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File: 25 KB, 1000x543, BitcoinHEX-HEX-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16492748 No.16492748 [Reply] [Original]

Seems legit and richard stomps everyone in debates, but maybe i'm dumb idk

>> No.16492756
File: 200 KB, 528x352, hx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Richard here. I wanted to give you a little more background on the project. This project was started to solve a personal problem, that is why it's more legit than any other project in crypto right now. As many of you know, I was barely getting by doing hourly magician gigs, you know, sleight of hand card tricks, long ass handkerchiefs, shit like that. I was sinking fast and had been going to my magician gigs hungover. Most of the time I would have to take a flask of bourbon along just to make it thru the gig. One Monday I started, well... continued, a gnarly bender after doing tricks for some rich banker's kid's bar mitzvah. I was so depressed hearing them talk about their parents money I just kept smashing whisky shots and doing insane amounts of blow I got off this gayboi designer I met at some club. We fucking went apeshit man.. when I woke up the next friday afternoon I saw all the ideas we came up with in our coked out frenzy to start an Ethereum token ponzi scheme. I used to be a BTC maximalist before I got into magic so I kinda know the crypto scene. The logo was so good and apparently I promised this gayboi that he would make millions off this logo so he would keep fronting me blow... I don't want to fuck that up cuz he's super hot and I don't get that type of boi pussy as much these days. Anyhow I have to do this think now so check out Hex and if you are early enough you might make a few bucks, but probably not.

>> No.16492759

self bump

>> No.16492773
File: 6 KB, 240x240, 1568648165185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i smell poop

>> No.16492779

this makes for good pasta and all but im looking for real answers and everything on biz rn is all "how do i get a cute asian gf"? and link shit

>> No.16492804

Generally, good manipulators are good speakers. Just because he is good at deception, doesn't mean what he says is true. Who holds the keys Mr Schueler?

>> No.16492824

thats the one thing that gets me. he's real evasive about who owns the eth wallet and makes it out that it is for some legal reason or something but i dont understand the reasoning

seems kinda fishy, but then again the satoshi wallets... who owns them?

>> No.16492849

scammiest shit since bitconnect

>> No.16492877

>but maybe i'm dumb idk

you got that right

...now go shill your scam bags somewhere else

>> No.16492927

thanks for the bump, but itd be nice to see something on /biz/ that wasn't completely useless. someone tell me WHY it sucks you faggots

>> No.16492947
File: 584 KB, 1386x900, schueler caca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's why it's going to work

>> No.16492970

because its down 90% since first day. origin address gets more then half of all hex, and flush address gets all eth.
this is why its a scam. aside from being a useless erc20 token that anyone can copy pasta the contract and launch their own

>> No.16492976

at least theres some logic to that... bitconnect was all over biz back in the day. everyone was shilling. thats what works

>> No.16492978

I dunno famalam. Seems legit. Dude seems based af.

>> No.16493003

ok ok, good answers but the price being down 90% doesnt really move the needle with me cause such low volumes and day one price discovery. i still have a bad feeling about all that eth in an unknown address for what reason

>> No.16493018

he does seem based in a trump kinda way. i just hope im not being naive

>> No.16493052


Not unknown, its in the contract. https://etherscan.io/address/0xdec9f2793e3c17cd26eefb21c4762fa5128e0399

>> No.16493065

And we know how unprofitable all those fork coins were right haha

>> No.16493069


>> No.16493071

Yeah Richard heart wins the debates most of the time cause he is debating retarded BTC maxies. "Wow, I saw Joe Rogan destroy a flat earther in a debate then he must be a genius."

No reason for HEX to exist though other than to compete with bitcoin. It doesn't do anything.

>> No.16493093

i know you can see the address in etherscan, but who owns the private key to that address?

are we to expect that address to dump eth at undisclosed date? why does one need to buy hex for eth when all the marketing says "not an ico cause airdrop release"... also i couldnt get a claim cause i had a segwit wallet during the snapshot, which doesnt make sense to me either (may be due to ignorance) but those are my issues with hex so far

>> No.16493121

it does trustless interest and has higher throughput... it also has scammy (what works) marketing to generate network effect.

that seems like something to me

>> No.16493173

There is a workaround for those:

I used electrum and keepkey, and all my addresses were legacy and had no problems

>> No.16493204

where can you see the price for Hex?

