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16506747 No.16506747 [Reply] [Original]

19 year old blogpost Zoomer here.
Unironically, there are very few people my age I meet that I'm not straight up 'better' than.
I'm at a top ten engineering uni. I'm in an honors program here as well. There are fifteen of us in it, and it had over 1000 applicants. Also, I'm in the honors program for philosophy, even tho I'm an engi major. I can run a 20 minute 5k. I've also been lifting for a year and a half, so that gives me a body between otter mode and athletic of pic related, bit closer to otter mode. I was also /lit/ fag at 16 and read shit like infinite jest to inflate my ego.
I play guitar - the most difficult thing i've done with it so far is play the piano solo from A BOY IS A GUN* which i transcribed to guitar by ear.
I also draw. Couldn't sell it but I'm good enough to be better than mostly everyone I meet.

I do act like an autist. I was isolated growing up and never really got to 'hang out'. I never got female attention growing up either b/c of a growth disorder. But, now that my face is maturing, I'm apparently unironically handsome. I guess that's cause I was able to start mewing while still developing. I love dancing, gotten decent at it, so that combined with my face means women start to cluster around me. But I have no idea what to do with that. Saturday night there were literally two women grinding on me at the same time at one point. I really fucking wish I was joking, but I'm not. I'm so autistic bros.
Friday I was alone with a women for the first time in her room. Totally thought I was finally going to lost virgin status, but my inexperience cucked me. I went to make a move, but instead mashed against her uncoordinatedly. It was so horrible she just said 'umm... not tonight'. But, she did say that she was interested, and made me put my number in her phone (mine was out of battery). Of course, she hasn't texted yet.
Bros, how the fuck do I reveal what I've got without being a cunt? I'm so close.

>> No.16506754

Didn't read a single word

>> No.16506794

I just clicked on the thread to download the body type chart image lol

>> No.16506797

Just keep doing what you're doing. Girls will figure your power level out by themselves. Some will like you, some won't. I know your type, you only need one "lucky" break and then it's off to the races. Have fun anon.

>> No.16506800

Looks like I have a male body type. Pretty happy with that desu

>> No.16506805

>blah blah blah, look at me, I’m so awesome
>can’t get laid, got no job, drowning in debt, no one loves me

>> No.16506817
File: 112 KB, 458x413, 1523676317465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw somewhere between builtfat and chubbyfat

I stopped going to the gym a while ago lol

>> No.16506840

i am the "ottermode" and this is unironically what women prefer. stay mad steroid fags

>> No.16507254

enjoy being lonely by your 30s because you only attract worthless whores lmao
t. beerbelly guy with wife who loves to cuddle

>> No.16507282

t. Coping fat faggot with a 3/10 skank wife.

Yikes anon, maybe kill yourself ?

>> No.16507326

nice cope fatass. i bet you have more estrogen than your wife

>> No.16507394


>> No.16507403

Fuck what this faggot nigger zoomer’s blogpost. Die in a fire I’m just here to post Builtfat master race.

>> No.16507419

you're set lad. it is a mere numbers game now, maximise your encounters

>> No.16507425


>> No.16507436


>> No.16507909


Same here

>> No.16508085


>> No.16508272

2 sentences in and I already know I outrank you as a "better" person.

>> No.16508307

Chubbyfat reporting in.

>> No.16508397

No wonder you’re a virgin lol

>> No.16508515

is bearmode the most alpha?

>> No.16508567
File: 55 KB, 638x513, how to talk to women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

protip bearmode men is stronger than athletic/built/bodybuilder, which is more looks than actual strength

>> No.16508569


Okay Elliot Roger. I didnt know they have 4chan access on the next world.

>> No.16508606

Dial back that ego youngster. You will look back on your 19 year old self in a couple years and cringe at the little faggot you were.
Keep working and concentrate on making it 100%.
Men below 25 are essentially worthless subhumans in terms of SMV.
You can fuck 20-25 year old thots for literally decades but you only have a couple years right now to lay a foundation for a life of great wealth and success. Men dont peak until 40 or so if they have discipline.

focus on making it and dont give a shit about game. You will get laid at some point naturally anyways.
In your later 20s I recommend studying some meme PUA and getting good at fucking around.

