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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 60 KB, 668x680, csv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16545282 No.16545282 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone notice how there are fewer and fewer Craig threads every week?

This is what capitulation looks like, slowly and silently they drop like flies.

>> No.16545286

Why did anyone ever care about this dumb shit?

>> No.16545292

It started off as ironic shitposting and got memed into an actual cult

>> No.16545300

there is still plenty but they grow tired

>> No.16545304


1200 EOY bait did the job

>> No.16545305

its basically a bunch of faggots late to the BTC bandwagon who want to believe they are getting in early on the next big thing, so they eat everything up.

That, and paid shills + brainlets who barely speak English and fall for a sub-par charlatan.

>> No.16545308

This happens every single time BSV drops in sats and every time it bounces back there's unironically like 30% more BSV shilling than ever before.

Q3 2020 /biz will unironically be a BSV board.

>> No.16545320

The BSV community is really small It's the same shit spammers over and over again. Now that they have realized they can't convert 4chan they're giving up.

>> No.16545333
File: 779 KB, 1051x805, 1551156163118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its actually because i keep getting banned, and when unbanned i have to answer at least 15 captchas. Eventually google shuts me off saying i am sending automated queries. I am responsible directly for 80% of cregposting on this board.

>> No.16545350

has anyone noticed the captcha is getting more retarded
4chan is damaging the development of AI

>> No.16545361

Prove it.

Not that I find this hard to believe at all, obviously people like you exist.

Post your craig folder size or something

>> No.16545391


>> No.16545582


the vishnu in the block chain was pretty good tho

>> No.16545596
File: 602 KB, 2048x1569, 1557284831033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The price hasn't really done anything besides crab for the past two months. We can only be so enthusiastic. I'll shitpost more if you like though.

>> No.16545604
File: 361 KB, 1920x1040, 1559099056261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy a pass, senpai.

>> No.16545614


The price seems to go in the opposite direction of tech development. Really, wtf's going on?

>> No.16545663
File: 221 KB, 510x510, Stephan-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most price movements in crypto are unexpected whales or retail hype. BSV has that sometimes too. Genesis will certainly hype the price, as will other things related to creg. Those are all well and fine, but the real BSV bull market will come with business adoption. Guys like pic related who is integrating BSV with SAP to revolutionize ERP systems. This shit is what is most exciting.

>> No.16545964
File: 52 KB, 985x753, ELV4y00XsAAiKT2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 2020 things will happen you can't even imagine

>> No.16545986


Let's say you're right, what's the minimum amount to "make it"?

>> No.16546003
File: 218 KB, 720x720, theworldagainstCSW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you even talking about? BSV threads are at unprecedentedly STIFF levels. Look, you even started one yourself.

>> No.16546007

>turmeric complete
Gets me every time

>> No.16546119

Nigger all you had to do was lurk to learn this

>> No.16546127


Fuck that, how much you got?

>> No.16546132

Thing is I've been around since before he popped up and he's been saying this kind of shit every other year. Segwit vuln was promised in 2017

>> No.16546219


>> No.16546265
File: 3.12 MB, 1507x1180, BUIDL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16546273

It's called meme valuation

>> No.16546898

Running out of budget to pay the shills obv.

>> No.16546957
File: 22 KB, 597x471, bsv folders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post your craig folder size or something
I'm not the guy you asked, but I too are responsible for 80% of the cregposting. Pic related is my creg folders

>> No.16546973
File: 9 KB, 156x126, cregfolder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'scuse me, big blocker coming through.

>> No.16546977
File: 13 KB, 162x155, shamfur dispray.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've actually 2x my cregfolder since the last time I posted it.

>> No.16546987

based! Keep collecting and making oc

>> No.16547003

what this is captcha shit, i have the same thing on /pol/ i got flagged by the google jew or something

>> No.16547005
File: 1.12 MB, 1041x1454, 1573498211342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not even worth it to try and post on /pol/ without a pass. I have to unironically fill out 20+ captchas.

