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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16572016 No.16572016 [Reply] [Original]

Is it wrong to steal from big companies like Amazon? It doesn't affect them and if it can help your situation, i don't see why not.

>> No.16572108

Niggers steal. Don't be a nigger.

>> No.16572138

Companies are just abstractions. You’re always stealing from an individual.

>> No.16572148

Yea the individual at the top, and they’re stealing from the working man, so suck my dick

>> No.16572151

But if the individual is Jewish, is it really wrong?

>> No.16572482
File: 42 KB, 640x424, 1576396941337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really it's a moral imperative at that point to reallocate the previously stolen funds from that greasy foreskin chomper.

>> No.16572523

If you can get away with it, sure

t. klepto

>> No.16572546

Yes it is wrong to steal anon.

>> No.16572560

I was at the store yesterday and these two like 16 year olds went sprinting out the door with a bottle of alcohol. Then a min later a cop car made the beep sound

>> No.16572567

this reads like an AI generated text wtf bros

>> No.16572599

There are no AIs on /biz/.

>> No.16572607

I consider it my moral imperative to fuck over big, Jewish companies that are hiring non-Americans and immigrants.

>> No.16572612
File: 70 KB, 700x700, bottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are you stealing from Amazon?
sure you aren't talking about stealing from a random seller using Amazon as a platform?

>> No.16572613

Not at all ... *bip*
Buy chainlink btw

>> No.16572628

Nah it's just that the average IQ is now in the 2 digits and falling rapidly.

>> No.16573539

it's objectively wrong to steal, anon.

>> No.16573571

I've never stolen from a personal individual once in my life. not from anybodies home, car etc. But I shoplift quite frequently desu. Only small items and if Im confident I can get away with it. $15 here and there over time, Ive saved several thousands over the years. Call me a nigger if you want IDGAF, I've never got caught or feel like im doing anyting evil. Safeways profits are decreased by .000003% because of me