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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16511119 No.16511119 [Reply] [Original]

Tinder is huge right now holy shit
Thanks to Tinder Gold I met my current wife
Not even larping
Invest in Tinder and profit guys

>> No.16511140

I have fucked like 5 whores on tinder and have 1 on call I can creampie any time

Relationships are for burnt out losers

>> No.16511164

that your wife OP. noice

>> No.16511169

>World of Tanks


>> No.16511171

>Thanks to Tinder Gold I met my current wife

holy fuck hahahahaha might as well have married a prostitute.

>> No.16511203

this is a sell signal, their DOJ investigation must be close to being complete

>> No.16511229


>> No.16511243

thanks but I'm fat and in my 30's

>> No.16511248

Burnt out loser with relationship here, can confirm.

>> No.16511613

Same here anon, been with her 3 years and it has been ideal. Although I didn't pay for shit, paying for tinder is a bit much

>> No.16511632

Chill, many men spend more than you spend on prostitutes and all they get in return is them saying their name while playing league of legends. Try to keep it down. I do 1 whore per month.

>> No.16511657

Degenerate ngmi

>> No.16511723
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I wanted to buy MTCH at 17 bucks.
But as an eternal doomer I waited till the stock market crashed.
Still waiting.

>> No.16511741

Wait is that bareback creampie or with rubber on. If bare holy shit that's based

>> No.16511749

Sad little virgin

>> No.16511764
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>I met my current wife on Tinder
Getting married with a Tinder cum dumpster.

>> No.16511805

how is it gonna be a creampie with a condom on? are you fucking retarded?

>> No.16511874


>Tinder is huge

Go long on antivirals

>> No.16511926

Before this thread is killed by janny,
how the fuck do you do it?
I have 100 matches and I dont even know where to start.

>> No.16512013


>> No.16512049

I had 7 man, fucking around in circle, in the wardrobe, in the balcony, like a fucking animal, and then one day I just wrote 8 names on a board, crosses 7 of them and pick the last one.
I fucked her and she is now my wife.
She has a kid but she is just too based.
Man thanks Tinder, my life went to hardcore to hardcore+

>> No.16512050

Jesus christ you faggots are pathetic. Lookming up to a guy who is proud of pulling single digit thots from tinder

If you want to go degenerate at least be good at it

t. lost track of tinder lays at around 30 notches years ago

>> No.16512085

Larp. Everyone on /biz/ is unironically a virgin.

>> No.16512111


Message them, chit-chat for a few messages (depends on the girl), ask them for coffee/beer, chit chat for an hour, take them back to your place, fuck, and then either ignore them or invite them over again whenever you feel like it.

In case you're really socially unaware, if they come back to your place, they want to fuck.

>> No.16512134
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>> No.16512171

My breeding prowess is greater than yours! Aghhhh, i shoot the largest ropes! I get all the bishes!

Bunch of primates.

>> No.16512214
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I just want to know what it feels like, I thought girls never let you do creampie unless you're married

>> No.16512239

Plenty of tinder sluts are down to bang raw. I had to stop several to put on condom. They often are not the type where you would think they are down for that when you meet them in other situation

>> No.16512259

>I just want to know what it feels like, I thought girls never let you do creampie unless you're married
Only if you're genetically inferior.

>> No.16512264
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Don't you worry about diseases though

>> No.16512309

Thats why I stop them and use a condom if they try to start without one.

>> No.16512329


nah yolo i've pulled out a few times with fwb's, never met those ones on tinder tho

>> No.16512331

What’s it like having HPV?

>> No.16512343

Dont think I have it yet. Or maybe Im one of the people where it doesn't develop symptoms

>> No.16512352

Is this photoshop or is her back actually that fucked up? I don't understand how a back curvature can be that out of whack.

>> No.16512359

My jew-dar is going off with this thread

>> No.16512367

Unless you’re eating poorly cleaned axe wound, you would, generally, be a symptomatic.

My mom is an OR nurse and was telling me about some middle age dike that came in with esophageal cancer covered in throat tumors from hpv. Nasty stuff.

>> No.16512386

Isnt it binary, like either you have it or you dont? Or do I have to rim hundreds of HPV infested cunts to have it bad?