>> No.16508617

yes and its the only alpha physique you can maintain without being a complete mealprepping autsist

>> No.16508634

dumb worthless faggot lol

>> No.16508727

>top 10 engineering student
>philosophy honors
>20 minute 5k

>not a virgin

I win.

>> No.16508761
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>> No.16508793


>> No.16508836
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Not everything in life is about what you have, sometimes it's what you lack. Unfortunately, OP doesn't lack his v-card. And that makes him tonight's biggest loser.

>> No.16508845

no one really cares about any of what you wrote dude, you're just in secondary highschool bragging about gpa, honors, valedictorian tier bullshit.

none of what you are "doing" is necessary for success, and none of it precludes access to pussy.

you wrote all that yet no mention of friends or adventure, struggle or gain, genuine life experiences or passion.

>> No.16508858

Chubbyfat bros ww@?

>> No.16508886
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>without being a cunt?
Impossible, you just are one.

>> No.16508897

Just practice socializing. You’ll fail a bunch but that’s fine. Also, don’t get hung up on one girl right now. Your goal to increase social skills.
Wish you luck OP. You have a lot of time to learn and once you get this right you’ll be set for happiness.

>> No.16508898

how do I buy this crypto you're shilling?

>> No.16508914

>1 post by this id
>30+ replies

kys reddit niggers. sage

>> No.16509129

op isn't coming back but to everyone else reading this everything he said in that first paragraph is meaningless
that academic prowess leads to success in life is a giant scam setup by society to make you ruin your time and lock you in indentured servitude
that honors program, top school for x and prof cocksucking gpa will mean nothing for careeradvancement
rather than ruin all your time to get those things you best start your first business in college, inevitably fail and learn and progress from the experience for your second bizz

>> No.16509630


>> No.16509655

Reporting in. Getting a baconator and med. fries for lunch.

>> No.16509698

OP needs to keep his bloggposts on r9k

>> No.16509700

so you are one of the top tier slaves?
why do you feel good about being the best slave?

>> No.16509726


>> No.16509751


>> No.16509803

>'m at a top ten engineering uni. I'm in an honors program here as well. There are fifteen of us in it, and it had over 1000 applicants.
>Also, I'm in the honors program for philosophy, even tho I'm an engi major.
>And also I can run a 20 minute 5k.

You're tracked af, how high can your power level be?

>> No.16509934

op is confirmed a faggot again. you should check out r9k

>> No.16510080

Do women like otternode? I'm muscular but only 150 lbs

>> No.16510107
File: 525 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191205-103914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extremely based

>> No.16510774

depends on your face and height. both matter a lot more than your physique.

>> No.16510798

y'all ghey

>> No.16510817


>> No.16510834

ridiculously based, holy shit, how can one man be this redpilled


>> No.16511007

>all these accomplishments yet still feels underwhelmed, equates success to getting pussy
You have impostor syndrome, Google it and figure out what to do about it

>> No.16511054

Based and thispilled

>> No.16511380

learn some humility retard

>> No.16511608

you really think your better than people just because you spend more hours studying your life away, the fitness i can understand that takes hard work and discipline, but academic garbage doesnt make you shit, kys npc people like you are whats wrong with society, also your falling for a jewish scam doing that shit, how are you claiming to be better than people yet follow the exact same path in life everyone takes?

>> No.16511635

Who here /somewhere between skinny and ottermode/?

>> No.16511665

>Men below 25 are essentially worthless subhumans in terms of SMV.
>You can fuck 20-25 year old thots for literally decades but you only have a couple years right now to lay a foundation for a life of great wealth and success. Men dont peak until 40 or so if they have discipline.
Is this shit real?
I've read about it several times in "redpilled" communities and such, but I seldom see any 40 year old with a 20-25 woman. Maybe I'm surrounded by losers? Or is it just a MGTOW, Redpill fantasy?

>> No.16511760

read how to be a 3% man and watch his youtube videos, unironically

>> No.16511834

and dont forget to practice. every weekend go out and banter with random women in public, you'll get better

>> No.16511856

Learn humility, be nice, friendly and open towards people and not a superficial moron. I was similar to you when I was younger. Nothing worse than being an autistic moron with lots of talents, athletic body and handsome as fuck. Nobody cares. All doors stay closed no matter how awesome you are if people dislike you for being awkward, pretentious, arrogant or flat out socially incompetent. Been there, took me 10 years to develop. Now I can get pretty much anything and anyone to like me in a natural way.

