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16484602 No.16484602 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Craig shills all talk in such a weird narcissistic way? This is what they all sound like:

>You fucking small-brained small-dicked peasant, how ABSOLUTELY DARE you commit the lèse-majesté of besmirching Craig!

>> No.16484623

i honestly have a hard time knowing if they are reverse psych shills or genuine. the fact that they are always gushing about 'cregs got such a big dick' makes me think they are reverse-psych. however....anyone gay enough to buy bsv would probably also be gay enough to say that...thus my confusion.

>> No.16484631

who shills?

>> No.16484648


Because Craig was right about everything and you were all wrong

>> No.16484657

sadly after i did a bit of investigation i concluded that BSV has a reason to exist. there's a popular data structures and algorithms textbook that i'm reading to improve a developer, and it's a commonly accepted practice to allow for the effect of moore's law. meaning, consider how technology doubling every 18 months could impact your implementation years down the line. BSV suggests that we should allow improving hardware and handle the block size issue and it's actually a sound argument. it's just that CSW appears to be possibly and insane scammer of some sort. truly a wild ride and time to be alive. i still haven't bought any BSV for the record.

>> No.16484667

idk what the fuck it is about this website but every post i make has several typos. i think i just act extra retarded when i post here. anyway, i'm sure you get the idea of what i'm saying.

>> No.16484698
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>BSV has a reason to exist

To host such killer apps as Bitstagram.

>> No.16484805

>i make has several typos
its because you were trying to act normal and refrain from saying "cregs got such a big dick". all that repression caused the typos.

>> No.16484818

Dude, wut?

>> No.16484903
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BIG BLOCKS FOR BIG COCKS you better get with the program you faggot

>> No.16484919
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so fucking gay

>> No.16485142

Yes, but a lot of concepts around BSV are garbage regardless of the hardware capacity.

For example, the famous idea to replace traditional websites with onchain websites (nChain's Metanet whitepaper). OMG ONCHAIN INTERNET! Except that this is not the 90s anymore, websites are not a bunch of static pages with pictures like in the old days. Modern websites almost entirely depend on server-side scripts written in languages like PHP, Python, Java etc, interacting with SQL databases and so on. And now Craig says that you must go back in time and switch to GeoCities-tier, 90s-like static sites, just onchain.

Calvin Ayre also put several millions of dollars into pure vaporware that was pitched to him by timely opportunists, like Tokenized. This project was supposed to bring tokens to BSV. But how does it work? In the most script kiddie way: token transactions must be validated (approved) by an offchain, centralized, third-party server that belongs to Calvin. BSV meta-transactions act merely as requests (to ask permission). Fucking really? Is this the famous ground-breaking tech that Craig's fanboys keep boasting about? Even vaporware memecoins present better tech.

Now, these neurotic delusional niggers dare to claim that their meme chain will be adopted by governments, businesses and financial institutions, because, of course, it's backed by "Satoshi". Wake up, pajeets. The only thing that is on its way to adoption is R3 Corda, which already completely raped meme hype crap like BSV in the ass. Try to outcompete Tron instead.

>> No.16485245

do u not see a good reason for wikipedia to be on chain? with all the misinformation and fake news?

>> No.16485304

The main problem in such cases lies in moderation/administration policies. Wikipedia still has a page history which no one will bother reading if the changes are rolled back

>> No.16485308

because aws and netlify as static host is unreliable

bsv is the true cloud

>> No.16485324

LMAO, as if bico.media is any reliable at all. It's operated by a fucking VOLUNTEER

>> No.16485401

building trustless permissionless distributed consensus about reality without pow is hard.

