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File: 22 KB, 368x368, 551DBF2A-DA87-4776-A101-30D3EE4F3E93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16548393 No.16548393 [Reply] [Original]

Day by day more taxes and taxes and prices going up and up and up and it just keeps going and going, and it just never stops, it just goes on and on and on, the price of goods is on perma bull mode, just bullish and bullish and shit

>> No.16548402

That's why non-shit jobs have cost-of-living wage increases
You're ignorant as fuck

>> No.16548404


>> No.16548411

dumb greta poster

>> No.16548413

I need a new job. My employer is greedy as fuck and gives no raises. Going to KMS

>> No.16548417

would bang
yes bang bang bang bang until she screams

>> No.16548421

I dont even work

>> No.16548425
File: 51 KB, 584x757, 76580DE9-4582-4C5E-A4DD-9502F1C6A062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“ make love to me incel “

>> No.16548436

Vegans don't eat bugs OP. I'm not sure why this is misunderstood by schizos thinking bugs are the wave of the future.

>> No.16548479

It's a typo.



Commies will feed us love.

>> No.16548643
File: 27 KB, 456x810, DA066A16-8EBC-408C-BAF8-454C05A21673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no you're ignorant as fuck if you think any jobs are keeping up with inflation. so fucking stupid

>> No.16548751
File: 2.23 MB, 1574x876, inflation tracking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm checking once every 3 months starting 2 months ago. got like 5 pages of groceries on my list

>> No.16548761

>what is inflation
But yes. Prices of groceries have jumped like 90% over the past 3 years. Another 3 years of that kind of growth and people will really feel and notice it. Which by then I guess it is to late.

>> No.16548788

Everything goes up but our wages. I feel like I'm running up an escalator and only going further and further down

>> No.16549000

I'm sure most people have watched the first movie of the Matrix trilogy. This was undoubtedly one of the films that most impacted young people and adults in its time. But even though he was creative, he was not the first to introduce the idea that we could be living in a simulation, and that the world would be a fantasy built around us, to distract and entertain us, and that its only purpose would be to make it happen. We would avoid asking ourselves questions about the issues that really matter.

Even being seen by crowds, few have bridged our own reality. Interestingly, on the Dark Web there is an article that claims that we actually live in the Matrix, and it is up to each of us to wake up from the deep sleep we find ourselves in, in order to be truly free. It is inspired by this article that I appeal to you, just as Morpheus approached Neo and offered him the red pill. I can show you the door, but it's only up to you through it. The truth that awaits you on the other side can be disturbing. The facts I'm going to narrate are years ahead of what you'll find out there.

Like Alice entering Wonderland, the rabbit hole is very deep, and has its origin millennia ago. All the fabric that makes up the truth is wrapped around itself, and various forces act to alter human behavior. But some hold much more power than others, and cause the balance to tip much further than the other.

>> No.16549010

In order to undo all this ball that surrounds us, we need to understand a basic economic concept. The efficient allocation of resources. The more efficient the allocation of resources in an economy, the more its inhabitants will prosper. However, the scarcest resource we have is time. There is no more efficient way to allocate human time than to give people freedom: each person chooses what to do with their time, and how best to use it. If we lived in a country where the government centralizes power and controls what each one does, we would have a huge waste of talent, will and vocation, and our society would be even worse. Therefore, in general, countries with higher levels of individual freedom enjoy greater economic development.

Until 1914 we lived in a relatively free world. For practicality we were already using paper money (cash), but it was backed by gold: all currency issued by central banks was secured by a fixed amount of gold in government coffers. Because gold is a hard-to-mine metal, it guaranteed control over inflation and the loss of purchasing power of those who used the money. This also meant that there were no currency fluctuations in relation to foreign currencies - all would be quoted simply for the fixed difference in the amount of gold that makes them up. This made it easier for men to conduct foreign trade, as each country could exploit its natural vocation with the same efficiency over time. There were no currency wars. Interestingly, it was also during this time that human productivity per capita reached the highest historical levels (deflating the cumulative increase in technology, of course). It is also notorious that wars were far less lethal: their battles were sporadic points of violence spaced by long periods of peace. This is because countries' war expenditures were limited by how much gold they had in their coffers, so that no country could afford to prolong battles for long.

>> No.16549019

This led to a localized war between specialized armies.

In World War I, however, politicians and bankers realized that they could continue printing money and investing in the war effort indefinitely, even if they had no gold, as they controlled this process. Instead of spending what they had in their coffers, governments could continue printing as long as the population accepted money as a bargaining chip, that is, the limit of war spending became the entire wealth of the population. This made the ensuing wars devastating. It also changed countries' trade balance and much productivity was lost, causing governments around the world to be forced to increase their social spending by up to 30 times as a percentage of GDP.

