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File: 140 KB, 1197x985, northeast-us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16578150 No.16578150 [Reply] [Original]

Why does the Northeast suck so much? I'm moving somewhere sunny. Fuck these bitter assholes fuck this miserable part of the USA.

>> No.16578178

come down to florida fren

>> No.16578186

>full of ni*****
no thanks

>> No.16578195

the south is where it is at B^)

>> No.16578316

It where all the money is retard. I'd rather take my chances up here in the snow than getting Blacked in the south or having some soiboi sell me his estrogen pills in California

>> No.16578356

Based. Fuck the East Coast. Look into Texas and Arizona fren.

>> No.16578369

Don't send people to Arizona we dont want them!

>> No.16578406

What? Wow no idea how I fucked that up, I meant to say Nevada

>> No.16578460

Snow keeps the homeless and faggots like you out of upstate NY, worth it

>> No.16578498

Texas is blue. Garbage cuck state

>> No.16578593

Op is right. Fuck Boston. The pace of life and energy here is toxic

>> No.16578624

This is true. can't find a decent burrito anywhere though, so it's def a trade off.

>> No.16578809

The majority of Upstate NY is a decrepit shithole

>> No.16578822

The American Southwest is an extremely underrated gem that has a few decades left before it gets destroyed by Californians and Midwesterners/East Coast retards.

>> No.16578837


>> No.16578853
File: 261 KB, 1322x780, 1478585309605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because of all the cities full of niggers and wackos. Go somewhere quiet like Northern Maine and it's great.

>> No.16578857

The one thing that surprises me about this region compared the rest of America is just how old it is. Currently I live in Manhattan and I'm more likely to see old people with walkers than young people with strollers. This island outside of the tourist spots is DEAD after 5pm, all the buildings are empty. All the shops close at 8 and there's really no good clubs. It's like a giant senior home. I'm looking forward to leaving next year.

>> No.16578890

A lot of boomers choose to stay in NYC when they retire because they don't have to drive everywhere

>> No.16579553
File: 799 KB, 1125x1060, download_20191210_225840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Western new york is full of old money and people who used to work at kodak god I hate it here

>> No.16579594

keeps out assholes like you. have fun in florida.

>> No.16580015

There's no old money in upstate NY, now the region is fulled with poor people who want to leave but can't because they're unable to sell their houses to finance a move.

>> No.16580213

I grew up in Bethesda , Montgomery county Maryland.
The 2014 snow storms made my choice easy.
Im in Nevada now.
The weather is good but zero economic presence aside from the porn , casino and gaming markets.

But yeah the weather is great

>> No.16580243

Connecticut lets you buy gameboy advance and Nintendo DS in prison tho. Good choice if you might do time

>> No.16580318

Love me some PA.

>> No.16580335

Dont come to The NW. itbwas ruined the last 15 years by New Yorkers and Californians.

>> No.16580488

DC is the worst. NPC central there. Lazy government workers that hate their lives and want to throw it up on everyone around them. One of the biggest black holes on the east coast.

>> No.16580497
File: 1.85 MB, 3264x2448, 20191111_182208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Is beautiful here.

>> No.16580517

I’m tired of winters. Going to try to move to NC in 2020.

>> No.16581014

Florida sucks ass. Humid as shit for 90% of the year and now even the comfy old folk suburbs are filling up with section-8 nogs. Midwest is the new haven tbqh.

>> No.16581019
File: 110 KB, 1288x1288, 1574468221782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where in Maine? because its got Detroit at its border

>> No.16581024

>now even the comfy old folk suburbs are filling up with section-8 nogs
fucking christ

>> No.16581029

I wanna move to upstate NY when I make it. As long as there is a Wegmans within ten miles.

>> No.16581261

Upstate NY is really fucking depressing.

>> No.16581552

Why is that?

>> No.16581561


Cold as fuck, endless snow and a post-industrial shithole?

>> No.16581778

Grinding poverty, mass drug abuse, niggers everywhere, roads are Mad Max-tier, and the fucking winters. You haven't seen snow until you've seen lake effect snow.

>> No.16581873

All the places with good weather are inhabited by “minorities”. The jew colonized all these places and made sure they suck. Australia, Caribbean, Southern Europe, South Asia, Central and South America. The US is the same, the good weather west and south is filled with “minorities”

While all places have a few months of summer, theres a difference between 3 months of good weather and having 9 to 11 months of good weather.

Also they don’t make it easy to settle anywhere you want. On top of that “white” areas have insane taxes some times, Iceland for example.