>> No.16485416

>The main problem in such cases lies in moderation/administration policies.
Exactly what a triple entry accounting system solves. if someone buys wikipedia or bought it under the table years ago its ogre. There needs to be one of these for the next century,

>> No.16485618

one by one their bullshit hype points get rekt
so far:
- miners can regulate block size: REKT
- enterprise will use sv for their iot: REKT
- squire secretly building hashpower to pull the rug under bitcoin: REKT
- craig proving himself as satoy in court: REKT
- $1200 eoy: double REKT
- big blocks equal big fee reward: REKT
- sv adoption grows exponentially: REKT

and the list is growing every day

>> No.16485669

I believe that immutable information storage can be implemented without using blockchain at all (which may be actually cheaper). As long as you have a uniform standard of hashing data (perhaps with some kind of Merkle tree), you know that the information you seek must have a particular hash, it can be stored in torrents and other places in bulk and recovered later, as you can always verify that the information is untampered with.

Actually, the current internet is already "immutable" in a sense that the most provocative, resonant information is virtually impossible to erase. Only obscure information is at risk of disappearance.

>> No.16485701

so again how are torrents not immutable?

>> No.16485714

If you know the hash and it matches, it doesn't matter where the information comes from

>> No.16485726

it’s immutable because it’s present in every node retard, and yes you can just store file hashes onchain for proof of timestamp

>> No.16485728

and that is all a torrent is. a bunch of hashes packed together with some metadata hashed and formed into a magnet uri.

>> No.16485733
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the worst is when you try to ask them what the hell they are talking about and they say stupid shit like "do your own research".
there's no faster way to make someone realize you are bullshitting if you can't even explain clearly what the hell you're talking about.

>- miners can regulate block size: REKT
it's like that on BTC and BCH as well
>- enterprise will use sv for their iot: REKT
most likely valid but to be fair we don't know what happens in the future
>- squire secretly building hashpower to pull the rug under bitcoin: REKT
speculation, or do you have source proving they don't?
>- craig proving himself as satoy in court: REKT
yes, certainly looks like he isn't satoshi
>- $1200 eoy: double REKT
valid. no way it will reach 1.2k now.
>- big blocks equal big fee reward: REKT
big blocks (huge blocks) are still a valid way of rewarding money. better than BTC's fee market that reduces usage.
>- sv adoption grows exponentially: REKT
valid but it's not like BTC is getting any adoption at all. BCH i have no idea about.

>> No.16485748

>speculation, or do you have source proving they don't?
they are fucking bankrupt and they never went above 1 exa their "new miners" from 2018 are only on the design board the stock is imploding but soon the company is belly up.
>big blocks (huge blocks) are still a valid way of rewarding money. better than BTC's fee market that reduces usage.
except btc fees are actually relevant to miners. which is what happens when you have full blocks whatever their size is.

>> No.16485770
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appreciate the info but no links when you make a claim?
>except btc fees are actually relevant to miners.
at the cost of reduced adoption and it will only get worse and worse the higher fees are. the goal of bitcoin was global cash (used even by niggers), miners getting paid by huge blocks makes more sense because it wont cripple adoption

>> No.16485790

>no links when you make a claim?
you can't google stock price and squire news from the past year?
>cripple adoption
dunno it actually makes sure real financial adoption comes to bitcoin not empty bullshit tx-es like sv is riddled with that only increase burden but don't sustain miners.

>> No.16485838

i fund this maybe a good summary

>> No.16485844
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>you can't google stock price and squire news from the past year?
of course i can but when you make a claim the normal thing is to provide URLs. at least it used to be before twitter/facebook. nobody have time to google around for every single claim thrown at him every minute.
>makes sure real financial adoption comes to bitcoin not empty bullshit tx-es like sv
had btc just kept fees down by increasing max block size to 2MB bch or bsv wouldn't even exist.
have no idea what real financial adoption has come to bitcoin due to 50 USD fees, guess you want me to google randomly for that claim as well.

>> No.16485853

that's more like it, thanks

>> No.16485874

because SV(and therefore, their financial investment) is dependent on Craig's implication that he is Satoshi

>> No.16485910

>have no idea what real financial adoption has come to bitcoin
there is actual value transacted on btc. that's important. because it is what bitcoin does. you say $50 is a lot? try to wire $1million! it will take 3 days a lot of trouble internationally and cost you around $50k.

>> No.16485915

Imagine effort posting this hard only to shill Tron and be wrong about everything.

