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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16572609 No.16572609 [Reply] [Original]

How do we profit off of female ego inflation?

Let's face it, it's 2019 and vaginas don't have to work for anything. My cousin is 17 and 500lbs and has a trachea hole in her throat (literally lung collapsed cause she's so fat) and she still gets tons of guys on Tinder offering to take her out and "spoil" her, buy her meals etc. Even 6'4 bodybuilder Chads inviting her to go to the gym for what would normally be expensive personal training.

Thanks to social media, holes have unlimited validation and even 500lb whales like her are made to feel like supermodels. How do we tap in to this market?

>> No.16572656

By becoming a divorce lawyer

>> No.16572667

You left out the part that filters have uggos feeling like 10/10s

>> No.16572671

Unironically this. Or sell roastie products

>> No.16572685

Why do people keep spamming biz with these stupid posts

>> No.16572714

You don't want to be become a lawyer, you want to own a firm that has multiple low overhead simple offices across the country that specialize in divorce.

>> No.16572726

It makes me sick. The roastie market is so overinflated. Literal whales and ugly chicks get drowned in attention. This is going to fuck a lot of human dynamics and how future families will be, but maybe we will all be dead by then.

>> No.16572733


Maybe? Or hopefully? Can’t come soon enough. Sounds so peaceful and comfy.

>> No.16572755

>be me
>be 23 years old, crypto rich
>went back to study what my heart wants
>tall, nice jawline, athletic growing up but rather lanky
>able to hold a conversation about anything really
>go out with some salvadorean chick who just graduated in (((history)))
>acts like i have to impress her
>she thinks I don't have goals or something since I'm still in uni
>tells me how she got good grades in HS
>tells me how she looks down on young people with political opinions
>has absolutely no personality outside of "muh history degree" and "just came back from japan"
>no humour, worse looking IRL
>later on find out her parents are divorced and her dad remarried the same woman twice
Should I flex my wealth on women or not?

>> No.16572789

How can we correct the market?

At this point it seems like every man with half a brain is aware of what's going on, only the most soied-out bugmen rush to the defense of women now.

>> No.16572829
File: 74 KB, 500x500, DF102D08-B8E4-4453-ADFA-A57A37108CC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only to fuck and forget. Literally, as soon as you nut, throw their clothes in their face and tell them to gtfo.

>> No.16572845

>trachea hole in her throat
That's the reason, it's a very niche fetish.

>> No.16572936

Glassdoor/CarFax for thots: I call it ThotFax. Make a crowdsourced permanent public record of who everyone has slept with. They're able to whore themselves out because they have no social accountability.

>> No.16573093
File: 21 KB, 600x600, back pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be so naive. As an attorney that works in family law, roasties only want other nasty divorced roasties to be their divorce lawyers.

Divorce lawyers are 99% roasties that use the same old "m-muh vagina" arguments in court and get the sympathy of the judge because they have a vagina too, so therefore dad should pay 90% his salary to mom and child even though mom took 80 dicks while married.

Divorce law is lose/lose. Judges will always hate the dad, and they'll hate dad even more if he's represented by a male attorney. Dad's only hope is to hire a roastie attorney who will plead for only paying 80% his salary instead of 90%. Divorce law is absolutely FUCKED and divorce attorneys are scum of the earth (women taking advantage of other women and breeding hatred while fleecing them).

>> No.16573128

>Divorce lawyers are 99% roasties
Wait actually?

>> No.16573153
File: 64 KB, 700x706, pepe sweat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In big cities there are meme male attorneys that only represent dads in divorces and do alright for themselves, but yes, the vast majority of women want a type-A "boss bitch" roastie as their attorney and don't trust men to get the job done. Women are mostly the ones demanding divorces, and most divorce attorneys are women - I'm talking Hillary Clinton-type, "I'm taking you to the cleaners for working too much and ignoring me and our baby" type roasties. They will absolutely FUCK you due to family law by-and-large favoring women (for old, outdated reasons).

>> No.16573180

Damn. Are things really this bad

>> No.16573188

Hahaha what a fucking joke

>> No.16573234


you sound like a faggot thats leaving out a lot of details about how much of a faggot you are.

>> No.16573259

You have to be careful doing that these days because now bitches can turn around and cry rape.

>> No.16573267

A correction is due soon, this is only happening because of our centralized banking system and our over inflated artificial economy, once the money dries up, all hell will break loose.

>> No.16573295

It’s already having detrimental effects. Women are useless and birth rates are at all time lows.

>> No.16573307


>> No.16573311

Also the Jewish are on the women’s side 100% of the time. That’s he main reason heir is so much injustice. It’s all because of their (((enablers)))

>> No.16573312

I'd pay $5 to access that on a monthly basis but only when I actually get a date. If she's a non virgin immidiately drop her. I either marry a virgin woman or no woman (widow who only had sex with her husband becomes an exception if I were older).

>> No.16573328

This is what I'm worried about. Technically you're allowed to record your own conversations since it passes the "one party consent" rule or whatever. Meaning that at least one person in the conversation needs to give consent, including yourself. So you could always just be recording in a way that is strictly for your protection. Don't know how it would affect your performance in the sack though...

>> No.16573344

Stop projecting

>> No.16573345

This or have a security camera in your house that's visible.

>> No.16573590

start reflecting

>> No.16573740

Good luck my dude, if you believe that I hope you go to church or Mosque every Sunday also. I've only been with two women, and have never had a real relationship, but ultimately your ability to get laid comes down to game or your access cocaine. You're literally looking for a needle in a haystack, and then hoping that needle wants to fuck around with your stupid ass for 6-18 months before you get married and do the deed.

