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File: 324 KB, 4017x2317, btc-stock-to-flow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16567193 No.16567193 [Reply] [Original]

We're all going to get memed into millionaires, aren't we? What are you doing right now to prepare for this?

>> No.16567202

*Halving is in 5 months, not 7 my bad.

>> No.16567217


>> No.16567227

Trying to keep as humble as possible right now. I know when the green candles come I will be filled with lots of emotions. I've had success in the past and it can be a scary, terrifying feeling. Your perspective can shift too quickly and it can fuck you up. We all want to be rich but be careful what you wish for.

>> No.16567244

Stacking more and more until we break 20k.

>> No.16567250

I think most will sell btc badly. If it went to say 500k then most would be out at 50k and never see the summit.

>> No.16567313

>What are you doing right now to prepare for this?
short the corn to have more corn for the next bull
i like to call it the bullish short

>> No.16567389

I'm buying a safe I can bolt to the ground to house all my paper wallets. Can't think of a better way to keep them safe.

>> No.16567408

The previous two halvings did nothing, the price rise happened a long time afterwards and for different reasons.
Even if literally nobody was selling except miners, price would only go up 2x with the same buying demand.
Bitcoin was relatively niche and as more people were told about it, the buying interest grew several times. Now everybody knows about bitcoin, there's no potential 10x buying demand anywhere. Most likely buying demand is going to go down as anybody who believes in the magical effect of the halvening is going to buy before it happens.

>> No.16567416

so how do we get rich?

>> No.16567420

Am I too late to get rich from bitcoin?
How much money would I need?

>> No.16567438
File: 231 KB, 1125x606, w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well you need to grow some braincells then. post them on 4chan! that1s a better way. but keep mulitple copies at multiple locations.

>> No.16567469

According to a Coinbase survey, the price where most BTC holder agreed they needed BTC to reach before they sold is $100k. In other words, there will be a MASSIVE sell pressure at and leading to $100k. If you are smart, you will sell at $55k-65k

>> No.16567482

just sell a little bit at every spike sell over time instead of at price bullruns can last for a few months also never sell all your stack keep some for $1mil

>> No.16567483

No because.

1_Stablecoins will make the rise softer

2_KYC will become a pain in the ass for big exchanges

3_BTC having lower inflation than fiat after 2020 will probably mean we will never have another bubble after 2021 , probably soft rise forever, just like goods with low supply like housing have seen since the end of bretton woods.

>> No.16567492

>we will never have another bubble after 2021
that's not really possible they will get flatter on a log chart of couse

>> No.16567499

the btc top will be 100-140k. unless you already have at least 10 btc you’re not going to be a millionaire from bitcoin alone.

>> No.16567509

you can start with 1 btc and have 10 by the time it gets there if you do a 10x long building it up slowly staring with a low leverage buying the dips

>> No.16567561

that's good just make sure your paperwallets aren't paper, if your house burns down or is flooded you're fucked
I recently got a small brass plates and I have stamped my private keys into it

>> No.16567582
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you can't it all either gets scammed away or all gets locked into services that change owners and 'woops- anon we can't give your funds back, we're doomed now due to law, goodluck! tee-hee' -- or some law gets passed or some hacker etc. proove any of us are immune to these, u cant

>> No.16567591

0 and O? wtf what is base58?? fucking imbeciles

>> No.16567632

Assblaster does have Anon’s financial well-being at heart!

>> No.16567655

lmao the shit boomers do. just encrypt your seed and store it literally anywhere. The power of cryptography means it's perfectly safe. If you don't trust that then you shouldn't be investing in cryptocurrency

>> No.16567682

Yeah that was funny, but I still had to mark some letters because my lowercase and uppercase stamps are the same size. For example V or W

>> No.16567697
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With BTC at 100k just imagine what the price of LINK will be with just a dominance of 5-8%.

>> No.16567705

Not possible to make it with BTC, I would need to have at least 5 of them.

I own exactly one biction atm, bought at 19k

>> No.16567708

how would you encrypt it? and where to you store the decryption tool then? You are just replacing one problem with another one.

