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16544693 No.16544693 [Reply] [Original]

Whats the age cutoff for being a permanent fuckup in life?

Im 22 and I STILL live at home. I even go to the store with my mom. I feel like if i dont become financially independent soon, I'll always be a loser to my family.

>> No.16544712

I'm 30 and no job, education, and still live with my parents. Just woke up just now at 4pm here in call. You're doing pretty good.

>> No.16544716


Don’t sell yourself short. You’re already a loser to your family.

>> No.16544727

im 31 and i still do the same things as you. at this point my mom is so old that i cherish time with her instead of thinking im a loser. but yeah at a certain point i accepted im loser, around 27. the thing is the stress of it kills you, so you need to learn how not to worry and turn that energy into being productive. wish you all the luck man

>> No.16544751

22 is still young

>> No.16544979
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You fucking zoomers are weak. Try being 31 and still living at home. Also try not giving a fuck about it.

>> No.16544997


There is no age cut-off. The only losers are people that are dead. You are still alive, breathing, eating, sleeping, maybe fucking. Now live.

>> No.16545010

Get a job as a security job. Easy to get the license and very easy to get hired without experience.

>> No.16545013

22 living with parents isn't THAT bad. Unironically just coast and do something that will eventually get you out. In 3-5 years from now you will probably realize that it isn't as big of a deal as you made it out to be.

>> No.16545014

This kind of thinking is dangerous, I'm 24, but 2 years ago felt like last week.
OP you're a fucking loser, get a job and save money, quit drinking and smoking, if you're not sure what crypto to buy, then buy precious metals.

>> No.16545019

50 anon. Once you hit 50, if you haven't done something with your life, you are officially fucked!

>> No.16545033

26 living with parents. make sure to help them and not be a burden. save everything go all in crypto and give them some when you make it

>> No.16545109
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You found this board, you're doing fine.

Save your money and learn to invest (just buy link lol) and you'll come out swinging on top. I have friends who scoff at me for living with my parents while they're busy living the "independent life". Lo and behold I'm about to retire next year at 28 while they have all the excuses in the world why they won't put $10 into investments.

Also realize that the world is vastly different from 20 years ago. It's harder to find jobs, our general wages are lower, our generation is all around poorer to the point where we're killing off industries. The American dream of a house with 2 cars and a picket fence is not going to be achieved with the strategies used from way back then. You have to be creative and the first step is learning how to make money outside of working more hours.

>> No.16545147

If you’re not out by 7 you might as well kill yourself. I hadn’t first job at 3 and my life is amazing.

>> No.16545158


>Abloo bloo bloo what will my peers think!

I quit my fucking job at 24 to move back in with my folks because my mother nearly fucking died and my dad was crippled and needed help. I spent just over 2 years neeting it up taking care of them before moving across the country for a job. Finna move back home because you know what I've learned? Fuck the world, love your parents, because unless they're b00mer-prime they love you more than anything. Pussy and a nice apartment are worth less than the love of your parents, because they are the only two people who have the POSSIBILITY of ever TRULY loving you.

>> No.16545166

If I could turn my shit around at 32 then it’s never too late.

>> No.16545169

Im 24 and I just secured a high paying job. Its not unheard of these days man. The glory days of making your own way at 18 are LONG gone. And who cares if you go to the store with your mom? Treasure your time with her you fuck.

>> No.16545170
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30 if you don't have a college degree, 35 if you have a college degree.

>> No.16545172

you're good til 30.

>> No.16545181


You're fine, just work on bettering your future. If you're 22 and just play vidya while mom brings you tendies on a plate then your concerns may have merit.

>> No.16545198

The moment you realize that this is all a cultural matter and it strongly depends on socioeconomic perception of others you have two choices:
>Being a chad, try to change the things that you can and accept the things you can't
>Being a permavirgin and worrying about being a loser when you actually have projects and a future ahead

>> No.16545245

No one will be getting college degrees 20 years from now. Accreditation is evolving from rennasaince style beauracratic gymnastics

>> No.16545250

anon just buy chainlink and if you already hold chainlink then just neet more. Fuck people that think you need to be financially independent. That shit doesn't matter as long as you are happy. Get rich with crypto to prove you don't need to be a cuck that is "financially independent" and rub it in their fat fucking faces. If worse comes to worse just work construction for 5 years while living in a truck with a camper shell, Shower at planet fitness and invest as much as you can.

