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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1648147 No.1648147 [Reply] [Original]

Have you gotten wealthier since you've started browsing /biz/?

>> No.1648156

have i? yes

is it because of /biz/? no

half of /biz/ is currently in the scam robinhod threads getting their money taken away in pump and dump scemes

>> No.1648158


what'd u make money off of famalam

>> No.1648161

yeah i have. a lot of you people are overly bitter and exaggerate how hard it is to make money in the market, than again half of you are complete retards so maybe for lower intelects it's a challenge but that hasn't been the case for me

>> No.1648162

I have gotten wealthier.
I've also gotten poorer.
my worth changes daily.

not because of /biz/ though. This board has no effect on my net worth.

>> No.1648166
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>half the threads about crypto coins

>> No.1648169
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Yeah, got 600 eurobucks for my birthday

>> No.1648273
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Yes. If people only followed my advice they would be rich aswell

>> No.1648293


What's your advice?

>> No.1648310

So, yes?

Because btc's doubled in value over the last couple months.

>> No.1648318
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not yet. but with $XDN i will

>> No.1648328
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> If people only followed my advice

> he doesn't give the advice

> mfw

>> No.1648363
File: 199 KB, 1095x591, pepe-babby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got on all crypto trains and yes, I did.

First it was BTC, then it was DOGE, then it was ETH and XMR, and now it is XDN.

Thank you /biz/

>> No.1648439
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Yeah but in no fucking way at all was it because of this Mongolian Yak Herding forum full of autists... it's a time thing. I findon't 1 or 2 people a day have any fucking idea what a biz or investing even is.

>> No.1648443

>make money
>the market.

Kek, but half of us are retarded?

Hope u know how to short options in the next crash bro...

>> No.1648455

i have no idea what point you are trying to make here simpleton

>> No.1648622

He's got a point. Lot of people on here trusting these Robinhood Generals to make money and not knowing what they're doing.

>> No.1648837

Noob here.

What are rbinhood generals?

>> No.1648850

i come here for the comedy and alternate insights, not for any actual money related issues.

>> No.1648876
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Come get rich with us, anon

>> No.1648890


So this is /AmateurDaytradingGeneral/

>> No.1648901


I make all my money in the stock market.

Holy fucking shit faggot.

>> No.1648906

This. Yes, but it's not because of anything from biz. At least biz points out all of the shit to avoid

>> No.1648910


>> No.1648914
File: 30 KB, 602x452, pic04639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just....

I don't understand what makes all these fly by night faggots think that they are an "investor." 99% of us don't even know wtf basic accounting and finance is or how to figure interest rates.

What can u possibly learn trading shitcoins that is of any real value?

Why the fuck would I want to buy stocks when the money has already been made?

If the sec won't let me invest in pre ipo ppm's then they can suck my fucking 1 inch cock and i'll go invest $199,999 in a shitty startup oil company.

Fucking nazis.

What's truly sad is I'm speaking perfectly sensible shit and half of us on a biz board don't even understand.

This is day 1 shit here!

>> No.1648916


>lower intelects

Are you retarted?

>> No.1648917


We're all professionals

>> No.1648918

This 100%. Rarely do I find anyone worth shitposting with and even then there is really nothing they can teach me atm. Taking a break till summer.

>> No.1648922

Like shitcoins and stocks? Because 99% of the unregulated threads are cryptofags

>> No.1648968


/biz/ is retarded and you would do better to short whatever cuck sub $5 stock you hear about on here

no one has any idea what they are talking about on here

>> No.1648972
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i actually really have gotten poorer
i didn't deserved this faith

>> No.1648975

start coming to /biz/ for around an hour every day
watch my net worth dwindle
start going to /fit/ instead for the same time
net worth slowly grows along with my body

it's comfy over there brehs

>> No.1648978

It depends on the day.

/biz/ has given golden eggs, and rotten eggs.

And none of it was still coins.