>> No.16567732

Moonboys: the thread

>> No.16567733


Stablecoins or not the rise will be more violent. Literaly some will wake up one day and btc went from 17k to 40k.

Ask any oldfag. Selling is fucking easy now. Stfu kyc..its easy as fuck.

>> No.16567810

Are you dumb? Use Veracrypt or any audited open source way to encrypt your shit. You don't need to store any tool. And if the file is properly encrypted you can literally have it in google drive or something.

>> No.16567830

Bad idea to keep all my btc on coinbase?

It says its insured from any hackers or outages

>> No.16567847

So the guy making it gets your key

>> No.16567878

Looks to me like the curve is flattening.

>> No.16567891
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It is flattening, 2024 will be the last halving that will affect the price

>> No.16567981

memorize the first 3 words and make a poem with other words sprinkled in. Store anywhere

>> No.16568008

Of you really want maybe keep like 20% in the vault but even that is a bit too much for some people. Buy a trezor, it’s part of crypto to hold you own coins.

>> No.16568042

Everybody knows Bitcoin is going to $1,000,000+. 99% of people aren’t selling even a single satoshi under that price. IMO, they should close the door sooner because all this current price action is manipulated to appear like there are actual sellers. Lol, there aren’t actual sellers.

>> No.16568068

100k next year is guaranteed. It’ll hit 300k for a few days in October of 2020

>> No.16568142
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lmao what a deluded thread
you will all be in a sad state of despair at the halving
you think the wojaks were bad at 20-10k
wait till it drops under 3k this time

>> No.16568203

>there aren’t actual sellers
miners dump like 1800 btc every day

>> No.16568213

that's 657k bitcoin a year (and some change).

>> No.16568227

are you a boomer? install an encrypted linux OS to a usb flash drive. Then generate your seed there and when you need to do payments just generate transaction from your pc and transfer it to another usb. then after booting the encrypted usb it will ask you for a password. then transfer the transaction to there and sign, then transfer the signed transaction to your other usb again and brodacast from your main pc.

you should have backups of the same usb in case of corruption.

>> No.16568260

7x is a VERY conservative estimate for the ongoing amount of involvement in the crypto scene from major investing firms ever since the last bull run

>> No.16568349
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>> No.16568355

I just bout $20 worth of BTC. How long till Im a millionaire?

>> No.16568378

Accumulate an eth suicide stack of 0.5

>> No.16568429

What does ETH have going for it nowadays? I'm not asking because I doubt it's potential, I just have been out of the loop with it ever since dumping my bags

>> No.16568445

Eth is bout to explode

>> No.16568477

All the projections, all the bullish exponential charts.
Were based on p2p cash adoption and a growing network effect.
Now BTC is digital gold (wtf), ignores it's whitepaper and expects the same growth.
It won't happen. It is more likely to bleed users once fees rise, again.

>> No.16568505

ETH development is very impressive right now and the big players in the space seem to be thinking long term. it gets a lot of shit but i am still optimistic.

>> No.16568517

Price-wise, it's still the most bullish crypto aside from meme tokens (LINK, ENJ, BNB). Everything sank so hard.

>> No.16568531

>using 20min Crest Whitening Strips to DIY bleach my asshole from the comfort of my garage.
You should really be using the 1hr strips. 20min are too strong and will end up giving you cancer.

>> No.16568534

You are speaking of trillion dollars marketcap anon , regulators will get desperate when they realize the plebians have now a swiss bank account in their ledgers and trezors.

2024 halving is irrelevant , bitcoin inflation will already be bellow fiat in 150 days , the endgame is coming, once btc inflation goes bellow fiat it's up non stop like housing or any other goods whose supply grow slower than the monetary base.

This guy is right , go look at dormant btc and average transaction size.
Dormant btcs are going to the fucking sky atm, while average tx size is 55k now , richfags are accumulating like theres no tomorrow even if they don't say it.

They know the era of offshore banking is ending and are entering the new deal aka crypto which is why central banks are going desperate now.
They created a monster , if people can keep money in crypto for them it's worse than offshore banking since that money won't be used for loans anytime soon.