>> No.16581906

>all of these people who don't live in new jersey are complaining about where they live
Heh watch this

>literally the worst, most retarded gun laws in the entire country
>highest taxes in the country
>every single semi-metropolitan area without fail is infested with niggers
>even the "white" people are all italian and irish
>Camden is worse than Detroit
>every 10 miles you run into a superfund site where a paint factory used to be and now the EPA is paving it over with 20 feet of asphalt
>nice white suburbs are slowly being overrun with pajeet scum
>every school by law has to teach LGBTQ+ history in their curriculum
>new democratic governor promised to legalize weed in first 100 days, it's been 2 years and we're nowhere close
>there are Jews everywhere and Holocaust guilt is endemic
>there's no nature anywhere except for the 1/3 of the state that's a giant sandy pine forest infested with homeless people

>> No.16582005

Atleast the snow keeps the niggers out, not counting the coasts

>> No.16582291

I'm from southern cone (in south america) and have been offered a job in toronto. is it really that bad? I don't live in a terribly cold part, and I fucking hate cold weather, desu. OTOH, I'm a boring fuck that barely leaves his house... so, as long as I live in a warm and well isolated place, I wouldn't care much

>> No.16582292


i'd argue Long Island is worse:

>property taxes range from ridiculous to absurd. even on a shitty 100 year old 1000 sqft house, you'll be paying $8k/year in property taxes
>property values are insane. 400k+ for a starter home.
>roads are complete shit. gridlock every day all day everywhere.
>drivers are insane. tailgating, no blinkers, illegals who don't give a shit
>oh yeah illegals just got drivers licenses thanks to Cuomo
>speaking of Cuomo, 100% dem controlled state government
>illegals everywhere. some towns are basically central america now. no english signs/stores anywhere.
>Long Island Rail Road is a god damn joke. delays constantly even in perfect weather. ticket prices go up like 10% every year. it's now like $30 for a round trip into the city off-peak
>winters seem to last 6 months of the year. november to april just fucking SUCKS
>wanna get off the island? you're spending multiple hundreds of dollars just for that privilege for the day. also 2 hours minimum drive one-way

glad i just recently left that place. summer beaches are not worth the rest of the shit you have to put up with.

>> No.16582333

I can tell you don’t get out much. Congrats I guess

>> No.16582348


You're right anon. NJ is pretty much without a doubt the worst state in the union, at least Mississippi has saving graces like rock bottom housing costs and decent beaches in some parts.

>> No.16582390

It's the depressing grey cloudy skies that will depress you.

>> No.16582413

america is like 60% brazil and it all happened in the last 30 years

>> No.16582420

Based ctanon

>> No.16582492

Low crime states not exactly in order of lowest (because I cba to check again but Im pretty sure)

>maine (around 150 voilent assualts per 100,000)
>vermont (under 200)
>new hampshire (220 ish)
>idaho (226)
>wyoming (around 240)
>Nebraska (260?) Under the national average

Now go check the % of white people in these states and youl see these have the highest. Go on the fbi website and see the actual statistics for yourself instead of making assumptions from a bunch of a sad cunts on a cambodian green bottle fly breeding forum

>> No.16582502

sir its pronounced NIGGERS

>> No.16582526

Excited for those tolls fellow ctanon??

>> No.16582540


>> No.16582556

I'm from Suffolk county. (Went to college in upstate NY which is why I'm familiar with it).

My people have been in Suffolk since the 1720s, I moved years ago but I still miss it sometimes.

>> No.16582589

Everything you said is present in most of this state except the new drivers license thing, which is admittedly pretty shitty but that kind of effects the entire nation at this point lmao

>> No.16582666

Actual stats

>maine 112
>vermont 172
>new hampshire 173
>virginia 200
>connecticut 207
>new jersey 208
>kentucky 211
>wyoming 212
>rhode island 219
>minnesota 220
>idaho 227

>louisiana 537
>new mexico 856

>> No.16582692


never thought i'd say i prefer NJ over Long Island, but at least you guys have cheaper gas. plus your sales tax is a little less. and you can drive out of NJ easier than you can drive out of LI.

but yeah both places suck.

>> No.16582701
File: 122 KB, 1200x682, s1200 (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, but White people's natural environment is the cold. I feel for you that you're a spic/nigger OP. I live in Maine and it's great, almost everyone is White with the exception of a few thousand muds in Portland (still 85%+ White), there's VERY generous gun freedoms, some of the lowest crime in the nation, lobster rolls, Stephen King, legal pot starting next year, police that aren't a piece of shit, and GORGEOUS nature. Whatever, get a good coat and boots you fucking pussy.

>> No.16582820

fat bearded berniefags, transvestites, and late stage hipsters with deteriorating mental health and alcoholism are equally as repulsive as no-IQ dead eyed nigs or south american gutter trash

>> No.16582834

Maine isn't Vermont, faggot.

>> No.16582878

I'm in Northern Ontario, you guys are pussies.

>> No.16583532
File: 45 KB, 635x665, 1521747663138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tell people outside of the area about lake effect snow and they never understand how bad it really is

>> No.16583871

Don't lump Pittsburgh or WV in there. Pittsburgh is not ne culturally at all. We're our own thing with appalachian and industrial influences. West Virginia is Appalachian.

>> No.16584050

Everyone I know from there always talks about how depressing the weather is there. Grey sky galore