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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16512178 No.16512178 [Reply] [Original]

>one chance in life

>be born in brazil

never gonna make it

>> No.16512187

sopa de macaco uma delicosa

>> No.16512213

But there are rich people in Brazil, you just have to be a politician. In fact, politicians in Brazil have it better than US or Europe because at least in Brazil the politicians know they are just hurting subhumans who deserve to suffer anyways, unlike politicians in Europe who have to resist the shame of hurting some hard-working families too.

>> No.16512221

>one chance in life

>not born as a deca millionaire

life is so unfair guys wtf, help pls

>> No.16512257

>one chance in life

>not born as a 6'4 muscular greek-god jawline big dicked chad with high iq and millionaire parents
what's the point?

>> No.16512263

i am proud to be indian

>> No.16512267

f-favelanon? i-is that you?

>> No.16512269
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delet this

>> No.16512599

As long as you stay there based

>> No.16512758

Just invest 15% of your salary into your 401(k) and you’ll make it

>> No.16512766

im gonna fuck american high school girl one day

>> No.16512945

To raise a 6'4 muscular greek-god jawline big dicked chad with high iq and millionaire parents

>> No.16513023

br here too
I don't even know where to start
we don't have any worthwile index funds, most of our companies suck
from reading investment forums it seens most people invest in REITs but idk how to pick a good one either

>> No.16513033

and youtube is full of ads with people promising 10% returns a month, it seens everyone is a scammer out to get you

>> No.16513078
File: 1.61 MB, 478x293, anigif_sub-buzz-30151-1530561498-1[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one chance in life
>be born in brazil
You forgot
>not good at playing football

>> No.16513082

Reminder favelanon got murdered huehuehue

>> No.16513101
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check if you got ancestors from Luxembourg. that would allow you to claim our nationality and make 2k€ + tips /month as an untrained bartender. I know a brazilian who did exactly that

>> No.16513112

>ONE chance at life
>born in the third world

life is suffering

>> No.16513143

Brazilian here. Pretty comfy desu. Got a good job and shit

>> No.16513174

How cheap is the cocaine there?

>> No.16514034
File: 24 KB, 720x510, 1572567875619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one chance in life
>stupid adhd child born to a family with no academic background in a country where your only chance at making it is being a fucking academic

Where were you when you realized that either God doesn't exist or that he exists and is a jerk?

>> No.16514169

5 dolars a gram,srs

>> No.16514205

He had it coming. Couldn't avoid constantly doing reckless shit.

>> No.16514266

1.Buy a kilo for 5gs
2.take it to the us.

>> No.16514312

not with those trash genes 4channer

>> No.16515242
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BR here. Just get a CS degree lmao

>> No.16515378

>have ancestors from Belgium

So close yet so far away.

>> No.16515786
File: 47 KB, 480x654, 0mtdjdmyejv31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one chance in life
>be born in argentina

I am still going to make it and work every second i can to accumulate btc, ltc, xmr and eth, fuck leftists , fuck banks and fuck keynes.

Let the hyperinflation start , i can't wait until the state employee parasites earn 10 usd per month due to the hyperinflation my sats will grow stronger as natural law returns.