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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1649384 No.1649384 [Reply] [Original]

How can /biz/ take advantage of all the soon-to-be-unemployed wagecucks?

>In a column in The Guardian, the world-famous physicist wrote that "the automation of factories has already decimated jobs in traditional manufacturing, and the rise of artificial intelligence is likely to extend this job destruction deep into the middle classes, with only the most caring, creative or supervisory roles remaining." The fear is that while artificial intelligence will bring radical increases in efficiency in industry, for ordinary people this will translate into unemployment and uncertainty, as their human jobs are replaced by machines. Automation will, "in turn will accelerate the already widening economic inequality around the world," Hawking wrote. "The internet and the platforms that it makes possible allow very small groups of individuals to make enormous profits while employing very few people. This is inevitable, it is progress, but it is also socially destructive." "We are living in a world of widening, not diminishing, financial inequality, in which many people can see not just their standard of living, but their ability to earn a living at all, disappearing.

>> No.1649386


>> No.1649412

Why the fuck should I pay heed to the opinion of a astrophysicist/cosmologist on the topics of AI and economics?

>> No.1649423

he himself is an AI

>> No.1649436

Just because he's smart doesn't mean he knows anything outside his chosen specialization.

>> No.1649438

I use a smartphone everyday, am I an expert on electrical engineering. I use Facebook everyday: am I an expert in algorithms.

No. The only reason people listen to him is because they think just associate 'wheelchair man' with "science". Fuck it pisses me off so much.



>> No.1649927

Invest in NVDA

>> No.1649931

How can /biz/ take advantage of all the soon-to-be-unemployed fieldcucks?

>In a column in The Guardian some faggot in a wheelchair says the cotton gin will ruin the economy

>> No.1649950

Businesses do all of this shit when times get slim.

The next time the market crashes and we hit recession, automation will happen in an awesome wave.

It will be at this time that you should invest in Alphabet

>> No.1650079
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Automation makes me want to kill myself. I don't even work in a job that's threatened by automation (until AI takes off at least). It'll destroy everything.

>> No.1650106

I work in a fully automated factory.
Shit is sweet. I can dpend the day dicking around in 4chan and get paid as much as a full time worker for only part time hours.

Too bad for the 8 guys that got laid off when the plant was modernized tho

>> No.1650639


Malthusian nonsense

>> No.1650657

Stephen Hawking isn't an economist. He's an accomplished and respected astrophysicist, sure, but his sideline in churning out yearly headline-pleasing pop-futurology is bewildering and frankly a bit embarassing.

Also, I'd rather read the fucking Daily Mail over the Guardian these days unless I wanted to read dystopian fiction.

>> No.1650663

no, the meme is that stephen's voice computer is an AI with extraordinary intelligence that does all of 'his' thinking and research, and keeps a drooling comatose person in a chair that it drives around

>being this butthurt

>> No.1650772

Look up longwave theory. Fact is, it wouldn't be liberal cucks saying "my jobs, i need welfare now!" if they weren't made by the socialist fuckers trying to run society. We could actually have millions of people designing, tweaking, improving, and generally contributing already to the rise of automation, but no, we are caught up in an equity bubble which will decimate the economy and be used to bring about socialism with """"jobloss resulting from automation"""" as the reason.

Automation is the future, biotech will exacerbate automation as humans become more productive. Notice how we used infotech, and cars, and electricity to make our lives better? And the economy grew as a result of these innovations?

Alphabet is miles ahead of the other companies in terms of predicting, adapting, and executing a plan which targets the future trends and exploits them for economical gain.

General motors, Ford, they don't mean shit these days because they didn't adapt. Humanity will be more inequal in terms of wealth as the retards cry for their welfare, and refuse to work. They want to think that their life needs to be controlled.

The truth is, automation is going to abso-fucking-lutely make our lives better, and mean we all get awesome consumeristic products on the cheap side. And the corporations producing them make money. But we as society need to adapt. However, clinton didn't get in and now the socialist agenda will be delayed as the jewish result in crashing the economy and saving it with universal income, and then bringing in automation to make everyone equal cucks.

It won't happen mainstream before our economy gets crashed like the great depression, and the sovialist governments use a universal income to implement their socialist agendas.

Fuck you cunts don't know youre getting buttraped when a twelve inch cock is tickling your prostate. Nothing you do matters, and the world is too big to give a fuck about your opinions.

>> No.1650789

>GM and Ford don't mean shit these days

Just what?

