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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 49 KB, 459x245, big-4-accounting-firms-graphic[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16567003 No.16567003 [Reply] [Original]

>wish i studied software engineering
>instead i'm an auditor
>work long hours, shit pay, repetitive job
>haven't been promoted or given a pay raise because i lack social skills
>know former classmates and have relatives that went into engineering
>they make over 3x what i do, and only work 9-5, they never bring work home
>they did worse than me in school
>have a college roommate that failed most of his classes, practically retook freshmen year, and now works at amazon
what do /biz/?

thinking of quitting my job and going to a bootcamp or something. though all the popular bootcamps are for web dev, it will probably pay more in the long run

t. 35 year old khv with no friends, low income and lives with parents

>> No.16567015

>i'm an auditor
What does it mean concretely, what do you do?

>> No.16567062
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companies have financial results, and they pay us to have them verified

if a company says they made $100B of revenue, i would need to verify that.

investors, owners, lenders, want accurate, independently verified information, instead of just taking the company's word for it

all publicly listed companies require audits

>> No.16567076

How can you be an auditor when you lack social skill? What you lack is leadership/charisma/chad mindset.

>> No.16567098

Auditors just check excel spredasheets and documents, why would they need social skills?

>> No.16567144
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>What you lack is leadership/charisma/chad mindset.
yes, but how do i get it?

especially when i know i'm not a chad
>tfw the actual Chad coworkers i have (the popular guys), all end up going into finance (ibanking, equity researching, corporate finance)

it's still a client facing job, if the client likes you they will want to work with you again and maybe buy more services

i have a lot of coworkers who are worse than me at auditing, but they have people skills to compensate

i've found from working at my job that the halo effect is real, if you're good looking and have charisma, people don't care if you do something wrong

>> No.16567164

I made the same mistake and suffered for a few years but got a government accounting job. 70k annually working 40 hour weeks with great benefits. I'm still pissed off by my computer science buddies making 100k though.

You should work your ass off trying to get a government job and if that fails go back to school for CS. I would have killed myself by now if I didn't get this job.

>> No.16567204
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Go to a smol firm, I'm a couple years younger than you, and already paid off my student loans, a modest house, and a nice car with an accounting degree. I've been a CPA at a small firm for 11 years now and made partner a bit over a year ago.
I've never touched auditing either, mostly taxation but a bit of financial, so I usually only work 25 hours a week half the year outside of tax time. Stop wishing you got a different degree unless you're going to go back and get it, instead do something different with what youre experienced with since there is a lot of different options in accounting and it seems pretty obvious you're in a dead end.
Accounting positions in general are filled with people with less social skills than normal but you're at the biggest disadvantage at the biggest firms in that case. I even got approached by a rival firm at CPE class to replace a partner that retired last year. I have some frens from college at Deloitte and can't imagine ever leaving the small firm environment for that, you should try it.

>> No.16567211

Fortunately automation will make your job disappear soon

>> No.16567220

If you go into consulting you can make the chad bucks, lots of auditors with social skills come out of that end or become middle management somewhere

>> No.16567249

Most software engineering jobs as well tho

>> No.16567253

if it makes you feel better, being an SE is also miserable as shit if you aren't autistically in love with computing and coding.

>> No.16567260

This - middlemen will be eliminated in perfect capitalism a la Michio Kaku

>> No.16567289

>only working 9-5

Also, it industry has insane levels of compwtition. You will be in danger of losing your careee once you hir 30+ because companies have a literal endless supply of 20 year olds and indians who will do what you do but cheaper.

To make good money as a soft dev you also have to live in areas with astronomically high CoL

>> No.16567329

Wait, you are already 35? Forget about it, you won't even get hired at any remotely decent place. Only shit shops that hire pajeets and pay 40k would even consider you.

Softdev is only good if you go into it right out of college at 22. Being a completely new dev at 35 you can pretty much forget about getting into any remotely good/known company.

>> No.16567346

Sounds comfy

>> No.16567376
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>trying to get a government job and if that fails go back to school for CS
government jobs are rare here
a bigger problem is that i lack the social skills to even get a new job
don't have a network, can't pass interviews and don't even have references

i wonder if tax is better than audit
but small firms are usually harder to make manager and partner at

>with social skills
i wish i had social skills

>> No.16567419

While I know big4 works a ton of hours. I've never heard them paying a low wage.

