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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16490361 No.16490361[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Based AOC was right all along. Republicans wanted to give billions in corporate welfare to a parasitic corporation, but AOC called them on their shit. It’s not our job as taxpayers to subsidize your business, Jeff.

>> No.16490370
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Republicans wanted to force taxpayers to give welfare to a billion dollar corporation. Based AOC stood up for taxpayers and against government corruption.

She’s more fiscally conservative than Republicans lmao

>> No.16490374
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SafeX is building headquarters on space

>> No.16490398

I want to hatefuck her so bad and shes borderline economically illiterate but a broken clock is right twice a day - amazon deserves and needs no subsidies those fuckers dont even pay tax

>> No.16490405

Donald Trump is building army in space


>> No.16490420

Where’s the actual link to an article? Haven’t heard about this

>t. Amazon employee

>> No.16490424

>t. Amazon employee
poor bastard, I hope it's at least an office job.

>> No.16490447

Tell me the amount of money taxpayers would give amazon.

>> No.16490475

>office space in Hudson Yards
Weren't they going to build a huge distribution center? Now it's only some corporate offices for the assholes they have that want to live in NY.

I sold some HVAC equipment for the Hudson Yards project a few years back, the place is gigantic and from what I know mostly empty still.

>> No.16490489

aoc is literally a thirst trap for commies and you got caught in that low iq shit

>> No.16490495
File: 115 KB, 750x1000, poster,840x830,f8f8f8-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love aoc. she makes the trump cucks and trustfund weenies seethe uncontrollably. can't wait until Sanders is electes president and we send all the trumpers and trust fund family farm kiddys to the work camps. hopefully they will chimp out like they threaten to do on pol and we can use the military to kill them all off for good. it would be comfy watching M1 Abrams tanks smashing through their mcmansions and apache helicopters blowing up their gay little GIJoe innawoods milita larp playgrounds.

>> No.16490515

fucking Lex Luthor can't stop jewing people

>> No.16490552

The military wouldn't butcher conservatives. I'm not a republican, and even I can tell you it's delusional to think they would be on the side of such a purge.

>> No.16490554

>building an HQ
>an HQ
Nice bait AOC. They weren't going to "give" them billions though. That would have been in the form of tax credits, meaning they would have actually had to generate wealth for it to work, and it would be over the course of a decade. So a loss in corporate tax renenue for the most heavily taxed jewish playground on the planet outside California. Big fucking deal.

>> No.16490599


Imagine being this gay

>> No.16490640

That's good, let her think this is a win. Wait until they find out that this will not create any entry level jobs like the other deal that would have created 10's of thousands.
She really needs to learn to think before she speaks.

>> No.16490661

taxation is theft

>> No.16490754

This is exactly what I'm saying. Originally the plan was going to make 20k $15/he jobs or something like that, now it's going to be 100-200 white collar jobs and considering where it is in Manhattan most of them will probably live in NJ. She still fucked NY in every way she could have.

>> No.16490784
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How do you even function?

>> No.16490826

The central premise here is "Amazon has never not lied about how many and how good the jobs they bring to the state are, and always bribe the shit out of local regulators to cut every possible corner, then leave right before they have to start pay taxes."
t. I live in indiana, the state where Amazon used the HQ2 deal to get a bunch of criminal charges dropped illegally, then didn't build shit here anyway.

>> No.16490849

The central premise here is that AOC is an idiot and puts it proudly on display for all to see.

>> No.16490853

>HQ2 deal to get a bunch of criminal charges dropped illegally
they ran that bid in my town too (pittsburgh) and all the deals were sealed and secret
it was really weird how the news presented it as a good thing and jobs but couldn't say what the deal was

>> No.16490894

Not saying Amazon isn't a shitty corporation because they definitely are, but even in those situations it sounds like only rich people are getting screwed. AOC is supposedly fighting for poor people, which an Amazon DC would have helped, as opposed to just another corporate office.

I'd bet those bribes go further in your community than the taxes ever would.

>> No.16490910

Should have killed the niggers that were chimping throughout the trump presidency

>> No.16490954


Biz will still find a way to defend amazon and shit on her, just watch.

>> No.16490960

Even a broken clock is right twice a day

>> No.16490964

>americans being corrupt

wow shocker there

>> No.16490975

AOC baby killa

>> No.16490979

I think it's more stupid people trigger smart people. Stupid people think it's because politics.

>> No.16491125

I think the bribes are tax breaks and other cost cutting bennies but it's a secret so who knows

My opinion is a secret deal that the government is involved in with a private company is bullshit
same goes with amazon's special deal with USPS

who's really getting hurt are local mom and pop shops which have been decimated by walmarts and amazons
government fucks everything up
amazon and walmart can get away with paying dogshit part time while the government picks up the slack and they profit billions

Amazon, taxes, secret deals, and all that stuff hurt actual communities and businesses that have been operating pretty well in the regional free market for decades or more

>> No.16491143


it was never a distribution center it was always a corporate office for assholes

>> No.16491153

they don't pay taxes because they're still deducting all the money they lost in like the last 8 years

>> No.16491154


Liberals believe tax cuts are stealing money from the government

>> No.16491165

Go back to plebbit fag

>> No.16491199
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Know that you are unironically working for one of the most innovative and shrewd businessmen this world has ever seen. The wagecucking might suck now, but the insider's point of view you've got will pay off in the long run. Learn and appreciate how things are done and implement them in your future ventures.

>> No.16491221


biz hates wagies and wants them to just shut up and get in cagies so yeah probably

>> No.16491242


Fuck off Jeff. You’re not getting a handout.