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16493059 No.16493059 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you feel unwanted
ever been with multiple whores in a club and you decide to split them up with your good friend but you just can feel that the whores you picked rather be with him than with you and the energy is all the way autism and negative just the opposite of your friend. the whores just carry on with no motivation and you feel absolutely rekt mane. it hurts lads. it really does. how to even cope

>> No.16493189
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The absolute state of this non-problem.

I've heard of first world problems but whoremonger problems?

>> No.16493209

im hurt lad. im fukin hurt

>> No.16493214


>> No.16493251

You dont know the meaning of hurt you faggot assed fuck.

>> No.16493260

what made you hurt meng

>> No.16493330

>ever been with multiple whores in a club
just use call girls mr autismo

>> No.16493332

>going to clubs
Kill yourself you normalfag piece of shit.

>> No.16493344

it went wrong faggot so im still just as autistic as you are

>> No.16493359

Stop feeling.

>> No.16493366


>> No.16493482

literally just stop giving a fuck, you want to fuck these women right? treat them like that, embrace your inner sociopath, use them, they basically want to be used anyway, i hope you're not looking for a girlfriend at a club because that's just going to set you up for destruction

if you're struggling building rapport with barsluts, literally just start with smalltalk, ask them about themselves, their work, their dreams, their childhood, their education, their friends, what tv shows they're watching and simply listen, with occasional or semi often interjections of your own construction that confirm your are listening and interested, of course you probably won't actually be interested since you just want to fuck them, but women don't want sex first they want someone who will entertain them and be fun to talk to, then they warm up to you and you fuck them

practice free association, it's unironically helped me keep conversations going when it feels like they're stalling, you can literally keep sluts interested by talking about how the sheen of the fork in front of you reminds you of this dumb coworker you used to know who wore too much jewelry, basically just get good at bullshitting and lying or be a nice a guy and settle for a slut who just got off the cock carousel and is ready to settle

>> No.16493513

im just kidding i have no fucking clue how to talk to women

>> No.16493534

>just start with smalltalk
man that shit is tiresome to death. i used to pull whores without speaking a single word when i was leaner and younger. i feel like having to talk is just fucking cope but thanks for your post lad.

>> No.16493688


>> No.16493986

It's not worth it. Plain an simple how will you feel if destiny did all this so that your future was better ?

Never forget Jesus Loves You bro hug him trust me it feels good when you down and alone

>> No.16494004

its all so tiresome fren

>> No.16494009

Did you fuck her

>> No.16494041

i did but thats not relevant to my case