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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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16475195 No.16475195 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16475495

so student loan repayment is tax exempt basically

>> No.16475509

Expecting me to pay my debt is racist and a whole lot of other things don't get me started, Rand

>> No.16475514

Not a bad idea desu better than debt forgiveness. Doubt Israel will go for it though

>> No.16475522

awesome idea retard.. now everyone can work until they are 75

>> No.16475532

If the people who issue loans get subsidized to do no DD, then the people who enter into the loans should be subsidized to do no DD. Fair is fair.

>> No.16475546

What are you talking about? This is just like paying them off before, but you do it with money that wasn't taxed by the government. You can just take whatever you would have paid towards student loans and put that much into your 401k. Since you're not being taxed on that subtraction, you still get about 1/3 of your student loan payment added to your actual paycheck (though that will be taxed so 1/4 instead).

>but you'll have 30k less in your 401k!
And 40k more in your bank account, because you had to pay that anyway, but now you pay it without also paying tax on that 30k when you earn it.

>> No.16475588

Seems like the groundwork for having the student loan and the 401k tied together.

Tax exempt student loan repayment using the savings of the previous generation which will likely be written into law as a necessity.

> Student loan occurs
> 401k is automatically counted towards paying off the student loan
> 401k is used to cover the cost of the student loan in its entirety
> Average retirement age increases

>> No.16475653

Yes goy pay for your useless degree with your retirement savings. All they have to do to fix student debt is allow it to be covered under bankruptcy laws like other debt but the bank jews own congress so it will never happen.

>> No.16475657

Different anon, but put bluntly;
> First they introduce the concept of paying for student loans via the 401k
> Eventually they'll introduce the law of paying for your student loans via the 401k.

So rather than the option to use your 401k to help pay off student loans, suddenly it becomes you being forced to pay your student loans.

Now, imagine you are a parent who disapproves of the decision made by your kid to get into student loan debt. You could and likely will be required to pay the student loan they have with your 401k.

>> No.16475841

Hadn't concerned that, and now that I think about it it's just giving Administrations another way to hide costs. As long as people can afford their fake inflated prices, the prices will continue to rise.

>> No.16475875

Libertarians don't like superannuation.

They see it as a hidden tax or some shit. Or maybe they just don't like people planning for the future.

>> No.16476027

Why would a parent be legally obliged to pay for an adult child? It's not like they have any (legal) say in wether or not that child can go to college.

>> No.16476059

A guy has no legal say on whether his wife leaves him yet alimony is real.

>> No.16476085


That's a good point. This is more like a backdoor workaround to allow creditors access to tax advantaged accounts.

>Oh, you're defaulting on your loans, well now we can just draft your retirement accounts

>> No.16476128
File: 281 KB, 950x760, 80D7F559-844C-4564-85FB-91E05862F696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wait until life extension. Eternal wage slavery

>> No.16476145

They should just cancel the interest.

inb4 muh risky loan

It's fucking guaranteed by the government. It's not risky at all.

>> No.16476162

This, just just replace all loans with soft loans and call it a day.

>> No.16476174

We already have it, seems like boomers are never going to die.

>> No.16476303

We just need to pump CO2 in the air a few more years, then they will all die of heat stroke in their florida vacation houses.

>> No.16476436

this is backdoor artificial equity inflation

>> No.16476489

*incentivizing people who may not even have a 401K to open one for the ability to pay off the loans with tax free money while at the same time funneling money, which was previously on the sidelines into equities and bonds. This is a backhanded way of pumping the stock market.

>> No.16476508

What stops someone from using this as a way to pull money out of their 401k without penalty? Sounds like a godsend for early retirement.

>> No.16476545

Everyone should just collectively agree to stop paying student debt.

>> No.16476558

This. The system is broken.

>> No.16476565

College costs could be 85% lower if college weren't administrative and bureaucratic bloated pigs

College is not about educating you remember that its a liberal job work program

>> No.16476610

>Yes goy pay for your useless degree with your retirement savings
Rand showing his colors as a true cuckservative once again

>> No.16476623

enjoy your garnishments

>> No.16476636

this, holy fuck. if college degrees were actually priced fairly most of them would have to pay you to earn them because of the sunk opportunity cost. The entire system is artificial.

>> No.16476662

Socialized education is just like socialized Healthcare
You (Asian, Whiteoid) pay 200k for college and 5k for band aid so browns can have it all free

>> No.16476749

>College is not about educating you remember that its a liberal job work program

There was a US party that claimed everything was made better when the rich made huge profits from it. Even education.

Can't remember the name of that party. But I think people who hate Liberals for it unquestioningly.

>> No.16476755

>vote for it unquestioningly

>> No.16476775

we already have 529 plans but brainlets dont use them so why combine the 529 with the 401k, fuck brainlets

>> No.16476776

Is English your native language?