I don't see google manufacturing cars anytime soon, oh damn, according to you they're so ahead of the times they must know that automobiles will be obsolete in the future

>> No.1650796

He's absolutely right though, and many lower skill level jobs will go with it. Convenience stores are perfecting the employee-less convenience store/gas station, and are already near that level as an industry as it is (Only usually employ 1 person on at a time max, including management)

Fast food is looking for a way to have food made automatically, and are on the road to being employee less. So would warehouses. With automated vehicles, driving jobs and trucker jobs go. Without that, not everyone can just jump into the trades or get a higher education to move into net production jobs. It will FLOOD the market with low-skill workers, many of which will be recent college grads.

>> No.1650808


Love how NEETs on /biz/ think they have more expertise on the subject than Stephen Hawking just because the truth clashes with their racist and bitter conservative view on the world.

>> No.1650828

It is going to be a very long time before automation can replace humans and do as good of a job or better, in almost any occupation that requires a skill level higher than retard. Anyone who has had the displeasure of calling an automated customer service representative is aware of this.

>> No.1650866
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I am going to school with some dude who works at wendy's corporate and he said that they are prob going to cut a lot of jobs by 2018 due to automation, but they're afraid people don't want their food made by robots so they still want people in the back.

>> No.1650867

Law Enforcement jobs will be booming, keeping all of the proletariate class in line when they freak out without work.

>> No.1650870

Do we want humans fucking about in factories, flipping burgs and driving delivery vans around all day? A human being is more than that. We can take these SHIT 'jobs' and have a robot do it... But I can't seem to work out how the transition will work.

Maybe we should have a mandatory income work or not. And then of you do work you get a salary on top of that ?

>> No.1650885

If the truth is bait you've got some issues to sort out, anon.

>> No.1650930

>Love how NEETs on /biz/ think they have more expertise on the subject than Stephen Hawking just because the truth clashes with their racist and bitter conservative view on the world.
Who mentioned ANYTHING about race or politics?

>> No.1650972

m8 it was b8 but you took it hook line n sinker, damn.

>> No.1650974

>I was just pretending to be retarded.
Typical shill tactics.

>> No.1650991

>board has IDs

No anon, I wasn't pretending to be retarded, but I think you might actually be.

>> No.1651091

Man, these NEETs are getting SUPER delusional these days.

I suppose that's what happens when you spend 14 hours a day on 4chan.

>> No.1651104

I don't think you're grasping the extent of the automation people have in mind. They're thinking any kind of job serving anyone anything or fetching anything or cleaning up almost anything can and will be replaced by a machine. I think that's an overstatement, but there are legitimate concerns.

>> No.1651105

he knows people listen to him so he uses that to try to get them to think about difficult issues
at least, that's the charitable benefit-of-the-doubt way to look at it

>> No.1651114

I had the crazy idea where there would be two things.

mandatory military service for 5 years and a universal guaranteed basic income.

also the deed to land and a homestead and we would replace cities with autonomous homesteads with community centers spread through out for people to meet up and do stuff.

>> No.1651118

>Stating what economist have known for decades

Not to diminish his accomplishments or anything but people really give the guy too much credit for simply stating the obvious.
It's almost as bad as asking for a celebrities opinion on anything other than acting.

>> No.1651120

but I can't trust just anybodies common sense, it needs to come from a celebrity genius or else the normies will disagree with me.

>> No.1651125

There was something about a bright side to all of it, we might make contact with aliens soon!
tbqh, I think it's more outsourcing and race to the bottom than automation. Anything that can be done outside the first world by the third world is and when the first world is third world, those jobs will come back.

>> No.1651562

>Too bad for the 8 guys that got laid off when the plant was modernized tho

Even worse when the Taco Bells they're working at now turn into giant vending machines.

>> No.1651568

slavery was on its way out before the invention of the cotton gin made slave plantations profitable again, if it wasn't for that there may not have even been a civil war.

Might I remind you that war cost over 1 million american lives (more than any other war before or since) and absolutely devastated the nation.

I think its fair to say that the cotton gin had an extremely destabilizing impact, even if that was not felt immediately.

>> No.1651575

Is there any other possible solutions to this besides basic income?

Besides just letting every manual laborer become a street shitter of course.

>> No.1651592

You fucking idiots dont realize that technology in general isny healthy for a stable society do you?

The fact that you people all believe technology is made to improve our lives is horridly stupid.

The way things are now people just want to keep "innovating" until there is nothing less to "innovate". There's a glass ceiling to how far we can go and if we pivk our own fucking toys over humanity then we are truly a lost cause.

Ive seen many different planets suffer this same way of thinking that constant improvement means something other than doom for you.

>> No.1651629

Cool ideas


>> No.1651756

>Ive seen many different planets suffer this same way of thinking that constant improvement means something other than doom for you.