So we do not have a free-market global economy today. We do have a global capitalist economy, but with centralizing entities in each country. The entire population becomes hostage to the government, with the knife and cheese in hand. How the government will disrupt the citizen depends only on the good mood of the next elected leader. Amazingly, it also depends on the bankers, who control the printing of the money behind the curtains, the "Deep State."

>> No.16549025

As more papers are issued, the purchasing power of the population is eroded through inflation: more money in circulation to buy the same amount of goods makes the price of products go up - who has the money in hand ends up harmed. We often see people complain about how much money they buy today much less than it did in the past. Because of this corrosive effect, people start consuming more in the short term and saving less for the long term. If previously a young man would save to buy a house in the future, now he will prefer to consume, buy a mobile phone or clothes, since the expectation that that money accumulates until buying a superior good is null1.

Even worse are the social consequences of creating a society that prefers short-term benefits over long-term investments. For example, people divorce today for far more trivial reasons than in the past, as no one is willing to spend time and effort in a long-term relationship - leading to an increase in the number of children growing up without family structure, and therefore social inequality. In another parallel, music and other arts are showing work that is increasingly poor in quality, as the human being is discouraged from investing in his qualification, since anyone lucky enough can be raised to relatively effortless fame. Today it is inconceivable to be born a Michelangelo who is willing to spend four years painting a Sistine Chapel.

This has three consequences: the population creates less quality goods that generate wealth in the long run; consumption of superfluous goods increases, increasing environmental degradation through the exploitation of natural resources, and; It is necessary for the government to issue even more money in the future to plug the gaps created by declining productivity, which will lead to a vicious cycle of printing paper money, falling interest rates, falling quality of life and increasing inequality. Which is what we have seen since the gold standard was taken.

>> No.16549036

Deep State's goal, after all, is to build power at the expense of others by using monetary control for that purpose. A pause is needed here to determine that the source of his power is the very control of the printing of money. But it is not the fault of the currency itself, but of the centralized system in the hands of a few. Before the end of the gold ballast we did not have all this vulnerability. Money is not a social construct but a necessary exchange tool. Our problem is that those who control money do not have interests aligned with those of the population. It should also be noted here that most wars since then have been funded by the same group, which banks both belligerent sides, and reaps the fruits of debt on both sides involved. In the US, for example, the government is in debt of $ 70,000 per capita, or $ 23 trillion in total!

Now comes the next chapter of domination. By the law of diminishing returns economics itself, the more money comes into circulation, the less effective each additional unit of money is to make the economy spin compared to the previous unit. Excessive money in the economy is also harmful, generates inflation and erodes the purchasing power of families. As the money supply increases, the basic interest rates of the economy fall. Basic interest is like the fuel of the economy: when it is stagnating, it is enough to reduce the interest that the population goes back into debt to consume. But we are close to the zero interest limit. To circumvent this problem, the IMF began to advocate the fall to negative interest rates simply because “there is no negative interest rate limit!” 2

>> No.16549046

Negative interest is: If you let your money go, instead of yielding it over time, you'll pay interest for saving it and see your balance go down. This will force people to consume more products and move the economy again, as the expectation that it will be worth less in the future will make people choose to consume now. But for this trick to work, one detail is needed: cash must cease to exist! Otherwise, people will withdraw money from banks, as happened in Japan, and the economy will simply stagnate as no one will want to deposit it again. It sounds like a dystopian idea, but it is already in place in some countries. Just look, and you will find that many have already banned in-kind purchases above certain amounts, increased supervision, or required payments for durable goods by bank transfer, etc. The signs are obvious, the government claims that it wants to inhibit evasion, but in reality wants to strike the last blow against freedom. The ultimate idea of the elites will be to print CBDC, “Central Bank Digital Cryptocurrency,” gradually replace the money with its digital version, and then start charging interest on bank accounts, wherever they may be.

>> No.16549055

David Rockefeller wrote in his biography3 that he was conspiring in favor of a global government, and working against American interests. Other bankers have issued similar phrases, such as the Rothshilds, that spout untold wealth and control themselves or through puppets most media vehicles, newspapers, TVs and magazines, such as Forbes and the BBC, for example. The Economist herself made the cover of her January 1988 magazine the proposal for a single global currency. Netflix, on the other hand, is the creation of the grandson of Edward Bernays, the father of modern advertising, who so brilliantly manipulated the population. It is a data-driven advertising network, creating narratives to shape public perception in favor of desired consumer behaviors.

