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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 419 KB, 672x830, BOEING -0.5% US GDP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16592710 No.16592710 [Reply] [Original]

Half a FUCKING percent, off the entire UNITED STATES OF AMERICA's Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Get the fuck in here. Protect yourselves, Anons.

>> No.16592714

What level of incompetent businessman do you have to be to allow your 737 MAX to fail? To have a fucking "Automation" process that kills hundreds of passengers, pilots, and attendants?

>> No.16592715

This is just a single company. Imagine what's gonna happen when other ones stop production. Anyone invested in stocks fundamentally misunderstands the state of the world economy.

>> No.16592726

so less people will die if we just lower our standards to the 3rd world
it's been the argument the past whatever years globalism has taken hold
so fuck it lets fly planes with pajeet coded software

>> No.16592737

OP here, I cashed out of bitcoin at $10,000 many months ago and never looked back.

I cashed out of the stock market, too (and missed out on some gains, I'll admit).

But seriously. Look at the global situation and tell me "everything's OK, time to invest!" nope. I'm waiting for the recession.

>> No.16592742

Why don't they just fix the problem?

>> No.16592746


Typical msm nonsense

>> No.16592752

Time in the market is better than timing the market

>> No.16592755

This is what happens when MBAs take over an engineering company.

>> No.16592759
File: 1.10 MB, 360x203, itsobvious.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

India went from 9% growth to 4%, and leafland job loses are massive , worse we are entering the solar minimum hard now we are almost a month without sunspots.

>> No.16592765

You mean diversity hires?

>> No.16592769
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>> No.16592777
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What do sun spots have anything to do with all of this?..

>> No.16592783
File: 115 KB, 749x421, erg45ge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm debating selling more bitcoin or just holding out and seeing what happens
I think the FED is preemptively acting to preventing a collapse by the repo money and other programs they have to inflate the currency
so what can you hold, I like bitcoin because it can't be bailed in like your bank account
although people might not buy BTC at first and likely will sell to cover expenses, long term it'll be a safe hold
but that's just my opinion maybe I should be in cash and react but sometimes there isn't time to react

pic related boeing's RnD department

>> No.16592789

ok boomer

>> No.16592793

Diversity hires are an MBA cost-cutting concept.

>> No.16592795

Post your SPY put losses retard

>> No.16592796


>> No.16592801
File: 96 KB, 601x601, 1561415304612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINK is the only way.

>> No.16592803

>capitalizing Fed

>> No.16592804
File: 130 KB, 620x569, 1575871405530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speak like a human being and try again nigger.

>> No.16592810

The maunder minimum thing.. in those periods, things like ww1 and the great depression have happened? Things that cause chaos on a global scale?

>> No.16592834
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Management were too busy high-fiving themselves for outsourcing practically every software problem to Pajeets and side-stepping FAA regulations and bribing congress.

Honestly, I will never own this company and I will refuse to fly any of their aircraft made after 2003.

>> No.16592839

Explain more you fucking faggot.

>> No.16592844
File: 231 KB, 285x450, fred.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of GDP GROWTH in ONE QUARTER you fucking illiterate jesus christ

>> No.16592989


A pilot friend of mine explained the issue and it's unbelievably retarded.

They took a successful jet with tons of good history to it and just built the same jet only with much larger engines. So with the larger engines when you throttle them up it causes the nose to rise, sometimes too much which is dangerous. So some programmer just put in some code to have the tail fin compensate by pointing downwards, as to help keep the jet level. Well the programmer overcompensated that function so the jet just goes into an uncontrollable dive when you hit the throttle hard. Could have easily been avoided with a proper study of the jet and it's power and computer systems.


>> No.16593032

wow are you a data scientist please tell me more

>> No.16593191

Israel took the flights down, they WERE holding the world hostage with the ability to hack into/take over control of flight systems. They can and have hacked into drones and proceeded to land them in controlled environment, take over electric grid software, open Levy's, dams, cause nuclear meltdowns etc. Since July 4th they no longer have the capability since Russia/US destroyed the satellite. Now rewatch the president's 4th of July celebration (which he made a very big deal of for a specific reason) knowing this. Boeing has defense contracts with US and are cooperating by being the fall guy at the moment. Boeing execs were paid heavily and their stock will be pumped once this is over. They're saving Israel for last. Once the truth is out.

>> No.16593263

>some programmer just put in some code
no just some programmer. that was some programmer from india. boeing outsources and uses indian programmers for their most important upgrades. oops!

>> No.16593324

I always suspected that but do you have a source or are you pulling it from your ass?

Indians ruin everything. Imagine confiding your air flight security to people without sewers.

>> No.16593341

All a huge heaping steaming pile of lies.

>> No.16593352
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>> No.16593408

"Longtime Boeing engineers say the effort was complicated by a push to outsource work to lower-paid contractors."

>> No.16593412 [DELETED] 


>> No.16593458

This guy gets it. Be like him.

