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File: 2.34 MB, 1162x1041, eat_bugs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16490555 No.16490555 [Reply] [Original]

eat bugz /biz/nessman

>> No.16490567

It's provocative, which gets you to click.

>> No.16490575
File: 3.04 MB, 1680x1035, big_bug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at dis dood

>> No.16490591

I havent had these but I used to eat the spiced bugs they sold back in the day. not anything new. kids used to bring them to school when they wanted to be edgy but they were always unironically good. those worms too. taste like pretzels

>> No.16490600

a poster child for onions products

>> No.16490607
File: 240 KB, 1653x1104, 121545412154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good goy, eat your jelly black protein bricks and be happy and content

>> No.16490624

>movie with heavy classism overtones
one of my favorite movies but not a great look on you bud

>> No.16490631

as I said, good goy

>> No.16490633
File: 2.47 MB, 1498x933, eat_bugs_direct.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some superbliminal marketing

>> No.16490641

>put bugs in bag
>sell "chili lime bugs" to bugmen
its unironically based. I'm in.

>> No.16490679
File: 788 KB, 787x447, sens_bug_bars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

science fiction becoming science fact. But don't kid yourself, you are at the back of the train.

>> No.16490704

FACT. Bugs are healthier than red meat.
FACT. Bugs are more nutritious than red meat.
FACT. Bugs are safer than red meat and less prone to carrying disease.

The only reason you eat red meat is because you have been brainwashed by big corporations. Anyone with 100+ IQ who can look at the facts understands that this is better.

>> No.16490714

you schizos entertain me honestly

>> No.16490716


>> No.16490727
File: 255 KB, 1162x850, burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brainwashed by big corporations
Pretty sure no one was brainwashed. Humans just like fat and sugar.

>> No.16490749

Are you a bird by chance?

>> No.16490816
File: 60 KB, 640x394, United-States-farm-gate-wheat-prices-and-retail-store-bread-prices-1975-2016-e1499790716842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this world. They say that the oceans are fished out and that there is no way to feed the world with meat because there is no room for cattle and there is not enough land to farm, so we will probably have to eat bugs when the world population hit 12 billion. You could plant wheat in Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska and the Ukraine and have enough wheat to feed the fucking planet. Money makers and politicians have been fucking with food supplies ever since the ice age end. Look at the Roman empire. Italy had plenty of room to feed its population yet if you were in ancient Rome you ate grain that was imported. Mega farms and politicians would buy farmable land in Italy and let it go fallow so they could cause the price of bread to go up and make money using their own ships to haul it in from North Africa and the Middle East. People were starting to starve in Rome and Julius Caesar tried to fix food supplies by initiating land reforms to give it back to roman citizens so they could farm it and lower bread prices and they fucking stabbed him to death.

Men that give bread to the hungry masses can rule the world. People that manipulate food prices are the real enemy.

>end schizo transmission

>> No.16490879


So hundreds of thousands of years of eating meat to the point where our digestive systems are adapted to recognize meat and release bonding hormones to people around us while we share it is just a meme according to you?

Have you noticed any other anti-bonding behaviors from the people telling you these facts?

>> No.16490898

How many of these people freak out at the idea of boiling lobsters alive?

>> No.16490908

It all part of the plan

>> No.16490911

Everything in the waters that has not fins and scales is detestable to you

>> No.16490928

Damn that’s based anon. I didn’t know shit about this

>> No.16490939
File: 81 KB, 720x960, 1574667866782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Illuminating, thanks.

>> No.16491007

Easy there Pumbaa

>> No.16491095

>>movie with heavy classism overtones
>one of my favorite movies but not a great look on you bud

The real class warfare is between the snakemen (sometimes referred to by their religion) and everyone else. The real upper class is not loud and proud Caucasians it is snakemen. He is bringing attention to this and showing how the propaganda to eat bugs is another jewish trick. It is similar to their propaganda for allowing the foreign invasion, breeding with orcs and austerity measures.

>> No.16491102


My Caucasian brother! So based. If bug eatting is so good. Lets start by making the orcs and the snakemen eat the bugs.

>> No.16491118

you can literally find anything is history to support some crazy idea you have. go to college retard.

>> No.16491120

Its only the orcs that are recklessly breeding with no idea or care how to provide for their spawn. We stop sending money and food to africa; and force out all the foreign invaders and there will be more than enough food for us.

The funny thing is people that worry about over population never seem to argue against the foreign invasion in the west. All those invaders just bring the overpopulation problems here.