>> No.16512401


>> No.16512416

The reason why these diseases exist is because of people like the person you're replying to.
Think about it.
They get the disease and just keep fucking. They keep spreading it over and over again until they can't anymore, so either death, the disease completely ruins their sexual organs, or the disease mutilates them in some other way to make them so unattractive that no one fucks them. Then they just switch to prostitutes and spread it to them, who spread it to other stupid johns.
Basically we need a sterilization program.

>> No.16512423

Yes, you have it or you don’t. But most folks with sexual contact get it and don’t know they have it. Again, it’s asymptomatic in most. More of a liability for females as it causes uterine cancer or, throat cancer for the orally inclined.

Though, As fat nigger women say; you do you, boo.

>> No.16512426

2nd to last sentence was a continuation of the "disease makes them unattractive" thought; sorry about the confusion

>> No.16512430

She's sticking her ass out for a monkey-butt photo op.

>> No.16512460
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Lmao so if I have it Im helping eradicate thot-genes?

have sex incel

>> No.16512497

One time I brought up getting a condom and the girls response was "What, are you, a child?".

I got chlamydia in college once many years ago, but nothing from tinder. It's always a good idea to get tested every few months though. I make a judgement call based on how wealthy the girls' family is. This strategy has not done me wrong.

I also creampie as often as possible. Feels good man.

>> No.16512508

Potentially. I think it’s important to sift out the harder to spot thots though. You effort to weed out the population should include women the grew up with a stable father, no tattoos, limited substance abuse or partying, but also gave a tinder account and fuck minorities on the sly. I want a visible mushroom indentation on every forward. Smack em so hard that even cosmetic surgery won’t help.

>> No.16512516


>> No.16512523
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That so hot I would give anything to creampie a hot girl, I wish I knew what it felt like

>> No.16512629

you know this is 4chan right? you know most of us are social autists? what do we do then?

>> No.16512655

Chit-chat is just shitposting with less insults. Treat the convo like a thread and just have fun.

>> No.16512670


You enter your apartment, show them around, offer them a glass of water/some tea/a glass of wine, and at the end of the tour you end up in your bedroom. Then you say something to imply you'd like to have sex. Then you have sex.

>> No.16512678

you are one seriously illiterate fuck.

>> No.16512686

I recently remade my Tinder and apparently have even less game than I did a year and a half ago. Do I really need to pay for these fucking boosts?

>> No.16512714

4/10s are looking for Chad doctors and lawyers who love to travel and adventure. So yeah, unless you're a Chad doctor who loves to travel and adventure, delete your tinder account and find a new strategy.

also: have sex

>> No.16512727

the only women who will chit chat with neck beard autists are 3/10 fatties. time to join a gym and work on your pick up game.

>> No.16512734

I have fucked women off Tinder in the past, but now I am getting zero matches.

>> No.16512739

Buy a fleshlight and you'll know that feel.

>> No.16512745

don't exaggerate. unless you live in a very rural area, you're at least getting a few matches

>> No.16512750
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Help I've shown her my silver stack and explained about the coming reset but we still aren't having sex, what did I forget

>> No.16512762

>getting wed to a non-virgin bride

>> No.16512773

Did you tell her to have sex incel?

>> No.16512787
File: 129 KB, 720x1216, 20191209_174822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in NYC and swiped yesterday and today. I'm not swiping right on everyone though so maybe some landwhales are swiping right on me. I don't believe that 3+ icon for a second they just want me to upgrade to premium.

>> No.16512799

Prostitutes are far better than Tinder. Pay money, get laid. Instead of jump through hoops, buy dinner, listen to some stupid thot drone on about her amazing trip to India and how she wants to adventure her whole life and maybe after it's all said an done, she'll get enough booze in her to fuck you.

>> No.16512800

i live in a shithole city with only 350,000 population

i only get matched with fatties. i dont even see any bueatiful girls to match with,

this like this for anyone else?

>> No.16512814

With prossies the risk of disease is basically 100% after a couple years unless you fuck high class escorts exclusively.

>> No.16512818

Phone posting, gimme a break!

