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File: 94 KB, 1549x949, ftm-mainnetception.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16539193 No.16539193 [Reply] [Original]

Mainnet on Mainnet on Mainnet.. I just can't get enough.

We're reaching the third layer of mainnet, it's the only way for the market makers to actually create that breakout of 160

get ready for the big firework

>> No.16539236
File: 37 KB, 968x515, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the future

>> No.16539334
File: 58 KB, 1309x482, Fantom Scam and lies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


imagine still holding this scam...

One of the most obvious scams in crypto. Chink team exit scammed long time ago. All you have left is a giant marketing department and some Russian temp devs. 300K TPS lie was their hook, line and sinker. ICO whales are preparing class action lawsuit. The whole scam is imploding.

>1. FTM now promises 24K TPS and not the 300K. I believe that is a lie as well. My guess 1K TPS MAX and 50 TPS with smart contracts.
>2. FTM openly lies about VISA, claiming they have only 2K, while reality is 65+K TPS.

There is NO way FTM can be a global provider with only 24K TPS. VISA has 65 000 TPS and they are not targeting micro payments, nor are they global. They are only calibrated for persons with bank accounts, i.e. minority of the world population. FTM can't handle any of that, not even a fraction, and they claim to be the future global crypto with smart contracts, micro payments, fintech, etc.

How is this not an exit scam? Please explain:

I would sell Fantom if I were you. My guess is that this will just get more and more ugly and result in a crash. DAG and MTV are great buys. ETH is by far the best if you are risk averse, they have the best and largest dev community in the world and big business are banging on their door to team up with them. Compare Enterprise Ethereum Alliance with Fantom's dodgy third world banks alliences and failed state Afghanistan. It would be laughable if it were not so tragic. Here:
Enterprise Ethereum Alliance

More about the Fantom scam here:

>> No.16539340

get lost with your copy pasta, you're just shilling your other BS ponzi. Fucking Timmy's

>> No.16539351

imagine stiww howding this scam...

one of the most obviouws scams in cwypto. Chink team exit scammed wong time ago. Aww u have weft is a giant mawketing depawtment and some ruwssian temp devs. 300k tps wie was theiw hook, wine and sinkew. Ico whawes awe pwepawing cwass action wawsuwit. The whowe scam is impwoding.

>1. Ftm now pwomises 24k tps and not the 300k. I bewieve that is a wie as weww. My guwess 1k tps max and 50 tps with smawt contwacts.
>2. Ftm openwy wies abouwt visa, cwaiming they have onwy 2k, whiwe weawity is 65+k tps.

thewe is no way ftm can be a gwobaw pwovidew with onwy 24k tps. Visa has 65 000 tps and they awe not tawgeting micwo payments, now awe they gwobaw. They awe onwy cawibwated fow pewsons with bank accouwnts, i.e. minowity of the wowwd popuwwation. Ftm can't handwe any of that, not even a fwaction, and they cwaim to be the fuwtuwwe gwobaw cwypto with smawt contwacts, micwo payments, fintech, etc.

how is this not an exit scam? UwU pwease expwain:

i wouwwd seww fantom if i wewe u. My guwess is that this wiww juwst get mowe and mowe uwgwy and wesuwwt in a cwash. Dag and mtv awe gweat buwys. Eth is by faw the best if u awe wisk avewse, they have the best and wawgest dev commuwnity in the wowwd and big buwsiness awe banging on theiw doow to team uwp with them. Compawe entewpwise etheweuwm awwiance with fantom's dodgy thiwd wowwd banks awwiences and faiwed state afghanistan. It wouwwd be wauwghabwe if it wewe not so twagic. Hewe:
entewpwise etheweuwm awwiance

>> No.16539353

pasta or not, FTM is obvious scam

>> No.16539364

lol. Stupid fantom idiots can't defend their utter scam with facts and logic, must retort to sandbox "rethoric" instead. Sad, pathetic and tragic.

>> No.16539376

obvious scam coin

>> No.16539388

Well you're overtly lying about a lawsuit that doesn't exist so I and most other anons usually stop there, a whitepaper isn't a legally binding contract or a promise you imbecile

>> No.16539400

Lazy satsgang groupthink tactics lol, you guys try so hard

>> No.16539416


Yesterday there was a thread where it was shown that this FUD came from a group of whales.
Literally fantastic it will be something very big, so that the whales make a fud so hard that it even surpasses the bitconect

>> No.16539456

Whales aren't stupid enough to waste money on a lawsuit they have 0% chance of winning

>> No.16539475

>a lawsuit that doesn't exist
How do you know, fantom scammer?
>a whitepaper isn't a legally binding contract
Nobody said that, scammer, however ICO offer is. Good luck with that class action lawsuit

>> No.16539484

>Whales aren't stupid enough to waste money on a lawsuit they have 0% chance of winning
Did you learn law from Mickey Mouse cartoons?

>> No.16539491

Good luck with that schizophrenia, satsgang shill

>> No.16539494

>Yesterday there was a thread where it was shown that this FUD came from a group of whales.
Ridiculous statement. Can you link to that thread? Or did you scamming Fantom boiz just lie again?

>> No.16539505

They are a very small group of amateur investors. You are delusional, fantom scammer.

>> No.16539528


His greed is disgusting.
Not surprisingly, they make such a hard fud when fantasom will go to $ 5 per unit.

This time they have failed.

>> No.16539542

The more you defend satsgang the more obvious your shilling becomes, not that you were subtle to begin with

>> No.16539558

When I warned against Bitconnect, it was ALL about fudding to get a super real low price of BCC to buy, ryte scamming fantom moron?

>> No.16539569

Where did I defend them?

>> No.16539588


Wow, what a great argument.
1- Even the governments themselves declared that Bitconect was a big scam and it was mentioned by Forves as a big project unlike bitconect.

2- What kind of tests do you have to say that you are a good person who has announced the same thing about bitconect?

3- How do I know that you are not another damn pajeet that always throws uncontrolled fud to massive projects like etherum was in its beginnings?

>> No.16539592

Did the FTM team ever stress test their shit scam network? Did they ever provide documentation for their TPS? No? Their deal is with a private citizen, NOT Dubai. Bank is with scammer Andy's contacts in his previous job in now super corrupt South Africa. Deal with Afghanistan is a joke and the result of more corrupt government officials. Their lies about 300K TPS in whitepaper was insane. Their lies about Visa only having 2K TPS, when reality is 65K is also insane. Fantom is one of the most obvious scams in crypto history.

>> No.16539597
File: 23 KB, 334x506, 1575790260791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't read
not selling

>> No.16539602

>Even the governments themselves declared that Bitconect was a big scam
No, only some states in the U.S. demanded they shut down business in their state. And that was very late.

>> No.16539609

>Yesterday there was a thread where it was shown that this FUD came from a group of whales.
Come on scamming fantom liar, show me the link.

>> No.16539613

Biggest scam in crypto right now

>> No.16539621

Plus whole chink team exit scammed long time ago. What does that tell you fantom idiots?

