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File: 425 KB, 1648x1372, 9BBEAFD2-910D-4D50-9EA2-6BB753B40746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16486816 No.16486816[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Market timing??

>> No.16486920

How? By being a usefull retard

>> No.16486957

Damn rich cunts

>> No.16486995


Useful idiot marketing.

>> No.16487013

Kylie Jenner is a fucking Billionaire and I don't even know what she does.

>> No.16487025

It’s easy just put yourself out there. Nobody ever put there self on the internet and failed because of everyone hates you then people will feel bad and like you. And if people like you then you will become popular.

>> No.16487077

Climate change is naturally happening and only 2% of emissions are from human activity. This whole climate change movement is to get even more tax dollars from everyone. The earth is actually cooling.

This is not to take away from renewable energy which can be beneficial, but it is costly to install. Pollution is a real thing and there's a lot of problems that are attributed to humans that deserve attention, but climate change is a naturally occurring process as the earth spins on its axis and we get different results every year.

>> No.16487089

Checked and redpilled

>> No.16487104

>the entire global scientific establishment, constituting tens of thousands of scientists performing thousands of independent experiments, all around the world and in dozens of different languages, have all colluded to falsify data and mislead people, and have managed to maintain a consistent narrative for decades

Wow it must be nice to just believe whatever lunatic bullshit makes you feel like we don't have any collective environmental responsibility.

>> No.16487140
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>> No.16487159

>collective environmental responsibility

He said there is, just that our impact on climate change is a meme.

>> No.16487175

using kids to push political propaganda has been something thats happened at several points in history. its nothing new its just been revisited and we're witnessing it first hand again in our lifetimes. you have to keep in mind the propaganda shes pushing is on the same side of the fence that the multi-trillion mcap for green energy companies is on. its all about the money and the real end game these green energy fags are pushing is creating a futures market where at a global level they tax citizens for breathing clean air. literally, thats the end game of this for a cabal of soem of the greediest kikes to ever command the helms of big business and govt. and they are actually lobbying for this to literally happen. if u dont believe me just dyor on 'carbon credits' and everything related to it. it isnt that hard to find out.

>> No.16487198

Climate change is the biggest joke on minorities and native Indians. White people steal the land, enslave and kick out native Indians, throw shit everywhere including outer space and the sun cuz much technology, and then cry cuz there’s all this pollution. Absolute comedic tragedy right out of Shakespeare.

>> No.16487208

Her fame will fade quickly.

Remember Brookers? Neither does anyone else.

>> No.16487225

This post should be a wakeup call to anybody takin /biz/ remotely seriously. You're taking advice from a bunch of brainwashed retards that actually think human influenced climate change (as in we are causing 90% of it) isn't real. I look forward to you faggots getting raped when during the climate collapse.

>> No.16487249

Fuck off with your crying bullshit. Climate change is real but it doesn't matter. The human species deserves to die.

>> No.16487253

You should find the guitars and add those as well.

>> No.16487256

Bet you don't even hold LINK faggot

>> No.16487274
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does not know this has always been bullshit

>> No.16487275

Imagine caring about climate change. You're gonna die before it has any notable effect.
>b-but muh future generations
Not your fucking problem. You think your ancestors gave a shit about what could happen to you? Let the people of the future deal with their own problems.

>> No.16487281

Greta is obviously a boy. Look at the forehead and head size. His family is (((connected))).

Global warming is a Talmudic scam. We must import the third world (((climate rapefugees))) who will become (((consumers)))
and cut down on our emissions...makes sense.

They want to reduce our quality of life while importing the third world to rape kill as many Europeans as possible when (((they))) turn off the power.

>> No.16487297
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>> No.16487314

'sta piccola mignotta

>> No.16487322

>a massive thing like global warming takes time
wow what a shocker, i really would've though that in 2 years time we'd be burned to death!!

>> No.16487392

Please don’t tell me you buy every narrative thrown at you. I’m old enough to remember them predicting a new ice age was going to doom us all. The point: trust no one, especially someone trying to sell you something.

>> No.16487398

lmao...depending where he lives he might already be affected. And no matter where he (or you) lives he will be affected within his lifetime with a good chance of dying for this reason

>> No.16487410

>Greta is obviously a boy.
Idk why I read the rest of your post but I did and now feel dumber for it.

>> No.16487442

>depending where he lives he might already be affected.
lol literally impossible jackass.