Be aware that Deep State moves forward based on a Hegel dialectic. These are three steps: first, create a problem, a "crisis" to be fought; then accuse your enemy of causing the crisis; Finally, to offer the solution to this crisis as a policy that further enhances its power. It has been so in the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. For example, globalists recently destabilized governments and financed terrorist groups, which eventually caused the migrant crisis of Middle Eastern refugees. They then accused Arabs and local leaders opposed to globalization of being the cause, and proposed to Europe to accept the demographic invasion of reproductive-age Islamists with the excuse of humanitarian aid, which is actually ten times cheaper to assist refugees in neighboring countries. to conflict than in Europe. Another issue is climate: the depletion of natural resources comes from the rampant printing of paper money and household debt, which now chooses to consume rather than save.

>> No.16549059

wow I'm not even going to bother reading the first sentence of that, looks like you went full retard

>> No.16549064

But now they use puppets in the media to blame the enemies of the globalists for the problem. The popular outcry for the "climate solution" will come in the form of a global government that can act with an iron fist for the "environment". You will see activists advocating a global government as a solution, while in reality they are empowering the very people who caused the problem in the first place. They are falling like ducks.

>> No.16549084

This is where I offer the red pill. It consists in understanding that a select elite conspire to undermine global free-market capitalism and establish a single world government with a single currency. A centralizing entity that will have broad powers to destroy the lives of those who oppose it. An all-seeing government. The red pill is to see that central banks are already restricting the use of cash (which is a source of individual freedom as it is anonymous) and will soon introduce centralized cryptocurrencies, the CBDCs, so that they can tax wealth. all with a simple computer command, and track all your spending. It will be the end of individual freedom. It consists in realizing that once this step is taken, there will be no further social ascension. If all the money you try to save is reduced by interest, you will never be able to produce enough for a better life. It will go into debt and everything it produces will revert back to consumption. The red pill is to see that the popular outcry for a "savior" global government that can cross the countries' borders will make its own enemies gain maximum police power. It also means that everyone will be equally indebted, enslaved, everyone will have the same rights and duties, except for a few of a select ruling elite who will tell you what to do, what to read, how to dress, and what to do. to eat. It is to understand that the goal of Deep State is the same as communism: to take away individual freedom by replacing it with overwhelming police power backed by an excessive tax burden, to impose negative interest, completely taking people's ability to improve. of life by their own efforts, and to impose worship and obedience on the state. The bottom line is that the attacks of cultural Marxism have long been designed to harm family and Christian religions, since they are decision-making units that will meet the decisions of a supreme state.

>> No.16549096

There is much more to this behind everything that cannot be written in a few paragraphs. The solution, however, exists. The solution to true human freedom has already been created. It's about taking away the power of elites over the impression of money. It is human being to choose another form of currency that is not centralized. That it is the result of a consensus of global population value, practical as money, quick as a bank transfer between long distances and having its impression controlled mathematically on a declining inflation curve. A currency that has a limited number of units through global consensus on the internet network. An unbreakable coin. This currency is Bitcoin. Bitcoin will revolutionize money just as the internet revolutionized communication. It will break the monopoly of central banks just as messaging applications have broken the monopoly of telephone operators. It stands for the automation of financial activities just as the computer has automated the manufacture of industrialized components. It will revolutionize the financial system more than Uber revolutionized transport. It is impossible to explain in a few lines all that it represents for the future of human freedom, but know this: one day in the near future you will have to choose whether you prefer a central bank-issued cryptocurrency, centered in the hands of your enemy, or if you want to. one created by the network of millions of users like me or you. That will be the difference between enslavement and liberation. It is time to wake up.

A saying from the brothers Geoff and Vince Graham sums up the absurdity of political universalism without scale. “I am at the federal level a libertarian; at the state level, a republican; at the local level, a democrat; and at the level of family and friends, a socialist. "
- Nassim Nicholas Taleb.

>> No.16549105

Sorry, I had to use google translate to paste the text. Hope people can understand.

>> No.16549119

>find job
>get raise after first couple months once you prove you're not retarded
>ask for 10% raise annually, get it because not retarded
>after so many years, employer will start to push back on annual raise
>find another job & use current salary as leverage during negotiation
>get job, repeat because not retarded
>"you're ignorant as fuck if you think any jobs are keeping up with inflation"
Spotted the retard

>> No.16549140

What happened

>> No.16549142

Here it was supposed to translate as
" since they are decision-making units that will go against the decisions of a supreme state"

I dont know why google got it wrong

>> No.16549370

I do notice this, and so do many other people (while shopping, I often overhear people saying "oh, look this, it cost X, but before it was Y").