>> No.16539628 [DELETED] 
File: 225 KB, 600x718, wojak_glitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make arma 3 missions and scripts
>get hired for 500$ to make ukrainian uprising scenario
>job done
>its a government affiliated individual
>get hired by CIA to make millitary simulations
>have to go to meeting
>store all my important projects and contracts for meeting on laptop
>pack and update my linux
>its tommorow
>me sitting in the meeting room with 4 men in black suits with sunglasses
>me sweating as one genstures for me to proceed with my presentation
>"failed to download repository information"
>Theyre waiting
>restart my laptop
>restart the update
>4 hours and 14 minutes waiting time
>They shake their heads, get up and leave
>Close laptop and sprint for the nearest taxi
>Made it
>Tell man with towel on head to drive to the airfield
>He turns around
>"We are very disappointed in your incompetence, consider this contract terminated"
>get kidnapped and tossed in a CIA black site

>> No.16539630


Yes. There is a video showing the Xar Network and its operation.

Yes. The tps was demonstrated a few days ago and they keep updating it.

All fucking banks are corrupt, unless you live in a Utopic world.

No. The treaty with Afghanistan is the best thing that can happen, because the good is done from below and fantasom is in the testing phase, for a great future adoption of countries that have problems when creating technology networks that can ensure everything type of information, since it is difficult for non-developed countries to build what a developed country like Germany has, unlike just asking for a service like the one offered by Fantom.

The fantastic Tp for more than not reaching 300k, is still much higher if just 1/4 of what was promised.

Nor do you believe the stupidity of VISA that has 65k of TPS. That is just a damn rumor that they have spread and have no solid proof.

>> No.16539643

i am emailing this thread to SARB now to get them to hurry up

fantom are being trolled on biz and they are the only ones who can save us

seething right now

>> No.16539661

Its a lie

>> No.16539718
File: 94 KB, 1056x663, 300 000 TPS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes. The tps was demonstrated a few days ago and they keep updating it.
Give me link do documentation. What was the tps?

>The treaty with Afghanistan is the best thing that can happen
Laughable. Afghanistan, a third world hell hole with some of the lowest internet and data penetration in the whole world is suddenly on the cutting edge of technology and end users with zero internet will check the medicine they can't afford online? How deluded are you scamming fantom nuts?

>if just 1/4 of what was promised.
On their own site they state 24K, of course a lie, but that is a 90% underperformance compared to their ICO claims. Pic. With their shit technology I would be surprised if they could even get 500 tps with smart contracts.

>> No.16539724

the korean team were trimmed by andre for being useless and replaced by devs from Sikoba, Offscale and SFXDX, also devs from IBM and Harvard

who are not only coding it but building applications to go on Fantom, with close ties to the a few different govs worldwide

good fud though

>> No.16539747

Retarded statement. The WHOLE chink dev team exit scammed, after lying about 300K tps and getting millions of dollars. Chink management team exited to another legal entity in a futile attempt to avoid the coming class action law suit.

>> No.16539754

FANTOM ico claims (funnily enough most of the ICO team are gone) vs FANTOM now ie bank, central bank and government adoption

oh no this is terrible

>> No.16539774

>lowest internet and data penetration in the whole world

its good that fantom validators will be run all over the world keeping data safe on chain then...

>> No.16539787

When Fantom gets on Binance US after main net will be big pump. Get your starter pack early

>> No.16539791

All of your fud validates the changes Andre our ultra chad has made

you are just a little slow on the uptake

>> No.16539800

One of these days I truly believe he’s going to explode. Anyway I can’t wait for the fantom yacht party. $100 eoy 2020

>> No.16539806

Admittedly, the fud of this subject is good.

No one believes in the class action lawsuit

>> No.16539831

we all know its a joke, but some retards believe this stuff

>> No.16539940

>No one believes in the class action lawsuit
Yep, the Korean management team just exit scammed over to another legal entity, far, far away from Fantom Foundation, just for fun, right? To make the whole thing look more like a scam for no reason.

>> No.16539963
File: 486 KB, 640x640, 1566053186272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Andre our ultra chad
Andy is a scammer. He was a "code reviewer", demanding private codes from crypto projects. Those that didn't give me their business secrets, he would trash in his pathetic little blog. Later the "code reviewer" exposed the whole charade when the scammer joined fantom, the very competitors of those he supposedly "reviewed". Andy is a super slimy scammer. Who the hell would buy a used car from that nasty scammer guy? Pic related.

>> No.16539992


Any test?

>> No.16539998

>Any test?
What do you mean?

>> No.16540010

hes in the fantom price channel, come chat

>> No.16540012

Fuck your retarded fud. Fucking disgusted with you payroll fudders. Why dont you make something of yourself instead of making minimum waging spamming lies for whale groups
Fucking sickening

>> No.16540076

No, he can block me any time and the majority of the retarded fantom fanboiz couldn't care less about their scammer king. Why don't he come here in full public and defend his dishonest scams and deceit, something that is well known in crypto community?

>> No.16540085

>Why dont you make something of yourself
I already did. That's why money is not that important for me. A healthy and clean crypto space is.

>> No.16540092


Evidence about Andre's past

>> No.16540111

If you genuinely believe what you're saying than your IQ is much lower than I thought. But somehow, I doubt that.

> muh healthy crypto space

You're doing that by spamming pasta fusion every fantom thread during work hours? Literally all debunked, outdated or straight up lies? All that while never missing the opportunity to shill your vacuum or DAG scams. Absolute kek.

>> No.16540120

Pasta fud*

>> No.16540134

>457 posts by this faggot in the past week. You are the reason I'm buying more ftm every day. Thanks

>> No.16540165

Just market sold this shit, jumping all in on ONE now, definitley has chance to go to top 100

>> No.16540206

>Evidence about Andre's past
If you know the teams, ask them. If you don't, just look at his blog. I guess it's still up there, with his "code-reviews" of what would later be the competitors of FTM. It's well known in the community.

>> No.16540272

> Lmao guys I'm the schizo vacuum coin fud poster who was doing the pasta fud for the last 3 months. You suckers fell for my fud. Fantom is actually the most legit project.

Literally you in 3 months after FTM mooned 20x +

>> No.16540312

yes when the team and private sale investor still own most of the tokens

>> No.16540687

>Literally you in 3 months after BCC mooned 20x +

>> No.16540965

Maybe after reviewing their shitty code, he realized he could make something better.

>> No.16540988
File: 41 KB, 374x356, fantombags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just want to dump these bags. Please pump. please

>> No.16541013

People found out he was in contact with Fantom BEFORE he made his shitty and dishonest "code-reviews"

>> No.16541017

Post hand

>> No.16541026

So what? Vitalik gives out opinions about other projects while working on Ethereum, does that make him a scammer too? Fuck off lmao.

>> No.16541046

All we'll have to do is wait and see.

HH does 15tps for smart contract

> but muh Andre used his reviews to steal code

Bitch, what are you gonna say when Fantom achieves 10k tps for smart contracts and is the only platform to do so in a completely leaderless and permissionless environment? You will find out real fucking soon.