>> No.16493217


dude, if this works for me i owe you bigtime (there should be a BAT tip function for the chans). ill have to look into it, but my wallet prompted me to switch to segwit and i didnt see a reason not to at the time.

>> No.16493242 [DELETED] 


I don't know anything about Bidesk and so, use your own judgment

>> No.16493266


>> No.16493274
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>> No.16493383

>bitconnect was all over biz back in the day. everyone was shilling.
ugh... no it wasn't?

>> No.16493400

>seems legit

Don't you realise that 'pumpanomic' tokens just lead to bagholding because once it increases in value you need BUYERS in order to sell your tokens? Don't fall for this shit.

>> No.16493427

ok, but the same is true for btc, silver, gold, coconuts...everything right?

>> No.16493448

Everyone screams SCAM like the "journalist " he had on recently but refuses to understand the project.

>> No.16493466

Do you have a bad feeling about satoshi's bitcoin? Why are you more comfortable with bitcoin even though its creator is anon?

>> No.16493473

that dude was really embarrassing. honestly i would have been more credulous of hex had i not seen that dude be an emotional basket case and scream "scammer" over and over again

>> No.16493475

It's the crypto version of a time deposit or CD.

>> No.16493490

He reminded me of everyone here. Scam scam scam yet no logic.

>> No.16493495

i do have a bad feeling about satoshis btc, but i think he's dead or locked out or threw out the private keys or something, otherwise you would think there would be a move in the last 10 years

>> No.16493497

>eems kinda fishy, but then again the satoshi wallets... who owns them?

Ofc he owns fucking wallet he cant say it because howey test
Are you like acually retarded was about to make fun of HOW RETARDED are you but mby i should not

>> No.16493518

>Yeah Richard heart wins the debates most of the time cause he is debating retarded BTC maxies. "Wow, I saw Joe Rogan destroy a flat earther in a debate then he must be a genius."
Acually this lol

>> No.16493522

Don't invest more than you can afford to lose and even if it goes to zero everything is fine. Simple right?
But I'm not worried.

>> No.16493536


i figure he owns it but cant say due to howy test, but that may be a front or rationalisation... but honestly i don't know what youre even saying. its like you typed that message with your elbows

>> No.16493538

in most scenarios what you deposit into a CD is something with stable value (key word here, value)
so the % increase of the CD is an objective increase in value

here's the stats for hex investors:
if you invested any time from the start till yesterday = you lost money, if you sell your HEX coins for ETH, you'll have less ETH than you started with.
If we wait till tomorrow, whoever invests today will probably be at a loss as well.

I'm kind of confused
why would you shill something that bleeds money daily? since the very beginning? Literally nobody is making money other than Richard here.

>> No.16493555

I'll screenshot shot this and 1 year from now I'll unlock my coins and show you I made money.

>> No.16493562

nice gets. he speaks the true true

>> No.16493568
File: 806 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191207-152754_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got my hex for free, so I'm already winning.

>> No.16493589

Staked coins are already making interest which comes from the 2% penalty per day for unclaimed btc...

>> No.16493590

checked. Please do.

I'll then compare your Hex gains to my 2% - 5% daily compound gains from merely swing, day trading and scalping LINK minus its appreciation to 100 bucks and higher.

>> No.16493612

who's gonna buy a shitcoin that does nothing in 1 year?
Why do I even debate you, you clearly don't hold any hex, because the BTC freeclaim gave fuck all, you're literally a paid shill. You should be grateful, I hope you're getting paid per (You).

>> No.16493690


There is no reason for him to have included the ETH part but he did because he is a GREEDY LITTLE KIKE

>> No.16493697
File: 1.39 MB, 4032x2268, 20191207_154318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you clearly don't hold any hex

>> No.16493699

>here's the stats for hex investors:
>if you invested any time from the start till yesterday = you lost money, if you sell your HEX coins for ETH, you'll have less ETH than you started with.
>If we wait till tomorrow, whoever invests today will probably be at a loss as well.

there are really low volumes on exchanges and it has literally been on exchanges for 2 days. any price you see for for the next few weeks or months won't mean much i think

>> No.16493723

now since you claim you got those for free
show us your 50 bitcoin, because that's what you you're supposed to hold to get 70k in free unstaked hex shitcoins.

Btw that amount is currently worth .0035 BTC, about $30.

>> No.16493743

>show us your btc hurr durr
Why do I owe you anything?

