. Ready to click Post.
If you had
One shot
Or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted
In one moment
Would you capture it
Or just let it slip?

>> No.16596975

I asked this in the last Kleros thread I saw but it archived before I got a reply so I'll try again
The site says that if I stake in a subcourt, then I'm also in all higher courts for the purposes of appeals.
Does this mean that if I stake, for example, 100k PNK in the English court, then the system will treat me as if I have 100k staked in the general court only for appeals made from the English court, or for all cases made in the general court?
Please please please respond

>> No.16597064

Unironically also curious about this. I think you got it right about only for the English court.

So guys what are you listening to these days? Long way to go to 177. I did Lusine.

>> No.16597069

If you have technical questions you should probably ask the dev's. Since each staking is something you have to actually enable, choose an amount for, and 'accept', i'd assume English court appeals.

>> No.16597105

I'd think it'd just be for appeals, but the wording was a bit vague.
What's probably the best way to ask the devs directly?
And thank you both.

>> No.16597112

Clarify with 'em in Telegram. They're around.


>> No.16597171


>> No.16597181

Fuck it same fag. I'm barely phased from this dip. I've found shelter with my Kleros brothers.

>> No.16597185

you did your part anon

thank you for your service

>> No.16597258

comfiest hold ever

>> No.16597277

Different ip but same anon, they said "Your 100k stake is considered in all cases made in the general court, not just the ones appealed from the English court"
So ultimately there's no reason to stake into general at all if you're staking into a subcourt.

>> No.16597334

Alright man it's nice to see you again. People will be thanking you soon for introducing them to this gem. I have been accumulating for a while now.

>> No.16597404

Based PNK whale bring us Xmas Kleros.

>> No.16597575

177th post lol

>> No.16597583

figures. this whole system is fucking cool and i can't believe i've held for a fucking year but whatev. riches will be made next year.

>> No.16597773

merry almost christmas, desu's

>> No.16597823

where to get bro

>> No.16597861

can i use a vpn on idex to buy some kleros?

>> No.16598058

You should use Uniswap, it's got the most volume out of all the exchanges

>> No.16598066

>$971 volume
>Kleros whale here
Kys scumbag

>> No.16598095
File: 221 KB, 500x500, 1575130496001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks fren

>> No.16598157

> Not looking at Uniswap

>> No.16598183
File: 8 KB, 295x171, christmascomfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know what one year of accumulation zone on a $1M cap means.


Okay, from Day 6 :

$20 winner : >>16587825

TXID : https://etherscan.io/tx/0x58a794206b11befd57ede71df5e6d23c3dd618b93a0f3e04c3d67f69c84a44d0

$7 winner : >>16587158

TXID : https://etherscan.io/tx/0xd931d19f48077044ddd9c93fdddf2920c9fe125a642bfefd81d84a959aab96c8

If this thread does not reach 177 replies, we'll repeat tomorrow with 77.

bye, frens.

>> No.16598185

> Buys FTM and other ponzis
> Hates literal free money

Never change biz

>> No.16598505

oh hey : https://twitter.com/VitalikButerin/status/1207344008306937857

>> No.16599506

Fire bro

>> No.16600006
File: 107 KB, 865x865, 0d075e27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks fren and merry crhsitmas