>> No.16485916

not that bitcoin has $50 fees it had once before segwit adoption at the height of the bullish fomo for immediate confirmation. i mean come on. i usually pay well under a single dollar for my tx-es.

>> No.16485934

>i usually pay well under a single dollar for my tx-es

and you think that's impressive?

>> No.16485951

it's awesome compared to my usual banking. truly liberating and comfy. fast too and fucking permissionless. love it. the only thing i would wish for bitcoin is to be less volatile so it becomes a better store of value and more easily accepted by business.

>> No.16485962
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seems like they aren't bankrupt at least, stock still being traded
doesn't seem like they have delivered any product though. also https://squiremining.com/overview/ says that they are "updating corporate materials", which i find suspicious

i'm not really interested in excuses, if abdulah in the middle of africa can't buy bananas with BTC at the local market the project has failed its original goal

can't believe segwit still doesn't have over 90% adoption after all this time

still can't believe they introduced the complicated block weight concept and increased hdd and bandwidth requirements 4 times for around 70% increased tx/s instead of just increasing max block size by 1 measly MB. would be no added complexity and bch/bsv wouldn't exist. mama mia.

>> No.16485984

>it's awesome compared to my usual banking
Bitcoin is a cash system, not a banking system. It's more akin to handing someone a twenty.

>> No.16486012

>seems like they aren't bankrupt at least
not officially
>if abdulah in the middle of africa can't buy bananas with BTC at the local market the project has failed its original goal
i don't give a fuck about that. i also don't give a fuck about coffee. i want an escape vehicle for my wealth. bitcoin does it best in the entire history of mankind. be your own bank.

if you want to buy coffee you can do that with ln anyhow. it's even instantaneous so vending machines and retail can accept it.

>can't believe segwit still doesn't have over 90% adoption after all this time
yeah but it's more than i expected to be honest. i thought it will be slower but the incentive pressure is working.

block size will get an increase but here is the deal: full blocks are the way. doesn't matter how big 1mb 2mb 100mb they have to be full. and making sure the block is full allowing it to grow naturally keeping the fees a optimal level is not a simple task to code. i have been racking my brain a lot on this one. only have very imperfect solutions so far.

>> No.16486023

>be your own bank
yeah it's a banking system to me i never had problem with using cash or cc for my purchases in my life. i had problems with yearly 40% inflation tho.

>> No.16486044
File: 134 KB, 817x924, Introduction to Bitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally retarded.

>> No.16486099

it is what it is. if you want to make a cash system you don't make the supply curve and cap as bitcoins. won't ever work. those are just the basics.

but the most important point is like i said. you can buy coffee with anything but nothing else can do what bitcoin does with that level of trustlessness permissionlessness and security. that is the main value propositon. i could use doge to buy my fucking coffee for all i care. or just use my fucking cc like i do anyhow. fuck that shit.

everything else you can hold to avoid the trap of inflation and debt is custodial extremely trustful and premissioned. stocks bonds gov papers bank accounts funds real estate whatever. you think you owni it but it's just a piece of paper and the man with the big gun owns it when push comes to shove.

bitcoin is the fist think in mankind's history that i can use to go across a border with a backpack of rags and a bottle of water get strip searched and still make it though with my wealth.

you fags keep railing about coffee i don't give a shit about coffee. it's ridiculous. the current system works for coffee. any system works for coffee. who cares.

>> No.16486205

Ok, retard.

>> No.16486223

you will see, monero is objectively a better cash system than bitcoin ever was or ever could be. that's a fact. yet bitcoin is bitcoin. nothing can do what bitcoin can do. and no shitfork can replicate it's success either. it's uniqueness is very durable.

>> No.16486290

>monero is objectively a better cash system
I actually already predicted this. After BTC is btfo for being the usurper it is most Corefans will switch to Monero. Where that goes, idk. Monero can't be shutdown the same way Bitcoin can. So it's got some advantages that could keep it alive even if the usecase is very niche.

tl;dr Bitcoin is a cash system and Monero is the only actual alternative/competition to that.