>> No.16593491
File: 136 KB, 738x1024, im crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope that $9/hr poo code was worth it. When do we start holding these decision makers accountable who think some pajeet in india gives a fuck if his code works or not

>> No.16593524

Everytime I read something like this, I read between the lines:
constant economic growth is unsustainable

>> No.16593526
File: 26 KB, 660x371, C3AA4321-26F3-45E8-A7D5-ADC995748C44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfathomably based if true

>> No.16593549

Their problem was not going to electric motors. We are already doing it for cars. Next is planes and rockets.

>> No.16593579
File: 116 KB, 1280x1024, tiduscry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>electric rockets

>> No.16593594 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16593608
File: 54 KB, 499x296, 3-s2.0-B9780123859563100014-f01-53-9780123859563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16593657
File: 177 KB, 750x349, 1569196231168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>16592801check your mental state. you guys are super fucking paranoid and completely dellusional. there's no one "shadow fudding" you retards. every day, there are 15 fucking chainlink threads on the catalogue. every day for years, you guys constantly spammed the fuck out of this board is some delusional sense of groupthink. you really think you dont accumulate enemies when you shit on a board so hard and gobble every little thing some fucking nobody does. you forced promoted a celebrity now take the bad press motherfuckers. linkers are well known for being sub 60 iq and plagued with mental problems as they cling to their shiny shit-stained internet tokens. it's well known that the chainlink team is an expert at marketing at that's it. that's all it is. hype marketing for a non-problem with a non-solution that can't be figured out. then they claim that we are the paranoid ones about their obnoxious behavior and shit token. no one cares about your non-progress and we laugh at your dumps and for trusting a fat-russian national with a known past of big busts in non-existant cryptos. sure, next week and next week. keep following the bread crumbs. where is your $10 september? or 1000 eoy? you guys are scammers.

>> No.16593818

Are you holding fiat or exiting entirely? And if the latter, what's your strategy?

>> No.16593840
File: 295 KB, 785x731, 1567786427182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check your mental state. you guys are super fucking paranoid and completely dellusional. there's no one "shadow fudding" you retards. every day, there are 15 fucking chainlink threads on the catalogue. every day for years, you guys constantly spammed the fuck out of this board is some delusional sense of groupthink. you really think you dont accumulate enemies when you shit on a board so hard and gobble every little thing some fucking nobody does. you forced promoted a celebrity now take the bad press motherfuckers. linkers are well known for being sub 60 iq and plagued with mental problems as they cling to their shiny shit-stained internet tokens. it's well known that the chainlink team is an expert at marketing at that's it. that's all it is. hype marketing for a non-problem with a non-solution that can't be figured out. then they claim that we are the paranoid ones about their obnoxious behavior and shit token. no one cares about your non-progress and we laugh at your dumps and for trusting a fat-russian national with a known past of big busts in non-existant cryptos. sure, next week and next week. keep following the bread crumbs. where is your $10 september? or 1000 eoy? you guys are scammers.

>> No.16593943

>half a percent
boomer tier dump

>> No.16594146

anyone who would have stood on the sidelines waiting for the recesssion could have stayed out out the market from as early as 2003, missed the gains leading up to 2008, investedvested afeter the crash and beat anyone (in the market) over that whole period
If you aren' reaping dividends, time in the market means nothing if you never exit

I'd rather miss 10-20% gains over the coming months (maybe years), and ride the next recovery with 100% of what I set aside or invested elsewhere in the meantime

>> No.16594154
File: 123 KB, 634x910, 22197886-7789101-image-a-307_1576235804454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16594158
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>> No.16594168
File: 666 KB, 1080x1836, USS_Liberty_Proof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solar activity is the true driver of Earth's cooling and warming phases, not (((manmade co2))).

>> No.16594170

Indian engineers weren't responsible for programming the MCAS.


>> No.16594178

Shit this based is never true.
Trump is a jewish cumrag.

>> No.16594213

0.5% of expected GDP growth in Q12020 is not 0.5% of US GDP, you retards.

>> No.16594227

sigh...weve been expecting a recession every year now for 10 years. I know its going to come, i know we are long overdue but in a zero to negative interest environment...
the entire world is now JAPAN...meaning its a slow long 30 to 50 year decay with no end in sight.

>> No.16595104


>> No.16595126

Shit like this is done deliberately. With the state of the global economy - it's obvious lots of entities are doing 'their part' for the elites.

>> No.16595617

>sigh...weve been expecting a recession every year now for 10 years
> 10 years
Last recession was in 2009 soo...

>> No.16596066
File: 160 KB, 331x10000, janniesbtfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's an 11 year cycle so yea , last one was in 2008-2009(guess what happened).

The 11 year solar cycles affect the world economy specially now we are in a globalized world.
Why?Because the minimum decreases the world food production and causes an increase in food prices thus less buying , thus less economic growth, right now we are entering the minimum hard part so we can expect food prices to go up and people buying less stuff this year.

>> No.16596080

Welcome to post-modern, post-X-ian, post-patriarchy ‘Murica

>Africa and Latin America don’t have national airlines manufacturing
>in a browning America, neither will U.S.

>> No.16596145

>venus is hot cause of sun spots and not CO2

>> No.16596163

Oh gee, I wonder how you burgers affected GDP of all the countries you have fucked up

>> No.16596208

fuck boing they haze zero clue what they do

literally built one plane in the 50’s and keep copying it