>> No.16567490
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the pay in Canada for CPAs is significantly less than in the US, and my CoL is significantly higher since I live in Toronto

the starting salary in the big4 in the US is 55k USD (and is higher in places like NY), in Canada the starting salary is 45k CAD (35k USD)

>> No.16567547
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With so many boomers retiring over the next 10 years its an great time to advance at smaller firms faster, my last CPE course was almost full of boomers talking about retiring soon and some self employed CPA's complaining that they have nobody to sell their firms to. Next CPA we bring on soon will be on the fast track because we have one in their 70s and two in their 60s eventually retiring, and leaving currently just me and a guy in his 40s with the firm. Its definitely similar with others as well.

>> No.16568557

i took programming courses in highschool, was on the competitive programming team too (though i wasn't good)

part of the reason i'm looking at SE is because it probably requires less social skills

>> No.16568594

>it probably requires less social skills
this is also part of the reason why its not enjoyable, unless you're really a nerd about it, computers will make your life miserable and your socials skills will get even worse

>> No.16568624

>if you're good looking and have charisma, people don't care if you do something wrong
then invest on yourself, your aspect or whatever, dont go study CS thats not the solution brainlet

>> No.16568789

It's terrible, soul crushing work. I work in corporate tax at one of these firms. Just got into work and am procrastinating on my phone. I'm the only one here but am behind on things. I'm planning on leaving really soon. But it's a dick move to leave during busy season.

>> No.16568806

Not really. Auditors need to have a good relationship with the client and often they need to explain certain accounting principles and make further inquires. A lot of the time, the information they give us is shit.

>> No.16568811

Muh automation meme. Automation will eliminate almost every other job before it eliminates public accounting. I'm not denying it. I'm just saying that almost every job is threatened by automation.

>> No.16568846

Where are you from?

>> No.16569317

You’re not wrong, but you are only right when we look 15 years deep. Front end can’t be automated as fast as we think because of dynamic component relationships, and backend can’t be because of granular relationship and transformation of data.

It’ll happen, but it’ll be the final frontier.

>> No.16569490

OP you talk as if social skills is something you can’t develop. Go see a good therapist you’re comfortable with talk that shit out and start putting yourself in uncomfortable social situations. The more you do it the better you’ll get. If you’re truly tired of not achieving more due to a problem you can fix then stop wasting what years you have left

>> No.16569710
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>computers will make your life miserable
i already spend over 75% of my waking hours in front of a computer though

i don't know what else i can do to get social skills

i've been to therapists, they haven't really helped tbqh

tried improv classes
tried taking random classes just to meet people

i don't know what to say, or how to keep conversations going

>> No.16569734

spending time with computers isnt the same as working with computers
>i don't know what else i can do to get social skills
make it so its the only way you can get money, and you'll force yourself into it

>> No.16569764

>spend 9 years in college on engineering degrees (bs + phd)
>get a shit job where you're actually required to fill out timesheets as a white collar worker
>pay is complete shit considering the amount of time wasted on education (80k/year)
>management is atrocious and passive aggressive
>expect you to dedicate your life to work, but won't say it
>tried for months to find a different job and only got calls back for equally shit, if not worse positions
The most impressive thing I've done at the shit job is building what is essentially a turbocharged fryer.

>> No.16569773

i could not be more happy that i spent the last years grinding away at software development

>> No.16570202
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>It's terrible, soul crushing work. I work in corporate tax at one of these firms. Just got into work and am procrastinating on my phone. I'm the only one here but am behind on things. I'm planning on leaving really soon.
i feel the same way

only reason i've stayed is because i thought i could be a manager. but haven't been promoted and haven't had a pay raise, and so i think it's time i left if my efforts are not even being appreciated

i've been procrastinating a lot, and don't want to do another busy season.

might just quit, part of me is thinking i might even get fired given how much i've been procrastinating tbqh

>But it's a dick move to leave during busy season.
they make it seem like it is, like you're burning bridges. but to me it feels like they are just guilt tripping you

if they paid better, had better hours, then of course i'd stay. but if they're not treating you right then why bother

>> No.16570229


I hire devs. Self taught and bootcamp grads are a dime a dozen. Unless your portfolio is outstanding, I will always prefer someone with a university education, because they aren't tied to one set of frameworks doing front end web development (i.e., most bootcamp grads). I'd say 4/5ths of the bootcamp grads I interview can't even explain three tier architecture or have an understanding of client - server applications - anything beyond npm install is too hard.