That's fiat money working as intended. Robbing people of their purchasing power, to prevent any form of responsible savings, to keep people enslaved to a job.

Work more, earn less, that's what the fiat world offers.

Thankfully, we got a plan B.

>> No.16549424

things are expensive because wages are low, you fucking idiots. the inflation of basic necessities like land as well as many of the things the government buys that you get taxed for, happens because the people in the top .1% have 99% of the money in the fucking economy. We told you it would be like this. The signs have been there for a long time. Look at 1970 not 19 fucking 14

>> No.16549468

You are just a retarded commie. There will always be people that have more than others. It's the human nature. What you are advocating for is a strong state that can force your own will "to take from those capitalist bastards and give to us". But it is exacly as was written in the text. If you cant see that the only way out is freedom, then you are a fucking retard. Once the government is strong, do you think it will act according to your beliefs? think again moron.

>> No.16549470
File: 40 KB, 409x409, 1541989236550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's pretty rich coming from a fucking slave

>> No.16549490

But you are just so retarded that you cant see inflation is eroding purchasing power because (((they))) control money printing. How come all media is controlled by the same jewish group? How much of a moron can one anon be?

>> No.16549533
File: 84 KB, 794x495, puchasing-power-one-dollar-history-chart-image-monetary-policy-100-years.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>huuu durrr look at 1970

Here it is moron, since the got out of the gold standard. Do yourself a favor and go read The Bitcoin Standard.

>> No.16549553

>duped by a chart
low IQ retard. inflation is extremely easy to avoid in fact most people do it unintentionally. the chart you posted has some of America's best years.

>> No.16549568

>There will always be people that have more than others.
nice moralistic answer to a material economic problem
>Once the government is strong
who said this? you fucking idiot. if you live on an island and trade coconuts and one guy takes all the coconuts and leaves shit for anybody else, and just sits on them, your economy doesnt fucking work

>> No.16549576

Yeah, explain how do you expect to force wage increases then. I'll wait. It has some of the best years.

1900> 1920 > 1940 > 1960 > 2000


>> No.16549674

you can't force wage increases. people aren't worth the same to the economy anymore. you have to supplement the cost of living with new social programs like public highways, free firefighters, free k-12 education, a pension plan, healthcare for people over 65, etc.
This was how maintained a standard of living for people who previously made a living as subsistence farmers and such that were now reduced to being factory line workers.

>> No.16549696

All you do is ask for a stronger government

>> No.16549731
File: 856 KB, 1242x1206, 70560794-CA2C-4CBE-8A15-7E52A4FC4170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fiat controlled money is by design made to keep people poor and enrich the wealthy. Almost all of you retards believe the very people responsible for the system for why it’s better for you to keep the system going. Ones higher up this pyramid scheme have reason to keep going because they don’t want to fall further down and others are just to stupid to bother figuring out how the systems robs them of time and their worthless money. Only destroying the current money system and building a decentralized financial institution would be fair but the wealthy will never allow you morons to even begin to implement that system.

>> No.16549761

Here's another point of view: you could adopt the Fordist model of paying people way more than their labor is worth knowing that you'll make that money back once your workforce (and everyone else's workforce) are turned into an ever larger consuming class because of their increased wages.

Ford understood that the danger of modern economies isn't that there won't be enough stuff for everyone, but that there will be too much stuff and not enough people to buy it. If you raise the per-capita income of your population, they can buy more, pay more bills, pay more in taxes and your economy will become overall healthier because more people in that economy are SPENDING MONEY.

What you don't want is fucking communism, which is what you're advocating for. I don't want to give up my rights so that the government can provide me with a decent standard of living. I want to be paid enough for my labor that I can provide a decent standard of living for MYSELF without government intervention.

Of course, this doesn't happen on its own, which is why every 60-100 years like clockwork, we have to bust out Madame Le Guillotine like clockwork and remind the rich that we don't need them as much as they need us, and we don't like them either.

>> No.16549788

If the "government" actually incentivized the youth of the nation, as in, the heritage of America, as in, European Americans - there never would have been a population slump. We were brainwashed for decades against strong relationships, traditional families, and now the national identity of America is gone forever. It will NEVER be a homogenous nation again, and balkanization around cultural differences is all but guaranteed.

Besides losing our country, we also enjoy a declining life expectancy, high and increasing youth suicide rates, overmedication for 'diseases of despair' which run rampant in a world devoid of meaning as it has been devoured by post-modernism, which was designed from the ground up to dispossess and destroy our culture.