>> No.16486368

no it has been designed with all of bitcoins failing in mind. it's better as cash in every which way. yet it's a double digit shitcoin. and there is a reason for that. because cash is not a problem. electronic cash is just numbers in computer systems. it works. doesn't really matter what the denomination is what they call it. and it will never have any issues with scaling. we will always have a working cash system.

when i grew up and prices went up 40% each year more or less depending on the year. do you think we had a problem with the cash system? it worked perfectly fine. there was not a single issue. it was not a good store of value and you spent it as soon as you could and you got more each year and spent more each year. you got a little bit poorer each year it did creep up on you somehow the prices went up ahead of the wages always. and this robbery this tax through inflation was what you were defenseless against. unless you went into securities. that were of course backed by smoke and mirrors and empty promises. that or lose wealth.

fuck your coffee of bananas i can buy that shit with anything i can barter it for some salt i don't give a fuck.

>> No.16486402

>electronic cash is just numbers in computer systems.
>when i grew up and prices went up 40% each year more or less depending on the year
>do you think we had a problem with the cash system?


Do you understand now?

>> No.16486565

but the inflation is simply a result of the overextended economy. more debt was pile up each year then what could be produced. bitcoin wouldn't protect from that. nothing can. in a scenario where the currency can't be inflated workers would make less and less each year. the currency would gain value but not by that much. and when the economy slows down and investments dry up eventually everything goes to shit productivity declines and goods simply disappear. it's even worse than inflation. inflation is in a way a tax on the stupid. people who kept their wealth in assets that are inflation proof were alright. land real estate even metals. nothing gets so private in ownership as bitcoin tho.

you still don't get it do you? your government can fuck your shit up and rob you blind any day it chooses to. and nothing in the traditional markets will save your ass.

>> No.16486593

Craig shills are the same people as trump supporters, anti-vaxxers, flat earthers, etc.
They create their own reality praising retarded people and retarded things because it's a reflection of themselves

>> No.16486602

it doesn't host the app
it just stores the data inside
you still need external API to do computation

>> No.16486667

>but the inflation is simply a result of the overextended economy. more debt was pile up each year then what could be produced
Learn about fractional reserve banking and Keynes.

>bitcoin wouldn't protect from that
Ok, retard.

>inflation is in a way a tax on the stupid
>the entire middle class (what's left of it) is stupid

>your government can fuck your shit up and rob you blind any day it chooses
I never said it couldn't.

>> No.16486673

>Bitcoin is a cash system, not a banking system
Electrum is a banking system
hardware wallets are banking systems
even the bitcoin core software is a banking system

>> No.16486779

>Learn about fractional reserve banking and Keynes.
it's all about the productivity vs expenses if you think otherwise you are a brainlet. the amount of money in circulation is a consequence. high interest had to be paid on state bonds because the situation was shit and money was needed to finance expenses desperately. paying out the high interest increased the money supply and cause inflation. in fact the expectation did beforehand. fractional reserve is a technicality that has nothing to do with this shit.
>the entire middle class (what's left of it) is stupid
yes mostly

but my point is there was not a single day during those years where i had trouble buying bread of milk of coffee or ice-cream with money of any form. the system worked. day to day purchase was not what needed fixing.

and this is why altho i do want bitcoin to be a p2p cash system, it would be awfully nice and rad. but i sure as hell don't need it to be.

>> No.16486889

>listen guy, there may have been artificial exuberance introduced into the market that caused malinvestment and money printing, but I was still able to spend money

Great cash system you got there. I'll take two!

>> No.16487301

exactly it will always work not what bitcoin needs fixing. you can use dai tether usdc even fucking libra if you want to buy coffee with crypt. none of them can do what bitcoin can do but you can buy coffee with them easily.

>> No.16487382
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Peak core koolaide

>> No.16487393

>Bitcoin isn't used for transactions

Ok, retard.

>> No.16487478

it's used for transactions but nobody needs it to buy his coffee. nobody on this planet. it's willfully stupid and ignorant to insist on this bullshit.

