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16502808 No.16502808 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /biz/ I'm pulling the trigger on Law School. Roast me or help me.

Here's my story. I'm 24 and graduated from mid-tier college in California with an English major. (Confused passion for career ambitions at 18 years old). I am an INTJ and scored 155 on an official IQ test. Sometimes I am socially inept but I am very good with logic and critical analysis.

I have been trying to find a way to apply my critical thinking in a lucrative way. Entrepreneurship seems like a lucrative (and fun) frontier as online start-ups have made the barrier of entry so low that anyone can give it a shot. But meanwhile, I have had fuck all idea of what path to take where I can actually earn a sturdy, respectable, decent looking future and income that's not in tech sales (social ineptness hurts me there).

I just got a job as a Law Clerk and am taking the LSAT in February. Call me an asshole but being an electrician or doing some skills trade feels like settling below my worth. Lawyer feels respectable and sturdy. Am I dumb or going a decent route? What's in store for me if I end up going down the law school/lawyer path?

>> No.16502867

>24 year old "high iq" state school loser thinks he's a genius while going into the worst possible field

fuck yourself

>> No.16502871

idk man, I'm a law student but in italy and the way things work change significantly from civil to common law countries
i'd say go for it if you fancy the subject

>> No.16502873

Go back to redit blogfag

>> No.16502881

why is it the worst field?

>> No.16502882

>bitter nameless fuckboi harasses dude trying to help himself out and looking for feedback on positive action he's already taken
nah, fuck you

>> No.16502904

>guise which job is going to get rekt by automation the soonest

>> No.16502917

>white knighting uppity blogposting redditors
you can go back too

how tf can you be in crypto and still have to worry about work

>> No.16502997

You're a faggot with outsider syndrome but I really could give a shit. Just tell me why you think law is not a good path. Oversaturation? Job stability? Post-grad income vs debt? I've read a lot about it I just want to hear from someone with experience in field.

>> No.16503046

Lawyer here. Dont even consider it if you dont score over 165 on the LSAT and have parents footing the bill. Even then, assuming you get a big law job, you will make 200k/year but you will hate your life for your first 3 years out of law school and prob burn out. You will be up against the most competitive and smartest of your peers, literal robots. Without family connections or dumb luck you'll regret your mountains of seemingly insurmountable debt.

>> No.16503225

I do have parents to help with most of the bill. So let's say debt recoup is out of the question. You're saying unless I get into a big law firm its not worth it?

Or, if you have a second, what was your path to get to where you are today? I just am pretty ignorant in what the trajectory is for a successful lawyer.

>> No.16503243

Unless you get into an Ivy League school or can get a 100% free ride from Duke or UVA, do NOT go to law school.
>t. 30yo harvard l2 lmao

>> No.16503363

Got it. This all helps brother.

You regret your path in law? Harvard is my goal so you lived out my path in a way. If you were 24 again would you have done it the same? Or what would you have done differently?

>> No.16503385

Hey faggot, here's the thing. You came across as the biggest little bitch in your OP that it makes it hard to give real advice. Things like your IQ, your shitty major, etc.

Why don't you go to one of those 4L forums and ask those retards what you want to hear?

This is a crypto board. Noone gives a fuck

You sound stupid and terribly researched.

Yes, law sucks because of all those reasons. and because you have to be a borderline sociopath to succeed. Not some 24 year old introvert whose mother told him he's god's greatest gift to earth and her little angel

>> No.16503413

All the lawyers I met were alcoholic faggots bitter at life but because “muh lawyer” expected everyone to worship them. Same thing with doctors. The few lawyers I knew who werent chemically addicted were teaching baseball to special ed autistics. Figure it out.

>> No.16503427

This is the most soi thread I have ever seen if it's not larp and not someone testing their writing algorithm for a bot.
>mid tier college in california
>want to go to law school
>trade skills are below my worth
>help me /biz/

>> No.16503479

If I were you ... I would specialize in Securities Law. There is a ton of potential in that.