>> No.16541054

>calls competitors code SHIT
>makes something else himself
Wow what a scarlatan. Imagine seeing a market opportunity and seizing it

>> No.16541092
File: 128 KB, 432x841, ftmwp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally partnered with Oracle
>i-it's a scam guys trust me

Absolute state of /biz/

>> No.16541235

>Nobody said that, scammer, however ICO offer is. Good luck with that class action lawsuit
VaCOOMer coin (MTV) ICO Whales are preparing a class action lawsuit. None of the promises of any of their chink papers have been met because absolutely not a single line of code other than those for a fake mining client exist. Evident by the fact that they are -93.81 from ICO price.

This claim I just made is less absurd than your "Fantom ICO whale lawsuit" claim.

>> No.16542166

>So what? Vitalik gives out opinions about other projects while working on Ethereum, does that make him a scammer too? Fuck off lmao
Dealing with FTM is like dealing with low IQ, braindead and nasty trust fund kids. Listen, moron, how can you compare Vitalik with some slime claiming to be a neutral code reviewer, AFTER he started to work with Fantom, only to try to get their private codes?

>> No.16542177

>Bitch, what are you gonna say when Fantom achieves 10k tps for smart contracts
Hello bitch, sadly we are not living in fantasy land. Your 10K tps smart contracts exist nowhere. Where is your documented stress test for your network? Nowhere to be found? Do you never ask yourself, moron?

>> No.16542206

The stupidity... here. >>16542166

>> No.16542210
File: 16 KB, 600x315, q5OL30E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>24 posts by this ID
every thread is like this

>> No.16542222

Show me confirmation from Oracle. What is the nature of this "partnership"? Fantom buying technology?

>> No.16542288
File: 1.94 MB, 1240x2098, MultiVAC (MTV).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MultiVAC (MTV) are working on multi-billion dollar technology. You don't make the coding public before you have a working product to avoid copy-cats. That's basic business 101.
>absolutely not a single line of code
Typical fantom lies and insane comment
>absolutely not a single line of code
You can use their testnet 2.2 and mine MTV right now. Testnet 3.0 will come in Q3. Sharding is tough technology and must be thoroughly tested before presented to the consumer market. If they succeed, and they are right now in the best position to do so, around one year ahead of ETH, they will have double to triple digit billion dollar market cap. Current MCAP is 2M. Here educate yourself, fool:

Scam Fantom has zero chance of solving the blockchain trilemma. Projects with the highest probability to do that are ETH and MTV.

If anyone can find a project with a higher probability of solving the blockchain trilemma then post it here and explain why. If convincing I would change in a heartbeat.

More information here:

>> No.16542306

>Evident by the fact that they are -93.81 from ICO price
They have de facto only been working on tech since ICO. No hype, no marketing. This will change very soon. If you were not a fantom idiot, you would see that now is a great buying opportunity. It's a positive, not a negative.

>> No.16542311


>> No.16542315
File: 8 KB, 250x248, 1573826826004s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fantom is downwards compatible with ETH. Also, Visa at the maximum can only do 5000 tx/s Though every article states 1700. Fantom does way more. Way faster. So Even if it achieve 20k Transactions per second it's way faster than visa which we use every day. Eat a fucking dick you fudding loser. If you need a source. Google it... Top fucking link.

>> No.16542324

cryptoest big in scam right now

>> No.16542355
File: 342 KB, 975x650, 3BCDA2E1-4C2B-432E-B4C0-8FA19910B85A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Andre did training sessions over there you stupid faggot. There is undeniable photographic evidence, unless you’ve been browsing /biz/ with your eyes closed.
Pic related is just one example

>> No.16542522

>Fantom is downwards compatible with ETH
So you idiots think that adding costs and a layer that can't handle ETH 2-0's output, is a good thing? Are you hight?
> Also, Visa at the maximum can only do 5000 tx/s Though every article states 1700. Fantom does way more. Way faster. So Even if it achieve 20k Transactions per second it's way faster than visa which we use every day
More lies from you fantom idiots. Visa is calibrated for 65 000+ TPS. Confirmed by accenture. Here:

Pic >>16539334
is the retarded lies from Fantom. On top of ICO whales preparing a class action lawsuit, you Fantom will also hear from Visa's lawyers. Nice. As if this trash project could not get any more scammier.

>> No.16542530

At least he had his clothes on, this time.

>> No.16542606

You provided zero (0) arguments as to why him calling other coding shit and then making his own, makes him a scammer.

>how can you compare Vitalik with some slime claiming to be a neutral code reviewer, AFTER he started to work with Fantom, only to try to get their private codes
Even if he did that after joining FTM, that would not make him a scammer. At worst that would make him a would-be-thief and then you would first have to prove that he actually did that with the intent to steal the code for his own.
>inb4 that copyright FUD
That was open license when he used it, after they changed it, he took it out.
>Dealing with FTM is like dealing with low IQ, braindead and nasty trust fund kids.
Please stop projecting. I did not call you anything. All you seem to do is spam threads and call people names. Even in this post you called me stupid, while providing nothing that even resembles a coherent argument.

>> No.16542752

Calibrated theoretically is not the same as functionally in practice. Visa has NEVER shown TPS above 2000 in practice, 1700 has been the highest recorded.

Here's two short articles discussing it, courtesy of 10 seconds on google. If you want to dig deeper just follow the source links.



And there is no lawsuit, because there is no contract that's been broken. Stating intent of reaching 300k TPS in a whitepaper is not a contractual obligation it's merely a statement of intent. Fantom has been keping people up to date on development and answered all questions when asked to a degree any and all courts would deem appropriate and they have made no false PROMISES. They are cooperating with the goverment in Afghanistan for, among other things, detecting counterfeit drugs; but by all means, it's not like the drug market and poppy fields of afghanistan has been critically important geo-politically for centuries now. They have also been used in a project by the Australian goverment for building future systems. Not to mention the South african bank we all already know about as well as the interest by the Saudi sheiks and the idea of "islamic banking."

Consensus as a service is a brilliant stroke that puts Fantom at a new frontier they will corner, and together with the high TPS and the ability to build with other project and integrate functions like COTIäs financial system makes it able to advance without competing with such projects. Fantom is also expanding with the different focus of the Nexus and Foundation groups, and with the release of the new mainnets proving the versatility of Fantom it won't be able to be stopped. We're going too the moon and we're gonna build smart cities there using Fantom, while you hold your shitty MTV bags keeping you down to drown you in your own tears.

>> No.16542779


Blatant shilling. This is gonna make even more bagholders.

>> No.16542861

>making up more than a third of the threads posts
Seek help

>> No.16542874

>Calibrated theoretically is not the same as functionally in practice.
No one said "theoretically" liar. That's the capacity they have today in the real world. Here, Accenture confirms Visa's numbers.

>Visa has NEVER shown TPS above 2000 in practice, 1700 has been the highest recorded.
Totally false. The two Mickey Mouse articles you refer to are from clown world. They are confusing average tps with max tps. Average tps is said to be around tps, but Visa is calibrated for peaks, i.e. Christmas and global emergencies. Hence 56 000 tps.