>> No.16570238


Working as a developer on a team requires social skills to interface with product, ui/ux, ops, marketing and sales. If you are a sperg, you will never be anything more than a ticket monkey, slowly squeezed until you burn out and a fresh grad takes your place.

>> No.16570259

i work as a software eng for a defense company
i integrate simulation software and other software together
i get paid way too much
i hate my life

>> No.16570317
File: 109 KB, 1080x1345, tX8BOaDytSiUS3aQS9dj7DD36h1LXk-gt9nhWTe8xjk[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wish i went into engineering straight out of highschool

been looking at going back to school, because engineering is so competitive, it's a lot harder to get accepted as a mature student. some even say i need to retake highschool courses if it's been more than 3 years since i graduated

so i can't even go back to school, i'd have to do a bootcamp or something

>> No.16570326

keep posting porn and saying "i cant" about anything that requires real effort
you are truely a coomer

>> No.16570349

Stay 3 years and leave for an internal management accounting job at a large business

That's what basically all big 4 auditors do

>> No.16570361

Do you do Ada development? I've always thought it would be neat to do that.

>> No.16570371
File: 108 KB, 1080x1350, py0j2mljke441[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these pics are literally to bump threads to get more attention, i don't have a folder for them. i literally spend 30 seconds findings a SFW picture to bump the thread with

been on nofap for over 45 days

>> No.16570419
File: 43 KB, 736x1170, sj5zoa47i8441[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been here 5 years

>internal management accounting job
i despise accounting now tbqh. been taking the CFA exams, as I'd rather work in finance

>> No.16570427

no i've never even heard of that language before.

>> No.16570454
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Good luck

>> No.16570455
File: 175 KB, 1200x1205, Ofboosvow_591f87_7436780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Escape and go corporate. Easy jump, especially from big 4. Still tough but better pay and hours. Especially as a CPA.

>> No.16570481

>Work at small CPA firm
>Boss literally has meme coffee cup
>Boring ass number crunching
>No upward mobility
>Want to kill myself during year end
>Quit after 2 years
>Now a corporate controller at a small/medium sized government contractor
>Friend of the family so job security
>Already got pay raise

Public accounting is for the souless or the heartless. This job will pay for my CPA too. Tax season wasn't too bad though.

>> No.16570595 [DELETED] 

in germany they only take above average graduates but most of them just work there a year or two and then go work elsewhere, mostly smaller firms. I heard if you don't get promoted in a certain time your just kept because you re a good slave. At least that is what I heard, that if you do good every two years or so you get a promo if you miss one they will let you know your place.

>> No.16570892


My point is you ought to leverage your existing skill set and connections instead of becoming an easily replaceable code monkey.

You're going to have the same problems you currently have whether you're doing webdev or auditing.

>> No.16570964

bruh just go to fucking private the fuck are you doing.

>> No.16570985

Yeah, what do you guess...having specific skills and actually ability to CREATE something pays better than pushing papers around and talking fancy.

>> No.16570995

yeah that is bullshit though, because auditor firms have disclaimers that they don't bear responsibility if company is cooking the books, so basically those auditor reports are useless, company can just lie about numbers

I still don't understand why these big snobby auditor firms even exist.

>> No.16571013

>work long hours, shit pay, repetitive job

This is what one also does in software development . Grass is always greener. My advice would be don’t pay for the bootcamo until you can finish some free coursework online in your spare time. To know if you want to make the leap

>> No.16571047

>I still don't understand why these big snobby auditor firms even exist.
It's very obvious that you don't.

The purpose of an audit is to assess the risk of material misstatement, not detect fraud.

