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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1652889 No.1652889 [Reply] [Original]

>investing mastermind, spends hours upon hours analyzing individual stocks
>20% return annual
Lmfao this is just sad, do people give him attention out of pity?

>> No.1652892

that's godlike returns in the rancid meme that is investing in the current year

>> No.1652894

He took a year making a 100,000 dollar investment into a 120,000 one. How the fuck is that god like. A janitor makes more than that.

>> No.1652898

It was no more than 8 hours of phone calls to the broker
Since he invests big enough, the profits are better than a salary
therefore that 20% means a lot more than just wagecucking for someone else
Do you make better profits?

>> No.1652901

>OP is shilling on /biz/
>knows anything about money


Of course he makes money...

>> No.1652902
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>> No.1652914

>it's impossible to juggle both investing and a real job
I made 130% gains last 2 months alone.

>> No.1652920

>I made 130% gains last 2 months alone.

130% of $1000 isn't much.

>> No.1652923

>20% CONSISTENT return annual is fucking awesome
>expecting memecoiners to understand risk and reward along with compound savings
>hearing the butthurt babbies being raped on ETH and hoping their next fix on alternative bitcoins will solve their gambling problem

>> No.1653091

Let me reply to this bait, because I know millennials will think he is serious.

Berkshire Hathaway has $169 Billion last time I checked. 169 BILLION. To put this in perspective for you, that's more digits than will fit on your instagram phone calculator. So 20% of that is $33 Billion.

Guy makes 33 billion dollars a year. That's $92,602,739 a day. $92 million, more money than will ever pass through your hands, made in profit in one day.

>> No.1653096
File: 193 KB, 499x478, frogpunch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the stock market isnt gambling

>> No.1653105

when the average is 7% you can tell he is good at what he is doing.
do you even know something about businesses faggot?

>> No.1653151

That return is on millions/billions annualized over the course of his entire career.

Not quite the same as putting your lunch money into Robinhood and getting lucky on a meme stock.

Go calculate 20% compounded over a few decades.

>> No.1653153


Post your returns

>> No.1653168


>> No.1653176
File: 3.37 MB, 4096x2711, 559b8b959862280e45d98fa37bcee989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all buffet said with capitals of few million he could still make 100% annually. Secondly, ben graham already told in 60's his methods do not work anymore, fundamental value investing and so on.

Thirdly, there are several traders who have been making annyally 1000-5000% with 500-5000 traders per year (eliminating luck factor) untill their capital have increased to hundreds of million whereas you they will lose your edge with mainly due to increased spread and slippage and are forced to trade less frequently. You give these guys 1 mill they will make 10x every year easily

>> No.1653212

>Thirdly, there are several traders who have been making annyally 1000-5000% with 500-5000 traders per year (eliminating luck factor) untill their capital have increased to hundreds of million whereas you they will lose your edge with mainly due to increased spread and slippage and are forced to trade less frequently. You give these guys 1 mill they will make 10x every year easily
Jesus, you're gullible.

>> No.1653232

This "Warren Buffet picks all the right stocks 20% returns omg" meme needs to die. He's not a passive investor, he's just as much a business manager as he is an investor. He's done things like buying and liquidating companies for profit and arbitrage that most can't do. He's bought companies outright over 80 times. He gets a financial edge just by the fact of having so much money and the fact that he's Warren Buffet and can get deals and has access to information channels that most people don't have.

>> No.1653239

>I made 130% gains last 2 months alone
if that was true, non-random, and scalable, you could start a hedge fund and become the richest man in the world

but it isn't, so you won't :^(

>> No.1653242


Not to mention he's so fucking big he can't perform like he used to. He's buying whole companies just because he has too much fucking money

>> No.1653503

Its hard to be good year in and year out. Times change and usually the winners in years past are the losers in the future. The best are able to adapt and remain at the top.

>> No.1653675
File: 9 KB, 650x372, tokyo-hero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are over 10 individuals currently living in tokyo made over 100m in short period (less than decade) with consistent and confirmed profits. 2007-2010 best days some of the traders were accountable for nearly half of nikkei's volume alone. Banks still would give them 3-5x leverage for 50m usd trades lel everybody though the whole thing is nuts, nintendo pros took over goldman in trade

>> No.1653683
File: 194 KB, 645x859, 13ab6430823d512394e27a3df7d451e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that 20% is with 1:1 leverage

the absolute best guys make 20-50% with a decent leverage as their small drawdown allows that

that is ofcourse not including hft. in hft markets the best companies would have something like 10 losing days out of 1300 days, or 5 years. Hell, even goldman hft have had insane winning streaks last years with only few losing days annually

>> No.1653807

>There are over 10 individuals currently living in tokyo
Literally 0.00000785545% of people in Japan. Worse odds than the lottery, you gullible fuck.

>> No.1653849

how do you analyze an investment/fund to see if it's non-random and scalable?

>> No.1653866

>Literally 0.00000785545% of people in Japan. Worse odds than the lottery, you gullible fuck.
How many people actually try though?

>> No.1653932

>How many people actually try though?
>implying that changes the odds of beating the market
It's a illustrative example, you literal twat.

>> No.1653945

Compounding 20% annually with even a modest sum to start with becomes a substantial amount of money.


If you hit one home run, you're nothing compared to the guy that hits doubles every time he goes to bat

>> No.1653948

That means his investments double every three years. In 10 years he'd have 800,000

>> No.1653953

I'd like to see a citation for this and how much captial they started with

>> No.1654069

Well I think trading is a competitive sport where basically the best get the gainz and plebes lose their shit.

