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16490569 No.16490569 [Reply] [Original]

I think satoshi is loosing it. Is he, dare I say, becoming a MANIAC?

>> No.16490583

can you stop with this paid shilling? EVERYONE
and I mean EVERYONE knows that Sirius is the real satoshi, craig is just an impostor who hasnt coded a line in his whole life and craig is the kind of guy to think that HTML is a coding language, fucking sperg

>> No.16490585

Did he fuck Adam Back in the ass?

>> No.16490648

I actually know Sirius IRL, and I'm very confident that he's not Satoshi.

The best Satoshi candidate is Jim McCoy. Look him up. Jim McCoy is a HC cryptographer and anti-fed, and he has discussed the idea of cryptocurrency since the early 90's. He's British who moved to California mid-90's (just like Satoshi's believed to be)..

In 2000, Jim designed a complex piece of software called MojoNation, which was a precursor to BitTorrent (bittorrent was based on MojoNation but as a simplified version). MojoNation was a p2p file sharing system, that had miners using PoW, a cryptocurrency called Mojo, and downloaders paid the miners in Mojo as transaction fees for their processes. Jim later discussed why the MojoNation never caught on, as 1) too complex system (basically bittorrent and bitcoin combined before either one existed), 2) lack of whitepaper, 3) miners didn't have incentive to start mining without downloaders, and as there weren't enough miners there weren't enough downloaders either. In those discussions, Jim specifically claimed that the world is in a grave need for a p2p cryptocurrency. Jim became unemployed in 2006 and then started posting on cryptography mailing lists about the very same ideas that Bitcoin implemented in 2008. In one email, he described that he's working on a blockchain-like system (without saying the word blockchain). In 2007, Jim posted comments in Nick Szabo's blog where Szabo discussed the idea of bitgold and asked someone to implement it. Jim practically vanished from the internet in late 2009, and he went on to work in senior architect in Facebook in 2011. Despite being an ancap, Jim also has expressed dislike against Wikileaks just like Satoshi has. Nowadays Jim runs his own company that focuses on cybersecurity.

Another MojoNation coder and Jim's best friend, Zooko, was the first person ever (after Satoshi) to advertise bitcoin in january 2009. Zooko later started his own crypto, Zcash. Zooko jokes a lot about Satoshi.

>> No.16490698

nope, sirius was the first person "apart" from satoshi, which was his alt-ego to cover his tracks so that he isnt suspected.
BTC is a finnish invention, now bow down to your overlords.

>> No.16490761

Don't worry, I'm Finnish as well and I 'know' Sirius irl.

There's lot of contradicting evidence against Sirius being Satoshi. Or atleast evidence that make him an unlikely candidate.

>> No.16490762
File: 98 KB, 720x540, savior of finland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finns will inherit the earth.

>> No.16490768

well then he has succeeded in fooling you, a person close to him, meaning he is even more likely satoshi than not

>> No.16490773

for we are meek, those who have weapons but keep them sheathed.

>> No.16490790

Why does csw want to br someone else so badly. He not satoshi, he's not jobs, he's not gates. He's just another narcissistic fraud, Elizabeth Holmes.

>> No.16490795

Sirius was the first bitcoin developer besides Satoshi, and Sirius was the first one ever to sell bitcoin for real money in 2009. Those are facts, but they don't make him Satoshi.

In the end, he never committed anything cryptography or protocol related. He just made the client more usable, that's all.

Sirius was also too young to be a good Satoshi candidate. The whole protocol and idea of BTC was too well thought of for someone 20-year-old to pull that all up. The real Satoshi has been reading the cypherpunk discussions since the 90's where plenty of the ideas behind cryptos origin from.

>> No.16490805

Craig is just trying to save himself from the prison and made up the Satoshi myth and eventually even BSV only for that purpouse.

>> No.16490830

are ppl actually so deluded that they think this writing style is like satoshi?

have we completely lost all collective memory in this industry?

>> No.16490852

Don't worry, 90% of craig shills are paid pajeets and the rest 10% are 89iq newfags who are easily scammed (just like the one's who fell for onecoin were)

>> No.16491048

>Don't worry, 90% of craig shills are paid pajeets
Will you be worried when you find out that 99% of people in BitCoin are white high IQ males?