>> No.16571055

so basically it is useless since company can just lie

>> No.16571227

God you're a fucking retard

>> No.16571573
File: 203 KB, 1080x1238, kmpbvhpp9u341[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is what one also does in software development .
the pay in software development is a lot better though, and the hours can vary (have relatives that have very nice jobs)

>My advice would be don’t pay for the bootcamo until you can finish some free coursework online in your spare time. To know if you want to make the leap
i've taken the online intro courses taught by harvard and MIT, did all of the assignments too, some of the stuff is really interesting

problem with bootcamps, is that almost all of them are for web development, primarily front-end. average starting salary is about $40k usd from what i can find

can't find anything that involves more "real" coding and that can land a job at a top tech company

but i have read stories of people eventually getting jobs at top tech companies after doing bootcamps. like a couple years at a small development company before applying to the bigger ones

>> No.16572256
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L8fag response, but heres your advice:

Work on side projects you are genuinely interested. Build up a portfolio of development projects you've created. Link your GitHub on your resume.

Grind the fuck out of leetcode problems for technical interviews. Apply to everywhere.

SWE positions are really fucking easy, and unless you're a brainlet boomer, you should be able to make the switch in a year or two with only an hour or two of studying a day.

Will you get FAANG? No. Will you in ~5 years if you start now? Very possibly

TC @ FAANG is around 160-300k if you're experienced.

INB4 "much COL": if you're not retarded you can save money even while living in the bay area / Seattle / NYC. If you're seriously considering software engineering, don't halfass it.

>> No.16572295

My understudy we hired from a boot camp paid 75k starting for “front end”

You have to pick the right one not all camps are equal . There’s nothing wrong with web dev there a shot ton of money there but it’s grueling work and you have to be dedicated to learning. It never stops. Boot camp is just the beginning. Endless sea of knowledge

>> No.16572356

same bro, not in B-4 though.
I'm 11 months in and make 58.8k, 1 raise. Getting promoted before January to senior.
Just took PTO for Thursday and Friday. Worked both days, plus Saturday. Client wants something done.

Auditing sucks. But the game is to ride the roller coaster up to as high as you can get and jump off. If you're not going up, you need to get out.

>> No.16572467

when i see the office wagie memes on this board the big 4 is the first thing that comes to my head. is it really that bad?

>> No.16572661

Found the retard.

>> No.16573064

soft eng will be the last to go

>> No.16573611
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so i should first create a portfolio, then apply to SWE jobs.

do i just apply online to postings, or is there a better way to find that first job?

thanks, maybe i will go the bootcamp route. but i've been seeing some reviews that bootcamps are overpriced, you can learn the info from the bootcamp online

though some bootcamps do advertise good job placement statistics

>> No.16573619

I'm a headhunter in finance, big 4 is modern slavery, >>16567204
once you've done your 2-3 years, leverage the Big 4 experience to jump ship, you'll make more and wotk less, it's what happens 100% of the time when juniors leave big 4

>> No.16573720

Kys pls

>> No.16573807

God that sounds terrible. Convincing me more to settle on tax.

>> No.16573896


But what's the alternative?

>> No.16573949

Yes, but it's the most rewarding for those that find a way out of it. Often, people move to either private or government jobs.

>> No.16574530

I’m 27 right now with no experience in coding. I’ve been thinking about taking a boot camp. Should I apply now?

>> No.16575279
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just seems like a lot of accounting jobs in industry don't pay very well, unless you're a manager role or above (controller, director, CFO), but these are harder to get

i want to get into finance, but that's even harder since you need to network more and know the right people

all of my coworkers that are now in finance had a friend who helped them get their job

>> No.16575579

sauce please

>> No.16575593

Charly Jordan

>> No.16575613

Yes but the ramp up in salary is ridiculous

>> No.16575645

software fucking sucks
you actually have to work

while you people can just turn off your brains for 8 hours and relaxx and do whatever you want later

90% of software people are trannies and incels its a soul crushing job

>> No.16575706

Everything in this post is wrong

>> No.16575707

thx anon
who this?

>> No.16575727

i am an engineer in different field
i know many software engineers

90% of them are incels or trannies
all of them are extremely beta and have health issues, mostly back issues and hemorrhoids
they dont do shit with their money
and they work quite hard and use their skull

meanwhile finance jobs just sit on their asses compared to that and earn the same

>> No.16575760


Doesn't make logical sense. If anything fields which have lower barrier of entry have higher competition.

Software guys programmers have highest paid salaries ever.

Why? Because programming is HARD.

The hardest profession is the less competition.