>> No.16503556

I get I come across that way. Based on my experience and what's spinning in my head this is the best path right now but I get it may be a shitty path. If you were 24 what would be your first steps? If I'm a faggot right now so be it. I'm here to learn and to not fuck up my next 10 years

>> No.16503567

I'll look into this, thank you

>> No.16503597

All I'm operating with is what's in my head right now. It's probably completely off in what matters and I get that. I'm not here to be right I'm here to hear why I'm wrong. Tell me, if you were 24 what immediate steps would you take right now?

>> No.16503633

It depends on what you want to use it for and if you can get into a good school. If I had to do it again I might have gotten an MBA instead. Networking and leveraging family connections can also make or break it for you.

>> No.16503825

if you live in california you should move to the bay area and get a job at a decent startup that's raised a series A or B round already and is scaling up and needs warm bodies to do any sales job title like "Account Manager"

>> No.16503832

>I am an INTJ and scored 155 on an official IQ test. Sometimes I am socially inept but I am very good with logic and critical analysis.
first of all, stop with the myers briggs personality test. it's complete bullshit.
if you really have 155 IQ and very good with logic why not going for the best degree out there, CS?

>> No.16503952
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First, get the best score you can on the LSAT - better score = better scholarship money and better 'tier of school'. Ideally you want to get into one of the top 12 schools, but if not, the best regional/state school.
Second, it doesnt matter what your undergraduate degree/school is, as a lawyer it only matters what law school you went to.
Third, when you get into law school, absolutely bust your chops in the first semester. why? because the best summer internships and clerkships are based off your first semester grades. (also you might want to get law review/moot court activities as these are seen as prestigious)
Fourth, try to get a judicial clerkship, law firms have boners for students that have that experience in writing and research.
Fifth, when it comes to taking the bar, block off two and half months of your life, and take it seriously, you didnt spend 150k+ to fail more than once. Fail once is generally okay, but if more than twice it becomes harder mentally.
Sixth, network from day one of law school. These are your peers and you will likely give/get business from/to them in the future.
Seventh, when in classes never ever try to show off how 'smart' you are or ask like 50 million unrelated questions. - you'll be labeled a 'gunner' and pretty much shunned by your peers.

These are the things I wish I knew before going into law school.

That being said, actually practicing law is okay. Sorta rewarding and pay does scale significantly with experience.

>t. 2nd year practicing attorney

>> No.16503988

You can start by suing the issuer of that IQ test

>> No.16504372

Law is a pretty rough career these days. The debt is six figures, the pay and unemployment rate are suicide-tier. Even boring stuff like tax attorneys are struggling. Assuming you don't have connections, the best job you can get is probably going to be in business. If your school has it, you could pull a Mitt Romney and do an English major undergrad into a joint JD/MBA. But that's going to be so much fucking debt. The MBA by itself would've been much more valuable.

But it's great that you've already got some experience as a Law Clerk. I think that will help you a lot. I think you should try and do some business type things on the side. It doesn't have to be big, just new sources of income. Then, when you graduate, get the best job you can get. If you can live with your parents, it might be an idea to try and start your own firm fairly quickly after graduating.

Just remember that law doesn't become /comfy/ until you're also a part-time businessman.

>> No.16504467

It's at best thankless and at worst suicide-inducing. If you were so smart, you'd get into finance and get your MBA and go into banking. Law school is way more work for less prestige and roughly similar pay.

>> No.16504524

I think crypto law is a good field to get into desu it's far from oversaturated in fact there's probably less than 1000 people in the world who actually understand enough about it and have the credentials to succeed

>> No.16504584
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This is pretty much the truth. I'm not going to LARP since this is an anonymous board and I don't give a shit: I went to a mid-tier law school, was depressed throughout law school, did terribly during 1L, didn't network, passed the Bar on my first try and now I'm a practicing attorney. I have massive debt which I likely won't pay off until I'm 50 years old. Work is stressful as fuck and current salary was not at all worth the trouble.

That being said, my situation is "worse case scenario". I'd say that if you are a hard worker, can handle being stressed out and miserable for half a decade, and have nothing to lose (i.e. no girlfriend, no goals/ambitions besides "muh money", nothing else holding you back), go to law school. It's worth a shot because you can actually make a lot of money doing so.