>> No.16511976

I'm going to fuck myself over by admitting to being 40 and posting here but hey, if it helps an anon I'll take it.

It's true, at least that's how I've found it. Better *everything* now. Never thought 40 would be better than 30 but either I had a shit last decade or the stars are aligning.

Don't smoke, eat everything in moderation, work out but don't live in the gym. Bit more worldly knowledge about things, add some culture and confidence and the women love it.

Also got some decent (i bought late 2017) Chainlink gains to throw around. I owe you /biz.

>> No.16511992

Yeah I'm ottermode too. Girls like it the most easily

>> No.16512008

what if youre 30ish and balding to?

>> No.16512024

lets hear some numbers
average # of partners 18-27 per year
average # of partners 28-40 per year
average partner attractiveness on 1-10 scale

>> No.16512031

You’re not better than anyone you meet you Aspergers ridden social miscreant freak

>> No.16512114



>> No.16512169

I got my shit together at around 30 in terms of $ and gym and started fucking 8/10 20somethings at 33

Go bald or buzz. Works better if youre swole

>> No.16512219

OK first off, only actual homosexuals care about comparing 'body type' and 'cock size' and 'anal flexibility'.
Secondly, if you're as dream as you think you are, you'll be swimming in superficial attention from vapid whores trying to add you to their lust of 'been there, done him'.
My advice, young laddie, and I'm saying this as someone who's older, wiser and a lot more frightening than you, is this:
Why don't you focus on becoming ACTUALLY INTERESTING? Build a life with real meaning, travel the world, buy land and build a home on it, look for a woman who can be a great mother to your children (not a lot of those around anymore, but she definitely doesn't have snapchat or instagram, I can tell you that right now).

>> No.16513061

Like anon said above, shave it close. Don't deny it.

>> No.16513084

>which i transcribed to guitar by ear
Without fail, every single person I have ever met who thinks they're a hot shit self-trained "ear player" is absolutely baby level. You're probably shit.

>> No.16513117


A 20 min 5k is poop tier. I ran 15:30 and am not even fast.

>> No.16513150

I can't really remember figures - not huge amounts but enough to count. A lot turned into relationships which wasn't the plan but they were good while they lasted.

Point is; a) I now realise how much I could have had, and b) I now know how easy it is to get. Chatting shit online makes it easier still.

If you can at least dress yourself properly, string a sentence together and possess a sense of humour, you can clean up.

Once you know the fundamentals of attracting people, add your own personal embellishments and that's it.

Without sounding like one of those rapey pick-up twats, pick out something interesting about a girl (shoes, dress, hair - whatever) and give her a compliment in passing. Nothing too creepy. Keep it casual like you don't really care. If she comes back with something more than thanks (or fuck off) then talk to her. That's he key - just talk. Or better yet, ask & listen.

>> No.16513208
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LMAO I wrote this shit in the middle of a cocaine binge.

>> No.16513408

but yeah while walking around campus today in my post-dopamine haze I realized that I try to force shit into my life to distract myself from the fact that I hate myself as a person and think im ugly on the inside.
I also remembered the fact that at 15, I had the distinct thought of 'good thing I have friends that make fun of me all the time, otherwise I'd be a total narcissist.'
yeah somethings not healthy bros but I'm working on it :^)

>> No.16513482
File: 116 KB, 1900x1048, dk4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there needs another in between "athletic" and "ottermode". left guy is 140 pounds and the next is 230.
Athletic guy is clearly on steroids too.
and OP you've clearly got a case of being young and not knowing how shit you are. You spent 10 hours each in a few subjects and did ok for a beginner. people will like you more if you're not a pretentious faggot
Doing well in freshman year is 10% as much work as doing well in junior year.
coke will steal what little talent you have. and kindly fuck off to /adv/

>> No.16513487
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 10953981948890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i profit from this?

>> No.16513525

wow that's literally me.

>> No.16513550

lifting and bulking will give you a gaest physique fast