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16540311 No.16540311 [Reply] [Original]

or at least a part of the social structure in the most minimal way possible. What is this like? What is the point of being rich if you literally have 0 social value?

>> No.16540328

I dunno man how old are you?

>> No.16540334


>> No.16540348

Isn't that like Notch

>> No.16540356

The point is being able to live without ever again conforming to the will of another, be it a physical or moral person
Assuming you don't do anything criminal of course. And even then, if you're really loaded, you can buy your way out of trouble, legally.

>> No.16540381

All I want are a few close friends, so that's okay. If you're rich you actually have higher social value. People will suck up to you, and want to seek life advice and shit from you, but then you'll also get people with their hands out. You will most likely be respected unless you're a trust fund baby or are a pushover.The goal really is freedom to do things you want, and to not be stressing out about how you're going to pay your bills if you lose your job tomorrow, or being able to start a family or relocate comfortably, which most people just can't do.

>> No.16540488

That's my life right now. I'm more or less set for life. I lost all of my friends over the past 5 years. I've had almost zero time for socializing because of work. I did have a gf 2 years ago but things didn't work out. I'm an introvert but it still really sucks to have no social life.
I'm not sure what you want to hear. I'm trying to make friends and find a new gf now that I have more time but it's tough. People usually like me when they get to know me, but the problem is that I don't have very many opportunities to get to know new people. I thought about trying Tinder (never tried it before) but I hate hookup culture and I don't want to date some degenerate roastie who has hooked up with 20 guys in the past year.. In my country it's considered weird to go to bars alone and I'm too shy to hit on random girls in public. Any tips on how to meet girls?

>> No.16540553

Go to meetups. I met my gf at a crypto meetup. It's great being with someone who shares the same interests as you.

>> No.16540677


>> No.16540720
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Lonely bro’s, anyone else get ghosted anytime they mention they don’t have friends because they have a hard time making friends as an adult

I guess I should just be a normal gag got and call people I’ve known for 5 minutes my friends

I literally have lost all my girlfriends once they found out I have no friends (and no it’s not because I’m clingy women just give too much of a fuck of social status

Also I’ve gotten dumped many times because their friends are bitches and ruin it can be perfectly fine but I know for a fact their friends have ruined a few)

>> No.16540772
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>I met my gf at a crypto meetup.

>> No.16540800
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This. I lost most of my friends due to always being too busy working. I hate the "just pull yourself up by your bootstraps, work harder if you want to be successful" crowd. Yes, it's all true, but you lose your health and friends in the process. It's annoying that our society is built around the idea of working 60-80 hrs/week to get ahead, when that leaves no time to take care of your health and relationships.

>> No.16540842

You don’t have to work 80 hours a week to survive if you want to change things in the world though you have to stay productive

It boils down to the fact most difficult things are simply time consuming and a grind. Rome wasn’t built in a day dumb dumb

>> No.16540851

I think I will just continue being a creativefag and then snag up some also lonely high achieving woman at 28. Chances are she scares off poorfags. Then it could just be us
I’ve got some friends. Maybe two?
I’m quite comfortable with the idea of reading writing working on photos and then every now and then snuggling with my CEO wife who’s also busy with her shit
Only thing is would she cheat on me. Guess that’s the risk everyone takes

>> No.16540889

Just be yourself bro

>> No.16540905

It's a hard life, to be sure.

I refer to Scott Galloway's book named The Algebra of Happiness: Notes on the Pursuit of Success, Love, and Meaning.

You can gain a certain amount of happiness from wealth, such as not having to worry about losing your house, paved the way to your retirement, being able to afford your kids' education, vacations...

But it stops there. A millionaire is not happier or unhappier than a billionaire, according to Galloway. What makes us really happy is a nice birthday party, or any setting where your loved ones give you ample love and attention, as well as moments that define your life, like when you won the world cup.

I'm just quoting the book and Galloway's interviews, my own theories are probably retarded.

