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File: 44 KB, 968x681, burglary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16566720 No.16566720 [Reply] [Original]

What should I do to cost-effectively prevent burglaries? I live in a home not an apartment.

I figure this is on-topic as it's about wealth-preservation.

>> No.16566723

don't own anything valuable

>> No.16566728

Hire a burglar to loot your house. The probability that you would be targeted twice are much smaller.

>> No.16566743

moving to a region without niggers

>> No.16566744

>cost-effectively prevent burglaries

Listen faggot you either put money into quality polycarbonate security windows and metal security doors or you don't have security at all, your choice.

>> No.16566746
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>> No.16566757

Live in the burbs, in a town thats at least 90% white

>> No.16566758

Wear crypto merchandise like a gangsta.
They'll take you for a retard or even fear you.

>> No.16566770

Window grates and metal door in metal frame with a double sided keyhole which can't easily be picked.
>muh polycarboshit
Metal bars you stupid faggot. Cheaper stronger than meme glass/plastic.

>> No.16566784

Keep some geese

>> No.16566817

>Metal bars

Ah yes, enjoy your autism cage.

>> No.16566829

>no argument
fuck off shill

>> No.16566841

use punji sticks

>> No.16566846

Put some sign like "will decapitate whoever breaks in". If I was a burglar and wasn't sure which house of the neighborhood I should break into, then surely I'm going to exclude the house where the owner is ready to decapitate me.

>> No.16566852

Allow 1 burglar to enter
Make an extreme mess of them
And I mean, fucking extreme
This will result in fewer burglars finding your property a good idea

>> No.16566889

Depends where you live. In Europe you have eastern european thive gangs that visit almost all appartments/houses in the richer countries. Living in a rich neighborhood doesn't prevent anything

>> No.16566914



Metal bars are for autists who don't have any sense of aesthetics, live in a self imposed prison and think they're going to get burgled by a Seal team.

Vast majority of burglaries are unplanned and take advantage of open windows. Even a small amount of resistance is going to be sufficient. If you really are a high value target, they'll wait until you leave the house and get to you that way.

>> No.16566942

In cities like los angeles it's rare to find houses/appartments without window bar protections and fences. Imagine allowing any drug addict/homeless to get in

>> No.16567016

>In cities like los angeles it's rare to find houses/appartments without window bar protections and fences.
So... The third world then?

>> No.16567030

Have your lights on a timer.
t. ex-locksmith that every burglary attended the property was dark @ early night time.

>> No.16567044
File: 38 KB, 640x640, 7B67160A-E464-45CE-9B0D-29DB0CEBC90E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here in the US, the neighborhoods of the elite are safe, quiet and clean, despite being LITERALLY 3 miles from a nigger slum. See Potomac Maryland.

>> No.16567267
File: 224 KB, 1917x883, fence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vast majority of burglaries are unplanned
That's the major difference with Europe. Those gangs are very methodical. I don't know anybody who didn't have his house/appartment complex targeted at least once the last 20 years by gypsies or other filth. Other than that it's safe. Rich european countries are like a disneyland for poor eastern european criminals.

pic related: a random pic in LA of a house without fences and one with. I wouldn't live in the city without fences though knowing the huge number of crazies here.

>> No.16567284

I would say maybe a third of the City of LA has bars and windows. A lot of areas don't (like my neighborhood).

>> No.16567417

Put one of those adt signs on the lawn or on your door

>> No.16567442


>> No.16567447
File: 25 KB, 562x619, attack-dangerous-dog-use-deadly-force.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a heckin pupperino goodboi

>> No.16567456
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>> No.16567736

Set up your own camera system with playback and retention capabilities for more than 30 days, review it nightly before bed. Make sure you have 360° coverage and one extra at eye level on the front and back doors. Make sure you have solid door frames and solid front and back doors. Buy a better than average lock or better yet an electronic lock. Buy reinforced windows. Keep all doors and windows locked at all times. Get an alarm system that has window sensors and dont let the payment lapse. Display the alarm company sign on your front lawn. Secure your wifi so potential thieves cant steal your information. Park your vehicles in a garage everytime its possible to do so, burglars will have to trespass and hopefully get caught by the cameras to verify if you are home. Get a doggo, let them bark when anyone is at the door and dont discourage them from doing so. Post official no trespassing signs. Get a functional fence atleast 6 feet tall. Get homeowners insurance that covers theft and burglary and keep up on the payments. Keep all receipts for everything inside of a high rated fire proof safe bolted to the floor out of sight. Keep all valuables stored away from windows and doors with windows. Tell your wife/kids not to talk about anything valueable that they own or wear it in public outside of special occasions, all acquaintances are potential burglars but they cant steal what they dont know is there. Buy multiple firearms and place them securely around the house. Teach your wife and children how to shoot and make sure they concealed carry everywhere they go.

