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File: 58 KB, 1588x741, matic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16518762 No.16518762 [Reply] [Original]

if any of you people claiming to have bought matic at the top aren't larping, you should get all your money out of crypto because you'll never make it. this was the easiest short of my life, i'm so happy you can margin trade low liquidity shitcoins on binance now. anyone that thought matic was a good buy above 300 sats is mentally retarded

>> No.16518772

so youre an insider? cool

>> No.16518773

Kek, how can one bobo be so based?

>> No.16518790

Nice larp. No go allin long link

>> No.16518794

>you should get all your money out of crypto because you'll never make it.
nah you fucking retard, if only we need more people in to buy shitcoins at insane prices.
Think like a white.

>> No.16518833
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i even bought back at 200 sats when all the retards were panic selling and already made 40% profit on that.
this is too easy, don't blame anything else than your own stupidity if you manage to lose money in this market

>> No.16518846
File: 79 KB, 749x1223, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're an insider if you short this

>> No.16518868

it's just my honest advice, of course i'm happy these people exist. it's not like they'll go away just because i said it and there'll be no money to be made anymore. there's always new retards with fresh money entering the market

>> No.16519097

based. it was an obvious BTMX 2.0, which I got caught up in last year. I'm a burger so I'm not on Binance anymore, but know there's going to be some juicy plays on these shitcoins. the market dynamics shift considerably when you add margin to a lower cap coin. for something like matic, you'll have people pumping this shit way up longing with leverage, building huge positions. then when a larger position flips to short, it causes a cascade down that liquidates the whole fucking stack of open longs. it's incredibly volatile, and easy for whales to game, but if you play it right, you can make it in an afternoon.

>> No.16519104

zoom out
yes, youre working for cz or on matic's team
id bet my life on it

>> No.16519140

what? it was an obvious short newfag. see >>16519097
if you've been here long enough, you've seen this before.

>> No.16519179

The timing of the trade with leverage is an obvious giveaway. No one can time this trade that perfectly using a shit ton of leverage without some serious inside info. Opening that short even days earlier would have resulted in liquidation. Kys scammer

>> No.16519186
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>> No.16519197

Im sure you did

>> No.16519201

are u trolling? it's zommed out to the max. this coin started trading in may. there's a parabolic rise from 140 to 560 sats with almost 4 days of distribution at the top. that was a clear short with an easy stop loss and a huge risk/reward
yeah there has to be tons of new money in the market, there's no way you've been here for more than a year and still buy the top

>> No.16519217

>No one can time this trade that perfectly using a shit ton of leverage
i already shorted at 340 sats and got stopped at 350. this time i felt more confident because of the prolonged distribution pattern at the top
>ton of leverage
that was 0.5x leverage with a pretty tight stop loss at 580. as i said, huge risk/reward and a fairly easy trade

>> No.16519221

dude was opening positions on the 8th. that last trade was timed perfectly though. fucking based OP. you can be salty, but if you look and the chart and run up, it really did make sense to short the 8th and 9th.
>everyone but me is an insider and the market is rigged

>> No.16519225

fine tell me the next one

>> No.16519235

next one? I'm not an insider. kek. gotta catch it live.

>> No.16519243

>shorting pajeets

>> No.16519253

very good assuming legit. net worth?

>> No.16519256

just pay attention to lower market cap coins when they are newly introduced to margin. doesn't happen very often, but this is the pattern they tend to follow.

>> No.16519262

>15% SL is tight
You gambled and got lucky, whoever was pumping this could have pumped it higher, no need to get cocky

>> No.16519264

can you explain the pattern with visuals to a complete brainlet

>> No.16519265

Since MATIC is going to 0, it seems like a good time to go all in shorting or borrowing it

>> No.16519273

>Shorting after down 70% in one day

>> No.16519290

Nice trade, what are your thoughts on btc?

>> No.16519293

It’s just going to get worse. An exit scam doesn’t recover.

>> No.16519294

matic was higher cap than something like BTMX, so it wasn't as extreme, but take a look at that chart. went from like 3M mc to 130M mc in like three days, then crashed to 10M mc overnight. the lower the marketcap + the higher the leverage available = the more extreme the pump and the dump will be.

>> No.16519302
File: 46 KB, 1033x466, matic short.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thought CT was deluded and then i come here

>> No.16519309

ignore those numbers actually. was reading volume, not mc. the message is the same though. lower mc + higher leverage available = wild ride.

>> No.16519311

>i'm so happy you can margin trade low liquidity shitcoins on binance now
Maybe it is you who should get your money out of crypto.

>> No.16519316

>shorting after 55% drop
you do you
my bad, the SL was only meant for the last sell, the rest i would have kept and continued scaling in until i would have gotten wiped at like 1k sats. trading i always a gamble with calculated risk and i had to take it since the matic pajeets were getting euphoric
i only got a good amount of btc, no big real life net worth except my apartment

>> No.16519317

Tell me any other obvious exit scams ran by pajeets that recovered post exit

>> No.16519338

>2million future volume
shitcoin margin trading on binance has to be a facade. just fancy UI with not exisiting real trading back end, instead CZ and his whale friends front running and doing insider trading

>> No.16519342
File: 35 KB, 300x360, 1523575474396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was mulling over whether or not to short this piece of shit all day yesterday. I could have made so much money, fuck me. I'm such a fucking retard. I just keep losing money on shit trades and never take the good ones.

>> No.16519344
File: 16 KB, 575x243, dump it matic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based bear move anon, happy to have been on your side!

>> No.16519349

that's not an exit but rather cz trying to follow arthur's footsteps

>> No.16519354

>margin trading
thats futures
>on binance
it's ftx lol

>> No.16519361
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>> No.16519393

And there’s still 1 billion held by ranjeet and friends waiting to wipe out the rest of any buyers stupid enough to put money on it. There’s a reason bitcoin dumped today, they immediately converted their BTC to USD and bailed

>> No.16519416

join @ChadLounge on telegram

>> No.16519430

you're right, just like with every other shitcoin. wouldn't make sense to dump all at once though, and you would be shorting after a 55% dump. i already sold my stack from >>16518833 an i'm not touching this one again until it's either at 400 or at 80 sats

>> No.16519471

Good job OP . I shorted when it was down 15% it was quite obvious where it was headed after that.

>> No.16519626


And this will keep happening over and over again holding iliquid shitcoins on binance while futures market ramping up on same platform is retarded beyond explenation.

Maybe you are safe in top 10-20 coins now everything rest will be pnd graveyeard for years to come

t.f shorting shitcoins all 2019 made 20btc (missed this one dough) and absed op did 15btc in 1 day

>> No.16519958

based OP and >>16519626 based shitcoin shorter. i wish i was ahead of the market like you. now it's probably too late to start shorting shitcoins isn't it