Also, Indians are dumb and can't code for shit.

Stop smoking crack. I know a dude who is a game developer, not really a successful one, but he gets high paying job offers every week. Nobody in their right mind would hire some Pajeet street shitter to do that job.

I'm hiring programmers myself, so I know what I'm talking about. I'd never hire Indian or Chinese...Ukrainians are good though.

>> No.16575764
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>can't even do an image search
fking loser
OP how can you be a 35 year old auditor and still live with your parents. Something is obviously not right and you must be a giga autist or something. How don't they kick you out?

>> No.16575862

why do you think there are so many trannies in programming?

>> No.16575886

This is such a bullshit canned response from people who have no idea how swe works. The only way your gonna make it anon is if you have a degree in CS, CE or EE. Unless you want to get stuck doing pajeet tier shit after a web dev boot camp. And before anyone tells you otherwise I can name 3 people in my whole career who've actually succeeded without a college degree in swe and these guys were absolutely brilliant. I doubt thats you so it is what it is.

>> No.16575891


explain how I retard

aad hominem for ad ohminem make the whoel worl go blind

>> No.16575941


Christ anon that's depressing. I never got my CPA just an accounting degree and I made $35k USD starting out of college with shitty temp jobs. Within 5 months I got a perm position making 50k doing the same shit, entry level accountant. Couldnt imagine doing Big4 65hr weeks for less than that. Here it's more like $60k.

>> No.16576307

I've read stories on Reddit of people doing bootcamps, working at small app developers for 2-3 years, and then getting into FAANG as software engineers

>> No.16576815

Its possible, but not likely.

>> No.16576829

See >>16575764

>> No.16577229


>> No.16577244

>wish i studied software engineering
i just wish I was dead lmao

>> No.16577259

>especially when i know i'm not a chad
4chan really has warped so many peoples minds with this bs concept of “Chadness”. The people you perceive as chads are probably normal sociable enough guys who are well kempt and because they’re sociable people like them and are more likely to overlook minor mistakes. This idea that they are all absolute alphas who just walked off the mad men set and have two babes swooning in their arms just because of their sheer charm is a delusion made by incels to try to explain away why they can’t get girls. Youre only as “chad” as you act

>> No.16577283

What a waste

>> No.16578099

In brackets I indicate that I mean the popular guys. The guys that went into finance all had a good social network of friends

I don't mean Chad as you describe, like the Alpha jock type. they do exist, but rare

>> No.16578377

I'm sorry anon but PR is essential in order to find work with good pay and humane conditions. I got my current job (skipper at small leisure boats) after becoming friends with a dude from some French lessons I did 3 years ago and his father owned the boats and was looking for skippers. I was already working at bulk carriers as a deck officer but it was not as good, and I actually wanted to get back into LNG but this job came up.
Connections are fucking EVERYTHING.

>> No.16578440

how to do this?

>> No.16578564

same reason there's so many autists, it's a field where you can hide behind a computer and social skills are secondary.

also, everyone thinking CS is a magic bullet is in for a rude awakening if they do end up pursuing that path. it's incredibly competitive right now and all the stories you hear about $100k out of college are bullshit unless we're talking about SV or similar big city tech hubs where cost of living is outrageous. Most places don't pay that well. expect $40-$60k in a junior level role everywhere else. better than a lot of starting out jobs, but it's not actually that great.

>> No.16578833

Sorry, it doesn't make sense that stuff like programming is competitive, since there is always lack of programmers and they are some of the highest paid professions + programming is actually hard, so higher barrier of entry.

>> No.16579352

How do I get social skills and connections?

>> No.16579393

there isn't a lack of programmers. learn to code has been the meme for almost 10 years now. fucking everyone studies CS now, and those who don't talk about wanting to....like OP

>> No.16579603

But there is. A programmer I know is receiving job offers on weekly basis. It is highest paid profession generally. Most people can't "learn to code' because it is fucking hard.

If programmers are oversaturated (far from lol), then which profession ISN'T? FLORISTS? Lol

>> No.16579646

All I know is it's over saturated in my area. The programmer you know isn't receiving job offers on a weekly basis either, he's receiving recruiter spam emails trying to get him to apply to positions that are posted all over the country. We all get that. Those aren't offers though. Companies don't extend job offers to people that haven't gone through the interview process with them, and if you're friend were doing that, then why the fuck would he go through multiple rounds of interviews for so many companies that he ends up rejecting on a weekly basis? sounds like a full time job just interviewing if he were actually doing that...he's not.

