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16530215 No.16530215 [Reply] [Original]

Wh*tes, K*kes, and Ch*nks BTFO forever by based Arthur Hayes.

>> No.16530313

Sunburns know, primally, that they're inferior.

>> No.16530761
File: 7 KB, 520x344, Arthur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16530807

Shifted the retarded region to 60 because of muh racist test.

>> No.16530871

>Arthur Hayes: $10,000
And he'll make it so, too

>> No.16530909

no, it went from 80 to 70

>> No.16531110

no it was always at this percentile retards, basically being 1 standard deviation lower than the average makes you one

>> No.16531120

his mistimed the "green shoots" by 6 months

>> No.16531125


lmao at McAfee. That boy needs a mental hospital, bad.

>> No.16531290

not so fast, he still might be right in december 2020 (with the upcoming US hyperinflation)

>> No.16531325

based. statistically he also probably has the biggest penis out of the as well.

>> No.16531337


I meant aside from his prediction. He needs help.

>> No.16531364

well, he literally eats negro feces

>> No.16531375

Statistically you're the biggest faggot in this thread as well


>> No.16531411

mcafee pumps it to 1M to save his dick

>> No.16531433

LOL, bitards are hopeless. It will be 0 in 2021.

>> No.16531450


Hi Anon, you are wrong. Simple as that.

>> No.16531478

$15k q3 2020

>> No.16531610

hi bagholder, you got dumped by the people on OP's pic related. the goal of their delusional predictions is simply to give the illusion to gullible retards like you that 7k btc is cheap and therefore to keep buying their bags at these ridiculous prices.

you will never make profit.
you will never get your money back.
you will DCA to $0.
you will be financially ruined while all the people in OP's pic will be multi millionaires / billionaires.

>> No.16531649


Hi, funny Anon, if you happen to be right (which I doubt) it is nothing to me. Like I told you guys many times before, I only use gambling money on the side for crypto. If I sit on my BTC for 1 more year, 2 more years, ... I don't much care. Makes zero difference to my life.
Nonetheless, BTC will actually go up hard in 20 .. I don't hope that (no need) and I do not shill that (also no need) ... I do think that based on my own thought and research. And none of OP's pic faces have anything to to with that.

>> No.16531728

Nigger called double digit eth. He is not that wrong.
It's a nigger paradox. The market is dictated by
IQ80 retail brainlets, therefore he actualy knows whats up better than any chink or white sperg analyst.

>> No.16531763

Mcaffee altered his claim to 2 million, because he loves the attention he gets speaking like a retard.

>> No.16531773

you're a worthless NEET that blows his money on pump and dump scams and he's a self made billionaire and former employee of deusche bank and citibank
the absolute state of your delusion. get help

>> No.16531849

Yeah he's smart. Black people generally are retarded, doesn't mean there aren't some very intelligent ones.

>> No.16531942

>black man learns science and math and finance
>devises system to exploit speculators of an emerging asset class to steal millions of dollars and do irreparable damage to a new market and it's reputation

>> No.16531955

What rhymes with nigger?
As in triggered, which is what you are. Nigger.

>> No.16531978

Looks like the chad NIGGER wins again

>> No.16532124

Projecting a little eh? Not a NEET not a poorfag.
He is a posterboy for bitmex. 67% are owned by another 2 faggots. And I'm not saying he is not succesful. He fucking is highly successful, ironically due to his low IQ. Two different things. kys you seething shitskin.

>> No.16532197


Nottu an argumentu

>> No.16532204

He was obviously a drug dealer and used crypto to get around shit. Just lucky he say on a nice stack

>> No.16532221

guess where you fall anon

>> No.16532652


First of all, how dare you even speak to me?
Second of all, if you speak to me on this board, use the proper language.

>> No.16533677

how get 120+ iq black gf?

it seems win/win if she dont look like a monkey

>> No.16533736

pretty much nailed it

>> No.16533742

big brain analysis here

i cant argue with it

>> No.16533774


You are just as retarded and dumb as he was. We donÄt need to make profit. We want to warn idiotic plebs like you from losing all their money on scam coins

>> No.16533841
File: 189 KB, 1163x633, prediction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16533906

Bullish as FUCK

>> No.16533907


This one.. not even polite enough or respectful enough to realize... I need data

>> No.16534143

Fudders have literally said this shit for years before the 1st and 2nd halvings and now the 3rd

>> No.16534160

the two most triggered posts in the history of this shit site, capped for cringe
t. arthur

>> No.16534182
File: 320 KB, 848x448, REMEMBER THIS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. These coping retards fail to realize we hit the top of an 8 year bull market in 2017.
And everytime (You) think otherwise, take a look at this picture.

>> No.16534206

Read >>16534143
Youre nothing special. Fud is always around

>> No.16534214

>muh fudddd

>> No.16534220

ill buy it all before it hits 0

>> No.16534259

Its not cope if its true :)

>> No.16534276

Keep coping then.

>> No.16534444


ok, will do

>> No.16535647

Don't you mean a NIckelodeon.

>> No.16535666

He meant $1m marketcap
Bitcoin will be worth a less than 5c

>> No.16535674

Is the nigga says $10k it will probably be half and he has the power to make it happen.

>> No.16535678

wow what an achievement. another guy with a conservative estimate

>> No.16535726


The nigger is part of the problem.

>> No.16536112

there's no way in hell mcafee was serious

>> No.16536193
File: 410 KB, 900x900, 1545325966341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next year will be full of events for him.
He will lose the presidential race, then be forced to pay his taxes and go to prison, and then finally eat his dick on live stream.
At the same time Link marines may already make it.
This world is full of irony, and if there something close to a god he will be laughing soon a lot.

>> No.16536195


>> No.16536327

still wrong, just less wrong then the others.

>> No.16536340


>> No.16536368

i remenber reading an arthur blog post early 2019 that said btc correction would blast by 6k, but will find it hard to pass and keep the real psychological barrier of 10k

absolute madlad made it happen

>> No.16536406

maybe blacks are more iq efficient? like maybe they need less iq to be just as smart?

>> No.16536494


He does no longer know what is serious... he is confused. He really is cracking.

>> No.16536515

IQ is not an objective measure of intellect so saying someone is ‘low IQ’ doesn’t actually mean shit. Arthur Hayes is clearly brilliant

>> No.16536586

wow. It's almost like skin colour has nothing to do with intelligence