>> No.16493751

it's a literal shitcoin

>> No.16493762

because you're a coping retard who wasted his last ETH on a scam, and now doing mental gymnastics in hopes someone will pump this useless shit.

>> No.16493782

he will unironically get sued. the SEC will say it's a security and he created it. he thinks he will be able to talk his way out but he won't.

>> No.16493785

1 BTC got you 15k HEX if you used your own ref link. So he had about 5 BTC.
I also free claimed my HEX and staked it, because all it costed was one transaction for 3 cents.
I would never send ETH to Richard though and I highly doubt HEX will ever be worth much.

>> No.16493795

I don't own more than $2 in ETH.
What am I coping with exactly? Out of the two of us, I'm the one who got free money.
I honestly don't care if it pumps or dumps.

>> No.16493841

Wrong. 90% of your hex freeclaim is auto staked for a year. So to get 70k in spendable shit, he claimed 700k hex, which is at least 50 bitcoins.

>I don't own more than $2 in ETH.
my condolences

>Out of the two of us, I'm the one who got free money.
a. allegedly, you didn't show your bitcoins, as far as I'm concerned you spent 1-2 eth on day 1 of the ICO, and now coping. Prove otherwise.
b. it's 30$, that's not money.

>> No.16493873

you are annoying dude. why you trying to troll so hard? dont you have some shit to do?

>> No.16493907

>18 posts by this ID
don't you?

My ancestors are smiling at me, pajeets. Can you say the same?

>> No.16493921

yea its my thread dum dum. i am taking the temp of what people feel about hex. trying to learn.

you are trolling someones thread, contributing no value cause...you have nothing better to do. :(

>> No.16493937

You're absolutely seething aren't you? The world doesn't owe you shit and neither do I. Make all the excuses and insults you want, at the end of the day you're just another kid screaming SCAM.

>> No.16493976

Anyways OP. People said bitcoin was a scam, and ETH and literally everything crypto is a scam to someone. You don't know me so there is zero trust between us, but I sense you're an alright guy simply because you don't scream scam left and right. I could try to answer more questions but honestly this entire market is speculation. If you don't feel comfortable doing something don't do it.

>> No.16493995

It is a scam retard. In a CD the money put is being leveraged in some way to create value. ETH put into HEX sits in Richard's wallet.
If you just follow the money you can find out that HEX is a blatant scam.

Oh you're taking the temp?
But only if it's positive replies about HEX.
The temp. Right. I know you 2 retards sit right next to each other in some cramped delhi office full of jeets.

>> No.16494010

no, read my responses and you will see that i have some problems with it. anyway feel free to wasting your time bumping this thread. its your life to waste

>> No.16494013

How is free money a scam?
Really, who is being scammed?
He tells you to not expect anything, but you probably don't actually watch his videos do you?

>> No.16494021

yea basically my biggest reservation is the eth wallet, why does there even need to be an eth deposit when it is supposed to be a free thing to get into via airdrop? what are those funds even for?

>> No.16494025

>but you probably don't actually watch his videos do you?
no? why would a sane person watch those?

let me guess
you watch Craig Wright's videos too?

imagine voluntarily brainwashing yourself

>> No.16494032

I'll try to answer >>16494025
So you know nothing, yet you pretend to know.


>> No.16494038

dude, if you got something of value to say to convince people away from hex say it otherwise you just sound like an emotional basketcase and will make your opposition look good by comparison

>> No.16494046

>How is free money a scam?
an erc20 shitcoin isn't money

>Really, who is being scammed?
Literally everyone who bought HEX with ETH
their net worth is literally lower than a week ago, and you can't deny that.

>> No.16494048

You're just like the "journalist " he had on recently. Seriously go watch it. He just screams scam for 30 minutes with zero logic and reason. That's you.

>> No.16494056

People who bought almost any coin a week ago have lost money. Does that make all of them a scam?

>> No.16494123

"Almost any coin" didn't do a -80% in a week. That's the net worth lost for people who bought day 1. And their loss is going to get worse, because more and more shitcoins are printed every day, costing less and less.

>> No.16494131

>maybe i'm dumb idk
You can confidently say it, don't hesitate.
You're dumber than a nigger.

>> No.16494142

Don't invest what you can't afford to lose.

You don't actually lose anything until you sell.

Remember these rules OP, this faggot clearly never learned them.