>Stating intent of reaching 300k TPS in a whitepaper is not a contractual obligation it's merely a statement of intent
Nobody talked about white paper, fantom scammer. It's the ICO offer that is a financial contract. You can't underperform more than 90% with low tech from hell in a financial contact, unless proven force majeure, but you fantom scammers have none.
>Consensus as a service is a brilliant stroke that puts Fantom at a new frontier they will corner, and together with the high TPS
Rubbish, you tech is utter shit. So what is your TPS now on your supposed live network? No data? No stress test? Really? Why not fantom scammers? Why are ALL your fake partnerships with corrupt countries and entities, and not a single verifiable first world business entity or government agency?

>> No.16542887

Fantom scammers are spamming the hell out off biz every single day. Get help, morons.

>> No.16542915

Compares fantom to visa


>> No.16542935

>based schizo tells us to get help
man imagine how much sex you could be having if you didn't spend hours shitting up every thread lol

>> No.16542956

>Compares fantom to visa
Your stupid scammer project, Fantom, is doing that with doctored numbers. You don't know what based is, fuck off back to plebbit, boomer.

>> No.16542970

>man imagine how much sex you could be having
Are you twelve and gay, fantom boi?

>> No.16542982

>man imagine how much sex you could be having if you didn't spend hours shitting up every thread lol

same goes for you though LOL

>> No.16542983

Fantom IS the new visa

Fuck off back to Facebook grandpa

>> No.16543107

>Fantom IS the new visa
I see. So fantom is
1. Centralized
2. NOT trustless
3. NOT permissionless
4. Etc.
Great, nice to know moron. Back to your gay inter-racial VHS porn, boomer

>> No.16543130

Are you faggots staking on xar? I kind of wanna give it a try but I don't wanna get liquidated. I've read you can't unstake in 3 weeks once you've started is that right?

>> No.16543138

There's a governance proposal to greatly reduce bonding time.

>> No.16543149


xar makes no sense whatsoever

>> No.16543160

I tested it a bit, but the ROI is too low for me right now. I would rather stake on Opera so I'm waiting

>> No.16543163

t. Brainlet

>> No.16543170

>he doesn't understand xar even though it's been explained very clearly multiple times
no wonder you shit on ftm, you failed the iq test!

>> No.16543190

>you failed the iq test!
Whole chink team exit scammed. How much clearer can it get. It's a scam. Deal with it.

>> No.16543211

hey its me andre, whats up?

>> No.16543213

the korean team were trimmed by andre for being useless and replaced by devs from Sikoba, Offscale and SFXDX, also devs from IBM and Harvard

who are not only coding it but building applications to go on Fantom, with close ties to the a few different govs worldwide

good fud though

>> No.16543227

why do you care then? It's not your money, not your problem. Either A) you're fudding to try and buy lower (which is unlikely because you only fud on biz and their combined $20 usd won't impact the price), B) you're some shill for another crypto (most likely because of your constant mtx or whatever it is called posting) or C) you think you're actually helping people. But most people aren't reading what you say anymore. We see the mountain of text and we just ignore it. We laugh at you in the telegram sometimes because it's free publicity for us lol. But you aren't accomplishing anything. But hey, weaponized autism and all that

>> No.16543245


you must be so smart...

>> No.16543260

Care to explain your scam, Andy?

>> No.16543262

would the ROI increase if FTM went up in value or is that the case on opera only?

>> No.16543285

>the korean team were trimmed
Whole team exit scamming is not "trimming"
>the korean team were trimmed
Replaced by Russian temp devs

Did anybody in Fantom inform you at all, that suddenly you had a totally different team? No? Why not, scammers?

Why did the Chink management team move over to a different legal entity in a futile attempt to avoid the coming class action lawsuit?

>> No.16543297

Many warned against BCC as well. Your comment only displays your own low morality and low IQ.

>> No.16543310



>> No.16543318

>39 posts by this id
Did you forget your meds today?

>> No.16543322



>> No.16543383
File: 29 KB, 494x482, z9iruu5ewce21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never seen anyone get this emotional over a software project/coin. is this dude mental or is Fantom a big deal?

>> No.16543408

NO mentioning of chink team exit scamming. NO mentioning that the team that claimed Fantom would have 300K TPS was so utterly incompetent and delusional, that they all had to be fired. Your story makes no sense, Fantom scammer.

>> No.16543416

>I've never seen anyone get this emotional over a software project/coin. is this dude mental or is Fantom a big deal?
I did the same with Bitconnect. You do the math.

>> No.16543425

no real comebacks hey

>> No.16543476

This is eth 3.0 with better scaling. Going to be next gen crypto

>> No.16543482

If FTM value climbs you can safely mint more CSDT

>> No.16543483

thanks you really helped didn't you with the millions of dollars people lost with bitconnect. or the millions of dollars people MADE from bitconnect right?

>> No.16543499


Well said sir.

>> No.16543506

Thank you very much, anon

>> No.16543514

Nice samefagging retards.

You guys are so dumb it's pathetic. Building a whole narrative which you support with false bs pasta.

>> No.16543515

>This is eth 3.0 with better scaling.
ETH 2.0 will have at least one million TPS. Fantom only a handful of K TPS at best. A couple of hundred with smart contracts. It's a scam.

>> No.16543523

just fuck already faggots

>> No.16543532

Without people warning about Bitconnect, it would have been much larger, gone on for much longer and much more investors burned. Those that listened got out, idiots, like most of the fantom boiz here, did not and consequently lost everything.

>> No.16543544

>Nice samefagging retards
Not everyone is dirty and fake like you, fantom scammer.

>> No.16543552

>just fuck already faggots
Great psychological projection there, litte gay fantom scammer.

>> No.16543553

>45 posts by this ID

>> No.16543562

Fantom scammers spamming biz ever day with multiple threads all the time. Go cry some more, fantom scammer.

>> No.16543567
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They never do.

>> No.16543578

>46 posts by this id

>> No.16543597


This was a confirmed money grab right from the start. Everything that happened afterwards was attempted cover-up. $40M raised and fuckers dumped their bags on investors. Oh yeah, FUCK FANTOM.

>> No.16543599

and hes only doing it to shill vacuum cleaners and a coin thats up 466x since ICO


>> No.16543653

You guys caught me, I am a negro from Africa, now what?

>> No.16543656

well soon you can use the digital rand built on fantom

happy for you

>> No.16543676

>48 posts by this id and samefagging
The schizo is immunizing everyone to fantom fud but he's so deluded he doesn't even realize it kek

>> No.16543680
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>> No.16543698


Resorting to personal attacks when all the facts are against you. What a loser

BTW, fuckers are scared shitless, the lawsuit is happening.


>> No.16543701

arent mainnet releases notoriously bearish?
did everybody forgot chainlnk mainet?

>> No.16543710

now you can cuck these cumflakes, brother

>> No.16543730

>48 posts by this id and samefagging
How stupid are you fantom scammers 48 posts by the very same ID ALL the time, like I always do in every thread AND samefagging? That makes sense for you fantom idiots?

>> No.16543746

I remember you said that last time. How many Fantom do you own and what is your goal with all this FUD? Post your address.

