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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16542933 No.16542933 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it taking too long for my stinky linkies to go $1000 EOY why???

Someone please leave a breadcrumb for me to salivate over because I’m starting to lose hope on our lord and savior Sergey.

Are we all going to make it or are am I doomed to wage slave for the rest of my life.

>> No.16542961

>Why is it taking too long for my stinky linkies to go $1000 EOY why???
maybe it will never reach $ 1,000 face it. That's why it's taking so long. But I wish for you to do it

>> No.16543040

Thanks sirs. What are you invested in if I may ask sirs?

>> No.16543106

free 50$ XLM


free 50$ EOS


XLM Answers

Q1: A decentralized protocol that unites the world financial infrastructure.
Q2: Facilitating low cost, universal payments.
Q3: Transactions are fast, inexpensive, and global.
Q4: To issue, exchange, and transfer tokens quickly and efficiently.
Q5: It relies on the cooperation of trusted nodes to confirm transactions.
EOS Answers

Q1:A blockchain protocol for fast, scalable applications.
Q2: Delegated proof of stake.
Q3: Fast, free transfers.
Q4: Stake EOS tokens.
Q5: Upgradeable smart contracts.

>> No.16543222

>What are you invested in if I may ask sirs
ChainLink but I am not too delusional.
For all my life I have been a loser. Why suddenly I should be a millionaire cool guy?
I am used to be that loser guy 28 years old no women no auto no education no job never had a women.
Suddenly I became a millionare because I saw a meme coin on a namibian basket forum?
Everything could be in life. It's only that it seems so unlikley.
Also all the dayily delusion doesn't help

>> No.16543312
File: 46 KB, 324x322, 1569431918097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ask me fren...
Tomorrow i have nightshift from friday night to sunday night on Monday...
Weekend ruined....Feeling dead inside already
Currently doing 1.2k€ in dividends off from boomer stonks per year