However, if you're a CREATIVE person who has major goals and ambitions and high work-rate, and you don't want to be someone else's legal drone, and you can't afford to lose 2 years of your life (3L doesn't really count) to stressful labor, just pursue Entrepreneurship instead. From your OP you sound pretty lawyer-ish though, so I'm not really going to try and talk you out of it.

>> No.16504662

How much do you make? Over here in accounting, it's a lot easier to just go with the flow and come out with a middle-class lifestyle. But you guys have us licked in terms of upper-end pay.

>> No.16505071

Do you have any specific recommendations with business? I’ve found it hard to get my foot in the door in anything but sales so far

>> No.16505345

You and every other 24 year old dipsit with a worthless undergraduate humanities degree is considering law school because the economy is contracting and politics is volatilizing, and your options for upward mobility are shrinking.
It is oversaturated. Law schools profit off your anxiety and directionless-ness. I am a 1L at a midtier school but I have a specific interest in working with crypto that keeps me motivated. Otherwise I'd be wallowing in depression from the meaninglessness of it all and the absolute wankery and cuckholdry of the vast majority of students and faculty. You will be studying alongside the most small-minded, stunningly average people, even at a top school, where the competitiveness is even worse and people's imagination even smaller. It truly attracts conformists. People go to law school specifically because they don't want to challenge their own beliefs, thinking if they just grind for three years and believe in some libtard concept about the sanctity of the law, they can emerge with a fulfilling well paying job. Absolutely not the case. You need to have brains, motivation, family connections, and a scholarship to boot.
My primary motivation in attending law school is that, with a full ride scholarship, it would get my parents off my back for the next two and half years which should give me enough time to foster my crypto investments into some substantial wealth. I absolutely do not give a fuck about the principles and ethics of law or the personalities of my peers here.

>> No.16505357

Working abroad in some exotic foreign country would be a vastly more beneficial and instructive use of your mid-twenties. Think of law school as a last resort when your back's against the wall and you have no better ideas for increasing your earning potential. Avoid unless it's necessary.

>> No.16505767

Do you mean you plan to use your law degree with crypto in a niche way? If so how?

But I figure that. If there’s one thing the mid-tier college classroom taught me it’s that 80+% of people in any given major/career path are going through the motions. I figure law school is no different

>> No.16505790

In-house master race reporting in. Three years in the salt mines then tell the managing partner to go fuck himself since you’re going to work for the firm’s biggest client.

Five years later and I still smile thinking about his face.

>> No.16505829

Thanks for the advice, man. I'm not the OP but I go to a law school and I faced some of the same issues at first. The things you say are mistakes are true.

>> No.16505899

Lmao naive nigger, don't believe strangers on the internet, especially strangers on a Mongolian chicken sandwich collection board.

>> No.16505964

How many lawyers do you think go to law school because they think it's like Suits and they think they will be doing badass corporate mergers and shit and fucking hoes all over the world but the reality is they sit in a windowless room fourteen hours per day under the suicidal glow of fluorescent lights typing cuckuments on an outdated MS word on a 2010 chinkpad with the clit mouse missing.

>> No.16506092

No idea. But there's myriad regulatory issues with how to classify trading for tax purposes, compliance with the SEC, how to adapt common law designed for messy, revisable agreements to robotic smart contracts. If you know CS you can apply for "legal engineering" jobs which I believe involve designing software for writing smart contracts.
I just know that I would sooner drop out and do heroin than wageslave for Big Law any more than is absolutely necessary. It's a gamble. Like I said, I have terribly poor reasons for going to law school (to give time for my investments to pay off), yet am still hilariously better off than literally 95% of the school.
I got a full ride to a school that's a literal who on the national market but well regarded and networked regionally. My close family includes a number of prestigious lawyers which helps too.

>> No.16506100

A lot. most of them.

>> No.16506751

I've been looking into stuff like ATMs and vending machines. It seems like an interesting side-project.

>> No.16506779

Don't care until you provide your lsat score.