We should all be starting small family farms, having kids and homeschooling. That is the only way to unfuck this country from becoming a mongrelized slave colony. Commie faggots are mentally ill perverts and just want you to shut the fuck up and give the government, niggers and spics more money while eating the lie that it is somehow going to stop our collective soul from being raped into a corpse and eaten by maggots. Violence is coming for you faggots.

>> No.16549814

Its an interesting concept but you are essentially having a central authority set wages right? It seems rough around the edges
>population slump hurr durr nazi shit
>start a farm
truly the most pathetic group on the internet

>> No.16549822

>What is inflation Alex

Stupid fuck this is what you get with fiat

>> No.16549826

Fuck the fuck off pol

>> No.16549833

Seething retard

>> No.16549852

>he doesn't eat bugs while living in a trailer

Not gonna make it

>> No.16549854

go live in a city, have superfluous sex, do drugs, try sucking some cock maybe. You faggots literally have no idea what it is like to live in accordance with nature. If you aren't going to have kids then your opinion is literally worthless, why should you have any say, any vote over laws that will effect posterity when you have no stake in posterity? No skin in the game, pure hedonistic faggot materialist.

>> No.16549888

you got a fucked up mind son

>> No.16549903

>This was how maintained a standard of living for people who previously made a living as subsistence farmers and such that were now reduced to being factory line workers.

You do realize you're just contradicting yourself like the commie bitch you are right? Yeah, I'm sure the faggots and bugmen with no family will be having the last laugh over "nazis" who invest their life into family, home and land. You will not be missed.

>> No.16549907
File: 1.98 MB, 2736x1824, ACtVp0X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>things are expensive because wages are low
no—wages are "low" because the government forces people to pay workers who only do jobs that are objectively worth $1 per hour as if they were doing jobs that were worth ten times as much
it's less accurate to say that wages are low, and more accurate to say that money is simply increasingly less valuable

>money has material, tangible relevancy to human biology on its own and if someone who has earned the vast majority of the supply doesn't spend it on stupid shit they don't want or walks away with it then everyone else will die of a money deficiency
collectivist logic

>> No.16549939


can you make this image again with drop shadow on the text so you can fucking read it?

>> No.16549974

Fuck Greta
Yeah the biggest thing I've noticed is meal deals at fast food places...seems like they went from being about $5-$6 to $8 in the past 3 or 4 years..wtf

>> No.16550864
File: 33 KB, 342x342, 61iCr+ND38L._SX342_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The minimum wage in 1964 was $1.25
MINIMUM, I remind you
But wait, omg 5 silver quarters an hour.
The melt value of 5 silver quarters, on a good day, is about $15.50.
There's your damn minimum wage. BUT WAIT today's minimum wage is $7.25. So, the difference is $8.25.

>> No.16550992

This guys gets it
You are a retard and doesnt belong to this board

>> No.16551258

You’re a mentally ill faggot that doesn’t even know the difference between male and female and you think you deserve any kind of rights or prosperity, you deserve to bite the curb and get skullfucked.

>> No.16551323

Inflation is good. It helps keep the millionaires on their toes.

>> No.16551342



>> No.16551366

This nigga gets it. The reality is that the destruction of USSR and the 3rd block was a disaster... for the average middle-class American. Fast forward to 2019 and corporations are wiping their asses with the American consumers, think Blizzard and China, or just recently the Time magazine fudging the cover from HK to Greta.

>> No.16551426

I was given a silver dime in my change which offset the cost of the $3 coffee, although I know silver will never be worth much, it cheered me up as I faced yet another day of wagecuckin'

>> No.16551465

oy vey goyim, I heard from my secret connect that FED *might* prop up huge QE in the 4th quartal.

*already prints billions through the entire year *

>> No.16551661

what are you talking about?
.10 to 3 is over 2,89% return

>> No.16551669

2,899% lol

>> No.16551710

>jobs that are objectively worth $1 per hour
There are no such jobs tho. No one would waste time for you if you offer them $1/h even if it was just fucking sitting. You can ask hobos how much they can "earn" in an hour, dumb retard. Wages are artificially kept low, through many means, by the top 1%, so that they don't lose grip on power and have no competition. They work very hard to degrade people to the level of cattle.

>> No.16551799

So working as a McDonald's cashier is worth minimum wage? Despite the attempt to phase out humans? If a job were truly worth as much as people were being paid, would it not be most efficient to continue using people?

>> No.16551978

wage growth comes when businesses compete for labor

>> No.16552105

You clueless faggot.