>> No.16543793

>what is your goal with all this FUD
Explained here:

>> No.16543795

most of your fud is outright lies or outdated stuff from a whitepaper that the team has said has changed and you need to refer to the new technical papers

I cant work out why u spend all this time desu maybe lonely?

>> No.16543798
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>go cry some more
Wew lad

Just let it go Sanjeev, everyone can see that you’re a full blown schizophrenic or that you are being paid to respond to every Fantom thread with the same copy pasta fud that is shit tier at best.
With every post you make, our bullishness intensifies. It’s all fuel for the rocket ship that’s about to take off, the flame will singe your dirty sub Saharan arse hairs.

>> No.16543814

Yeah, you rabid fantom boiz don't sound like low IQ losers at all, ryte?

>> No.16543828

>most of your fud is outright lies
Name and document those supposed lies. I dare you. I have documented multiple lies from the Fantom foundation.

>> No.16543837

>BTW, fuckers are scared shitless, the lawsuit is happening.
There's not a single bizlet on this board dumb enough to believe that lawsuit kek
The burden of proof is on you and you will never deliver, that's a guarantee

>How stupid are you fantom scammers 48 posts by the very same ID ALL the time, like I always do in every thread AND samefagging?
Is this supposed to prove you're not samefagging? You've already demonstrated to everyone you have 1 or many mental illnesses, if anything it proves you're the most likely person on this board to samefag kek

>> No.16543842


exit scam

show me proof

>> No.16543843

take a picture of your hand with a timestamp and post it

>> No.16543862

>Fake Bitconnect robots

>Exit scamming

>show me proof

It can't get any clearer. It's your money, you will lose them, not me.

>> No.16543868

We don’t have rabies in my country Sanjeev

>> No.16543871

I am a Negro from inner Africa, what do you care?

>> No.16543872
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Not gonna waste time. Just tell us how much you have and why are you FUDing.

>> No.16543890

*Hand rubbing intensifies*

>> No.16543909

He's fudding because he's a moralfag and thinks we're a scam despite all of his talking points being refuted
He thinks he's saving the board but has absolutely nothing substantial

>> No.16543936


You're doing a good job FUDing yourselves with the desperate shilling. Chen &Co are all involved in several mlm/ponzis.

>> No.16543964

Explained here:

>> No.16543980
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>> No.16543991


>> No.16544019

so you shilled MTV in a XAR network FTM thread and got no interest so now you spend hours fudding FTM?

>> No.16544063

You idiots asked for my motivation, I explained my motivation in the thread I gave you. Even for braindead Fantom scammers, this ought not to be very complicated.

>> No.16544064

The fud is because in 1 month we will see very interesting things. An x20 is expected, then fall for a while until the run.

>> No.16544095

No, FTM is already crashing. The movements are clear but with a very slow speed right now in the beginning, then the velocity will increase exponentially. This scam will not end well.

>> No.16544114


Do you really think that fud is still serving in this currency?
In this case you should forget, because people have accumulated and do not plan to sell a single penny.
I prefer to tell the truth right now, because my interests cannot be 100% fulfilled if fantom does not go to the moon in the short term.

>> No.16544133

They will sell when they see that FTM is pushing more and more weird hype with weird "partnerships", listings etc, while avoiding all hard facts regarding their tech, tps etc. Then the intelligent whales that are left, will start to sell off, igniting panic among retail investors. There is no way this will end way. Product is shit, team are scammers.

>> No.16544170


I will repeat it again.
It is foolish to keep playing the little bombs in fantom. You are one of those responsible for this currency being ruined, since the fud has become bullish because of its great exaggeration and persistence.
The damn stupid they sell are just scum that could not even feed my dog, and the whales are very aware of every penny, so my business margin has been very low in profits just like the rest of my team.
That is why I am going to send the rest of the rest that I want to keep under the price of FTM to the devil, since I do not have in my plans to lose a large amount of money for the profits that could give me fame by reinvesting them in currencies with great potential and that are safe from profit object.

>> No.16544182

ICX and ENJ done

>> No.16544196

What the fuck are you on about cunt?

>> No.16544224


I'm sorry, but I have difficult times and I need to pay debts just like my team.
Do not be surprised if the movement is modified in 2 weeks.
You screwed me a lot and I'm going to ruin your party.
I hope you know how to handle the situation, because in case the whales put up barriers, I will have to break them and that would not be good in the medium term future, since their profits will decrease considerably in the long run.

>> No.16544237


>> No.16544273
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>> No.16544285

What am I looking at here? Are you some kind of real deal schizo

>> No.16544295

Fucking checked and he didnt reply = no proof

>> No.16544320


>> No.16544322
File: 378 KB, 2456x1242, 1559139882758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fantom could very well be used by European Central Bank
This could be fucking huge.

>> No.16544351

>58 posts by this ID

try having sex

>> No.16544431

Kek. Fresh fud guys, this brainlet vc fund is about to start liquidating their assets to fund their sex change operation in Indonesia

>> No.16544478
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>> No.16544575
File: 222 KB, 1440x2058, Fake Fantom - Oracle Partnership.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More fake "partnerships". Regarding Oracle, there is no partnership with Fantom Foundation, but only the weird Fantom Nexus that solely operates in Korea and the "partnership" is selling Oracle products. Falsely advertised as "partnership" regarding blochchain by Fantom. Pic.

Text: "In order to distribute Oracle products and Oracle Premier Support, Oracle PartnerNetwork members must execute the necessary distribution agreements and meet applicable competency requirements."

>> No.16544584

True. All Fantom has is smoke and mirrors.

>> No.16544622

They're partnered and that's a fact. We don't know much about the nature of the partnership but that's to be expected since we're talking about a big corp like Oracle. Lmaoing@you for thinking you can extrapolate so much from a page on their site.

>> No.16544663

I remember someone talking about oracle and fantom the other day i will find it for you

>> No.16544666

No, totally misleading. When Fantom rambling on about Oracle on their internet site, it is clearly stating a partnership regarding Fantom technology and Oracle, not just Fantom selling Oracle products. It's an obvious scam. Part of the scam is to confuse investors what is part of Fantom Foundation and what is Fantom Nexus. They deliberately mess it up as much as possible, to create more smoke and mirrors.

>> No.16544679

ANDRE: Oracle have got a fairly comprehensive blockchain-as-a-service (BaaS) solution. They've had the same issues with throughput and transactional volumes that simply weren't high enough for their clients. They were looking for a higher throughput solution so they started interacting with Fantom. We are actually currently adapting Hyperledger to talk via Lachesis, which is the consensus mechanism, such that Hyperledger uses the same throughput model. The other thing we're doing is moving the Fantom blockchain to be on the API and RBC level compliance with Hyperledger. Oracle keeps doing what they're doing. They just swap out Hyperledger and stay put in Fantom and offer that as a blockchain-as-a-service solution.

If you dont believe Andre, come and ask him in the telegram, you wont be banned, just try and keep calm

>> No.16544690

61 posts, this has to be a fucking record. This dude is confirmed crazy

>> No.16544692

How do you know they're not just using Fantom technology to deploy Oracle's products? Watching you trying to spin the relationship between Fantom and Oracle in a negative light is hilarious.