>> No.16512827

oh, I see. well I haven't had tinder for a few years so I don't know how that app is anymore. I couldn't stomach tinder dates anymore. Everyone was the same. Tinder is a thot factory and every bitch on there is pretty much the same. It got to the point where I stopped remembering having sex with these women. When the sex is so mundane and emotionless that it's utterly forgettable, it's time to do something different. Also, I was seeing more and more women with hairy, unkempt snatches. Like, no grooming at all. Just lazy whores with gross holes.

>> No.16512836

They want me to upgrade to premium and buy boosts so they are hiding me. There are also a shit ton of gigachads i'm competing with. I'm kind of beta but I have banged at least 5 girls off Tinder before and picked up girls at the bar so I'm not totally unfuckable.

I really just want to meet a nice girl from an immigrant family in Queens who still goes to a CUNY and lives with her parents, but they're probably not on Tinder. These transplant girls are not loyal man.

>> No.16512837

>marrying a tinder using cum dumpster


>> No.16512839

how is that in any way different from thots?

>> No.16512840

>high class escorts exclusively
what counts as high class? $300/hr?

>> No.16512845

You probably started with weak pics and got a shitty internal score. Make a new account and pic top tier pictures from the getgo.

>> No.16512847

just read back over what you wrote at least once. You instant gratification impatient zoomers really rustle my jimmies sometimes.

>> No.16512850

haha who needs tinder when I can make myself coom


>> No.16512851

Or, here’s a novel idea, find a non whore that you actually care deeply for, if your brain can manage, and enjoy sex with an emotional connection instead of using a random meat wallet to masturbate with. People say it’s better.

>> No.16512852

You can at least filter thots for slightly less slutty if you are so inclined

>> No.16512862

never used tinder kek

>> No.16512863

Sorry man, I’m a good person, just gooned out on adderall and rockstar right now.

>> No.16512874

I want her to take shit in my eyes

>> No.16512875
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OPs wife.

Good job bro. The bards will sing of your tales for being Mr. 61 for all times!

You should write a blog on how alpha you are.

>> No.16512876

>I really just want to meet a nice girl from an immigrant family in Queens who still goes to a CUNY and lives with her parents, but they're probably not on Tinder.
if you're dead set on online dating(which is a no-win scenario imho) try christianmingle, eharmony and maybe match.

>> No.16512889

Look at those constructed pupils... poor thing.

>> No.16512894


You risk of disease from prostitutes is no higher than fucking a bunch of tinder hookers but either way if you don’t wear a rubber you’re retarded and have a death wish

>> No.16512896

>find a non whore
define "non whore." Cuz last time I checked, there aren't any virgins left. And finding a woman with less than 5 past sex partners is like finding a needle in a haystack. So don't judge me, bitch. And did you miss the part where I don't use tinder anymore? I don't play that game anymore.

>> No.16512900

Can’t you guys be like me and totally give up? I checked out years ago and have horrible depression, but it’s a small price to pay for being leader of the guild.

I’ll see myself out..

>> No.16512903


>> No.16512911

"like, I've only been with 3 guys in my life."
>except for the 50 guys she banged in college. But that doesn't count, it's college.

>> No.16512915

I’m a 34 year old virgin and my mom gets sad she doesn’t have any grandchildren to spoil.

>> No.16512924

“Stop being so judgmental, I was young and trying to find myself” you experimented in college, right anon?

>> No.16512930

this feel hurts

t. 37 degenerate

>> No.16512934
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>he's never creampied roastie ass

>> No.16512936

I have checked out as well, and I too get depressed and lonely on the reg. In the past 3 years I've fucked one girl and she was a girl I worked with and only fucked her once, unfortunately. She was really pretty and nice too, but a totally fucking whore.

>> No.16512987

>Hi roastie, my name is anon. Have you ever heard of chainlink? I have 100 of them, I'm gonna be jew-level rich. Do you like Dragonball z?

>> No.16513003

Untreated depression?