>> No.16487474

Except that whole "ice age" thing was started by oil companies like Exxon after they found out that their products cause climate change. After their internal scientific studies were finished, they began spending millions on propaganda so that nothing is done about climate change.

And look at us today, climate change denial is still going strong and unless we have some WWII levels of global mobilization, then the earth's sixth mass extinction will continue unabated.

>> No.16487475


I sure as hell don’t trust some Boomer on 4chan who thinks we can destroy the environment forever without repercussions

>> No.16487508

Interesting how that "global cooling" nonsense was pushed into the media not long after Exxon and others discovered, through their own internal scientific studies, that their products cause global warming leading to climate change.

It's almost like that was propaganda in order to prevent any real changes.

>> No.16487531

>the entire global scientific establishment, constituting tens of thousands of scientists
Fucking retard

>> No.16487534

this. there is literally quadrillions of dollars betting on the notion that global warming propaganda is adopted as a universal truth and this in turn would be a never ending revenue stream for govts to tax literally everyone for just breathing fucking oxygen. a money machine built on the foundation of lies and soon to be legislation making it illegal not to believe the lies of "global warming". everything that ever happens in politics is about money and power, literally nothing else.

>actual adults will understand this.

>> No.16487535
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>the entire global scientific establishment, constituting tens of thousands of scientists performing thousands of independent experiments, all around the world and in dozens of different languages, have all colluded to falsify data and mislead people, and have managed to maintain a consistent narrative for decades
based and redpilled

>> No.16487546

Not at all. India is already being affected. A big city of theirs completely ran out of water because of the heat/drought. Once the glaciers where they and pakistan get a lot of their water dries up, there's going to be resource wars.

Not to mention that, because of how jacked up the jet stream is now, farmer's jobs are getting harder. The US already had a relatively bad year because of random weather events causing plants to die. It won't be long before we start getting food shortages as our reserves run out.

>> No.16487548
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>Wow it must be nice to just believe whatever lunatic bullshit makes you feel like we don't have any collective environmental responsibility.

>> No.16487556

China is building the entiriety of European coal production in the next three years.


>> No.16487557

i bet you believe anything you read, see or hear from "official msm approved sources" you fucking sorry excuse for a human being.

>> No.16487559

by scientists do you mean your local jewish run newspaper/ news channel?
you're gonna have to link articles to support claims, not news pieces

>> No.16487564

Is that honestly what you believe? That some people are betting that the world will believe that climate change is real in order to make shit loads of money?

What about all the oil companies hoping that people will believe climate change is a hoax so that they can continue to make billions of dollars?

>> No.16487574

lmao who even believes anything the msm says?

I get my information on climate change from actual scientists and journals.

>> No.16487577

There is always a new existential crisis peddled by the elites every ten years

Climate change shit has about run it’s course wonder what the next scam will be

>> No.16487584

if you werent so fucking poor and disconnected from the real world you'd understand that businessmen dont give a fuck about the environment (never have) or a future for their childrens children, all they care about is fucking money you subhuman triple retard. and all of this global warming bullshit is about is taxing the fucking air we are breathing and making companies pay for imaginary carbon credits to pollute xyz amount into the atmosphere. eat shit and die you single digit IQ porch double nigger you are so brainwashed you have no idea what is really happening.

>> No.16487597
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man's reach exceeds his grasp. As our technology grows more powerful it will create ever larger externalities that must be solved or we will be devastated. My personal bet is either we meet aliens (USS Nimitz incident did already occur), nuclear war, or develop an AI that destroys us (AI malignant failure mode).

This mass extinction is already gonna happen regardless of what happens to combat climate change. We need to just be preserving haploid cells or embryos of species so we can try to bring them back at a later date if needed.

>> No.16487605

Scientists from the late 1800's knew that CO2 had a warming effect on the earth, they just weren't sure when it would have a consequential effect.

In the 70's, Exxon did an internal study to determine the effects of CO2 on the planet, only to find out that it would have catastrophic affects if not dealt with. They then went on to spread a bunch of bullshit propaganda to prevent anything being done in order to protect their profits.

The idea of climate change is not new, and I will continue to try and get people to change their minds until it's too late. Which, coincidentally, will likely be sometime in the next 10 years. After that it doesn't really matter, our extinction is pretty much certain.

>> No.16487638


Look at this guy, thinking those businessmen are hoping to make money off of some unlikely future prospect of green energy.

Hey nerd, have you ever considered all the money they are making off fossil fuels? It's in their best interest to get rubes like you to continue peddling this idea that climate change isn't real.