>> No.1651766

Im serious. But chop me a slice and lets see how constant technological improvement helps in the long run.

>> No.1651783

You're right in a sense, but technology gives us the tools to stack the deck against mother nature, better to go out with a bang than to be a cynic shaking in the corner posting on /r9k/ and /x/, because fear ran your life. Were all going to die, why not try.

>> No.1651843

The problem is we try to hard and are never satisfied. Human technology has long since passed mother nature, we create our own forest, form our own foods, etc. We arent content with what we have and want more and more.

>> No.1651851

OP: I am straight as a whistle.

Stephen Hawking is a theoretical physicist, not an economist. Fuck off with his old crippled ass.

>> No.1651857

This is ironic, it will take technology to overcome our basic biology that makes us not content. XD

>> No.1651900

What the fuck are you babbling about, you pseudointellectual navel gazer. You want to go back to the good old days of running from predators on a daily basis before dying of parasites at the ripe age of 40, good fucking luck to you. Perhaps you could start by throwing away your pc or mobile and never posting your retarded shit on 4chan ever again. While you're being one with nature and dancing with the colors of the wind I'll be over here getting shit done efficiently and in comfort. Fool.

>> No.1651963

You dont getbit do you. You sound so damn incompetent. Im saying constant search for "The next big thing" isnt the correct mindset humans should have.

We are inadvertedly causing our own downfall trying to constant improve every mundane thing in our lives. We prove each and every day with this thatvwe are just bored creatures trying to waste the time we have.

Im coming from a place of reason. Technology is more than what we want it to be. We dont even have the care to even understand what technology really means. You just want to keep on and on and on.

Humanity needs to learn how to control technology and not just constant create it

>> No.1652772

>automation will get rid of jobs
>hurrrrr humans r just like horses there is only one thing they can ever do hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Why does anyone give a shit what that paraplegic cunt says?

>> No.1652797

The moment when the shit hits the fan will be past our lifetimes but we are going down a rabbit hole we won't be able to get out of readily. Our economic system's stability is based out of consumption which occurs primarily in the middle and lower classes. Without a foundation of moderate education, moderate training jobs to work as this foundation our system will slowly dissolve, even for those on top. We are not doomed like Hawkings seems to predict but we will have to alter our perceptions and value systems one way or another.

>> No.1652830
File: 139 KB, 555x414, Theodore_Kaczynski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back into the woods you commie.

>> No.1652886

> higher intellect than a retard
> customer service

Current tech could easily replace the extreme majority of customer service jobs. People are employed as a matter of PR, to give the impression that the company gives a shit about it's customers and has a person there 24/7 to cater to their problems. Companies don't automate customer service at much because people bitch about having to talk to a pajeet much less a poorly designed machine.

>> No.1652896
File: 81 KB, 200x200, IMG_2892.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le ebin shill maymay


>> No.1652910

I think the solution is already happening, immigration and low birth rates
The state may be able to save billions in money if people do sports to stay healthy instead of wagecucking

Generally speaking, basic income with an ammount as low as possible will benefit the rich the most and paralyze social mobility

It wirr be a gudo raff

>> No.1652931

Think of all the labor costs that will be saved and in turn help the products and services become cheaper. Think when competitors employ similar automation and offer for cheaper.

Labor-saving technology means you can produce more shit for the same cost, which is ultimately better for everyone. Even jobless poorfags that think a robot is going to steal their job. Maybe that will finally inspire people to pursue skillsets that cannot be replaced by machines.

The third world is essentially the labor-saving devices right now, but they're benefitting from it as well because even though manufacturing jobs might be miserable, they pay proportionately better than alternative means of income in their respective regions.

>> No.1652933

>The way things are now people just want to keep "innovating" until there is nothing less to "innovate". There's a glass ceiling to how far we can go and if we pivk our own fucking toys over humanity then we are truly a lost cause

Opinion discarded

>> No.1652934
File: 70 KB, 820x461, 1480949255391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw electrical engineer
future looks bright lads

>> No.1652944

>There's a glass ceiling to how far we can go

You're an idiot who has never worked with or around people who are actually inventing things. In the last two years I've personally witnessed probably a dozen things be invented that I hadn't even imagined (or just believed were impossible) before seeing them.

There are absurd inefficiencies in most every industry, where they have to interface with politicians, or middlemen, or borders or transportation, and most of these can be eliminated by re-thinking how things are done.

Spend some time reading things on arxiv.org for a few months until you start to appreciate that the breadth of human knowledge is far beyond what you can imagine -- and arxiv is just shit that doesn't even affect the world!