>> No.16552209

Two words should jiggle your mind: red tape
Big corps made money doing stuff that is now illegal for many reasons, and they didn't pay any penalty for it. In fact once they corner the market they lobby the government to put regulations that will make it impossible for potential competition to even start.
Look at car industry in EU. German car makers made rules so hard they even fucked themselves up (diesel emissions scandal), but they have the money to pay penalty and still stay in business.
When people can't start their own business they're only left with option to wagecuck for a corporation. Hence low wages, and more red tape to discourage people from starting any legal ventures.

>> No.16552280
File: 402 KB, 600x576, 9102EDB2-3E8A-43BF-B529-7A89D8B976D0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine that after you die you will go to another world and there exists all the BILLIONS of people who died before you. there are only so many resources there, too, and you have to get in line in hopes that you’ll get a little bit of gold. but you are very late so you are in the back of the line and you have to fight for scraps and suck people off just to get by. the people you’re sucking off? those are the faggots who committed suicide so they could get a better place in line. they knew this world was built to stall cucks like you who are too afraid of death and pursue the longest life possible, keeping you away from the real wealth.

>> No.16552336


>> No.16552991

Post the article here.

>> No.16553182
File: 917 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20191011-082057_Google Play Books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16553190

It's been happening since forever. Inflation is just a tool by the government to fleece its citizens. If the price doesn't go up, people will stop working.

>> No.16553272

Come back to me once actors, models and athletes arent grossing 7/8/9 figures annually.
No talent= shit salary.

>> No.16553401

All these attempts to replace people and yet still nothing tangible. Yes it's worth minimum wage unless you want nobody working, because that's who would accept your job, nobody. Could turn in cans for a better rate

>> No.16553412

Getting fucked by Weinstein isn't a talent

>> No.16553456
File: 340 KB, 1066x1212, IMG_20191209_161048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baste. Thanks for the read

>> No.16554038

You're welcome

>> No.16554053

You write like an incel penning his manifesto.

>> No.16554237

dark mode how plz

>> No.16554511

>farm inna woods
>have lots of white babies
Thats how you defeat the jew, amirite conservatard? Why didnt anybody tell us its that easy?

>> No.16554563

>Of course, this doesn't happen on its own, which is why every 60-100 years like clockwork, we have to bust out Madame Le Guillotine like clockwork and remind the rich that we don't need them as much as they need us, and we don't like them either.

Lol you aint reminding shit, the rich fleeced your ancestors through wars and schemes every other decade or so. French revolution was fake as fuck and so were all other revolutions and wars. Your ancestors never even touched a (((rich))) persons hair, they were the bagholders at the end of each war and revolution.

>> No.16555740
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you don't understand the fact that the true value of a currency is not inseperably fixed to some authority figure's mere statement of what that currency is worth, let alone your vague idea of what a dollar is worth; in a good economy, someone's work could be worth $0.10 per hour and that $0.10 could buy them a week's worth of groceries—and in a shit economy, everyone could pretend that some twat who pours coffee into cups and passes donuts to fat kids with welfare moms does work that is EQUAL IN VALUE to the work of another wagie that does the same motions, only they have to do them three times as quickly. this is kinda an unimaginative example, but it's fucking near midnight mate let me sleep

don't be a daft commie—if this thread is still up in the morning, i might do an actual response to your post

>> No.16555766

it's insane. half my paycheck goes to groceries alone. the other to gas. i dont pay bills because i live with parents but if i did i would be bankrupt

>> No.16555786
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Sorry about the shit in your cereal. what set you off you troglodyte?


>> No.16555788

that's not how the real world works.

>> No.16555864

Because you are anon and it's by design. People are waking up now with just enough time to fix this shit .

>> No.16555884
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jesus christ this thread

>> No.16555886

Oh shoot i think i remember you anon.

Am considering doing this as well. Tracking the individual stores i see the prices at. I've been a neet for like several months too so i might as well. Ill get out of the house too so thats a nice benefit.

>> No.16555901

Jesus christ how much food do you eat? I spend $1000 a month for food and gas for a family of 4.

>> No.16555923

I make 1800 a month and also spend 1000 a month of groceries feeding myself and my family. 200 a monty on gas. Too expensive america is

>> No.16556080

That's too much on food. Cut junkfood and meat. Eat more beans, rice, pasta and whatever vegetables are cheap

>> No.16556254
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Thomas Sowell is full of shit you retard

>hurr global capitalism is going to bring wealth and prosperity to the world

>> No.16556268

you hear about this leapfrogging shit, going from job to job, leveraging your previous salary to make more and more, and for some people it works out that way, but what you don't realize is that eventually you'll reach a negotiating situation where they just laugh in your face, so you take another interview, they laugh in your face, repeat 50 times, and you end up settling for less. Now you're years behind, or on par with your previous salary at best. Throw in an economic downturn at some point over a 5-10 year period and you suddenly back down in the gutter.