>> No.16544703

this is actually fucking exciting and most of the telegram have no idea the implication

>> No.16544710

Very nice of you to extend an invitation to fud schizo but we all know he isn't being genuine

>> No.16544721

>How do you know they're not just using Fantom technology to deploy Oracle's products
Due to the description in pic here: >>16544575

Quote: "In order to distribute Oracle products and Oracle Premier Support, Oracle PartnerNetwork members must execute the necessary distribution agreements and meet applicable competency requirements."

That's a sales and distribution agreement for Oracle products. Nothing to do with Fantom scammers shit technology.

>> No.16544750

> different aspects of the partnership couldn't possibly be developing in the background. You have definitely understood and get the full scope of the partnership from a screenshot.

>> No.16544752

what are they going to do offer the testnet as a service?

Just wait>>16544721

>> No.16544758

So zero statement from Oracle regarding that weird partnership, nor from the official pages on Fantom Foundation or yet another smoke and mirror, Fantom Nexus, ONLY statement is a chat room. How insane and scammy is that? Plus they DO have an agreement and that is SALES of Oracle products. Why the hell would Fantom Nexus sell Oracle products?

>> No.16544762

You're either a brainlet or just a poor FUDder. You can use new technologies to solve existing problems and that's what Fantom is doing with Oracle to deploy databases or the Afghan government to fix its pharmaceutical sector. Oracle doesn't care much about how Fantom gets shit done as long as it gets shit done, that's why you won't find mentions of blockchain on their site.

>> No.16544802

Yeah, sure only in the background, posted on Fantom Nexus with ZERO details, while Fantom Nexus suddenly operates as a Oracle sales organization. That makes sense to you idiots? Compare that telegram chat rambling, more and more weird "partnerships" with this:

Do you see the difference? Professionals (ETH) vs scammers (FTM)

>> No.16544825

>Oracle doesn't care much about how Fantom gets shit done
Yea, only sad part is that there is ZERO documentation or legally binding statements. Only some sales agreement, selling Oracle products, and then some Oracle logo on the KOREAN site but NOT the international Fantom site. How can that not be seen as weird? Are you all idiots?

>> No.16544891


Can't reason with retards (or paid shills).
Fantom started as and remains a SCAM.

>> No.16544898

You're obviously not thinking rationally. The Fantom branch in Korea uses blockchain to handle Oracle's business, it's simple as that. I fail to see what's so weird about it.

>> No.16544910

You have the quote of what oracle and fantom are doing

If you don’t believe Andy it’s fine, I am not surprised

>> No.16544914

Holy fucking shittttt

>> No.16544915


>> No.16544927

In Telegram Andy was rambling on how Fantom is helping Oracle with their technology, so why is only the KOREAN site with Oracle "partnership" and why the hell would Korean Fantom suddenly start to sell Oracle products? Only to get their logo and claim weird "partnership" lying implicit of the nature of this "partnership" i.e. sales-agreement to sell Oracle products.

>> No.16544936

Literally a brainlet wasting his days preaching that fantom is a scam and will have no choice to neck when he inevitably realizes that hes a fucking retard.


>> No.16544944

You have no idea of the nature of the partnership you assume you know based on what they have willingly disclosed. Once the integration with fantom is complete you will be told more in an official capacity

>> No.16544957

Over 200 replies on this veritable feast of bhuna. Biz is dead, long live biz.

>> No.16544976

>Once the integration with fantom is complete you will be told more in an official capacity
Yeah, that's why a supposed cutting edge crypto tech project suddenly start to sell Oracle products as a sales representative. That makes sense to you idiots. And then you have the mess with multiple Fantom legal entities, some with partnerships some without, to avoid future lawsuits, they believe.

>> No.16544981

Just making random shit up as you go. Ramble on schizoid

>> No.16544982

Imagine fantom consensus being offered to hyperledger clients


>> No.16545030

Yep. Later this month, fantom' opera will be the first aBFT leaderless, permissionless and public network. No one realizes how monumental that is.

>> No.16545038

>Fantom is using its technology to help Oracle with data management and gain an edge over the competition
>this is somehow bearish in the FUDder's brain

>> No.16545110

>thinks the fudder isn't buying...

>> No.16545253

One focuses on blockchain and the other on consensus, and Nexus whose business is blockchain is the one partnered with Oracle. It's not that difficult.

>> No.16545271

Give it a rest retard, this is just sad now

>> No.16545330

68 posts of literal garbage

>> No.16545331

>Fantom is using its technology to help Oracle with data management and gain an edge over the competition
Yeah, that is a CLAIM being made in a chatroom. When you look into their official sites, you find two sites, one international and one Korean, the international ones has nothing and Korean once a sales deal. And you gullible idiots thinks that obvious scam looks great.

>> No.16545352

It's a shell game. Typical for very scam there is. No reason for Foundation to split up like that. Do you see any serious, non scam, operate like that?

>> No.16545447

Literally tens of thousand of companies have seperate divisions and subsidiaries. Wtf are you even saying schizbro

>> No.16545456

You mean companies that grow splitting up into sister companies under an umbrella focusing on different business practices?

Unheard of.

>> No.16545499

Yeah, like tech start ups. Ryte fantom boiz? Super important partnerships are dropped in local chat rooms, while official docus says just a simple sales rep deal? And you think that's totally normal, then add whole chink team exit scammed, insane lies about 300K tps, tons of shell game companies, internet sites etc. And you idiots STILL can't see that its a scam?

>> No.16545510

you have 71 posts in this thread, do you have no life outside of /biz/ and ftm?

>> No.16545547

The exact nature of the partnership is not disclosed yet so we don't know. SInce it has to do with blockchain it might very well have something to do with using Fantom's blockchain to sell or otherwise handle sales data or whatever else within Korea. Who knows? Not me, and not you. But it isn't that strange and it's definately not uncommon for companies to announce new deals and partnerships without going into details until those details have been finalized and everything is running smoothly.

Chink team didn't exit scam. Some chinks went to Nexus, others were sacked when Andre came in and did his thing. That too isn't anything new for companies who are growing their business and revisiting old goals and models.

>> No.16545553


What could be more important than exposing the fuckery called Fantom. So many red flags, it's hard to keep track.

>> No.16545573

Whole dev team is gone. Management team got the hell out of Fantom Foundation and got to a new and different legal entity in the futile hope that they will not be target by the upcoming class action law suit against Fantom Foundation.

>> No.16545646

Why don't you show any proof at all of a lawsuit since you're so well informed? And if such a thing occured, it wouldn't win regardless. Fantom is doing good work finding new ways to use their tech as evidenced by all the news pouring in in these threads and is set to explode in the next few weeks.

You obviously have a personal vendetta, and I would assume you either work for a competitor team and is feeling the heat or are just paid to fudd. Either way, it won't work. You don't have that dry cynicism people who just wants to fill their bags cheaper does.