>> No.16579681

>All I know is it's over saturated in my area.

Ok...What is your area?

If programming is oversaturated in your area, then tell me which jobs are not oversaturated in your area.

It just doesn't make logical sense for programming to be oversaturated.

Half of population (women) are automatically excluded, because they can't write code.

The rest (men) can't go further than basic tutorials and stick to it long term anyway. The few who stick through are rare, so generally while amount of programmers is increasing, so is demand.

Again, if programmer is oversaturated, WHICH PROFESSION IS NOT? Rocket scientists? Quantum-physicists?

Because there aren't that many professions of higher complexity.

>> No.16579735

you obviously have no idea what you're talking about. women and minorities are priority hiring right now in tech, so if you think women are excluded you're fucking retarded. a shitty woman ethnic minority programmer gets picked over a more competent while male programmer these days in most companies.
I can't speak to what other industries aren't saturated, because I'm not plugged into them like I am SE.
>The rest (men) can't go further than basic tutorials and stick to it long term anyway. The few who stick through are rare
so you tried a few tutorials online, got stumped, gave up, and assume no one else is smart enough to code? You're right that the initial learning curve is steep, but there's an entire industry build up around getting people brought up to speed in a short period of time. How many thousands of bootcamp graduates were there last year in addition to regular CS majors? I wish it weren't so, but I'm telling you what my experience has been. the field is saturated now, and the hiring process is totally broken too. It's fucking hard to land a good SE job right now.

>> No.16579784

You haven't answered...if programming is OVERSATURATED, then by the definition of the word "Oversaturated" other industries are "undersaturated". So tell me, which?

>> No.16579823

I did answer. I don't know what other industries are like right now because I'm not plugged into them. seems like most trades are still provide plenty of jobs though. try plumbing or electrical. nursing is still super high demand and specialties like occupational therapy are wide open and will experience huge growth in the coming years..... beyond that, idk.

>> No.16579888

If you can't tell which industries are undersaturated you have no right to claim programming is oversaturation for saturation is relative and for one to make this claim you would have to know saturation levels in other industries.

Also, diversity hires and female hiring is a meme. It may happen in cucked USA, but I was never talking about USA, I was talking about world in general. USA is not the whole world.

>> No.16579982

why does everyone want to work at FAANG?

is the pay really that great?

>> No.16580020

Garbage collection and recycling are undersaturated

but anyway

learn to code? Literally anyone can do it

everyone is just trained to not be patient because modern world, “shortage of programmers?”. no

no shortage of programmers,
but there is a shortage of people experienced with the tools the company wants to use.

hell you can teach a 12 year old to do most programming jobs.

the trouble is that you cant teach a 12 year old to do all the other implied things you meed to be a success.

>> No.16580058

OP it sounds like you should focus your efforts into making the leap to finance. The 3 jobs where you can actually make serious money are software engineering, finance & enterprise sales.
Since you already have experience in the right direction finance makes sense, you would be taking step sideways not backwards & starting at square 1 again.
Network & talk to people who have made the leap and ask for advice.
Get promoted as fast as possible
Don't learn to code, that meme is so stale

>> No.16580100

Faggot what is your title in big 4?

>> No.16580128

oh here is another undersaturated market

taking care of old folks
being a quality teacher
shoe manufacturing
instrument manufacturing
small scale blowmolding
just find a product with a high value swing over the course of its lifetime.
defense equipment.

those are unsaturated markets you depressed brainlet

programming is hard because 90% of it involves working with preexisting programs developed by people with questionable documentation who certainty don’t think like normal people

programming is easy because its one of the widest reported and taught subjects
programming is also easy because people mostly want programs to do braindead simple stuff.

20 minutes a day can teach you to be a java developer

an hour a day for C++

not being retarded is what the companies want to pay for though.