>> No.1654081

>Well I think trading is a competitive sport where basically the best get the gainz and plebes lose their shit.
Which is why you'll be a lifelong poorfag. The only people who reliably make money from active trading are the brokers, market makers, and media who feed into your delusions.

>> No.1654089

Except further up the reply tree some dude posted a bunch of japs who do just this.

Trading being a winner-takes-all type game where most people fail and a few make off like kings != nobody can make profit doing it

>> No.1654094

People win the lottery too. Doesn't make it a smart financial decision.

>> No.1654104


Having too much money is a net negative, not positive

You're the fucking titanic against a smaller nimble speedboat

>> No.1654108

Now take that $120k and add 20% return; then take that and add 20%; etc. etc.

The avg. return is far less than 20%.

>> No.1654123

What does someone do with billions of dollars? Once you buy several vacation homes, all the cars you want, put a couple billion into savings that will keep your prosperity happy for generations you're still left with 60 billion at least. What do you do? Why doesnt this fucker give homeless people homes and end world hunger?

>> No.1654564

He's pledged his fortune to charity upon death and he's given several billion to charity. The longer Buffett holds onto his money the more he makes for charity upon death.

>> No.1654576

>Why doesnt this fucker give homeless people homes and end world hunger?
Why don't you, anon?

>> No.1654581

>/biz/ thinks that returns in the double digits are sustainable for the average investor

there are econometrics, actuary, statistics, finance, computer science PhD nerd virgins that get paid six figures and most of the time can't even beat the market, what makes you think you can do better?

>> No.1654585

>Why don't you, anon?
not the person who this but consider that rich people essentially have money laying in the bank.
ordinary people like ourselves have to use our money to eat,shower and pay bills and when that's done we have little to nothing left

>> No.1654597

Why has this got no responses!? Maybe it's because it's right.

>what makes you think you can do better?
I assume they think so because of the folly of youth

>He's not a passive investor, he's just as much a business manager as he is an investor.
Citation needed. I'm aware that he usually takes cash out of his insurance company and puts it into companies that he wants to restructure or expand but that's not

>He gets a financial edge just by the fact of having so much money and the fact that he's Warren Buffet and can get deals and has access to information channels that most people don't have.
But that doesn't invalidate the fact that he got there in the first place, and the element of skill that he and Munger (who if I remember correctly outperformed Buffett before they teamed up, albeit with smaller net)

>not the person who this but consider that rich people essentially have money laying in the bank.
What is liquidity?

>ordinary people like ourselves have to use our money to eat,shower and pay bills and when that's done we have little to nothing left
He says while on the very utilitarian 4chan, on his personal internet connection.
Where do you draw the line anon? 10% above the poverty line, or when a person's non-residential-real-estate networth goes over a million? When should a person's surplus cash be given to others?

>> No.1654598

This has to be one of the single worst threads I have ever been.

>> No.1654605

You'd have to be mad to think that money is actually going to make it to the charity. Some will but a lot of it will mysteriously vanish. That kind of money is being watched and plotted for for sure.

>> No.1654626

>When should a person's surplus cash be given to others?

when he has his basic needs and luxuries covered until the day he dies

>> No.1654664

>The literal greatest investor of all time doesn't know what he's doing and I'm much smarter.


>> No.1654682

Doing it for 50 years is a pretty good indicator.

>> No.1654689

He gave away straight up 2.8 billion dollar market value of Berkshire Class A shares.

>> No.1654781


>> No.1654833

Bitch I already made 20℅ in 2 weeks just shorting ETH.

Are you salty about crypto cause a 'next btc' shitcoin raped your buttgap?

>> No.1654843

How do you calculate that? What if they are predisposed towards disease that will make their personal care expensive in later life? How much, if any should their children, their spouse get?

I would love it if Buffett was actually the one writing "buy Kneepads" on everyone's stupidly impossible get rich quick schemes.

>> No.1654864


Making 1.20 from 1 is a no-brainer. Making 1200 from 1000 is a little bit harder.
Find where to pump 1000000000 year after year after year to make 1200000000 in compound interest??

>> No.1654877

Scalability. You can make 4 or 5 digits return per year with moderate sums thanks to leverage if you know what you are doing, but after a certain amount of starting capital you get massively downsized on leverage and you can't get filled at the price you want (your position has to be broken down and executed at different prices to avoid massive slippage) either when you get in and when you get out.
20% per year on millions is outstanding. On a 1:50 leverage it's like making 1000% on a retail account every single fucking year and then compounding it

>> No.1654891

>>The literal greatest investor of all time
what was he investing in, stocks for ants?

>> No.1655011
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he actually does nothing and pays people to manipulate his stocks for him.

>> No.1655021
File: 15 KB, 620x387, lynch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what a fucking self made investor looks like

>> No.1655131

>anyone but Jim Simons

>> No.1655137

>do people give him attention out of pity
It's probably true. Now how many times would he be able to do it without losing it all? He's probably doing some next-level stupid shit, and winnning the gamble.

Anyone can do that, but when it comes to Hedge Funds, you have literally Billions under your belt, plus the volume would probably be too small for the amount of money.

>> No.1655373

>Bitch I already made 20℅ in 2 weeks just shorting ETH.
Yes but if you had the amount of money warren buffett does you can't realistically invest in ETH because all the ETH on the market is like .00001% of the money he has to manage.

>> No.1656218

a bump for lynch. respect