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16497988 No.16497988 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck do we bother with the 9-5 5/2 work week? Im productive for maybe 3 hours a day, and then do fuck all on company time. Is this really just a scam designed to enslave us? Work takes up the best part of my day, and leaves me coming home tired and dejected. Weekends are a write off because im busy recovering from the drain that is the monotony of wage slavery. How do we get out, bros?

>> No.16498009

>how do we get out
Use that money to buy bitcoin now friend

>> No.16498018

because the people who actually have to work for 8 hours would start questioning the system

>> No.16498184

same here.

>> No.16499307

Buy crypto, be comfy, start anonymously proselytizing these sentiments to start fomenting dissent amongst your peers, hope for revolution. My favorite is to write on the whiteboard by the entryway stuff like "If you were truly free, would you still be here?" Boomers fucking hate it, it's hilarious.

>> No.16499316

Because not everyone is a burned out loser like you and can do more than 3hrs of work without needing a break to toke and fap

>> No.16500174

Best way is to buy your freedom by investing in HEX

>> No.16500211
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Live like a spartan for a couple of years and save up some cash to start a business. It's the only way out besides the lottery (including crazy bets on stocks, crypto and any other high-risk asset)

>> No.16501196

Save 50% of your wages, throw 80% of that in boomer dividend producing stocks, 20% of that into crypto (BTC ETH XMR only, no memes), then work like mad and save. There will be a point where your portfolio will be able to support you indefinitely provided you withdraw sparingly. Unironically leave this shithole and read-up on /r/financialindependence

>> No.16501211


>> No.16501221

Not an argument

>> No.16501245


>> No.16501264

I know this is a decent advice, and better that what 99% of people do. But, at what age will you actually become rich, or could stop working with this method? The boomer way is way too slow, you:
1. Become rich at 60's year old.
2. Become "financially free" at 45-50, but living like a bum the rest of your life (say goodbye to any kind of luxury, vacations, living in a decent house, helping your children, havin for medical issues, etc).

>> No.16501709

Have you got faith in the stock market for the next 15+ years?

>> No.16501726
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>Is this really just a scam designed to enslave us?
yes fren

>> No.16501808

kinda feel the same. However, Im aware I could do okay with just working 2d/week by simply spending less. Knowing this is pretty chill.

Sometimes you can reduce cost of living easier than you can increase income. All while still living life within your personal comfort zone and not cutting back on things which are important to you.

>> No.16502030

IMO it’s about using the 5 of 8 hours towards actual positive work production on your part. Wanna learn a language. Spend 2 hours listening to a language mp3, etc.

I can crank out 8 hours of work in 3 hours as well. The trick is to make it seem it took you 8.

>> No.16502476

9-5 is the golden shift fella... Usually people work shittier hours

>> No.16502830

Insurance and other benefits provide a counter-incentive for employers to cut hours and increase workers. A lot of jobs simply require someone to be there in case something happens, so employers don't want to give you time-off, even though they could.

Doesn't matter. The market will always recover. No point in trying to time the market, you won't win. It's better to just consistently put in a bit of money every month.

>> No.16502841

starting a business is higher risk than 3/4 of the options you posted

>> No.16502885


> Software fag here

Work enslaves all people, regardless of how much money we make.

>Get to work at 9:30am
> easy job writing code, eatin snacks, and chatting in the cubes
> leave work around 6:00
> get home to lonely apt, browse 4chan and get drunk
> rinse repeat, never vary
> "I can't quit now, look how much money I make!"

Life is slavery.

>> No.16502914

Honestly, a 30 hour work week would be perfect for me. Shave off those last 2 miserable hours of work. I get all the same shit done and don't want to KMS so much.

>> No.16502922

You realize just about everything relies on the stock market, such as all your insurances, businesses, banks, etc. the only reason they let people freak out about the stock market is to keep you poor. Read about wykoff and media manipulation and also people like Anne schieber.

>> No.16502948

>it will always keep going up because it has to!!!!!

>> No.16503026

It engineered that way for a reason. It’s a systematic approach to keep us controlled, and it is beyond normie or average IQ comprehension. I’ll explain it to you as simple as possible.

>Job takes up most important part of a man’s day (willpower level at 100%, energy level at 100%, serotonin levels at 100% ie basically everything you need to conquer the next day is replenished after good nights rest)
>Job is usually 5-6 days a week (This is a psychological approach that makes you inadvertently look forward to rewarding yourself with the weekend— generally with alcohol, sports, shopping, spending money on toys, ie useless instant gratification and dopamine satiation)
>Job pays you once a week on a certain day to ensure you come back (again, another psychological approach which can make people feel a sense of security from having a sure source of income, not caring or knowing that comfort kills growth, so they never look for better opportunities)
There is so much more to why jobs can have control over a person’s life and why it was structured that way. The only way out of this is to fast from dopamine, retain your semen and abstain from sex, stop eating shit foods that make you stupid, stop drinking water with fluoride in it, meditate, and occasionally take mushrooms to stimulate your pineal gland.
There is so much more to life than working for someone else.
>t. 22 y/o business owner and civil engineering student

>> No.16503106
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>> No.16503125

The fundamental question you're asking is how can a person produce enough value (aka money in simple terms) to make others produce and take care of their needs for the rest of one's life. This is why yes this method will most likely default to your path 1 or 2.

>> No.16503524

9 to 5 is shit, noon to 8 is master race