You know why the government would tax CO2 output though? It's because the whole idea is get them to stop pumping that shit out into the atmosphere.

>> No.16487639
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its a shill, all 4chan boards are monitored and as soon as you post some inconvenient truth that (((they))) dont allow the shills get notified and then they come here and shitpost by their rulebook.

>> No.16487642

Yeah and the whole global warming thing is sponsored by your local government so they can extract more tax money from you through fearmongering. I repeat: trust no one, especially someone trying to sell you (on) something.

>> No.16487647

Oh for sure, the mass extinction is happening now. It's just that we still have a chance at preventing it from getting any worse. Once those positive feedback loops really start kicking in, we're all fucked.

>> No.16487650

Based and redpill this wil make the kikes kvetch. Like this one >>16487104. Hahaha

>> No.16487655

you are talking to a shill, shills will never agree with you.

>> No.16487660

Yeah some sort of catastrophic collapse of the ocean fisheries is possible. But the ocean is hopefully very resilient. Already theres a shift towards more squid because they do better in warmer temperatures.

>> No.16487668

Yeah but I’m bored and I vainly hope that maybe my pissing in the ocean of piss might spark an independent thought or two out there somewhere.

>> No.16487674
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They won't be making money off of me, they'll be making money off those assholes who don't care about the future of humanity.

They will then turn around and use that money to help build up green energy and nuclear energy.

>being a shill for the oil industry
>mfw you are fighting against your own self interests

>> No.16487692

Based. I would add nuclear as the backbone of clean energy while renewables or fussion energy mature

>> No.16487693

Imagine being so retarded to acknowledge the media propaganda of the past being bullshit and believe that the media propaganda of today is somehow in our best interests.

Lol stupid fucking NPC. Go suck off your Jewish master. Soulless golem bitch.

>> No.16487694
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>taxes are selective
You are dumb, huh? Alright, I give up.

>> No.16487699
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ohh i know anon, ive been shitposting here before LINK went to ICO.
its just so annoying since usually the most intelligent conversation that goes on happens here on /biz/ and nowhere else on any other board.

protip, fill a bag with 3MM of RSR and thank me later and remember Schloppy was here.

>> No.16487708

Imagine thinking that the media, after decades of ignoring climate change, finally posting an article or two essentially downplaying it automatically means it's propaganda and shouldn't be looked into further.

Instead of believing what other people tell you to believe, how about you do some research of your own. You know, from actual scientists.

>> No.16487717

Nigger most experiments are fucking models, while I'm not going to deny CC there is still a margin of error
And journalists understanding whatever the fuck they want from them doesn't help

>> No.16487718

what the fuck is up with climate change denial in this thread? Damn /pol/ is leaking

>> No.16487726

Are you retarded? There are plenty of selective taxes, like the taxes on alcohol or on tobacco. What makes you think a carbon tax wouldn't be selective?

>> No.16487742

If >she's a boy then suicide is the only option. Fucker looks too small to be a 16 year old girl let alone a 16 year old dude

>> No.16487743

libertarians have to pretend like externalities don't exist otherwise they have to acknowledge their world view is incredibly flawed.

>> No.16487745

dude look around, there is woman, mutts and niggers everywhere.
you really think these retards can run nuclear power safely?

>or fussion energy mature
I'm afraid this shit is a hoax, just conveniently always 20 years away.

>> No.16487747

Its a matter of time before they pivot to full on eco fash. Just watch

>> No.16487759

It's always 20 years away because there's pretty much never any budget for research into it. It will always be 20 years away until we actually put some money into researching how the hell to do it.

>> No.16487776

Fusion is a hoax thats why its not happening.
ITER is like the LIGO or the CERN scam, the biggest red flag is that it is completely build on lies.

>> No.16487775

That's what I'm worried about. Once climate migration begins, and millions of people are fleeing their nations, fascists will take that as an opportunity to rise to power.

Then as the resource wars start and states begin collapsing across the globe, authoritarianism will make a come back and make life a living hell.

>> No.16487788

Based and grand solar minimum pilled

>> No.16487791

Fusion is absolutely real, what are you talking about? Stars do it for billions of years. If it's physically possible, then humans can do it to. It's just that it takes money in our society to actually do the R&D.

>> No.16487798

Eco fash is fine. Regular fash is gay.

>> No.16487809

>Stars do it for billions of years
they actually dont. there is no proof that the sun even works on fusion.