>Muh code

you are braindead, software engineering is so variable that the phrase is tantamount to a marketing scam to increase job application numbers

>> No.16580137

Went into electrical engineering. Best decision I've ever made. Same shit as a software engineer, but more hands on and less coding, although we all have different preferences

>> No.16580315

you used ad hominems so it means you are wrong

you also gave me "unsaturated markets" with no citations which means you pulled it of or your ass

tough luck pal

>> No.16580655

Answer me: How much do you get paid as a 35 year old in a big four.

I absolutely don't believe you're making less than 100k unless you started late or some shit

>> No.16580693
File: 257 KB, 1366x2048, 7rf39fh1gd041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Senior accountant

I did start late, and I have not been promoted for years because I lack social skills

Managers here in Canada make $100k (at 26+ years old typically)

>> No.16580774

>It is highest paid profession generally
No it isnt, finance chad is

>> No.16581006
File: 166 KB, 1242x1546, rdmtr5whkh041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I want a job in finance, but it's hard to get

I've passed CFA level 2. But I don't know how to network, I don't know anyone. I have no friends and no social skills

>> No.16581193

>I want a job in finance, but it's hard to get
worth working towards. look at job openings & the requirements & that should give you a list of things to work towards. senior finance positions pay you serious make it money.

>But I don't know how to network
its a skill to learn like any other. internet/google is your friend. asking for social skills help on this web site is like asking for sex positions at an incels meetup.

>> No.16581267

You want to do this another 10 years until you're an actual oldfag? Fuck big4 it's wasting life. Also don't be obsessed with your peers income. If you learn2code you can always come back to another Big Cuck later.

>> No.16581538

>taking care of old folks
being a quality teacher
shoe manufacturing

This is literally what boomers answer if you ask them what are the best jobs right now

>> No.16581619


Empirically false, I'm <120 iq and write code for a fortune 500. It's not hard. they're called code MONKEYS for a reason

>Also, Indians are dumb and can't code for shit.
this isn't true and if you actually believe this you are overpaying for your labor. the Indians on my team write better code than the recent grad coomers.

>I'm hiring programmers myself, so I know what I'm talking about.
You're larping. If you were actually a good syndicate you'd be able to utilize street shitters, the best software dev teams I've been on have never been the ones with the smartest people, but the ones with managed personalities and individual skills.

Most software dev teams have a simple purpose like write a CRUD app or a simple microservice, or publish to kafka or utilize some machine learning library to write predictive analytics. Most retards can do this with some google searches

>> No.16581722

should have know I was talking to an underage edge lord. you're just here to argue semantics on the internet. I'm not making an argument faggot, I'm telling you what my experience with this industry is. it's very competitive right now. way more than it was 5 years ago.

>> No.16582093
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>don't be obsessed with your peers income
it's hard not to
>former classmates from school are making tons of money
>former coworkers have moved on to finance jobs and making good money
>current coworkers have been promoted and i haven't

i think i'll try to get a finance job in the next 6 weeks, and if it doesn't pan out, i'll quit to learn coding

>> No.16582227

>Registered nurse
>Hate being a nurse at this point, don't want to work in healthcare at all
>Want to become an environmental regulations guy
>Tfw scared to go back to school and not even sure where to start

Feels bad man

>> No.16582295

automation will fuck anyone that fell for the "just get a trade after high school" meme

>> No.16582342

it's oversaturated at the bottom tiers. anyone outside FAANG doesn't want to take a chance on people with no experience.

>> No.16582525

normies jack off to the prestige of fang. ive worked at fang and its overrated. hella people don’t do anything especially the women hires

>> No.16582553

Apply to gov
Get in gov

Laugh everyday at private cucks whos taxes go into my paycheque working 7 hour days with 2 month vacation

>> No.16582932

If you’re asking it’s already too late.

>be goodlooking/ good genetics
>people treat you better
>halo effect
>self-esteem and confidence through the roof
>develop kickass personality
>people are attracted to you
>enjoy benefits

It’s a vicious ego and self-esterm boosting cycle

>> No.16582956

> if it doesn't pan out
you keep trying. When you successfully make the switch your salary will be so high, not even compared to the years of earning you'll miss out on if you go back to uni.

>> No.16583594
File: 102 KB, 1080x1349, 9zux7wawy1541[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would love a government job tbqh

i just don't know if it's worth it to stay at my current job which i hate, hoping that i'll be able to find something better

quitting and learning programming might feel like i'm getting somewhere in my life