>> No.16494157

Reposting again because you dumb faggots never learn.

>> No.16494190

>Don't invest what you can't afford to lose.
That doesn't justify scamming people.

>You don't actually lose anything until you sell.
>t. every altcoin bagholder since ATH

top tips thanks

>> No.16494207
File: 668 KB, 1242x2688, C4AA093A-DE27-4889-8F44-E0C30C73E1A9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You’re fucking retarded and this shit is a scam.

>> No.16494231

Lol, this screenshot. Toxic maxis never waste a moment to shit on something else but then again why do I care. It's a scam.

>> No.16494259


They are all scams dipshit lmao

>> No.16494309
File: 186 KB, 861x877, 1560410593567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>17 posts by this id
>because of $30 worth of hex
>while having $400k worth of btc
you know it's obvious that you got assblasted by the "adoption amplifier", right? it's one thing to be so incapable of basic maths that you thought you'd make profit on this shit while he's dropping 500 million coins on your ass every day, but spamming posts calling others retards and, may i say "cope"?
you're probably the most retarded person on this whole board and that's not easy

>> No.16494331

I'll lay it out so simple even the biggest retards will get it. You will get justed, some of you are already megajusted and you don't even know it here's why, with evidence:

1) Adoption Amplifier will wreck you. It will vomit hundreds of millions of hex for 350 days, 300 million MINIMUM. source: https://hex.win/adoption-amplifier.html
Some of you retards already massively overpaid for this stuff on the first days, it's tragic when you think about it https://imgur.com/a/5SwKz7j Remember AA will spit hundreds of millions of HEX for almost a year GUARANTEED. Stuff that you bought for hundreds of dollars today some poor pajeet will be able to afford in a few weeks for pennies once the hype goes down. DO NOT SEND YOUR ETH to Adoption Amplifier too soon or you will be ruined. If you really must waste your ETH wait a few weeks or months and you will get millions of HEX for 1 ETH unlike those nerds who fomoed in too early.

2) Free claim is dogshit. Say you have a reasonable sum of 100 BTC. You freeclaim and you get 10000 HEX for 1 BTC. For simplification reasons let's say you will get generous 20k HEX total for 1 BTC at the beginning after all bonuses are counted in. What does a big sum of 100 BTC give you? 2 Million hex. How much is it? Not much. According to HEX telegram bot the total supply of HEX is projected to be around 600-800 BILLION after a year. That's right, and the lower bound is considering only 1 million BTC will claim. source https://imgur.com/a/VaWBsuu
Think about it again. Even when you stake all of it your amazing free claim for a sizeable sum of 100 BTC is but a small fraction of Inflation Amplifier that dumps 300-500 million HEX every goddamn day on your heads. Imagine if you control 1 BTC or less. You're literally a tiny, insignificant, invisible atom in a big, big pie of which roughly 30% will be owned by origin address anyway.

>> No.16494349

>you're probably the most retarded person on this whole board and that's not easy
well yeah, thats probably Richard you're (you)ing.

>> No.16494356

I have way more than 70k hex, you tards think you know everything off an incorrect assumption.

>> No.16494368

>I have EVEN more than $400k worth of btc!
>n-no I didn't spend a single ETH on the adoption multiplier


>> No.16494385

That pic is from my metamask wallet, i test withdrew from it.
Correct I didn't buy into it like you will a year from now.

>> No.16494423

so how much BTC you got
don't show me, just flex on me
I'll believe whatever you say

>> No.16494468

you'd just say it was fake until I gave enough info for me to get doxxed

>> No.16494482

I don't owe you shit princess.

>> No.16494498

Nah nah I won't question you
feel free to round it up, down, change it, make something up, doesn't matter

The point is that whatever amount you have
it will translate to 0.0075% equal in HEX from freeclaim, which is fucking nothing. And there's nobody who ONLY claimed their free shitcoins, who is shilling HEX. I'm waiting for you to confess how much ETH you burned on this scam.

>> No.16494509

Please don't claim guys. You'll be contributing to my stake gains

>> No.16494515



>> No.16494520
File: 708 KB, 2000x2000, 1562483845107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confession: I misunderstood the adoption amplifier rate and thought it halved every day but I only put in a tiny amount of ETH in day 1 and 2.