They will need to create their own cryptos with smart contracts to get all that capital working.

>> No.16568555

BTC is not meant to be a fiat ponzi.
It is meant to be an alternate currency
To be spent and earned with goods and services
Which is the use case that was hijacked by banks & state

>> No.16568571

The free market gives utility to stuff the free market determined that bitcoin will be used as a p2p international bank due to it's massive hashrate.

The war for digital cash is still open tough so far retards only tried to take it using sha256(thus being exposed to btc asics).
It's ironic that the closest to digital cash is ltc or eth atm because no one had the bright idea of using something other than sha256 to compete for that place.

And in regards to the fees , average tx in usd now is 55k usd , people won't give a shit about 50 usd fees when it's still massively cheaper than banks that put fees as a percentage.

Do the math 55k if you pay 3% to move money it's 1650 usd and days of waiting with banks plus the tx can be frozen with no reason for months.

BTC has a shitton of place to grow in that market.

>> No.16568573
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>Which is the use case that was hijacked by banks & state
Think again. There's nothing easier than to ban it in stores.

>> No.16568595

>moon fags STILL calling for 5-6 digits

L m a o

>> No.16568598
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Good god I'm excited for you boys

>> No.16568606
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>> No.16568608

BTC network growth is broken and the original whitepaper is abandoned.
It is no longer bitcoin and deserves the death it's lining up to receive.
Other coins have solved p2p cash but BTC has held back the field for years.

>> No.16568657

Have you considered that it's because btc has not forked the reason it's been growing non stop?
The piece of shit may bottleneck , be slow and have low capacity but it's stability is what make it worthy.

ETH could never take btc price with shit like the dao fork.
LTC is now the closest thing that can replace btc for the same fucking reason they have not done serious forks and as a result they have liquidity everywhere.

I am sure bch could take btc price , i like it as a matter of fact but i would not save a penny there considering it's retardedly low hashrate.

They could change the mining to scrypt and have 2.5 min blocks in bch and dominate asics there due to being more worthy than ltc and having lower inflation.

Instead everyone trying to take the crown of btc is trying to do it by larping as the real btc , very retarded to be honest.

>> No.16568763

The lesson I've learned from last bullrun is, protect your profits.
Risk management is king, this is not a meme.

>> No.16568793

I’ll never sell all my link (10k for next 5 years or $1000) I will never sell all my bitcoin (keeping for life, may sell some at 10 million in 20 years)

>> No.16568871

I’m so excited for you guys, in just 5 months your magic internet money is going to make you rich! Congrats on this, seriously.

>> No.16568878

i think the only fucking silver lining of this whole fuckfest for me is that i learned these sorts of things while i was relatively young

>> No.16568965
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>Someone had one good idea in 2010 and there has been nothing N O T H I N G of any import that has been done before or since
I have more faith in devs. That's why I hold only BTC

>> No.16569225
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gonna lol hard when this happens

>> No.16569234

We don't, the ride is over

>> No.16569289
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fugggg, pls no

>> No.16569321

if BTC breaks 11K, then i will go long and set tp at 60K..

>> No.16569346

The moment I sell and see the money, at or near the ath of 100k, I will brag and laugh at all the bootlickers I can find.

>> No.16569373

Either support bitcoin as envisioned when realized or realize you are not supporting bitcoin, but a offshoot of the idea that stole the name.

>> No.16569406

There’s only 21 million lol this shit will top out at 10 million. Most bitcoin are lost so it’s really only 14 million TOTAL bitcoin.

>> No.16569426


well first of all we could start buy not shilling all the scam coins to the new people entering

>> No.16569485

you actually think it will go to 5k and lower still.... kek. Opinion discarded

>> No.16569511

damn it would be a good meme if my 5k in bitcoin became 50k

>> No.16569538

there are way too many believers and moonboy faggots now. Bitcoin will never moon like it did last 2 times. Also kyc is becoming such a fucking pain in the ass no new money is going to even want to sign up to an exchange to buy

>> No.16569593

explain why more people getting into btc is bearish. That makes no sense.

>> No.16569637

It's like you think everyone on the planet will do KYC at the same time.