>> No.16545259

>Im 22 and I STILL live at home.
...like most people. The economy sucks, don't you know already?
> I even go to the store with my mom.
Ok, you're a fucking loser.

>> No.16545275

Enter this contest. Win some Tezos. Move the fuck out!!!


>> No.16545278

Oh fuck, how are you still here? You're half a century old.

>> No.16545618

Absolutely based

>> No.16545691
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christ, i turned my life around at 34 in 2009 at the height of the recession when nobody could get a job. Got into tech/software. I had $0 and have $450K and a paid off house. Anyone who can read, is willing to spend a lot of time and has the luxury to living at home where everything is provided for can earn a decent income if I did.

>> No.16545709

>The only losers are people that are alive
Lmao imagine willingly suffering and exerting effort in a world without meaning

>> No.16545726

The survivorship bias is strong in this one

>> No.16545730

Being good at the bureaucracy is an underrated skill unto itself. If you can't navigate the politics of a large organization, you'll never advance your career (even if you're a founder, or a technical savant).

>> No.16545745



>> No.16545762

yeah paying for rent is kind of a cuck move.

just use your family home as a stable base of operations.

>> No.16545784

you are supposed to have life sort of figured out by 21, 25 everything should have already began to manifest in your life. if you are still dicking around at 25 then you lost

>> No.16545809

If you don’t have your shit together by the time you are 30, it’s probably too late.

>> No.16545819

Yeah I'm at the same stage i dont give a fuck anymore what people say, my mum died and i dont think my dad has much longer left, he cant really afford the house by himself and i get a cheap place to stay.

I remember looking at a reddit thread asking about a guy who lived at home and they were savage lol, like "woa girl big red flag! he probably doesnt even know how to use a wachine machine!" I lived with a friend for a year and he was condescending about it as well, acted like a big shot and bragged to me about living on his own since 16, he ended up borrowing money off me all the time and would drive his car around with the oil light on and didn't know how to fix it.

>> No.16545869

>mom is so old that i cherish time with her
This so much if you have good parents. It’s like they’re not going to be around forever but they will always want to be a part of your life, we have meant so muck to them. I could care less about partying or fucking roasties anymore. When I get to the point where I want kids my wife if I need one won’t be determining how the fuck I live and where I live. Gotta make it first for that part, but always putting my parents first, children second I’m good. I love spending time with my parents, they actually want to be good friends to you and they aren’t as flaky as the other people in my life.

>> No.16545911


In life you will suffer no matter what you do, but you get to choose how.

>> No.16546013

imagine paying rent and living life like a slave, huur duur I live with parents my life is bad im so losert hur dur, suck my dickey dumbass

>> No.16546089

I moved out at 26

my parents didn't want me to leave, I'm honestly not sure it was worth it, probably wasn't

>> No.16546286

30 year old living with my parents here. Fuck.

>> No.16546298
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33 years old software engineer here in a company with lots of young people.
After I started working the next 8 years went by really fast as if it was only a dream, and I used most of my energy and time for work while getting only the same salary as my under-performing colleagues.

Almost all of my colleagues got married and had kids in the last 5 years at the same time.
It feels like I completely missed out on something as a virgin and don't fit in with these people who certainly can't imagine me trading shiny rocks after work.

But most of them give me the feeling of following a predefined program without any independent thought.
They really love their wage slaving, but life should be more than this.

I still don't know what I want to do in my life, but I hope that Link will free me from this perpetual repeating work cycle.
One thing which steered me to try to change my life a bit was having dreams of my death and imagining my regrets at that time.

I don't think following the program of NPCs and their definition of success can make us happy.
Maybe what we need is something that we ignored all our life like remembering our childhood dreams and trying to realize them.

>> No.16546339
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31 here. living at hotel mommys. fridge always full of a lot of yummies.

>> No.16546347

tell me anon are you a gambler? are you willing to roll the dice?

>> No.16546494

I was not a gambler and until a few years years ago the idea of taking a risk without a 100% result guarantee made me sick.
I preferred to plan everything and have a few backup plans for all the possible worst case scenarios.
However I started learning trading to try to cure myself of this condition.
That's how I ended up taking the biggest risk of my life until now which was to bet 3 years of what I could spare from my wage and take my first loan to go almost all in Link despite a success rate which I estimated at only 40% at the time.
It seems that if you want to get big results in life you need to be willing to take immense risks, but I was prepared to lose this bet because 4chan was the place which gave me the most fun memories in my life, and even losing it all on memes would be worth it.