>> No.16494521

Looks like it's the new scam now faketoshi and bsv is as good as dead

>> No.16494575
File: 394 KB, 980x967, bitmex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i getting doxxed now? of course you'll come up with whatever reason to not show any of your accounts/addresses because you're broke. if you only claimed the 0.005% you get on your BTC stack for free you wouldn't give a single fuck about your dust in this scam token how are you not realising this

>> No.16494614

Thanks for your concern over my finances internet stranger, but i assure you I and my family are very well taken care of. I'm done with you now, enjoy.

>> No.16494621

HEX is still a zero sum game. you need to create demand for the token. Normal currency can be placed in bank accounts and recieve interest, which is cool. HEX does the same, sure, but there is nothing else you can use HEX for. The only thing you can exchange HEX for is money. the interest is useless unless HEX is money, which is very unlikely.

>> No.16494627

I love this project and I love Richard. He ruins fag ecelebs every day

>> No.16494644

He obviously owns the keys. Who cares? He will probably use the ETH to pump HEX before exiting
That’s why it will pump
It’s a CD. It has time locked deposits. Inflation goes to stakers rather than miners and the referral links act as a bootstrapping method

>> No.16494668

Nah that won’t happen. EOS raised 4 billion, never built anything, they still have the money, and settled with the SEC for 20 million dollars. Your hate is preventing you from making money. HEX is objectively less of a scam than EOS

>> No.16494675

i'm not concerned at all, you deserve to lose your poorfag eth stack. especially after acting cocky to cover up your dumb decisions

>> No.16494678

Was EOS a scam? Why does EOS have a billion dollar market cap? Why is EOS 3 dollars?

>> No.16494693

>EOS ICO price: 1$
>EOS price today: >2$

>HEX price day 1: 1 ETH for 50k hex
>HEX price today: 1 ETH for 400k hex
literally over a -85% loss IN A WEEK

What you're claiming is measurably false you fucking cretin

EOS is shit but it's less of a scam than fucking HEX

>> No.16494708

You know Richard will happily debate you since you present such logical arguments. Do it pussy, or stfu

>> No.16494738

out of arguments? running back to daddy?
what happened?
big dick millionaire such as yourself protecting his 30$ happy meal lunch money can't defend his shitcoin?

>> No.16494751

Wow you have no idea what you are talking about. Everyone that transformed ETH for EOS on the first day got recked. There is a mechanism where the daily allocation is distribution proportional to how much ETH was transformed on that day. To make it simple for your small peanut brain HEX uses the SAME distribution method as EOS and HEX already has more development than EOS

>> No.16494754

Lol we were never arguing kid. You were just screaming scam scam scam. Yes i am a big dick millionaire, now go play with your toys.

>> No.16494757

>Richard will happily debate you
If you're not intelligent to debate the points yourself then why are you investing time/money into Hex?

Could it be you're a retard?

>> No.16494764

This. All these crybabies will be posting pink wojak threads in 6 months about how they missed their one chance to make it in 2020. The cycle never ends

>> No.16494770
File: 21 KB, 480x360, raj techesh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes i am a big dick millionaire

>> No.16494795

We weren't ever debating.
I've said multiple times I invested nothing into hex.
So idk.

Read more?

Have sex?

Insert biz meme here?

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.16494812

Exactly, this retard is the same guy saying 3k wasn't the bottom.

>> No.16494825

it's not even on CMC LMAO

Richard made bank off idiots

>> No.16494827

that is both false, and has nothing to do with HEX or this discussion
meanwhile your shitcoin dropped from 5 sats to 4 sats
see you in a week when it's 1 sat, gets delisted, and dies

>> No.16494857

Lol k
I said earlier it doesn't effect me what the price does because I didn't buy in.

>> No.16494863

in 6 months there will be around 23x the amount of hex tokens there currently are, while demand will be most likely less than since it's the start of the ICO and some hype remains still. can you even imagine how much eth people will send to the scam amplifier in half a year? probably 10 per day. your token will be worth 1% of what it is now. are you really assuming this will increase in value over the next half year?

>> No.16494874

>28 posts by this ID
you bought in

>> No.16494939

Did not.
What's your argument?
>did too.

>> No.16495278

there's only 2 types of people in this thread: 1. people that bought into this coping their ass off and 2. people making fun of yet another bunch of retards that fell for an obvious scam.
if you didn't buy into this you weren't so emotionally invested

>> No.16495594

You don’t understand the distribution scheme. Do some research then we can talk