>> No.16540934

The point of making it is to not have to wageslave for some kike anymore. If you’re lonely, getting rich might help but it won’t fix it. Friends are overrated and generally shitty investments

>> No.16540936

>made it in 2017
>literally have millions of dollars
>no friends
>no gf
>still live with parents in 3 room apartment
>didnt buy a Lambo or anything besides new computer parts
>in front of parents pretend I get 500 bucks welfare/month
>nobody knows I made it
>too scared to go out into the real world because been too long a shut in neet

>> No.16540973

Holy shit, bro. How did you make that money if your risk tolerance can't even get you out of your house?

>> No.16541010

I wanna know as well

>> No.16541038

no, that means he's very risk adverse, which is a very good strategy for bitcoin buy and hold. because you can never let go of your bitcoin, only hold lol

>> No.16541225

This is unironically my dream.

>> No.16541279

That has nothing to do with risk I just hate interacting with people
my risk management is top notch

I made my money through trading only thing I kept holding and buying more is chainlink

>> No.16541321

Fuck yourself commie
>our society shouldn’t get top achievers to put in a lot of work
That’s why they cubes you bastard bitch

>> No.16541352
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im not a commie, im an ancap, but it doesn't seem healthy to work 80hrs/week if you neglect your health, or relationships. no where in that did i mention wealth distribution or seizing the means of production.

>> No.16541553

You shouldn't have to work 80 hours a week to live okay.

>> No.16541575

I just want more money and to not work all week.

>> No.16541586

hi anon i know secrecy is the way to win the war, but can you tell me on what to learn if I want to learn trading?

>> No.16542116

You don’t you fucking retard, try not working two min wage jobs 40 hours a week and get some skills

>> No.16542244

Hey man, I had the same problem basically. If you have more time now then before, I suggest you trying new activities. Something that you think you like. Ex.- photography. You can just photograph alone, or going through city or to art shows. What then happens is that people can chat u up about it, or ask about gear. Also, you will probably take interest in it as a whole, so you will go to expositions, workshops etc. In all those places you will be basically forced to meet new people.
I think easiest is to go to uni / do some course tho. You'll have a completely new social circle.

>> No.16542289

I went to Uni and no one talked to me.

>> No.16542723

Learn how to do your own research. Thats the most important

>> No.16543188

nothing. other people are more important than you are. live selflessly and you will be fulfilled

we can't go full jesus mode or the addict problem/ materialistic paradigm will continue growing. a new solution must be reached. balance wisdom with what your heart is telling you. always listen to your heart

>> No.16543199

try to make friends in any way possible, continue working on yourself and expand your social influence. you will meet girls along the way

>> No.16543216

watch podcasts and begin to learn how the flows of conversation work. chat up other people. you can feel something when there's an expected conversation: it will be difficult but act on this feeling. your social skills will grow in time

>> No.16543219

>other people are more important than you are
absolute cuckold

>> No.16543243

No man is an island.

>> No.16544325

That's unusual, which means that something is wrong. Did you like the people? Perhaps it was bad environment for you (interests/values/background) or simply your social skills are poor. Did you make an active effort like going to parties, meetings, and extra activities?
Also, do you take care of yourself? I suspect that since we are here you may have poor higiene, grooming and dressing style

>> No.16544342

having a social life creates problems. little to no social life is freedom

>> No.16544355

another "I'm rich but I have no friends" larp baiting thread. fucking biz is a shithole of recycled threads now

>> No.16544359

>In my country it's considered weird to go to bars alone

excuses. also you can meet girls outside of slut epicenters

>> No.16544378

thanks frens

>> No.16544447

I'm just not confident enough to chat up random girls in public. I always worry too much about bothering/ interrupting people, coming across as a creep, awkward silence, not knowing what to say etc. I have been hit on more times by girls than I have hit on girls in my life. I'm that beta when it comes to flirting.
I have tried hitting on girls a couple of times when I was travelling but I feel like that's a lot easier. When you're tourist people are a lot more interested in you and talking about your/their country is an easy conversation starter.
> also you can meet girls outside of slut epicenters
Well, that's what I was asking for advice about

>> No.16544516

Anytime bro