Sex feels good, but you really should trust your fellow anons when they say it isn't worth risking your half assets for. You're essentially committing to a full-time 80hr/wk job that says if you quit before reaching the grave, then you'll give away all your money. Please get laid, just one time and see if you still feel like waiting till marriage.

I get it that you don't want to wife a ho, but it honestly difficult to form emotional bonds with women without fucking them sooner or later. It's possible to do create attachment without sex, but it basically requires a perfect situation, and for you to be on your best non-sperg behavior. Trust me when I say waiting forever isn't worth it. Patience is key, but talk through your feeling/needs (carefully) because you'll just hurt or betrayed otherwise. Women are a gigantic meme.

>> No.16574288

Women are in a bubble.
You either let the value of pussy crash violently with War, Plagues and famines, or you slowly deflate it with the artificial womb.

>> No.16574292

Yes, absolutely.
It'll get you pussy.
But be carefull not to be vulnerable financilly to them, they ll try to steal your shit once they know you are rich.

>> No.16574515

>vaginas can this, vaginas can that

vagina gives birth, vagina has 10X more chance to get raped than a penis. is that fair? no. life is unfair, deal with it. there are many perks of having a penis too, but you're too dense to understand that not every perk can be a penis perk.

>> No.16574604

>crypto rich went back to study that's what my heart wants

Stopped here.

>> No.16574675

>Should I flex my wealth on women or not?
If you really are into finding the one, don't. Regardless of this don't anyway. If you are rich you have nothing to demonstrate. The poor flex richness to cope for their financial situation. Moreover don't flexing your wealth acts like a filter for people.

>> No.16574698

immediatley what I first thought

>> No.16574812

it doesnt matter...unless you have incrementing verbal consent throughout the act. still she can make any excuse whatsoever why shes not responsible for her actions. if you lied about how you made or gave any false impression...thats enough to send to jail.

>> No.16574829

>he doesn’t use consent apps to protect himself legally

>> No.16574838

Hello soiboi fag

>> No.16574839

(((apps))) written by you know who...
surely created for your benefit and to legitimize absurd standards of sexual conduct. sure buddy, good luck with that.
>inb4 her app was hacked

>> No.16574843

and NOT to legitimize absurd standards of sexual conduct

>> No.16574851

I always get her to do the app as well as a written signature. Plus I have cameras around the perimeter of my house. I make sure that the camera gets me kissing her goodnight. You can’t be too careful these days.

>> No.16574861

>med are pathetic faggots desperate for some 3rd rate pussy
>but somehow women are the problem

how can you lack self awareness this much?

>> No.16574933

your dense. none of this matters. what does matter is her subjective motion states before,during, and after.

>> No.16574939

subjective emotional

>> No.16574945

I am in Asia right now and chicks think white guys are cute over here. I refuse to bang them because I am still fighting for my freedom; if I don’t produce income within 5 months I have to go back to waging... but it’s nice to know it’s an option if all decent American girls turn me down.

Think of it like this . If you’re under an 8 out of 10 you are invisible to young girls. You have to crack through that ceiling. How to do it: if you’re not a chad, you have to become a leader of some sort. For us business types having some employees is good enough proxy. Bring a neet is absolutely trash tier in women’s eyes.

The biggest misconceptions we have about women come from thinking they value us on the same basis we value them

>> No.16575201

Honestly some REAL men like myself just find a larger belly on a lady sexy ;)

>> No.16575406

Hello Jeremy.

>> No.16575481

Redpilled. Financial corruption accompanies moral decay.

>> No.16575504

Divorce law is absolutely heinous.

>> No.16575513

>oh boy, what a nice catalogue filled with crypto and finance on /biz/
>time to talk about my issues with women in society, but how do I make this related to the board?
>I know! I’ll just add ‘how 2 profit’ on the end of my social science rant! I am a genius!

What is your sheer compulsion to talk about fat girls or whatever your post was about on /biz/? Why do you feel the need to do this, you know /fit/ is only a click away right? Why are you deliberately shitting up the catalogue with your unavoidable seethery at fat chicks?

Seriously, what is your issue exactly? What makes a guy come to a finance board to sperg about MGTOW shit and fatties? There are boards for this exact thing. Why?

>> No.16575630

lol I think this guy has a fat gf or sister or something

>> No.16575793

>her dad remarried the same woman twice

this guy does not own any UPT, that's for sure

I actually enjoy these threads

>> No.16576017

This only happens in America.

>> No.16576056

I post random shit here sometimes, /biz/ is the most baste board.

>> No.16576199

>it's another incels hate biology episode

Take it to r9k faggots, not business nor finance

>> No.16576320

Definitely is business, gave me an idea to short women.

>> No.16576772

Not even sure what you're getting at with this description

>> No.16576786 [DELETED] 

Do you get paid for this?

>> No.16576797

i feel bad for your cousin
not only was she clearly abused or neglected by her faggot parents
she has a sociopath cousin (more gary ridgeway than bateman i'm sure) who's mad frustrated he can't get laid

>> No.16576817 [DELETED] 

Getting kind of annoyed at this reversal, men being horny will always be a thing, women being shitty is not static, however

>> No.16576935

based and truthpilled

>> No.16577274

never get married, fucking NEVER
>b-but my roastie is different
she's not, she's a whore too

>> No.16577291

"FLEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" - Waka Flocka Flame

>> No.16577296

It's hard to own a firm without being an attorney. At best you can get ownership by proxy.