>> No.16569692

>last time
the majority of people thought crypto was a scam or didn't know about it. The people already holding crypto saw it had potential but most of them didn't actually believe we would go to 20 or even 10k and many capitulated in the bear, only to buy back in higher (after it broke previous ATH). Example: Bearwhale selling 30k btc close to the bottom 2014, and buying back during 2017 bull.

>this time
literally everyone knows about / has bought / holds crypto already. Many famous people predicting btc will hit 100k - 1mm. All investors think we will have a new bullrun because memelines, cycles, halving, stock-to-flow, etc. Nobody is capitulating anymore, even the shitcoin investors that are down 99% are still every day in the shitcoin telegram/discord/subreddit asking for daily updates. Most spot volume has moved to futures and other derivatives. All hope of btc retaining any of its intended functionality is gone. KYC and new EU AML directives makes it a massive pain in the ass for 1) exchanges to even operate at all and 2) for people to sign up on these exchanges.

>> No.16569732

No one fucking knows about Bitcoin faggot

>> No.16569733

that didnt answer my question. How does more people buying btc due to the hype make it bearish? What you said didnt answer that

>> No.16569746

Even though only a smallish % of people have crypto, it is gaining popularity. That guy hasnt explained how that is a bearish thing at all.

>> No.16570049

>laggard trying to convince everyone on a bruneian brap review forum that he is indeed an early adopter

faggot all of my normie friends know about not only bitcoin, but several cryptos. Most people that I know of have bought some in 2017/18. Even my mom holds several different cryptos. I have worked for one of the largest stockbrokers, and the different crypto ETPs (Exchange traded products) were consistently on the top 5 list of most traded financial products. Not only in 2017 and 2018, but even in 2019

I guess what I am trying to say is that there is not many left to 'FOMO in' anymore. Most people are already believers and have already put money in. Anyway, the market always is out to fuck as many people as possible. When has the market ever done what everyone expects it to do? Of course, I could be wrong. This is just my informed opinion, if we can call it that. I would be glad to be proven wrong next year though.

>> No.16570077

It already did, sounds like you missed it. I got 60% over my original planned position due to extended sale. Most of it was earlier this year thanks to the dive.

>> No.16570087

The people who know someone who talks about crypto and are hurr durring it for the past two years are going to know someone who got rich off of it and will FOMO in. This is how every fucking speculative bubble works. There will always be people on the side like the folks who still wouldn't buy real estate 8 years into a 10 year bull run, but these people are not enough to stop anything.

>> No.16570090

the average person doesnt even own gold as an investment vehicle much less crypto.

Crypto will go parabolic when it becomes boomer friendly. It will be trojan horsed into retirement funds and stock platforms. Just like people use credit cards without having no idea how that piece of plastic works, btc wallets will be integrated with a user friendly layer for use

>> No.16570108

Gold's market cap is approaching 10 trillion already. It doesnt take much imagination to see a borderless hedge agaisnt banks and fiat having 20% of gold's market cap. (about 100k per btc).

and if that happens, altcoins will go balistic. Even ghost ships will go nova momentarily

>> No.16570116

BTC is never going to ATH ever again. Retail retards cant drive it that high and no business can use it because it's a complete shitcoin.

>> No.16570134

the speculative bubble already happened in my opinion. Those people that are still on the sidelines will not invest even if fiat went to 0 and btc to 10 million.
Still, I hope you are right and I am wrong because nothing makes my dick harder than those green dildos for days and weeks and months

>the average person doesnt even own gold as an investment vehicle much less crypto.
why do you think so?
>Crypto will go parabolic when it becomes boomer friendly. It will be trojan horsed into retirement funds and stock platforms
but it already is boomer friendly.
these are some of the products that were among the most popular at the stock broker I worked
Bitcoin Tracker
ETH Tracker
This one is newer, a crypto "index fund"

>> No.16570154

People say that altcoins are a high-risk investment, but I'd call BTC a very volatile asset due to its high price making the way down a long drop.