When you get a little older you'll realize that real life isn't the happy times meme you've been told and that most employers are ruthless and that most employees are easily replaced.

>> No.16556289

Humanity literally peaked in the 90s. It's only downwards from here on until we finally go extinct and our suffering is finally over.

>> No.16556326
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What if we turned pennies into a food source? They're fucking everywhere and no one uses them for anything.

>> No.16556372
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>no—wages are "low" because the government forces people to pay workers who only do jobs that are objectively worth $1 per hour
This board might legit be the most low IQ schizo shithole on this entire site.

>> No.16556427

Is there a way out of this?

>> No.16556591

>This is where I offer the red pill. It consists in understanding that a select elite conspire to undermine global free-market capitalism and establish a single world government with a single currency.
Thats not going to happen, most of the wealth of the US depends on the dollar being the defacto world currency. People talk about how much trouble the US is in for being in so much debt, they dont realize that all that debt is in dollar denominated bonds. Other countries buying US debt is a huge source of strength. And it doesnt even have to be debt, just the fact that people in foreign countries use the dollar means they are taking a loan because a dollar bill is effectively debt itself.

People think that we are in a bubble and that the economy has to crash. But there are major differences from now to something like the great depression. During the great depression the dollar was backed by gold and so they couldnt print money. So banks just held on to money rather than risking loaning money which killed the velocity of money. People dont realize that only the poor suffered during the great depression, the rich were still rich. Today we dont have a problem with banks hoarding money because we use QE to trash bond prices and force banks to loan money.

This video explains very well why the US will dominate the world economy soley by the dollar being the world currency:

>> No.16556678

None, blockchain is (((their))) alternative system, which in it’s final form will be even more draconian than the current system. They are just playing with us all this time since they are in complete control.

Only downhill for the goyim.

>> No.16556923

Manufacturers will keep the same price but with less volume, it will be in a larger package to hide it. 16oz of bacon for 3.50 one year becomes 12 oz of bacon for 3.50, etc. Just an example. Brands are basically a cartel on goods. Look at how prices increased when gas prices went up. Producers blamed transportation costs. Then gas prices halved or lowered by even more. Did the in-store prices on goods lower as well now that transport was back? Hell no! Consumers are just sheep being fleeced. Most people are too distracted by the new thing to ever realize they are being leeched off by almost everyone. This is why suicide is frowned upon because misery loves company.

>> No.16557233
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>> No.16557254
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>> No.16557275

It's a meta kind of hell.

>> No.16557423
File: 26 KB, 640x276, 1_T7wkQJ1vo1Xl7ikQ-rGzEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow I read this all and I felt a sudden and overwhelming urge to go all in on Universal Protocol. I honestly believe it is the only thing that can save us now.

>> No.16557909

>, i might do an actual response to your post
before you do, learn to read with understanding, moron.

>> No.16558647

no kike is ever going extinct considering their hidden tech

>> No.16558937
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okay in all honesty, my response to you was pretty good—you should certainly get the picture, especially if you understand the concept that you've outlined in >>16552209; there's an enormous system of regulations that make it damn well impossible for someone starting out from the bottom with no connections to work their way out of the rut that is trying to attract and target customers and then meet their demands, while trying to perform legal gymnastics as cheaply and efficiently as possible AND doing all of this on whatever percentage of your earnings are left after taxes, minus your living expenses. most people—and importantly, people who ARE capable of the standalone tasks that are inseparably relevant to running a profitable business—can't do it.
with this in mind, i'll get to the point—referring back to >>16551710, you say that "wages are artificially kept low"—and what i gather from you, given that you refute the simple fact that the value of the dollar can change and that you haven't hit me with any solutions or arguments but somehow think that you're in a position where you can call me a retard, i'm inclined to believe that you think that the minimum wage isn't high enough. am i correct?

this isn't an argument—it's not even well-written. lose the attitude, cunt.

>> No.16558947
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Posting in epic bread.
The worst has just begun. 10% increase you will see in next month. 12 months ago was all time low. This month is 3 year high on many food ingredient items.

>> No.16558957

Youre all slave cattle

>> No.16558958
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>> No.16558997

I guess my tradie job is shit.