>> No.16491148

Eat the bugs, bigot

>> No.16491158

>Eat the bugs, bigot

Yeah make the snakemen, orcs and foreign invaders eat the bugs. If they refuse, call them bigots and RaYcist.

>> No.16491159

No anon, there already is enough food to feed everyone. In the US the government pays farmers to NOT till their land and back in the day farmers used to just leave their harvest in the field. Literally dumping it into rivers or just dumping it onto the ground for the birds to eat. Your eyes are blinded by foreigner memes.

Food manipulation is the biggest red pill.

>> No.16491198

They want to acclimate you to what real communism will be like

>> No.16491225


>Huurr duurr farm subsidies should go to niggers

Why is the food supply chain the only thing commies don't want to see subsidized? Do you understand the importance of keeping the food supply off the"free market"? One bad quarter could cause a national food drought.

>> No.16491244

>>Huurr duurr farm subsidies should go to niggers
>Why is the food supply chain the only thing commies don't want to see subsidized? Do you understand the importance of keeping the food supply off the"free market"? One bad quarter could cause a national food drought.

Damn, my Caucasian brother! How about the government gives the homes of foreign invaders and orcs to loud and proud Caucasians? That would end the housing crisis and force the orcs and foreign invaders to leave. Why don't the commie advocate for this?

>> No.16491248

>Why is the food supply chain the only thing commies don't want to see subsidized?
I have thought about gommie behavior often. My conclusion is they are some sort of masochistic or suicidal phenotype that has survived since slavery.

>> No.16491272

>>Why is the food supply chain the only thing commies don't want to see subsidized?
>I have thought about gommie behavior often. My conclusion is they are some sort of masochistic or suicidal phenotype that has survived since slavery.

I too have pondered on the rationale of the enemy. They can so easily be shown to be a hypocrite if you follow their arguments literally. You have to add unsaid premises to make them coherent. Those unsaid premises being an racist hatred to the Caucasian race. A racist attitude that Niggers can do nothing wrong and are better people; despite all evidence showing the contrary.

I think these people must have had horrible boomer parents which is how they developed hatred for their own people and are advocated for the destruction of their own people.

>> No.16491365

What stocks can I buy for this?

>> No.16491384
File: 254 KB, 785x1000, 46737372152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you know what's funny? That you talk about bonding hormones here. When making sacrifices for your community should be an empathetic act and, too, let you bond with your comrades. But then, while you bitch about bonding-hormones and are likely for individualistic sluts and prostitution, you also hate on "muh gommunism."

>> No.16491411
File: 76 KB, 1200x630, food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not having to eat bugs out of necessity but CHOOSING to do so simply because "reasons" is something only the most privileged people on the planet can afford

>> No.16491463
File: 15 KB, 319x331, 1524396493902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it funny that both the far right and far left actually agree that the rich (or jews) are a problem. They just disagree on how to actually solve that problem. It seems to me that the divide helps keep the rich jews in power. I wish more people would see that.

>> No.16491472
File: 42 KB, 500x496, bacon juice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because of declining growth rates, it will now take over 200 years to double again.

let's say current world population is 8 billion (it's a little lower I think). according to source URL above it takes 200 years to reach 16 billion. let's say 100 years to reach 12 billion.

let's ignore that in 100 years we'll have ample time to develop lab grown meat that tastes spot on the same as the real thing.

instead let's talk farms in space. it'll have tremendous cost to build them but once built you can use gravity to ship things down to earth relatively cheaply. there's a lot of space in space, you can fit every planet in out solar system between the earth and the moon. space is no problem what so ever. and if space is truly running out on earth there will be a ton of economic incentives, not to speak of glory to claim, by building farms in space.

food stuff will work out just fine. even without wars to cut down population.

>> No.16491498
File: 84 KB, 648x454, 1552261085267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why should anyone make sacrifices ever. What right do mud people have to ask for my sacrifice. Sounds more like paying tribute to conquerors.

>> No.16491507

>They just disagree on how to actually solve that problem
The solution is simple. gas the moderates, but no one has the guts to do it.

>> No.16491750

In the grim future of 2060 many of us will be working for bug protein. Millionaires will afford lab grown meat, billionaires might commission a real cow or a pig for consumption like one buys a yacht today. The rest will have to settle for agar and plankton.

>> No.16492069

I agree. It is very dangerous to allow the poor and nonwhites access to real food. For the health of society red meat should only be available to the rich and people who work hard enough to justify it.

Welfare parasites, shitskins and third worlders should all eat bugs.