>> No.16570175

the thing about this is that the doubters were so sure last time too

>> No.16570199

in your chart its building a ~5 year falling wedge (bullish) though. same longterm outcome

>> No.16570265

This. BTC is not Bitcoin. Its digital hodl, not cash.

>> No.16570278


>> No.16570289

Big brain, big dick chad

>> No.16570350

the tools are outpacing the hype and that's totally fine. bitcoin is in that uneasy zone where all the tools for institutional are either there or coming in the near future, but the institutions always want to be 2nd. no one quite wants to take the first nibble out of fear.

but once you get a strong catalyst, (Can be anything from a nation making big pro crypto move, a major retail rally fueled by halving speculation, altcoin applications having a big boom, etc) money will eventually pour in.

>> No.16570358

You’re retarded. Nice ancedotal evidence. Nobody fucking knows about BTC relative to other markets. Trust me and I’m sooo excited for you guys btw.

>> No.16570464

No, you are fucking retarded.
>Nice ancedotal evidence
Yes, because I literally had access to data on what hundreds of thousands of "boomer investors", ie. clients of a traditional online stock broker were investing in. I looked at this data daily and know for a fact that the crypto ETPs were on the top 5 list of most traded products for several months in 2017, almost all of 2018, and around 4 months in 2019. This means that more clients traded btc and eth trackers than AMZN, FB, TSLA or any other stock.
But yes, it is just muh anecdotal evidence, and I should just trust you.

That is the thing, there are almost no doubters now. Last time it was 98% doubters 2% believes. Now it is the opposite. I am pretty much the only one going against the crowd right now itt

>> No.16570532

You should look up the definition of confirmation bias

>> No.16570539

>This means that more clients traded btc and eth trackers than AMZN, FB, TSLA or any other stock
What the fuck back alley broker did you work for?

>> No.16570716

I'm with you anon. I think people underestimate how crazy 2017 was. I will always remember that Instagram post from Katy Perry shilling crypto. The sentiment has changed a lot, now everyone is sitting comfy waiting for the same shit to come over again and make them rich. Like there's zero doubts, you just have to sit and see your money magically increased. But I don't see it that clearly.

>> No.16570765

China is preparing to drive head-first into blockchain tech to create an irreconcilable social advantage over the West. You can see the writing on the fucking wall if you're paying any attention at all.

Once that happens its fucking over. They own the manufacturing, they'll own the cheapest cost of social contracting and therefore the service industry. If you aren't learning Mandarin today, I feel bad for you son.

>> No.16570787

we are not going to become millionaires, it's unironically over. sergey isn't going to release staking, btc is going to go sub 1k and everyone will lose.

>> No.16570871

Not gonna specify which one, but one of the largest/most popular.

good that at least one anon shares my views. I mean, does everyone really think it is that easy to get rich. "Just buy and hold, it will keep going up like it always did"

>> No.16570904

How poor do you think we are? I've got a top 200 LINK wallet and I think it's going to be that easy. Do you think I'm wrong?

>> No.16571121

>I have at least $400k and I think getting rich is going to be easy
no shit anon, you are probably young so you are already relatively rich. You only need a 3-4x That is possible with LINK.

Most people here do not have anywhere close to 400k

>> No.16571146

that looks probable

>> No.16571155

>but one of the largest/most popular
I doubt that. I work for one of the biggest in Asia/Pacific and stocks to crypto is/was about 100-1.

>> No.16571159

Ok lads, heres whats gonna go down:

Same mechanics as last two bull runs are still in action, and are actually magnified by the fact that so many more people know about BTC now than in 2017/2013.

>btc starts climbing due to miners not selling at a loss
>plebs going "omg itz mooning lambo :D:D"
>creates a mass influx of noob investors who will buy at 10k+
>pushes price up to ???
>everyone who bought under 10k will make some good money

how much? lets just wait and see boys, worst case scenario is that were still poor incel doomers like always

>> No.16571172


Most hands will sell at 9k because of the demoralization this last year

>> No.16571726

Or ya know like Facebook implementing libra and China stepping up their blockchain capabilities. We are entering a new age where everything is becoming more transparent. The internet has made it 10x harder for (((them))) to stay hidden and manipulate the masses via boomer news like CNN and crypto is going to do the same thing to the financial world. Get some champagne ready lads (((their))) time is coming to an end.

