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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 136 KB, 1198x696, Constellation-Labs-Team.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16475057 No.16475057 [Reply] [Original]


I am hearing some where sacked for trading investor funds and they are broke and had to let the rest go?

>> No.16475110

You're too late Ranjesh.. this FUD was dispelled like 6 months ago. you won't get it any cheaper. kys

>> No.16475149

Nothing was dispelled motherfucker. Everyone in OPs pic except for Wyatt and Ben are no longer with the team. No explanation or announcement given

>> No.16475155

I am a dag investor and this is worrying me

>> No.16475161
File: 1.10 MB, 1475x1381, 1563137813869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16475524

I don't hold any DAG but I met Ben at fintech connect and he is a chad, I liked him and I would trust him to pull this scam off.

That's all it comes down to, really. I'm a Quantnigger, personally.

>> No.16475723


quant sacked the 2 main devs too right?

all this is so shady

>> No.16475776

Per the $33M lost in 18 months they just raised capital from Shillrock although no dollar amount was announced. Probably not much since they cant even hire supporting staff. That is proof they ran out. You dont start with $33M and 18 months later fire your whole company and sit with 4 idiots in a cubical paying Satsgang to pump bullshit announcements.

Here is the SBIR contract they DAG received which spells out exactly what it is, a small business grant not a USAF contract.

Here is the entire team and their current positions. Every single one can be verified by going to their Linkedin profiles. They all abandoned DAG and found new jobs.

Ryle Goehausen - VP of Engineering – currently a senior software engineer @ Bloomberg LP
Zac Russell – VP of Marketing is currently @ Camera IQ
Brion Hickey – VP of Product is currently the Sr. Director of Growth @ Human Interest
Sebastian Spitzer – Global Ambassador is now @ Shaeffler
Giovanni Valdenegro - Lead Product Designer is now Senior Product Designer @ Ease Inc.
Sophie Feinberg - Executive Assistant is now @ Virtual Mason's
Shreyas Kitty - Community Manager is now Community Manager @ Coinlist
Gina Rubino – Marketing Manager is now Digital Marketing Specialist @ Pegasus Protocol
Emily Arth – VP of Operations does not have a Linkedin profile but is assumed to be gone as well, she hasn’t posted anything or been mentioned since 2018.
Altif Brown – CCO and Co-Founder downgraded to Advisor on the teams own website, proving he is no longer a full time employee.
Brendan Playford – CEO/Founder mysteriously disappeared in 2018 and the team to this day refuses to discuss what happened and claim to be under a hush order from their lawyers. An insider accused him of day trading investor funds for massive losses prior to his departure. When pressed to explain the team pleaded the 5th.

INB4 Satsgang Backflips

>> No.16475814

This is worrying

can we get a binance vote so i can get some liquidity to dump these bags?

>> No.16475824

DAG has 4 total people on their team after a $33M raise. That is what I like to call a "failed business".

Not a single new hire has come on board. The entire team is gone along with their money. All we have now is Satsgang literally owning their telegram channel and fleecing their community.

Bazerka, Headroom, Denny Da Rocket, Denny Dagins, Lucky, Tri Gemma, etc

These people are the scum of the earth and well known crypto scammers. The CEO Ben Jorgensen gave them admin privileges to their community and made a "marketing" arrangement with them. That is why you see 100 DAG threads a day on biz filled with misinformation and announcement pumping.

I am a presale investor, I was scammed and I advise all people to go look at their etherscans. You will see everything is accumulated in a few wallets and buy orders are dumped on by pajeets to wallets in SE Asia.


>> No.16475844

$2M+ per day in daily volume. And what proves its a scam, you cant even sell your bags because there are no buyers. Most of the volume is fake on a sketchy exchange, the hallmark of a scam according to the CFTC

>> No.16475863

aHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I knew dumping this for profit was the best move I've ever made.

>> No.16476121

They are fucking criminals. Just notice how no one is here from dag community to defend those fucking criminals, they know they have been exposed!

>> No.16476134

They were all arrested by alphabet agencies for running a pedophile front and it was kept secret due to matters of national security.

>> No.16476542

The DAG community consists of Satsgang Pajeets, a couple moonboy low IQ teen investors, and airdrop receipts trying to figure out of their 20 cents bag is going to be enough to retire from McDonalds