>> No.16559008

tfw strowwelpeter

>> No.16559022

>i'm inclined to believe that you think that the minimum wage isn't high enough. am i correct?
you clearly can't read, moron. First you say I'm right, and then you say I'm wrong when both of my posts you mention are not contrary at all. In fact, they compliment each other.
When I say wages are artificially kept low, I mean exactly the red tape, and other means, like useless education (like gender studies, etc), media propaganda, etc. etc, you name it. It's everything the top 1% holds in power to degrade people and make them believe that wagecucking for $1/h is just the way it is, and their work is not worth more.
It's people themselves who lower the wages, because they have no selfrespect, and/or no other option.
If people valued their time they wouldn't spend it working for $1/h regardles if their work make that much profit for the master or not. Why? Because they'd be able to do something more valuable in that time.
I give you example. Quit your job, and you have 2h a day more to live your life, that otherwise you waste on commute to work. That's 20 days a year, counting modestly, that you pay for the privilege of being a wagecuck. you're telling me you're ok with that?? They you are a moron, and a slave.

>> No.16559086
File: 1.45 MB, 234x234, tfw god exists.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tax his land, Tax his bed, Tax the table at which he's fed.

Tax his tractor, Tax his mule, Teach him taxes are the rule.

Tax his work, Tax his pay, He works for peanuts anyway!

Tax his cow, Tax his goat, Tax his pants, Tax his coat. Tax his ties, Tax his shirt, Tax his work, Tax his dirt.

Tax his tobacco, Tax his drink, Tax him if he tries to think.

Tax his cigars, Tax his beers, If he cries tax his tears.

Tax his car, Tax his gas, Find other ways to tax his ass.

Tax all he has, Then let him know, That you won't be done till he has no dough.

When he screams and hollers, Then tax him some more, Tax him till he's good and sore.

Then tax his coffin, Tax his grave, Tax the sod in which he's laid.

Put these words Upon his tomb, 'Taxes drove me to my doom...'

When he's gone, Do not relax, Its time to apply the inheritance tax.

>> No.16559115

BASED. Ooof.

>> No.16559124

Is this good or bad?

>> No.16559152

Your argument seems to make the point that people should be kept as slaves because they are too dumb to do anything else. Similar to how we use farm animals. Almost every farm animal is stronger than us and could kill the farmer and run off and survive but they don’t. We don’t feel sorry for them. Why should we feel sympathy for fellow cattle? Maybe that’s why no one really cares to fight back we just wanna be the farmer.

>> No.16559159

Reading that poem is pure depression because it's the absolute truth.

The actualization that the people of a government are no more than the cattle to a farmer is a daunting realization. The farmer keeps them just happy and fed enough to continue to milk them and be profitable. The Taxpayer is nothing more than a herd of milk cows that are kept just comfortably numb enough to not commit suicide in droves or overturn the society they are governed.

We are the animal farm, Orwell would be churning in his grave.

>> No.16559169
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I don't know who wrote it but it was the first thing that came to mind when reading this thread.

>> No.16559170

Jannies value their work at $0 an hour so certainly there are people who value themselves at $1 an hour

>> No.16559180
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>Orwell would be churning in his grave

>> No.16559211


>> No.16559314
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>t. a Jew

>> No.16559356

You’re the one that said it goyim.

>> No.16559445

learn to read moran. I said exactly the opposite.

>> No.16559624
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l o s e t h e f u c k i n g a t t i t u d e . when you present opinions like "nobody would work for $1 per hour" and "wages are kept artificially low" with name-calling in the place of any actual arguments to substantiate those statements, the FIRST THING that's going to come to any reasonable person's mind is "okay, am i dealing with a '''we need to raise the minimum wage''' lobotomite here". you're presenting statements that are products of bringing things to their logical conclusions, but you're presenting them as if everyone were reading a transcript of your ongoing internal monologue; nobody knows how you come to your conclusions when you just make statements that could be interpreted in multiple different ways when there aren't any arguments to back them up, so before you get vindictive at anyone who you think is a scatterbrained retard, it'd be wise to explain your logic so that you don't come off as scatterbrained yourself.
that in mind—what are you trying to get across here? "things would get better if people demanded more from their employers"? if some retard wanted to be fucked in the ass by a spike made out of frozen mercury, why the hell should you care unless they're using your money or property to do it?
i mean, you're absolutely right—people can and SHOULD realize that employers are just as much engaging in a transaction as the employee when they are hiring. what's your point? does them not getting this necessarily make YOU poor, or is it the conditions imposed on you by government that make trying to separate yourself economically from people who practically choose to be slaves nearly impossible the thing that actually IS arguably unfair and IS something that makes you poor?
if you believe that it's regulations that are largely the problem behind so many other people being poor—as i do—then why are you caught up on the notion that it's merely the MISAPPROPRIATION of these regulatory powers that is causing people to become poor?

>> No.16559635

Reread my original response goy.