>> No.1652951

>Current tech could easily replace the extreme majority of customer service jobs

Then why has no automated system ever solved a customer's problem? If the problem were solvable by a series of if-then's then why did the customer make a phone call instead of just going to wikihow?

>> No.1652955

This meme has been proven wrong once and again since the time of the physiocrats in the goddamn 18th century.

Listen people there are no inherent valuable or worthless things, skills that are considered worthless today will be considered valuable in the future, and most of them will not be easily replaced by ai.

>> No.1653017
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Remember goyim. No matter how many jobs are lost due to automation, you must still allow mass immigration to do the jobs you don't want to do. It is the only logical thing to do. If you disagree you are an evil aryan nazi.

>> No.1653032

There is a glass ceiling to how far humanity takes technology before we end ourselves with it or that technology does it for us.

The sheer fact that people honestly believe their technology cant cause the downfall of the human race is baffling. How are you people so damn trustworthy of technology.

You speak of all the positives but never the negatives in how this "innovation" impacts us and the world. Resources on earth are finite if you arent fucking aware kid, the human mind and our society has been programmed to want newer and better technology to help in every damn task and yet you say theirs always room for more improvement? You need to ask the questions thatvreally matter.Does this improvement really make ethical sense. What are its effects in the long run. People keep creating not to better the world but for them alone to be put on a pedistal.

What dont you understand that humanity falling to the very creations we make. We already started this trend. People die due to looking at smartphones, getting killed by human error in the technology we use. Planes going missing, water tainted and death and diease. Yet you only act as if more improvement limits the disasters caused by the very technology you employ.

Dude grow up

>> No.1653042


t. alex jones

>> No.1653044

> There is a glass ceiling to how far humanity takes technology
Ok, if by "glass ceiling" you mean one that will hurt when we break through it, I'll give you that, but it's a weird expression.

>The sheer fact that people honestly believe their technology cant cause the downfall of the human race is baffling

I never said this or anything like it.

> Resources on earth are finite if you arent fucking aware kid

Um, we have a star so close to us that _through our atmosphere_ we're receiving 1KW/m^2 on the surface of our planet, which is already more power than we're using; not to mention all the accumulated fossil fuels, nuclear material and geothermal energy we have access to. And the surface of our planet captures some billionth of a billionth of the total energy output of this star.

> People die due to looking at smartphones, getting killed by human error in the technology we use. Planes going missing, water tainted and death and diease.

We're literally eradicated multiple diseases over the last 100 years; people in otherwise good health basically never die from bacterial or parasitic infections (except people in countries where technology is unavailable); flight is far and away the safest mode of travel, it's safer than horseback and faster and more efficient too. There were people like you 150 years ago and we've beaten back death in that time with technology more than they even imagined possible.

>> No.1653056

So you dont believe technology won't be our downfall?

Mainly because of benefits. Yet I'd love you to list the complications of said technology.

Tell me, if a dog kept eating and eating do you think if it continues on forever he wont stop or die

>> No.1653078

>Does this improvement really make ethical sense.
If it improves quality of life then yes.

>cant cause the downfall of the human race
Imo I would be fucking glad if we can create something that would make humanity obsolete. It is baffling to me that most people are automatically hostile to such a creature.

>> No.1653097

>People die due to looking at smartphones, getting killed by human error in the technology we use. Planes going missing, water tainted and death and diease.

When a person dies, we hear about it in the news. Just think about it: one person out of 8 billion (0.0000000125%) is considered newsworthy. How is this not far superior to the past where people died for looking at the sky wrong?

>> No.1653364


Reread my post. Companies would have done it by now had customers not been lazy and insist a person be there to do it for them. Same reason FAQs exist and customer service still gets simple questions all the time about FAQ shit, and the same reason why reps go through the basic FAQ spiel first every time they're presented with a problem.

Have you ever worked a call center? Half of their shit is scripted already.

Point being, customer service lines COULD easily be automated, but they aren't out of current common customer's preferences.

>> No.1653369

> Have you ever worked a call center? Half of their shit is scripted already.

No, I've never worked there. Yes, I know there's a script, and it's a hell of a lot faster to skip through it with a human so that we can get to my actual problem than it is with a fucking recording slowly reading the FAQ to me before asking me to press 6 if the FAQ didn't address my problem. Robots also don't seem to understand how impatient people get when they have a problem and they're forced to listen to a bunch of irrelevant shit Google already told them before they called.

I've never called customer service and had the script help me.

>> No.1653490

Focus on qualitative skills/ labor. Computers are amazing at quantitative tasks, not qualitative.