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File: 16 KB, 600x315, q5O3234L330E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16570703 No.16570703 [Reply] [Original]

Who is still buying bitcoin?
If you care about tech you would be buying any of the many altcoins with superior tech
If you care about profits you would be buying something cheaper with higher gain potential If you cared about government you would be buying some privacy coin

so who the fuck is still buying bitcoin?

>> No.16570711

Most altcoins crater to 0 given enough time. You're not as smart as you think

>> No.16570714

50% of the coins are in 0.01% of wallets. No one is buying BTC

>> No.16570718

you need somewhere safe to stash your gains in the end. if it isn't bitcoin or gold then what is it?

>> No.16570720
File: 135 KB, 741x843, EJyIzbNWsAE3oSz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like or real money, that's why I buy Bitcoin...the most powerful decentralized network in the FUCKING WORLD...think about it...eth is shit half the fucking a nodes didn't even update and that's the second most valuable crypto...if you buy any other crypto asset than Bitcoin you are fucking stupid...except hex offcourse

>> No.16570723

owning property in emerging markets is easy growth

>> No.16570724

You have to go back.

>> No.16570728

until a revolution comes along and your property gets repossessed or taxed to hell

>> No.16570732


Scam coiners that don’t understand bitcoin general? Shitcoiners unite!

>> No.16570733

how do you account for political risk?

>> No.16570735

>decentralized network
China owns nearly all the hashing power. PoW is no longer decentralized

>> No.16570751

Scared money makes no money! Just don't full retarded with your allocated amount, moreover, buying in a time of crises is optimal from my experience.

>> No.16570755
File: 219 KB, 800x620, 3C34222A-D7D9-4A5A-A4E7-DA49AFF04845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>some individuals that are located in the same region and are pooling their hashrate into the network the users allow them to mine are is centralized


>> No.16570768
File: 90 KB, 695x651, btcbtfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. dumb money

>> No.16570769

You believe what u read at coindesk ....fucking pleb....your as dumb as I think you are....I've seen mining wharehouses that can heat1000 homes in the USA...and if the Chinese want to change consensus let them have their bch and bsv .....it didn't work out so well for them...I guess some people can't think for themselves...stay poor

>> No.16570774

>thinking a chink shitcoiner understands bitcoin


>> No.16570780

Yup just like btc will never be under 10k..if you believe some China fuck that got rich by you dumb fucks buying worthless shitcoins at his casino....smART

>> No.16570784
File: 35 KB, 680x339, C6E959B4-0551-437F-9A4D-0D3E905D688B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>we’ll just do a reorg to get our funds back guys! No big deal!

>> No.16570792

Let's roll back the chain...some people are fucking dumb ass fuck....I get my info from Twitter chinker...

>> No.16570793

>connected chink whale holding tens of thousands of BTC
>b-but muh shitcoins
dumb fuck

>> No.16570800

It's actually the fucking best moment to buy bitcoin tbqh

Not the moon, but it will hit 10k in the next months again.
And nobody knows what is going to happen in May

>> No.16570801


He got then by scamming retards like you buying said shitcoins lmaoooooo

>> No.16570805

Cope harder corecuck

>> No.16570811

I'm only buying BSV because it can literally do everything

>> No.16570816


Projection is a bitch

Go by more scam coins kek

>> No.16570819

Translation=Please buy my bags!

>> No.16570824



>> No.16570835

>superior tech

I thought this meme died with all the alts that cratered 99% lmao

>> No.16570848


Some of these faggots have heavy ass fuckin bags and they think people will get fooled twice on this shit

>> No.16570853

Bbbbubbuuuut it faster! Roflmmfao

>> No.16570860

I own alts in addition to BTC, but the fact of the matter is that most if not all of them are scams

>> No.16570862
File: 72 KB, 813x551, 14947803634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC literally bout to fucking crash and you faggots have the audacity to talk about bags? C O P E

>> No.16570870


Lmao i hope it does fucking crash to 4-5k that means i get more coins for my money while you sit there buying scam coins rofl

>> No.16570888

That actually fits the chink mentality. Imagine doing a gigantic deal. Chinks pay you big money. And by the time you get home, the chain is already rolled back.

>> No.16570891

Apologies, fren. Was meant to respond to >>16570728

>> No.16570893
File: 76 KB, 519x600, 0990D162-B786-410E-B11D-485C226439D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You’re thinking of ethereum

>> No.16570894

You are the retard and it's not fresh news that ch.ina controls btc. t. Worked in the industry

>> No.16570901
File: 9 KB, 221x229, 158982985234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucky Chinese digits confirm future. Nice

>> No.16570954

And guess what, alts are really just a levered play on BTC so if BTC crashes, your worthless chink vaporware coins will crash 5x as hard

>> No.16571035

Still doesn't change my point. I don't advocate holding any risky product in a bear market