>> No.16487816

what the fuck is up with climate change shilld in this thread? Damn reddit is leaking

>> No.16487822

I hope it's aliens

>> No.16487891

Hahaha what are you talking about man. Of course stars undergo fusion, otherwise we wouldn't have any heavy elements in the universe at all. Once stars fuse their elements to iron (fuse, get it? cause fusion?) depending on their size they undergo a supernova, thus creating the elements heavier than iron.

>> No.16487932

Go read the Elder Protocols of Zion.

Then go read the Naked Communist and find out the 45 goals of the Communist.

Then go read the Toronto Protocols.

Someone remind me which is the United Nation Protocol that is suppose to be non-binding but is really creating the supra-state?

>> No.16487967 [DELETED] 

>the entire global scientific establishment, constituting tens of thousands of scientists

Earth does not have tens of thousands of climate scientists. It likely has a few dozen. This likelihood was demonstrated in the Doran Survey, the origin of the 97% statistic.

Doran, as Master's student, sent a global warming survey to ~10,000 scientists. Over 6000 didn't bother to respond, which is exactly what you'd expect some of the world's brightest people to do with life or death questions. Doran asked 2 questions.

>1) Has the planet warmed since, iirc, the 1880's.

Of course it has. Slightly. Confirming this means nothing, it's just a request for people to agree with facts, as far as we can confirm them.

>2) Has humanity significantly contributed to this warming.

No definition for the word "significantly" was given. Well, it could have been 5-10% that any number of respondents were thinking, for all we know.. For 5-10% of the entire planet's temperature to be cause by just human activity would be quite a feat. Imagine having the power to do such a thing.

The problem for Doran was that the answers from these people weren't the ones she was looking for. So, she whittled them down, over and over and over until she had brought the answer from over 3000 respondents down to the answers from just 79 people.


There's your climate scientist community. And they're just as human as anyone else. Take anyone toiling away in a poorly-funded, barren field that nobody cares about and then throw billions and billions of dollars at them every year and thrust them onto prime time TV to be fawned over by pundits and have the world hang on their every word, thinking their lives depend on it. Yeah, that person's not gonna be corrupted at all......

>> No.16487969

go on and find scientific proof THATS NOT FROM JEWS that the sun works on fusion.
there isn't and there is no proof besides made up shit by (((them))).

>> No.16488009

>The idea of climate change is not new, and I will continue to try and get people to change their minds until it's too late

Yes like based Greta said opening her UN speech "we are watching you!" We need to control the lives of individual citizens to get the sheeple to wake up. Then and only then will the mega corporations who run the world stop polluting. The same mega corporations who run the same media that is telling us about the climate apocalypse.

I will not rest until I control how you think I'm pro freedom and pro humanity and the only way to save you is to control you Viva las naciones unidas!

>> No.16488023
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>> No.16488037

We don't need to control anyone, what are you on about?

We just need to create new taxes and subsidies in order to persuade companies to pivot towards green energy and away from fossil fuels.

If you think debating someone in order to get them to see things from your perspective is spooky mind control then you need to be on some medication or something. Sounds like your delusions are getting the better of you.

>> No.16488038

so you give up because you can't deliver what I am asking for?
come on, show us the proof. I wait.

>> No.16488053
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>> No.16488057


>> No.16488070

No because you are either one of those people who think the Jews control overything, or someone lookin to bait someone else.

But fine, here:

And if you don't believe any of this because of the sPOoKy jEwS, then why don't you edit these pages yourself to be more truthful, huh?

>> No.16488075
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>"As a predictive theory"

and you believe the Jews because....?

>> No.16488094

y'all are mad cuz you would've just made AAA Undertale if it were you
autistic faggots

>> No.16488099

I'm thinking even if we put carbon into the atmosphere that algae and such will absorb it. I used to beleive in it but nowadays I'm doubting theres really gonna be a doomsday or whatever because of it.

>> No.16488106

Science is all about consensus. This is the current consensus among scientists in that field. I will believe that this is how stars work, until someone comes along with new data or a new theory that fits. Once that happens, and other scientists have their own studies, then a new consensus will be made, or the old one will stay.

What's so hard to understand? If you believe it works differently, then submit your own study.

>> No.16488122

>Once climate migration begins, and millions of people are fleeing their nations, fascists will take that as an opportunity to rise to power.
Sounds based.