No matter how much time or energy you spend here, no one will sell. On the contrary, your constant fudd is so shit it will inspire anons to buy since whatever shit a legit shizoid like you point at as a scam obviously must be the opposite. So enjoy your continued work, it only has the opposite effect.

>> No.16545702
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He does this day in and day saying the same shit
>the team left
>why won't you listen
>Muh multivac
>72 posts
When Fantom takes off I serious hope he doesn't neck. I mean that too.

>> No.16545704
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>> No.16545812

excuse me, 82 posts since >>16545553 is clearly your alt

>> No.16545884

Everyone rabidly attacking the schizo poster is making me wanna sell

>> No.16545895

then sell

>> No.16546012
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>> No.16546155

I have no alt, never had an alt.

>> No.16546170

>what is your goal with all this FUD
Again. Explained here:

>> No.16546259



Looks like the pajeet shills are asleep or their internet is off.

>> No.16546277
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>> No.16547131

Finally done?

>> No.16547548



>> No.16548304

This project, Fantom, is not organic at all. Suddenly ALL their pajeets pushing this scam go to sleep at the very same time?

>> No.16548388

This daily non stop schizo fud posting is not organic at all.

Having a bunch of random anons shilling their favorite project everyday is way more organic than a single neckbeard fudding fantom literally on 17 hour rotating shifts

>> No.16548410

I am the very same person all the time. I am European and you can see from my syntax that I am the same person. I told you that I have enough money so I can do what I want with my time. It was 7 hours here with virtually no activity, while going total apeshit outside what is now 12 hours. Not. Organic. At. All.

>> No.16548432


Proof. Of. Lawsuit. Now.

Otherwise you're just pulling it out of your ass and your fudd is as weak as your mtv shilling.

>> No.16548452

based $FTM hodler. i bet you're white

>> No.16548505

I have always said that ICO whales are PREPARING class action law suit. Underperforming at least 90% with an insane claim of 300 000 tps, made by a chink dev team that knew perfectly well that their ICO promises were outlandish and they never would be able to deliver their promises, exit scammed soon after they got the money and got replaced by a Russian temp dev team, clearly opens up for a class action lawsuit. That the Korean management team exited from the Fantom Foundation, to avoid the coming class action lawsuit, over to another legal entity, clearly indicates that they know perfectly well what is coming. The rabid smoke and mirrors with fake "partnerships", new listings etc is all part of this.

>> No.16548511

When was it the hallmark of being white to give tons of money to chink teams that exit scams? Are you guys high all the time?

>> No.16548543

There are no ico whales

Barely any of the supply was available for ICO. Most of it went to presale investors

>> No.16548587

When I say ICO whales, I include any investor pre FTM going on public exchanges.

>> No.16548591

you are a liar

your fud doesnt stand up to any scrutiny

>> No.16548602

They were all given the same outlandish claims about tech that the chink team knew they would never deliver, before the devs exit scammed and management team transitioned the hell away from Fantom Foundation.

>> No.16548613

>your fud doesnt stand up to any scrutiny
1. Where are the chink dev team now?
2. Why did the chink management team exit from Fantom Foundation?
3. Why did Fantom lie about their 300 000 tps
4. Why did Fantom lie about Visa, claiming they only have 2K tps, when reality is 65K tps
5. Why all this shell game with different legal entities, different internet sites, documentation related to one project is found on another internet site etc.
6. Why are statements made on chat forums so different from public records. I.e. Oracle cutting edge tech "partnership" vs Fantom Korea being registered sales representative fro Oracle.

etc etc

>> No.16548630

Are you alone pajeet? Single man on night shift, monitoring the scam, while the rest of pajeets are sleeping? How sad and pathetic is that?

>> No.16548632

stop it now, you are embarassing yourself

>> No.16548651
File: 1.22 MB, 1336x904, 1574962463875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of morons "invest" in a chink scam coin where founders and friends have 60% (!!) of total, global supply? You have to be insane to do that. Ethereum foundation had 1% and Vitalik sold his ETH at $7. Chink scammers will dump on you into oblivion. Same with satsgang

Distribution. The 3.175 billion FTM will be distributed as follows:
40% token sale
30% market development
15% advisors and contributors
15% FANTOM team and founders


>> No.16548664
File: 98 KB, 893x834, Hey hey heeeeeyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have any of you fanatic Fantom fanboiz read the whitepaper? Just because something sounds complicated does not mean it will be useful or will even work. Usually the contrary. Take the chainlink idea. Brilliant in its simplicity, but anyone can see that it will work. Aggregated data combined with KYC to establish a trust-able base, and the mixicles idea is brilliant too. You can see how it makes sense, swapping up data at the oracle level for privacy.
Now take Fantom. To me it looks like a complete mess. Nothing really new in ideas either, Lachesis protocol is just a minor rephrasing of IOTA's tangle idea, which we know does not work. No proof of concept anywhere, and yet the paper devolves into complex ideas upon ideas upon this lachesis thing, leaving a convoluted mess that obscures the fact that the min protocol hasn't even been tested.
Maybe they are serious. Maybe they think they're serious

>> No.16548680
File: 106 KB, 600x492, FTM scammers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On one internet site, FTM claims 24K TPS, on another one 50K tps, while lying about Visa's 65K tps. None of the numbers from FTM have been documented. No stress test. Just some random number they are throwing out there, like their crazy and outlandish 300 000 tps claim. My guess is 1-2K tps and some hundred with smart contracts. You should have been able to easily debunk my claims with ample documentation, but you can't. Because you invested in a scam project.

>> No.16548683

kek now i know who you are

>> No.16548685

It was easy to see the scam early on:

>> No.16548690

Tough to be the only paid Fantom scammer on your night shift, while the rest of the Fantom scammer pajeets are sleeping, right?

>> No.16548696

DAG is a great buy. FTM is extremely overpriced compared to other crypto projects. ETH is by far the best if you are risk averse, they have the best and largest dev community in the world and big business are banging on their door to team up with them. Compare Enterprise Ethereum Alliance with Fantom's dodgy third world banks alliences and failed state Afghanistan. It would be laughable if it were not so tragic. Here:
Enterprise Ethereum Alliance

If you have more appetite for risk, then MultiVAC is far better than FTM. Better tech, better team and with only a fraction of FTM's MCAP.

More information about great MultiVAC here:

>> No.16548700
File: 142 KB, 1280x720, 354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The retarded and delusional Fantomboys are just the same as Bitconnectboys. Even the same arguments. The red flags are there for all to see.
Fantom Team:
>lied about 300 000 tps
>Coming class action lawsuit by ICO whales
>lied about mainnet
>lied about banks (sold Goldman Sacs, got some half ass African bank, maybe)
>Lied about smart city Dubai
>No attempt to go global whatsoever, no attempt to get parnership with any global tech company
>Chink scam tokenomics. 60% of global supply to founders and friends. Now trying to hide it with a fraction of 60% to nodes, maybe. Still 45% to founders and friends.
>Get used to founders and friend to dump on you until Ethereum 2.0 and Fantom goes to zero
>Pump and dump scam by satsgang

Yet the Fantom idiots will not see and keep on rambling about "moon now", "how much to make it" etc etc. No need to wonder where the bitconnect idiots are, they are here shilling for Fantom. Pic related

>> No.16548721

No, you don't. Time for Fantom to wake up their team of pajeet scammers and spammers. That you must do all the work alone on your night shift is just embarrassing for the you Fantom scammers.