>> No.16487565

>that picture
god imagine waking up and she's on top of you and she grabs your cock and puts it inside of her and forces you to fuck her until you cum buckets inside

>> No.16487582

>it's used for transactions but

Ok, retard.

>> No.16487594

cope harder curry nigger
you know i'm right you just can't admit.

>> No.16487604
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I tough of the same but once you get into technical arguments you clearly notice they don't know what they are talking but will keep shilling non stop.

They are not reverse psych they are just retarded , also i think they are women because they are hysterical.
Maybe they are ayre thots.

>> No.16487611

He is right it's used for international wires and payments , not fucking coffee.

Sacrificing the descentralization for quantity is retarded , btc is used also for it's safety in hashrate.

>> No.16487617

i don't think they are women i think they are murrican poltards mostly you notice a lot of similarities in views and debate style

>> No.16487659

its a specific fallacy called false dichotomy when people insist either bitcoin takes over everything or its failed and or not worth having.

vast majority of the brainlets who believe so are in sv.

>> No.16487661

>it's used for international wires and payments, but not payments

You guys are fucking idiots of the highest order.

>> No.16487665

Not daily payments , no , check the average transaction size in usd, people are using it more as a bank than a currency.

>> No.16487690

The average USD in transaction size is like a dollar or something on Bitcoin. Most people aren't even using it for payments. Most of it is push data from building and using applications.

>> No.16487754
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The average transaction size is 54k

If you don't like the chart see them live with your own eyes


BTC is the default wire system in most of the world that is disconnected from sepa or swift.
Also international bank wires have become a pain in the ass post 2008 , people get their accounts blocked when moving 10k usd when migrating or shit like that.

Clown world.

>> No.16487803

I was talking about Bitcoin, not BTC. Nobody can build on BTC, transactions are too expensive and slow.

>> No.16487826

oh on that shitcoin bsv , the average tx size is not 54k usd , it's probably 40 usd or something like that since all tx are fake or retard aps doing stupid shit that nobody needs.

>> No.16487835
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Actually i checked again it's 45 usd not 40.

>> No.16487941

see >>16487690

>> No.16488074


takes time

>> No.16488143

and i believe he is

else im going to get rekt and bsv $0

>> No.16488160

good luck 2030

>> No.16488171

trump won

>> No.16488174

hi btc i would like to get a mortgage

protip: you cant

>> No.16488176

exactly. craig [i]s. wright has replaced sergey and thots as the most memed figures on this board. kek says all signs point to him being at least part of the team that was SN.

>> No.16488213

BTC is great for the crypto industry because it fails at everything except "decentralized store of value"
BSV is horrible for the opposite reason; it does everything once you take the pill of compute off chain. it also does not facilitate ico craze which all of crypto loves because they want to dump on greater fools. So its understandable why it is hated so much. doesnt mean its not the right approach.
ETH on chain compute is what kills their scaling; POS will create a never ending dump from ETH foundation founding members (conflict of interest?). Smart contracts are a meme due to the oracle problem. you might as well just have triple entry accounting on bsv and back it up with lawyers.

Price action wise, bsv is low liquidity, with low visibility, and at a minimum some wealthy bagholders looking to pump it; and its held by miners (highly invested) and a cult following.

Eth is held by everyone who bought in january 2018, ICO holders looking to dump, and eth devs who may easily decide to relax on their millions.

t.sold my eth today

>> No.16488263

& weatherSV, twetch, and all the best blockchain apps

Ethereum and link do what exactly? Check prices? Ethereum can’t even scale to handle gay ass worthless crypto kitties.

>> No.16488273

You don't need to """build""" on bitcoin retard... it's for moving and storing money around not whatever queer shit BSV does like storing the weather or buy imaginary cities

>> No.16488292

What's the deal with Coreniggers telling everybody they don't "need" this or that? Free helicopter rides for all of you.

>> No.16488296
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>Free helicopter rides for all of you.

>> No.16488397

Brilliant lol