>> No.16513002

That might actually get a reply and could work if you are less autistic in the follow up

>> No.16513014

>Untreated depression?
translation: refuses to get exercise

>> No.16513027

I just hate the feel of my dad dying without ever meeting his grandson

>> No.16513030

I actually secured a date with a really cute high caste Indian girl by sperging out about crypto. We got drunk and made out in a cab and then she flaked on our 2nd date which was an event I had bought tickets for. Dating fucking sucks

>> No.16513032


And not a virgin

>> No.16513037

I used to do it but wrapped it in a socialist hurr durr muh central banks spin

>> No.16513046

Welcome to the club

>> No.16513053

You can get exercise and eat an impeccable diet and still be too depressed to get out if your own head. Ever heard of a 16 year lifter with an 8 pack that’s hates himself despite looking really good in the mirror? I would be easier to be a neckbeard and get ignored instead of being aloof and having gorgeous women approach you on occasion.

>> No.16513062

Fix yourself now.

>> No.16513071

What do you suggest?

>> No.16513100

Go fuck a prostitute

>> No.16513102

Alright boys I got a boost and got one black girl who super liked me, so my account is 100% cucked. I really should have at least 6-8 matches from a boost though

>> No.16513115

No, I don’t like that idea. I’ve passed up 15 blatant opportunities to get it free, no need to pay.

>> No.16513136

Then fuck one of your opportunities faggot whats stopping you
Go get some cialis or viagra for the first couple times so you don't fuck up out of nervousness

>> No.16513163

Too depressed to go out or socialize at all these days. Life is gym, work, shopping, vidya, shit posting, adinfinitum. When I say checked out, I mean just that. Now, since this has gone full R9K, kindly fuck off and die.

>> No.16513168

No, just linkies. At least half of us have had sex more times than we can count

>> No.16513170

Well thats why a hooker is the way to go.

>> No.16513183

This. Please provide clear step-by-step instructions, I once tried to cook eggs and accidentally got spaghetti everywhere.

>> No.16513189

Or save the money for bigger bags instead of paying some whore to let me mush her muffin. I have a general dislike for our species (you guys are okay though). I want to “make it” then die abruptly.

>> No.16513194

Idk sounds like you did everything right to me. Maybe try calling her a glownigger and see if that helps?

>> No.16513200

have you not been around women ever? that's their posture when they stand on tip toe or wear high heels

>> No.16513238

never noticed that, good catch. that's some good heroin

>> No.16513934

but what if my peepee small?

>> No.16514285

Nah dawg. I just don't know the culture. That's why I asked.
I was in a LTR when tinder came out.

>> No.16514422

60 guys in 2 semesters, eh.
You a whore kys

>> No.16514908

I don't know why but I seem to only meet pol girls or strippers off of tinder. Fucked two strippers, one of them was 18 and no I can say that I had prime teen pussy feels so good bros. The other girl is also an escort on the side and I came inside her twice in a row with no condom on doggy style so fucking hot to just use a dumb slut like that. Also literally every girl on tinder has like a hundred matches, even the ugly ones. How does that make you feel? Even if you are a chad you are only going to get like 20-50 matches if you are lucky.

>> No.16515171

Enjoy your HPV or worse dumbass, stop fucking hookers raw

>> No.16515207

First time I came inside off a tinder match she got pregnant and kept it.

>> No.16515225


>> No.16515328

Is HPV curable? Someone tried to tell me they cured them self in order to get with me.

>> No.16515338

I have 99+

>> No.16515343

so glad I found a virgin gf. Too tight to fit my not so impressive 6.5 incher.

>> No.16515419

Its not curable.
You can freeze the warts off though.
HPV is vaccine-preventable now.

>> No.16515546
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That must be an incredible feeling

>> No.16515569

stop watching porn
t. 7 even

>> No.16515574

This world is fucked.

>> No.16515631

>I met my current wife
this guy is prob trolling but i know a girl who married the first guy she met through Tinder

>> No.16515652

Just 1? I do at least 3 then the shame stops me until next month

>> No.16515769

>One time I brought up getting a condom and the girls response was "What, are you, a child?".

I'd tell that dumb whore to her face I don't want aids off her gross cunt and then maybe spit in her face and leave.

