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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 39 KB, 724x255, dgdrefund.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16587208 No.16587208 [Reply] [Original]

The DigixDao (DGD) team is going to refund the entire 395,000 Ether to the 2,000,000 token holders on Jan 11th.
This works out to .193 Eth per Dgd.
Dgd is trading at only .139 Eth per Dgd on Binance.
Still a potential 50% gain left on the table if you get in there and scoop up the Dgd before the date.

Here is the OFFICIAL proposal to close down the Digix Dao, put forth by the team members.


Also mentioned on Coindesk and Cointelegraph. I can't believe markets haven't picked up on it. This is proof that crypto traders are 100% autists.



Medium statement https://medium.com/digix/proposal-announcement-project-ragnarok-integrating-a-dissolution-mechanism-for-digixdao-354fd871e3e0

>> No.16587228

>trading one shitcoin for another shitcoin
Sure thing, bud. 50% inc.

>> No.16587244


Autist alert! He clearly didn't read the articles!
Imagine being so stupid/autist that you turn this down.

>> No.16587380

Unironically every 0.14 Eth right now will be worth 0.193 Eth on January 11th if the above posted articles hold true.

A potential gain of that magnitude shouldn't be ignored. It only takes 5 minutes to read and digest the pieces.

>> No.16587403

how much was it a few weeks ago

>> No.16587450

youve posted this before you scammer

this is just a proposal, devs have already refused to deal with your bullshit, get fucked

>> No.16587469


A whistle blower posted a few weeks ago when the price was only 0.075 Eth. The automated pro-rata buy price in January is 0.193 Eth.
Still plenty of room, a near 50% gain.


>> No.16587480


The devs posted the idea and the vote you autist.



it is happening whether you try to FUD it or not.

>> No.16587521
File: 68 KB, 728x724, 1571876388867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

way earlier than that

>> No.16587528

God . That guy gets such a bad rap around here. He predicted that shit in july??? wow.

>> No.16587642

Keep buying Link, Rlc, Eng, Snx,Zrx and ALL the other SHIT that this board shills. Your bank accounts will shrink in size