>> No.16571869


>> No.16571895

>the plebians have now a swiss bank account in their ledgers and trezors.
btc is trivial to trace and more transparent than any bank account, and even worse, mining is so centralized China could force kyc on all transactions.
>once btc inflation goes bellow fiat it's up non stop like housing or any other goods whose supply grow slower than the monetary base.
BS. Maker has literal deflation because of burning. LEO too. There's no value in arbitrary units being finite all in itself.
Bitcoin is a crypto collectible like cryptokitties. Don't compare it to things with actual value like houses.

>> No.16571931

there's a lot more semi-reputable exchanges now too and ways to buy. even 2017 was pretty bad.

>> No.16571939

you misunderstand how halving works. it doesn't get priced in immediately, there is a delay

>> No.16571948

Both of this 100%

>> No.16571991

Where would all of this money come from?

>> No.16572092

The only true thing in this thread is that you're all going to get meme'd

>> No.16572512

it makes no sense that more people were trading crypto than the S&P 500. market capitalization would've been HUGE. is that what your claim is?

>> No.16572623

>I am pretty much the only one going against the crowd right now itt
Don't fall into the genius trap. Markets remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.

>> No.16572643

less than 0.5% of the world's population actually owns crypto

>> No.16572683
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>> No.16572765
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>> No.16572854



>> No.16572875
File: 354 KB, 960x540, buyyoufools.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy it bitch
buy the bottom
bitch you know it's going up
buy it buy it
till the halvenin
you know that tonight it's happening

>> No.16572926

THIS x1billion. Thats what they dont get.

>> No.16573081
File: 9 KB, 299x299, autistique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retard who wants to buy btc. what price or just pull the trigger now

>> No.16573250

Are you stupid?
Get a laptop/pc
Use a live cd/us to install linux on it
Download the core wallet
Wait a week to download the chain and syncronyze
Create multiple wallets
Keep private key secure (laser engrave it on rock, it's easy to do. Engrave only a half or cjange the last char whatever for increased security)
Spread your coin between your address.
If you need to pay, put the pc offline, sign the transaction, and then be online again to diffuse it (search old tutos)

>> No.16573489

usb stick. where do you keep it.

>> No.16573550

pull the trigger. It is possible it will dump more, but not guaranteed. Might retest 6500. If it dumps to 6300, could dump to I think it was the 4kish range. Again, not guaranteed

>> No.16573559

Celsius network aint bad. They give out interest (albeit small amounts) so at least it is SORT OF weekly passive income. Or download "trust wallet".

>> No.16573797

Celsius is run by an israeli jew and their TOS let's them seize your crypto if they think there is anything (((suspicious))) about your funds.

>> No.16573815

i just wana be rich already

>> No.16573945

my body is ready

>> No.16574283

Once SHTF the boomers will try getting into Gold, then into silver, and then into Bitcoin once the price will go too much high.
The google's quantum computer is a problem tho.
We need quantum encription on BTC wallet ready for yesterday.

>> No.16574294

>dur hur bsv is the real bitcoin

>> No.16574434

housing has a constant demand. people don't want to be homeless.
bitcoin has no intrinsic value and is entirely dependent on it's own hype. being deflationary doesn't matter when public interest sinks faster than the supply .

>> No.16574451

imagine thinking there's no value in a currency that can be stored in your mind and moved anywhere in the world

>> No.16574468

hundreds of other cryptos do this faster and cheaper than bitcoin.
besides, bitcoin's core principles are worthless without complete anonymity.

>> No.16574476

>hundreds of other cryptos do this faster and cheaper than bitcoin.

and none of them have btc's hash power. nocoiners look so silly when they think they have it all figured out

>> No.16574485

hashpower is irrelevant.
i could x100 some rank 1500 shitcoins hashpower with aws and it would literally nothing to the price.

>> No.16574500

kek. you don't even understand why BTC has more hashpower than other cryptos. hint: it's not because miners have money to throw away.