>> No.16515868

>how it feels
any time i've ever cum inside of a chick, more has come out than at any other point in my entire life. i'm talking ball draining soul shattering orgasm

>> No.16516122

the 3+ icon is probably real. I installed last Thursday and have tinder gold. I have 41 likes, but literally all of them except 1 are whales, minorities, or trannies. The 1 I matched with lasted a whole 3 messages b4 I got ghosted.

>> No.16516180

>Plenty of sluts are down to bang raw
They always have been and always will. 10 years ago I got on SSRIs for anxiety and it had the interesting side effect of also eliminating any anxiety I had about barebacking sluts I had just met. Out of half a dozen girls I hooked up with, only one even brought up condoms - and when I said I didn't have any she was fine fucking anyway. Fortunately I quit the pills and snapped back to reality without getting any STDs or illegitimate children

>> No.16516323
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>> No.16516346
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It felt good at the time then massive waves of panic when I found out. Her parents are wealthy and were desperate for grand kids so it went better than expected. She chalked it up to fate and said she tried for 10 years with two long term relationships and it didnt work. Trips me out though that some people can try for years or get one on the first try.

>> No.16516418

>might as well have married a prostitute.
He did you retard

>> No.16516482

>opiod addict
>fucked 60 guys
>i carry myself highly

>> No.16516498

stfu snowflake. clinical depression is a fake illness. modern western society is the only place you see this "disorder." it's not a chemical imbalance, it's a lifestyle imbalance.

>> No.16516514

Wait I can get laid with tinder??

>> No.16516530

your grandfather could get laid with tinder if he's not picky

>> No.16516537
File: 29 KB, 400x400, 97BE210D-3FC2-4B5A-831D-868159896C8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got ghosted by a pajeet.

>> No.16516566

ty for butt

>> No.16516637

I'm not willing to fuck fat bitches. I've done that before. I am incapable of deriving pleasure from it

>> No.16516676

sooo much cope bunch of normans.

>> No.16516683 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16516691

Casual sex is boring and for burnt out losers desu

Nothing compares to passionately fucking your soul mate

>> No.16516785

Oh shit you're right

>> No.16516953

How do you know she's a heroin addict? What am I looking for here.

>> No.16517039

It's sort of "curable", they eventually go away permanently with treatment.

>> No.16517083

>I met my current wife
OP knows its not going to last

>> No.16517317
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I had tinder like 6 times and always ended up with 3/4 maches but nothing came out of it, not even a date. How to sell yourself on this crap ?

>> No.16517331
File: 742 KB, 3000x2000, slIJUye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, you are the fucking loser here.
I had a slut in my class who fucked her whole neighborhood and probably half of the guys in town while she was in a relationship and her boyfriend was at work. I mean literally, she was fucking a different guy from tinder each day. Eventually they broke up and she decided that she really wanted a kid now. So she stopped taking birth control and kept fucking around, until a loser with enough money got her pregnant. She blamed it on birth control "failing" and was posting on her insta how she is going to be a great single mother and stuff like that.

But yeah, keep bragging how many whores you are fucking raw idiot.

>> No.16517345

Yes I must know this as well

>> No.16517388


Most roasties migrated to Hinge and Bumble years ago, the golden age of Tinder has already been over for like 5 years now OP

>> No.16517399

Who please?

>> No.16517429

Brianna Dale. Next time use google image search anon.

>> No.16517447

Google image search is utter shit for finding anything, use Yandex

>> No.16517569

he has done it

>> No.16517710

As a guy averaging 30 girls/year on tinder, bumble, hinge, Facebook dating

I can tell you that online dating is the best place to get laid. But you're gonna have to put

At least 20 to 50 hours in if you're new to this or an incel

What I can also tell you is that relationships that spawn from one dating rarely work

That's cause there is no accountability. Meaning, no friend group that we share

Where if you fuck me over or vice versa, there will be negative Consequences . Also, if someone is cheating you will find out

>> No.16517721

could anyone just post more pics of her

>> No.16517909

literally every woman wants you to cum inside her if she's horny and attracted to you
even if she regrets it afterwards, what she really regrets is your lack of ability to sweep her off her feet

>> No.16518098

dating within your friend circle is pleb tier

>> No.16518218


>> No.16518834

you aim to only fuck girls in their first year in the trade. they burn out quickly...