>> No.16567762

Dog, easily. We had a home alarm system at my ghetto house growing up and it didn't do shit to deter burglars or thieves, once we got dogs we never had an issue again. They'll hear the barking and move right on down to the next house.

Think of petty criminals like the base retards they are, if there's any amount of friction they aren't going to bother with your house.

>> No.16567786

>t. Darfur resident

>> No.16567791

>metal bars
enjoy burning to death while the firefighters take 3-4 mins to cut through them
>metal door
enjoy burning to death while the rookie firefighter takes 15 mins to open it with a halligan bar

>> No.16567829

most houses that get robbed are targeted a second time retard

>> No.16567863

There was this tv show that had a guy breaking into people's houses. People knew the guy was coming, but didn't know when. It was amazing how quickly he emptied these houses.

I highly recommend watching the show. Lots of advice. Quick ones is correcting any easy vulnerability. Put glass block in the basement, alarms, cameras, thorn bush in front of easy breakable 1st floor windows, etc.

>> No.16567929

I cant remember the guy's name or I would find the youtube video about him. There was a negro breaking into people's homes, robbing the and then murdering the home owners. He did numerous times. He broke into a house where the guy and his wife beat the fuck out of that negro and he ending up fleeing. That nig came back a few weeks later, but the guy put up bars on all his windows and his doors and the nig left. The nig was caught eventually and said that he came back to that guy's house specifically to kill him and his wife, but couldnt find an easy way in.

Defence in depth, m8. Fence, bars, alarm.

>> No.16567939


Burglary is not hard to do, especially if you target complacent suburban neighborhoods. No one even locked their doors in my friend's old neighborhood growing up, blew my mind. They're lucky burglars are retards who tend to rob the house down the street.

>> No.16568034
File: 506 KB, 1242x2208, DAA720E8-B7FE-478D-8875-9E1D2833FFA5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found it.

>> No.16568071

>acquire 1 (one) staffordshire bullterrier
>looks like a pitbull but is actually very sweet
>loyal companion for life
>keeps niggers out
>will protect children with its life

>> No.16568080


Staffies are basically pit bulls though. Not that it matters, any big/strong dog is going to be a risk if you have kids because they can do more damage if they get upset. It's not that any dog is inherently bad, some of them are just more dangerous than others once they inevitably get triggered.

>> No.16568095
File: 743 KB, 1421x732, Hooonnnnnnkkkkkkkkkk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Quite terrifying be charged by a pack of them with all the honking and such.

>> No.16568107

Staffies have one of the strongest bite forces of all dogs. Yet they are one of only 2 of 3 dog breeds deemed safe around children by the world doggo organisation.

Theyre called the nanny dog for a reason.

>> No.16568139


>> No.16568148


That sounds like a meme straight from the mouths of pittie mom Facebook. No dog is "officially safe around children", they're animals and can become upset and irrational, the only thing you CAN observe and prepare for is their potential damage. A toy dog isn't going to hurt your kid as bad as a staffie, Rottweiler, or German Shepherd, so it's a risk you're going to have to willingly take on if you get one.

>> No.16568221
File: 729 KB, 1397x1173, Ayooo lemme in, gib me dat banana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no bars on second floor

>> No.16568247

>taking such an organization that looks out for dogs over humans seriously

Certain breeds are definitely more dangerous eg pitbulls however ALL dogs are a danger to habe around children AND yourself. Wonder how many of those "put moms" would say their dog "dindu nuffin" after biting off their own child's arm.

>> No.16568611

Get a dog, get motion sensor flood light out front, maybe a camera or two all set.

Most people hear a dog, and see a flood light there gone.

>> No.16568644

Mr pibble wouldn’t hurt anyone

>> No.16568752


Not an option, I live in Europe

>> No.16569112

this but unironically
the only thing of value i own are a few ounces of gold and a kg of silver, and they are buried innawoods near my house