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16597070 No.16597070 [Reply] [Original]

Nothing to do with biz but posting here since i feel you as frens after many years of memes and laughs.
I am 28 from eastern europe coming from a good loving family, my parents paid for me to come study medicine to a foreign country for the past 6 and a half years and expecting me to finish by this Monday. Little do they know i
wont be getting a degree and all of their savings are gone, i have let them down a ton of times and never given them any joy. I thought i had a chance making it with crypto and paying them back but that didnt last long.So i will give them one last disappointment and grief but i ll make sure its the last one. I have gotten so much love from them that i cant even begin to think how badly that will scar them but at least it will be the last time, they truly deserved a better son.
So biz what is the best way to end it all? Preferably painless and no guns since i dont have access to them.

Love your parents for me please friends and make them happy and proud since i didnt

>> No.16597116

OD on painkillers bro. Revel in your degeneracy and shock your parents even more than just losing everything

>> No.16597142

Why didnt you get the degree ?

>> No.16597158

No need to make me feel shittier my dude already there

>> No.16597203

I failed first year my parents helped me with everything but told me they take much more since i already dropped out of uni in my country before, it was fine for the next year but then i failed on 3rd year again. Never told them i did, i told myself i will "make it" in crypto but that failed dramatically. So it just became harder and harder every single year until now that i am supposed to finish

>> No.16597227

Take out as much in loans as you can then go to Philippines/Thailand and have a great time. Dont use a condom ever and kill yourself with STD's

>> No.16597244

Anon, when your parents love you this much, its not because they expect something in return. What you have with your parents is rare. Its called unconditional love. Come clean to them. Have a mental breakdown in front of all of them, and you will see, you will only be met with more love. I wish i had parents like that.

Dont end it anon, its a permanent solution to temporary problems. Also, crypto will boom. We are so early we dont even recognize it since we only share info with other early adopters.

All life has value anon, please dont end it. I beg of you

> t. Xanananon

>> No.16597290

>from Eastern Europe
>parents paid you to study medicine in a foreign country for nearly 7 years
So your parents are loaded high middle class, boohoo who cares go live at their second house back home.

>> No.16597323

Dont kill yourself man, there is more to life than education.
Start building yourself up from scratch and try to find some fulfilment in life by improving yourself, getting a grilfriend, and taking care of yourself.
You can try getting a education again. Its not too late, you are probably still very young.

>> No.16597339

The unconditional love is what makes it so much worse,i feel absolutely shit right now. Lied to them for years, used all their hard earned money and will demolish their expectations. I cant even start to imagine how they will feel or how i can tell them something like this. I think its better if they take one heavy final shock and let them live the rest of their lives as they please not worrying about me

>> No.16597343

wow, what a loser

>> No.16597363

I wouldnt consider ending it if that was true, going to study in another eastern Europe country isnt that expensive using lives savings

>> No.16597417

I m 28 and havent done anything meaningful with my life since i finished school 10 years ago. I think its time

>> No.16597436

You went from an Eastern Europe country to study in a different Eastern Europe country?
Jesus Christ both you and your parents are braindead.

Also you're dumb aswell if your suicide will just be "one shock" for them. Your child committing suicide means lifelong shock and guilt. They would literally continue living thinking how they failed as parents till they die themselves. Life long guilt. You're extremely selfish if you do it while at the same time pretending you care about them.

Come back home and wagecuck in a Lidl storage and stop whining.

>> No.16597447
File: 8 KB, 462x434, 1457358570720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I suffer with savings
my mom just lives by paycheck to paycheck, never saves

>> No.16597448
File: 88 KB, 2056x1072, 1568292386460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can show them all...

>> No.16597477

My country has grade requirments i didnt meet and i cant go to an expensive country with my parents budget. I dont want them to live with guilt but i dont want them to worry about me for the rest of their lives

>> No.16597566

>but i dont want them to worry about me for the rest of their lives
So go home, find a job any job and live with them and actually improve so they don't have to worry.
In 6 months all of this can be reversed if you stop being a bitch and try.

>> No.16597588

don't do it Anon, put yourself at theplace of your parents, would you rather have a son that failed the studies or one that kills himself? tell the truth to your parents, it is very possible they already have suspicion that you are not getting your degree. Maybe you can tell them you thought about ending it, so they know this is not a joke. Tell them you will repay them with interest, get a job, any job, and save to repay them, if crypto moons it will be a bonus. You do not know what is at the other side, and according to may philosophies/religions, the universe does not take it kindly for the people who take shortcuts. God bless you, I will pray for you.

>> No.16597589

Read the Prodigal Son if you want to know what makes them happy. Worst case scenario is they get angry.

>> No.16597601

They will be much more sad and disappointed if you did this

>> No.16597687

I tried calling and telling them everything but i just find it so hard to even think about how i can say it. But you are right maybe i ll just fuckin do it if i find the courage one way or the other. Thank you

>> No.16597706

All i ever wanted is to make them proud nothing else

>> No.16597765

You need a new plan, get an education in something you can tackle on, get a job and rebuild your life. Don't kill yourself, it'll make things worse for them, they don't want you dead.