>> No.16488123

>Hans Bethe analyzed the different POSSIBILITIES for reactions by which hydrogen is fused into helium.
>He defined two processes that he BELIEVED to be the sources of energy in stars
wow so much proof!
Hans Bethe is also Jewish https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/hans-bethe
oy vey! (hes also a glownigger, his lifestory tells a lot)

>What's so hard to understand?
whats so hard to understand that you cant trust a glownigger jew to tell you the truth?

>> No.16488152
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If you think you are safe, you never will be. There will always be a "them" with fascists.

lmao are you even thinking. If he came up with the theory, and no one believed him then it would've gone no where. The fact that that is the current running theory just goes to show how little thought you put in to anything. If that's the consensus, then tons of other scientists have also tested the theory and agree.

>> No.16488162

>also tested the theory
so where is the proof?
you cant show it because it doesnt exist.

>> No.16488168

This desu

>> No.16488178
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Where is your proof though?

>> No.16488187

so where is the proof Jewboy?
post it.

>> No.16488202
File: 159 KB, 1366x768, 1370481703934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just what I thought, you can't provide any evidence for your argument.

>> No.16488215

ok Jew tranny, so you admit you cant provide any proof and you believe the sun runs on fusion because bunch of Kikes told you it is so (without showing any proof).

>> No.16488225
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Oh sorry you were serious? I just thought you were fuckin around. The answer is obvious if you know anything about astronomy. It's called spectroscopy.

It's not like you have any evidence for your own arguments though.

>> No.16488253
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>Jew trying to twist it desperately around as he realizes he cant provide proof that the sun has anything to do with Fusion
>"y-you need to show p-proof g-goyim!"

>> No.16488270
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Classic move, deflect and attack. Try actually having some substance to your argument.

>be you
>too dumb to understand anything science related
>attack what you don't understand
>masturbate over false feelings of superiority

You really showed me, huh.

>> No.16488295
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smug anime pics wont win you any arguments and they won't make you pass as a woman.
so now cut the crap and post the proof that the sun runs on fusion, where is the proof?

>> No.16488316
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I've given you plenty of proof, you just won't accept it cause you don't understand it. Honestly though, what did I expect from some fool who thinks Jews own the world lmao

>> No.16488325
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>I've given you plenty of proof
but you didnt provide any proof. a theory is a theory, not proof.

so try again Jewboy, post the proof.

>> No.16488336

Climate change is just an early stage of the Illuminati's plan to usher in a new world order under a single world government.
>get humanity used to banding together on a global scale against a threat to out collective existence (climate change)
>next, make the threat something from space (e.g. meteors)
>have a global cabal of "scientists" "save us" like I'm sure they will do with climate change
>next threat: aliens
Think about it, they've been priming us for decades with UFO shit and alien elements in pop culture. What better way to unite all of humanity under one world government than with a threat of aliens? They're just waiting for advanced hologram technology to fake the alien invasion, and also for humanity to be sufficiently primed in the ways described above. Think about it logically.

>> No.16488343
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I've given my proof, but you have yet to give yours. Where is your proof that stars don't run on fusion? Can you even provide any evidence? Any data? You seem to think that theories are just ideas, they're not. Theories are based on tons of data and evidence. If you can't provide any, then your hypothesis is nothing compared to a scientific theory.

Go on skinhead, show me what you got.

>> No.16488353

The illuminati isn't real. Climate change is real. Meteors have always been a threat. And as far as we know, life does not exist outside of earth. If it did, the Great Filter has taken care of them. There's an idea that the Great Filter for advanced lifeforms is climate change.

If that's true, then if we can get past this Great Filter, then we could become the dominate species in our galaxy.

>> No.16488359
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>I've given my proof
you didnt give anything Jewboy. a THEORY is not PROOF.
>Theories are based on tons of data and evidence.
but this one isnt. Its just a theory, made out of thin air by JEWS.

>> No.16488369

>it's just a theory
Way to out yourself as a moron ya skinhead. Theories are based on evidence (aka proof).

Where is your evidence. Oh that's right, you don't have any. You've just been spouting nonsense this whole time. I hope your parents aren't too overwhelmed having to take care of a mentally handicapped person 24/7.

>> No.16488383
File: 26 KB, 226x200, jew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Theories are based on evidence (aka proof).
then post it.
where is it?
if its based on evidence you shouldn't have any problems finding it, right Shlomo?

>Where is your evidence.
thats what I already showed you, you cant find proof or any real evidence that the sun runs on Fusion.
Fusion is a Jewish Hoax Jewboy.