>> No.16548724

you kept it up for ages and now you exposed yourself

my god you are a sad man

>> No.16548750

Yeah, right. So who am I then, Fantom scammer? And what has that to do with anything I just posted?

>> No.16548755

>you kept it up for ages and now you exposed yourself
>my god you are a sad man
Delirium. You don't know who I am and my identity is fully unimportant.

>> No.16548871

Don't just run away, Fantom scammer. At least wake up your scammer team and call Andy. Tell him you need more scammers to work at night. One guy on the night shift is just not enough to defend this obvious and rotten scam.

>> No.16548886

fuck off already smelly pajeet

>> No.16548892

How can they have underperformed by 90% if we dont even know the live mainnet tps figures yet?

>> No.16548900


He's a well known scammer in this space.

Don't give him any more attention

>> No.16548913

>How can they have underperformed by 90%
You clearly state 24K on your Fantom Nexus page. But I believe it's much worse and of course as always, you Fantom scammers provide zero documentation for your claims. Just taking some numbers from you ass as always.

>> No.16548919

Andy is a well known scammer in crypto space. You have no clue who I am and I dare you to state publicly who you believe I am. But you can't because you have no clue. As always with you Fantom scammers, all you want to do is to create more confusion with your shell games, smoke and mirrors. Pathetic.

>> No.16548926

More white than you, Muhammad.

>> No.16548942

Far and away the biggest and most blatant scam in the history of crypto. If you’re invested in this then you deserve to be destitute and financially ruined.

Fuck I wish there was a way to hold scammers accountable for rotten projects like this.

>> No.16548972


Literally his fud made me buy 40k

>> No.16549003

>96 posts by this id

Jesus fucking christ. Do you get paid per post of fudd or something? Everyone and anyone can see that you're reaching, so you're either delusional in thinking you're doing anything constructive or you have a chip on your shoulder and can't stop because you're in a personal mission doomed to fail.

You'd think paying someone to post fudd is a job even a pajeet would be qualified for but Schizobro has proved us wrong. I hope you got a handler monitoring your work because they really need to fire you. At this point you're actually helping fantom's cause.

>> No.16549031

Same. I already got my 100k stack, but this amount of fud makes me want to go buy a little more.

>> No.16549093

Day team is here. So after virtually ALL the Fantom pajeet scammers were sleeping, there were virtually no scam threads for 12 hours, and now suddenly when the day team of pajeet Fantom scammers are back, the scam comments explodes. Don't make it so obvious you idiots. Shame on you Fantom scammers, you are pathetic.

>> No.16549116

I really hope your goal is to get more people to buy, because that's what you're accomplishing here.

>> No.16549121

Calling them pajeet scammers but their circadian rhythm aligns with Americans. Have you shared any proof of this lawsuit yet or are you still
>>dude, just trust me

>> No.16549127

This has passed the point of being something annoying and become amusing. Years from now at the Fantom yacht party on the SS Valhalla we'll all think back and laugh about schizo bro, and speculate how he decided to neck himself for being so incompetent he couldn't even fudd properly.

Please, keep going. This will be talked about on /biz/ for years to come. You might even get a cameo in a bizonacci video if you're lucky.

>> No.16549149

I think it's a woman or a faggot. Way too much focus on invoking feelings instead of presenting data

>> No.16549155

Scammers like to work evening and nights. Indian scammer community follows burger sleeping pattern.

>> No.16549163

>Fantom yacht party on the SS Valhalla
Do you have ANY idea how pathetic that sounds, Fantom scammer?

>> No.16549170

That explains why you've been working around the clock accumulating 1/3rd of the posts in this thread.

>>muh scam chinkcoin pajeets are targeting a demographic who largely doesn't even know what this coin is. Let alone how or where to buy
Ok woman

>> No.16549175

Just look at how the scammer community suddenly exploded after virtually zero activity for 12 hours. This Fantom scamming and spamming garbage is not organic, but organized and nasty.

>> No.16549180

>>ok woman
I take that back. You probably just LARP as one

>> No.16549181

He/she/it is clearly projecting at this point.

>> No.16549191

>>humans requiring sleep is totally inorganic
You're so bad at this. It's very entertaining

>> No.16549193

FTM, short for female-to-male
Great ticker homos, what are you trying to tell us. That would also explain why you Fantomboiz are always so hysterical, sex fixated and nasty. Plus total lack of tech knowledge.

>> No.16549198

Who are you?

E-money retard?

>> No.16549205

Do you also imagine him schreeching his posts in a nasal indian voice while tearing at his hair and crying?

>> No.16549239

This literally has more thought and data to back it up than any other post in this thread.

I'm imagining them in a poorly fitting dress, with stubble, and tears adorning the face. The veins in their neck and manly forearms bulging from all the drug use needed to stay up and shill constantly for 24hrs

>> No.16549358

Still way undervalue, market bought more this morning

>> No.16549393

SoooOOoo organic. 12 hours with nothing. Then suddenly as the spammer day team arrives, the thread explodes in nonsense, hysteria, feelingz and mental garbage. If that doesn't scream scam....

>> No.16549434
File: 1.78 MB, 240x192, 1516424134655.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>101 posts by this ID
holy shit how is this even possible? guys, it might be time to get the other boards in on this. this is hall-of-fame level autism right here...

>> No.16549437

Any of them wealthy?

>> No.16549448

Definitely reaching legendary status. Put me in the screencap. They make up 33% of all posts in this thread but I think they're about to become 40% pretty soon

>> No.16549530

i'm getting philmarilion vibes

>> No.16549564

103 posts. I don’t believe. I went to bed. Started my wagie hours and decided to take a peek. He’s still fucking going.

>> No.16549655

Woah woah woah, going to sleep is a sign of an inorganic shill. Posting in your own thread 103 times within 24hrs is totally normal

>> No.16549677

One post equals 10 rupees, he's gotta make rent.

>> No.16549836

As long as we're one post closer to the bump limit, I don't mind. Although now they're shitting up the other thread. They'll shit over anything but a toilet

>> No.16550882

>literally nonstop posting for 1 day and 3 hours
holy fucking shit is this the autism that got Shia's flag captured?

>> No.16551873

>this is hall-of-fame level autism right here...
Oh, you are flattering me, thank you very much!

>> No.16552577 [DELETED] 


>> No.16552608

Based and fantompilled

>> No.16552619

>presented with simple evidence
>has to go in great detail in order to try and prove said evidence wrong
damn these fudders are going hard today

>> No.16552634

because bitconnect was totally caused by a pump and dump scheme by a meme group on twitter and not because of a promised collateral that made people take on tens of thousands of dollars in debt

>> No.16553413


>> No.16554055

you're a loser. ;)

>> No.16554091

The length of this thread is making me bullish. Inb4 thread archived

>> No.16554131


Bagholders gonna shill.