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16498078 No.16498078 [Reply] [Original]

Litecoin and Dogecoin are fucking meme coins that passed the test of time.

8 years and still running, making them a safer bet compared to most of shitcoins out there, according to Lindy Effect.

They play a game of "oscillators" going up/down in cyclical moves with Btc pairing. Everyone can check this.

I am buying this shit Litecoin by portions. Bought at 48$, bought more at 45$, bought at 40$, bought again at 45$.

Accumulating right nos its the way to buy at average price, and not worry about catching the bottom (that ofc is near here)

How many of you think LTC wont "oscilate" like did times before?

>> No.16498355


>> No.16498368

would you mind going back to r*ddit please?

>> No.16498405

Kill yourself you dirty brown bastard.

>> No.16498455

no one that knows anything about IT , TECH or coding buys litescamcoin.

>> No.16498637

I code. I just buy what normal people will buy trying to predict their behavior.

Normies dont code and they just buy the thing that "makes more profit" and is "relatively cheap" compared to similar products in the market.

In a bull run scenario btc will moon, but ltc will moon harder in terms of ROI % because of facts mentioned before. It happened before and will happen again (in bull run scenario)

>> No.16498692

LTC is a fine buy, but it's not going to gain more than ETH. Buy Ferrum if you want true beginnings of a new oscil.

>> No.16498861

Wrong. Top is 4k. This chart is false.

>> No.16498862

Its shitcoin nobody discuss it. The discussion its about what shitcoin will outperform btc.

Looking for the best performing shitcoins in the future, LTC has more chances of great gains than orhers

>> No.16499003

>Normies dont code and they just buy the thing that "makes more profit" and is "relatively cheap" compared to similar products in the market.
it's a boomer coin. Bitcoin won't go to 100'000$ in a 4 year time frame. It's suppressed by jews just the same as gold it is. As silver or uranium.
Shit gonna be suppressed for long.

The only chances you have to profit of bloc chain is tru smart contracts. And you now what you have to buy for that

>> No.16499060

Based and scryptpilled

>> No.16499467

ETH's performing will depend on what's the value of it's use in the time. By now it only served to create and break the crytospace and collapse it with shitcoins. I expect it to be great but its merelly used to create scam tokens.

A lot of subjetive potential that havent been used to create objetive value. At least 'till now

>> No.16499587 [DELETED] 


>> No.16499617

Great meme ID. It preddicts 36$bottom
I see 1 for 36

>> No.16499639
File: 66 KB, 994x618, D-vXicCXkAAECX1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16499874

not bad. Anyways DCR have to test time first.
It was born in 2016, LTC in 2013.

Ltc has survived to the born of Eth.
Ltc has survived shitcoins season.
Ltc is listed on every exchange that exists.
The confidence that Ltc brings is backed by its time surviving, DCR have to do it too if it wants to grow.

>> No.16500024
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