>> No.16488384

You know I'm right. It's even more comprehensive than I've said so far. Why do you think they tell us we're on a globe? It's because you are more easily controlled if you believe that you are living on a globe. Think about it, they're training you that what you see with your own two eyes is not reality. Don't trust your gut, reality is what the "scientists" tell you it is. Why do you think they hate Trump so much? Because they can't control him. Or perhaps they put Trump in to further destabilize the US (they are also trying to destabilize the US with the gun debate and with identity politics). The point is, they can't allow there to be any superpowers in the world, because they will not surrender their sovereignty to a single world government. Why do you think they're constantly telling us to hate China and Russia? You think Putin would let them control him? Fuck no. As you can see, this is a comprehensive system. Illuminati, aliens, climate change, flat Earth, Trump, Russia, China, it's all the same thing. Think about it logically.

>> No.16488390

there are only two sides in this conflict.
Non Jews and Jews.

>> No.16488404

>project blue beam tier conspiracies
take ur shit to /x/ pls

and one world is unironically necessary if we intend to transcend as a species. fuck of any board id guess biz would be the most open to this idea. what the fuck is btc even if not borderless currency

>> No.16488427

You glow in the dark.

>> No.16488543

TV money and she started companies with Kardashian backing that sells cheap makeup and fashion to teens. She was one of the first big social media influencers, and signed a ton of endorsement deals to get her name and the Kardashians on cheap consumer goods. She's a billionaire on paper, because of her makeup company, selling lip liners to fat lipped immigrants and savages.

>> No.16488552

She's already forgotten in the US. The only good she did was taking attention away from AOC over the "climate crisis", they overplayed their hand when she did the "how dare you" speech to the UN, and everyone was officially tired of her shit.

>> No.16488837

They don't need climate change to raise any taxes. Climate change is a thing on its own.

>> No.16488950

The white man stole her dreams and childhood.
Illuminati kid, For having a $10000 chair. Even mutli-millionaires don't have this kind of chair.

>> No.16488993

The thing is, it's not media. It's now virtually universally accepted theory in the scientific community that we have released enough carbon and sulphur into the atmosphere to alter the climate globally. And the changes are not small anon, the changes to temperature might be less than a degree but that is almost 10% for some places.
Did you know the best 'Champagne' in the world grows in the south of England now? Because it is now slightly warmer on average the best area to grow the grapes moved North from France.
Climate debates get derailed for a reason, because there has been enough money pumped into spinning the stories that it will cause debates to become arguments. But the science is true. Hydrocarbon fuels release greenhouse gas emissions, that is irrefutable and the effects are starting.

>> No.16489004
File: 519 KB, 680x680, CA10C17C-AD5B-4EBA-A828-75C34717E295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but the science is true
>the effects are starting
>English niggers growing grapes instead of herring/turnips
Ah that’s so much info I’m gonna COOM

>> No.16489007

the entire 'scientific community' is gay for pay you dumb nigger.

>> No.16489089

I bet 100€ you are american.

>> No.16489127

Thanks anon

>> No.16489134

Almost 50% of shitalians already want a "strong man" in power. Poor stupid faggots, literal cattle that deserves to be shot for not behaving if they get what they want

>> No.16489193

I don't know about all that. You've definitely created a good argument that that might happen without any proof that it will. However advanced hologram technology, deep fakes, A.I. and special effects will surely be used by the elite to create a false reality. They've already been testing fabricated news on the black population to see how theyll react. Think the George Zimmermann trial where all the evidence showed that he was completely innocent and the news was saying the opposite. Blacks and simple minded whites still believe that he was guilty. Soon theyll be able to create race roots and destroy our civilization much easier.

>> No.16489228

Imagine if she'd market buy Lition.
Thx to all for posting in a Lition thread

>> No.16489414
File: 34 KB, 868x550, 1497755431248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a reason retards will only dare to claim that the earth is cooling in a place like 4chan, most have conceded that it is in fact warming but choose to deny the fact that humans are partly responsible instead. The last 5 years have been the warmest 5 years on record (a period of 139 years)


Looking forward to hearing all about how Natgeo is run by jews and so is NASA, kek

>> No.16489483

>weasel words
>exaggerating the weasel words
>exaggerating the weasel words even more so that it seems that the whole world and every living thing firmly stands behind this opinion which the poster wants to present as an axiom of the universe despite the person who's making the argument having no real expertise in this field and his only source is cnn and other people who argue in the same fart sniffing way
>no other arguments made
Hello, Reddit.