>> No.16574555

it's because the mining rewards cover the mining costs, retard.
bitcoin's mining algorithm is literally designed to be barely profitable at any time - that's why difficulty adjustments exist.

>> No.16575411

Fuck that gif

>> No.16575422

pull the trigger

>> No.16575501

just copy the seed to a flash drive and hide it in your house somewhere. no one will find a tiny flaah drive unless they know where to look.

>> No.16575561

anyone who believes this chink manipulated shitcoin will moon due to halving and not to make a new generation of bagholders is retarded
and the fanbase keeps increaing
2017's normie bagholders are this years moonboys

>> No.16575616

based and redpilled, people are really really dumb, 99% of biz is almost braindead level. They will lose their minds once the pump starts

>> No.16575670

BTC has a solid 20x left in it after it hits $1.5K or so.

Buy Pegnet.

>> No.16575700

"just hodl and your dreams will come true"

>> No.16575761

This makes a lot of sense to me. Do bears believe that by May demand will become less than half? How could the halving be priced in?

>> No.16576534


>> No.16576544

so cucked lmao

>> No.16576710


See you at 0

>> No.16576763
File: 146 KB, 480x781, 1561216926344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16576774

i keep it in a secret place in house. you can keep one in a fire resistant safe and other in somewhere else. if the pass is strong and something you can remember nothing will happen if someone even finds it.

>> No.16576782

Am I retarded for thinking that the stock to flow ratio projected for May and all the institutional infrastructure being built out is bullish?

Am I also retarded for thinking that once the effects of the halvening start to show themselves in price the us population will be in full blown irrational mode due to the upcoming election?

Am I retarded for thinking that there might be a blow off soon in the market like literally every bank is saying will happen in 2021?

I'm betting 25k on at least 100k per btc.

Fuck you niggers I've made this mistake before and it wont happen again.

>> No.16576858

Because youre inside of the game already so of course you and every other crypto enthusiast is waiting. Its the 99% of the world doesnt own any or keep up with cycles and such. Theyll hear about one of their friends friends getting rich and see btc in magazines and on cnn. You know they dont. Like you didnt know last time but others did

>> No.16576879

This is the range newbs need to load up. (((They've))) backed the truck up for you. Gold is too

>> No.16576886

By backing the truck up, you mean they're going to dump?

>> No.16576890

Everything you think is more or less right, but not before btc bottoms at $4-6k early 2020. We may not even see higher than $10k in 2020 worst case, but it’s all worth it in the end, if you can survive another 365 days you are literally set

>> No.16576891

Think about what you wrote, pajeet

>> No.16576899

>its going to go up 250% 7 months from now
None of you faggots have any idea what will happen.
No one.

>> No.16576928
File: 308 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20191216-114600_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>massive multi-year descending wedge forming
>"bullish af bro, we're all going to make it"
You faggots deserve whats coming

>> No.16576945

This. How TF can we be bullish when the normies have completely forgotten about crypto already? Like, what's driving this bull run?

>> No.16577001

isnt descending wedge bullish

>> No.16577010

>are you a boomer? install an encrypted linux OS to a usb flash drive. Then generate your seed there and when you need to do payments just generate transaction from your pc and transfer it to another usb. then after booting the encrypted usb it will ask you for a password. then transfer the transaction to there and sign, then transfer the signed transaction to your other usb again and brodacast from your main pc.

the absolute state of cryptards. i'd rather send a payment with a few taps on my phone using venmo.

>> No.16577018
File: 388 KB, 2478x1194, Bitcoin Log1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using a log chart

>> No.16577030

It is way too early for any real pump. We have at least 2 more years of bobos being smug.

>> No.16577031

this is to store your wealth nigger. you can store small amounts with a bitcoin wallet on your phone too.

>> No.16577039

The same applies as for the stock market.
When you buy a specific company stock you investigated you know it will reach a high price after 10-15 years, but you can't tell what its price will be before that time.

>> No.16577166

I don't buy specific dtocks. I buy the whole thing (index funds).
My investment timeline is about 10-15 years so I dont care about dips/crashes/bears between now and then.