>> No.16547017

Based Google AI has detected that you are a useless piece of shit and has decided to shut you down.

>> No.16547018
File: 8 KB, 233x217, 147456345348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i know, i post my /pol/tard vitriol all over the other boards now

>> No.16547027
File: 34 KB, 293x291, empty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making oc

>> No.16547034
File: 2.22 MB, 1136x682, 1559195950406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek same

>> No.16547037

I wonder how many people intentionally provide false responses. I often hit streetlights instead of vehicles or crosswalks when not paying attention.

>> No.16547671


>> No.16547681

>another one falls for it
Massive kek

>> No.16547686

24 million

>> No.16547812

I can already predict the future.

The Tulip trust: a fake
The hard fork: a nothingburger
The halvening: a nothingburger
Craig's court problems: real
Calvin's growing expenses: real

BSV only survives on hype and drama. Calvin Ayre is a rich man and invested in several BSV-related "start-ups" (Tokenized, Unison, etc) because he actually fell for his own hype, but essentially they're only pretending to work and trying to milk the old man while they can. My vaporware-dar is loudly beeping, I've seen it all before. And of course, the real Satoshi is not going to reappear, help Creg out and give him the keys.

In other words, shit's fucked.

>> No.16548067

velocity does not equal appreciation you colossal retarded idiot, you might aswell have a number in nChains SQL database

>> No.16548194

install Buster the captcha solver addOn

>> No.16548455

thats literally how they all start

>> No.16549041

Good riddance

>> No.16549099

As u post a Craig thread. We ain't going anywhere, boys, so you better just get used to it. Price movement doesn't matter to us. just block sizes, transactions, and growing utilities

>> No.16549120

This is what I call cope. Double_digit_shitcoin

>> No.16549131

Nah it's just the truth. Something you just seem to keep running away from, anon

>> No.16549159

sorry fren but after reading a lot of Craig Wright I felt so much shame for being an underachieving loser. I realized I have no excuse this fucker is a billionaire and hes 10 times more autistic than I am so I actually started taking my business more seriously. and now that Im working hard I dont have time to craigpost 5-6 times a day. dont worry though Ill have a week off soon and will flood the board with craigs again.

>> No.16549169
File: 264 KB, 680x596, 1562763412911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to post pic related. craig wright is the tony robbins of crypto hes motivated me to get my shit together.

>> No.16549178

>We're all getting hilariously poor and you're not!!

>> No.16549203

There is already a mountain of evidence he is Satoshi, but another thing that ticked the box for me that I discovered last night is the Genesis Block.

What are the chances of Satoshi being religious? Or any Mathematician/scientist, pretty slim these days. Yet you have the first block called the Genesis block, and Satoshi went out of his way to take 6 days by changing the mining difficult to mine it to coincide with the scriptures. Nobody who isn't serious would go through the effort of baking that symbolism into their lifes crowning achievement.

Unless of course, you were Craig Wright who has a Doctorate in Theology and was a former Pastor.

>> No.16549206

No I bought in at $50 like most of the other anons, so I'm still above water actually. And not everyone is a poor neet like u, some of us have stable jobs that support our gambling habits.

>> No.16549210

>I bought in at $50 like most of the other anons
I bought at $240 :()

>> No.16549244

As long as you didn't invest more than you can afford to lose you're fine, fren. Despite what the fudders want you to think, bsv is on track to making 2020 a very exciting year for us true believers.

>> No.16549262

>bsv community is very small
its actually shockingly small. I don't think there is a single exchange that offers direct USD (not tether, but cash) purchase.
Further even l*ddit stats like their main subreddit only has 1k total subscribers and only 20-30 people active at any given time.

>> No.16549290

Follow Orctep Gothmog on Twitter

>> No.16549295

Not everyone is capable of putting aside their preconceived notions and filtering through disinformation. It will eventually become painfully clear to most, and there will still be great opportunities to people at that time, just not nearly as great to the people who were able to see it early.

>> No.16549315

congrats on being one of the maybe 50 people still in profit on sv