>> No.16597772

my prayers worked...please do not disappoint me now Anon, talk to them please. You will repay them it will just take a bit longer, they much prefer their son to money that will probably be gone in the next market crash.

>> No.16597777

>my parents paid for me
We can never be friends. My parents didn’t do anything for me after the age of 18 (in fact they kicked me out at 18 even though I was still in high school)
So I don’t get along with people whose parents pay for their stuff. Stuff it frog

>> No.16597785

Create a new realistic plan. Why did you fail? It was too hard? It's because you were doing something you didn't like? You had depression? Look at what made you fail and work on it. Also tell them what you're planning to do also to rebuild back your life.

>> No.16597798

Become a travel vlogger

>> No.16597805

you doing that will scar them forever. you are taking away something they can never replace. they will always question what they could have done to keep you here. you don't understand what its like to have a child. your parents will always love you and if you are gone they will always feel that pain.

>> No.16597828

You are right, i think i ll give up on education cant see myself going back to uni again and just get a job. I ll make my life goal to pay them back everything. Thank you for helping kind strangers hope you are healthy and happy

>> No.16597859

I failed because i was lazy and i completely hated it. About the rebuild plan i have no clue where to start, 28 years old with no experience or degree in my country is very hard to find a job

>> No.16597965

Who wanted that you start study medicine? Was it you? Or was it your parents who wanted it? If it was your parents, then there is some blame on them to pressure you and control your life choices.

Also watch this vid: https://youtu.be/LUYBWuI5uXk

I hope you are not bitter to other people. It's not others' fault what your parents did or did not. I understand it's annoying if someone is a smug or bragging with parent's money, but if not, then how does it affect you, unless you are just bitter indeed?

>> No.16598008

100% my parents wanted me to be a doctor but thats because they wanted me to have the best future possible and thats what they thought was right, i dont blame them at all. Thanks for the video it sure hits close home and gives me a bit of hope. Seriously thank you guys

>> No.16598022

Also, live your own life instead of being an extension of your parents life or obligated to make your parents proud or their wishes come true. Though, that doesn't mean your parents suggestions etc. are not good, just remember to also respect your own views. Hope you archieve happiness and that should make your parents proud/happy too. But your own happiness is the most important!

>> No.16598042

You can still get a shitty job and start paying them slowly in small installments. Then make them proud by getting a gf and making grandchildren for them

>> No.16598108

I fuckin love you guys, will do the best i can and hope they forgive me. Thanks for taking time of your day to help a random guy in need

>> No.16598122

As one Eastern European to another, I know facing your parents and telling the truth seems crazy. I had a friend like you who withdrew from engineering for two years, and was found out, shit literally hit the fan. But several years later its just a story to say at the dinner table. Becoming a doctor wasn't the path for you, and you fucked up bad but life goes on. Look in the mirror at yourself, this was an expensive lesson and its up to you to understand "why" you fucked up and "how" you can fix yourself from here. The "why" and "how" process will involve a few years of personal growth at least and not a quick fix like becoming a millionaire from crypto. As for your parents, tell them the truth, you owe them this much. After that, work on fixing your situation for real, not escaping from it through crypto or ending your life.

>> No.16598160

Good that you are not bitter. In the end, your parents intentions were good. Maybe you find something to study that you are interested in and will find a job where you feel somewhat comfortable. That might be hard, but until that, maybe just get a shitty job and hold that crypto.

Also this:

Very glad to help, that lifts up my feeling too!

I think nobody should make kids just to make someone else happy. Parents need to want the baby themself too, otherwise the kid will just be unwanted burden and most importantly, that will affect badly for the kid too.

>> No.16598202

if you had already dropped in your cunt before why did they/you go at it again where it's more expensive even

>> No.16598206

Don’t kill yourself, I did exactly the same. My parents were sad first but forgave me. I’m from Eastern Europe too, your story is very similar to mind. I started again education at 27 in weekend mode. I’m wagecucking during the weekend to pay for it.

>> No.16598210

relax, keep accumulating crypto if you can, give it a year or two. seriously, not just crypto, but life. take a breath. if you can walk around and eat well, be thankful.

find things to be thankful for. if you're under 30, don't fucking KYS. waste.

>> No.16598211

I’m sorry for typos, I’m tired.
Mine* wagecucking during the week*

>> No.16598218

A story to say at the dinner table sounds super good, i hope i get there someday. Right now i am messed up and cant see how to fix myself but i m sure it will come over time. I feel a lot better for now until i decide how will i talk to them, thanks

>> No.16598250

You give me hope for the future thanks

>> No.16598290

funny how it works doing nothing but sitting inside is stressing me out, i truly need to relax a bit

>> No.16598980

Are you an angel?

>> No.16599276

I wish, I have done a lot of very bad things in life, I hope God can forgive me one day.