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16534027 No.16534027 [Reply] [Original]

Hello Anons, wanted to explain to you just why nearly everyone who has an opinion on Fantom at the moment is missing something rather enormous, especially the gent who is constantly fudding (and poorly).

Every HUGE biz rocketlaunch of a project has had a unique technical edge or niche that manifested an influx of value allowing it to stand out above the rest due to the ability to extrapolate use cases of this tech to a future state... In Ethereum, it was obviously smart contracts that could cut out countless middlemen and foster entirely new business models, whereas Bitcoin was horded as immutable and deflationary gold that could be held in cyberspace and allows us to envision this as a future dominant reserve currency and store of value. Chainlink shows the necessity for connecting external data sources, allowing us to imagine a world where Ethereum is useful in context of legacy systems, and further monetizing data validation in a way never seen before with Mixicles. Fantom is next in this line of visionary projects, but it's pretty difficult to see because almost NOTHING has been said about it and how it will come to be a dominant player in the future.

Fantom won't win because of TPS or interoperability on a mainchain… Fantom will dominate because it offers consensus-as-a-service. The number of business cases in the future relying on blockchain solutions (whether it's a single chain or multiple) will have a myriad of different requirements for validation that extend far beyond the scope of what these chains can provide natively. A DeFi focused DAO on the Ethereum chain may require additional consensus performed off the Eth mainchain in an environment where nodes have different weights (in case of an elected actor/agent or subset of the organization), or actors within the ecosystem are not treated unilaterally. These options are likely quite different for a consortium of traditional banking clients. There are endless consensus customizations that will be req

>> No.16534037

Premined shitcoin

>> No.16534064

uired, many that can’t be imagined properly until we see large scale adoption of smart contracts.

Right now, for custom consensus, you can hire a centralized third party to build you a blockchain (closed source) MAYBE with a working oracle to a public chain depending on business needs, but this doesn't allow sound consensus and trust to be communicated back to a decentralized chain of record, whether it be ETH or FTM or even the BTC chain. Further, building directly on open sourced and decentralized chains relies on default consensus mechanisms or a second layer solution which also operates on fixed consensus.

Fantom is the ONLY project working on crafting a decentralized and customizable solution giving projects the benefits of custom and scalable consensus while also allowing communication and interplay with the larger interconnected crypto ecosystem (via EVM and cosmos SDK support modules). Think of it like this: projects, enterprises, and organizations can be throught of as houses in a neighborhood, built on top of real estate (in this case, a blockchain such as ETH or

>> No.16534080

Fantom's own Opera mainnet). These houses receive their information via their internet router (chainlink) and may have some $ locked in a vault (BTC). They may have their own native coin, but even if they don't, each house needs to move information around to do normal household functions, which could be thought of as business processes. Houses that take care of complex financial transactions may need many locks on the door, while others may just need a few. Fantom is essentially the universal lockmaker here, ensuring that the houses and their processes are secure (consensus) while allowing external actors (people walking down the street, etc) to trust that each houses' security is in fact how they say it is. This is all on top of allowing the houses using custom consensus to send interhousehold information faster. It's a secure consensus as a service that allows security, speed, and customization modularly and within whatever regulatory framework each house requires.

Fantom is the fucking pimp my ride version of any blockchain project, and will be necessary for highly regulated chains.

>> No.16534088

There is still room in the house of GOD anon... join because this is ourcoin now but only come can see the truth

>> No.16534525

based and saved... i really hope you are right

>> No.16534587


>> No.16534591
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>> No.16534623

How big is your stack?

>> No.16534662
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Imagine not trusting this man

>> No.16534669

I've been holding ftm. Thanks for typing this out. I am way to lazy. You said it perfectly, this is the next thing.

>> No.16534691

inb4 schizo pasta fudder arrives

>> No.16534706

imagine stiww howding this scam...

one of the most obviouws scams in cwypto. Chink team exit scammed wong time ago. Aww u have weft is a giant mawketing depawtment and some ruwssian temp devs. 300k tps wie was theiw hook, wine and sinkew. Ico whawes awe pwepawing cwass action wawsuwit. The whowe scam is impwoding.

>1. Ftm now pwomises 24k tps and not the 300k. I bewieve that is a wie as weww. My guwess 1k tps max and 50 tps with smawt contwacts.
>2. Ftm openwy wies abouwt visa, cwaiming they have onwy 2k, whiwe weawity is 65+k tps.

thewe is no way ftm can be a gwobaw pwovidew with onwy 24k tps. Visa has 65 000 tps and they awe not tawgeting micwo payments, now awe they gwobaw. They awe onwy cawibwated fow pewsons with bank accouwnts, i.e. minowity of the wowwd popuwwation. Ftm can't handwe any of that, not even a fwaction, and they cwaim to be the fuwtuwwe gwobaw cwypto with smawt contwacts, micwo payments, fintech, etc.

how is this not an exit scam? UwU pwease expwain:

i wouwwd seww fantom if i wewe u. My guwess is that this wiww juwst get mowe and mowe uwgwy and wesuwwt in a cwash. Dag and mtv awe gweat buwys. Eth is by faw the best if u awe wisk avewse, they have the best and wawgest dev commuwnity in the wowwd and big buwsiness awe banging on theiw doow to team uwp with them. Compawe entewpwise etheweuwm awwiance with fantom's dodgy thiwd wowwd banks awwiences and faiwed state afghanistan. It wouwwd be wauwghabwe if it wewe not so twagic. Hewe:
entewpwise etheweuwm awwiance

>> No.16534718

OP please wait before posting more truths. I shifted most of the stack into Coti in preparation for their likely binance listing and I need to be able to buy in to Fantom as cheap as possible.

Moon mission is already a certainty, let the fudders fudd. The more they do, the sweeter the taste of their tears, especially that fucking MTV shill who thinks he's being subtle.

>> No.16534728

FTM is dumb you should be watching MTV.

>> No.16534750

Fantom is an extremist Muslim coin. Stop supporting sharia law, dumbfucks are gonna kill the west.

>> No.16534766

>Fantom is an extremist Muslim coin
based. it's a way to short the kikes then

>> No.16534832
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Muslims push the JQ extremely far on purpose. Imagine not knowing Landed nobility is still the prerogative of the west.

>> No.16534861

2.5 M and buying more every week will not sell this shit

>> No.16534863

OP join the telegram

>> No.16534959


>> No.16535054

mtv died in the early 2000s

>> No.16535060

swingers get the rope

>> No.16535176
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Based and Cronjepilled
Literally one post ahead of shopvac retard.

>> No.16535375

Coti just had an AMA in the Fantom TG where they desribed one another as "Dag bros". Swinging with Coti is allowed and doesn't count as cheating on Fantom.