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16530304 No.16530304[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Week 1 without meth - PASSED

My brain is returning to normal. I'm going to make it, guys.

>> No.16530314

What's meth like?

>> No.16530320

Now you can reward yourself with a small little line. Just a tiny line or two

>> No.16530323

This. Don't go cold turkey bro. It's dangerous

>> No.16530328

At first you feel like the person you were meant to be and able to finally explore your full potential. It's an illusion though.

>> No.16530341

Based. keep going fren

>> No.16530366

it's gross. it's really a low IQ drug desu. doesn't chance your head in interesting ways like psychs or dissociative, just speeds you up and makes you feel okay. it also makes you dumb as fuck. like the kind of dumb where you can talk yourself into thinking that just driving away on a stolen lawnmower from the wall mart parking lot is a good idea.
>all you need is bolt cutters. then just snip the chain, and drive away.
>you can even get bolt cutters at wall mart!

>> No.16530375


kill yourselves faggots, this a self improvement board.

>> No.16530385

what about you OP? what's the dumbest 'good idea' you ever had on meth?

>> No.16530392

good job keep going fren

>> No.16530407

Alcohol, benzos, and heroin (from dehydration) are the only drugs where it is dangerous to not taper.

>> No.16530442

keep at it anon you can do it.
drugs are weak people, people who will never make it. ever. and will lose everything if they have already made it

>> No.16530538

you should celebrate with a hit.

>> No.16530779

Yeah, sure, if you get strung out smoking and shooting the shit.

Let's be real here, folks. If you are prescribed any sort of amphetamine drug for your "ADD, ADHD, depression, etc."then you're no different than a responsible meth user.

I've seen strung out, cracked out adderall users that died at 40 from heart attacks, just like I've known responsible decades-long meth-addicted businessmen and engineers that have their shit in order but either never got an official diagnosis, or can't find a doctor that will dose them appropriately. People who just stir 50mg into their coffee twice a day to fight back depression and keep their brain driving straight. You'd never tell by looking at them. Fact.

All psychoactive drugs, amps included, can be terribly destructive to an irresponsible user. Most people do not *deserve* tools like amphetamines because they cannot handle the responsibility required. While I agree there is a massive overdiagnosis of conditions like ADD, there are definitely people that truly benefit from these drugs and cannot function in the normiesphere effectively without a regular daily dose.

We've all had our dance with the devil at one timr or another...intentional or not. I don't care for wasting my tools on 48 hour degenerate sex sessions or mindless pacing in a run down trap house with unbathed toddlers running around hungry. That is not the norm--just media hype.

FWIW, methamphetamine, brand name Dysoxin, is actually legal with a precription. Doctors and the FDA understand it can and does have beneficial, therapeutic outcomes for some patients.

OP, maybe you're not one of them. If you can't stop your usage day to day, get regular sleep, and generally snort, smoke, and shoot your stash as fast as possible until it is all gone...yeah you have a problem. On the other hand, if you can buy an ounce and pace it out over 6 months and take some healthy 2-3 day sobriety breaks without going into full blown junkie withdrawal mode, congrats.

>> No.16530799

This. It’s a slippery slope, I’m happy I stopped using Adderall lmao.

>> No.16530802


There is a German song, Anon. Translated it says:
No alcohol (drugs) is also no solution.
Look at history and you'll see that sober people are still the worst.

>> No.16530824
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You write like you're on speed right now, anon. Are you sure we can't tell?

>> No.16530858

Lmao this nigger's tweaking

>> No.16531080


Actually, I was taking a morning shit, not tweaked yet, but will be soon. I take my daily dose at noon.

Amp it up.

>> No.16531085

You absolute kikes.
>Don't ban me mod

You listen to those two fags and you will NEVER make it. You have ONE life, don't waste it on that shit.

>> No.16531103

>>all you need is bolt cutters. then just snip the chain, and drive away.
>>you can even get bolt cutters at wall mart!
sounds high IQ as fk

>> No.16531130
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What doses? 1.25 to 5 mg per days I use it spaced over 1.25 to 2.5 mg doses. I also track each dose.

I used to take them whenever at higher doses, but that ended poorly. Took off for 5+ years and now back at it.

>> No.16531139
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>> No.16531155

I took meth once
I was not able to fuck the hooker who gave me the shoot
It was funny until I got paranoid and could not sleep

I smoked 8 bars (for my first time) my eyes were wide open for 40 hours I think, I was shaking and always hot and paranoid.

it was thai meth

>> No.16531222

I've done meth a couple times. It's really fucking fun, my favorite is getting super fucking jacked to the absolute tits with a little bit of oral and then sniff a bit too, and just absolutely destroying some redditards in online debates. I can write a fully sourced and well thought out argument to a pristine standard and work that angle to conclusion in like 3 hours. I made one delete their account before after going absolutely savage on his stupid viewpoint for like 5 posts in a row.
That was like 5 years ago though, and only a handful of times. I think I've tried everything at least once, only drug I find super addictive is nicotine funny enough. I've done meth and oxy 35's, but never gotten an itch. Nicotine I "tried" once and I've been hooked for like 7 years now.

MDMA is way more fun anyway, turns you into a fucking spud if you use it more then a few times though.

>> No.16531282
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keep it up, fren